
Till death do us part

Their footsteps echoed loudly as she increased her speed to catch up to him. She had hiked up her dress so she didn't trip on the train of silk and lace.

"Hey!" She called our trying to get him to stop. But he didn't, "Ferdinand!" He stopped in his tracks refusing to turn around.

"Ferdinand I-"

"I know you can't." He said softly.

Isabella stared confused, can't do what?

"I know you don't like me like that, I can't bare to face your rejection Isabella." A small smile crept up her face. "But if you do accept my proposal I promise to be there to catch you when you fall, and I promise to let you go if you ask me to."

Isabella moved forward and hugged him from behind.

"I do."


The god of light smiled, faith is a cruel thing isn't it?


"Let's rest first I'm tired to the extreme!" Solomon whined, Regina rolled her eyes. She had no room to talk, she was the one he carried when they were being chased, of course she wasn't tired.

"I saw an Inn on the way here" Alein began as he was also tired and needed a nice long bath.

"Will it be ok to rest there for tonight?" Regina nodded gently obviously knowing her male entourage needed to eat and rest.

"Make your way there first and pay enough for us to stay a few days if we have to, we will be with you shortly." Regina ordered as she still wanted to look around the city.

Alein bowed as he caught her sudden, burning gaze, he paused for a second, "yes, my lady" he replied before leaving swiftly.

Solomon smiled triumphantly as he left, right now there was no one standing in the way to his quest for love! "My lady" he said purposely flirtatious, "allow me. " he scooped her up and Esther suddenly felt like bursting out in tears. She would never understand how Regina got such a handsome man to fall for her! No matter what she had to leant the secret!

The group walked slowly towards the inn as they enjoyed the breath taking scenery of the beautiful kingdom. The citizens were all happy, laughing, singing joyfully, playing, they were all full of good spirit. But Regina couldn't help but notice that most of these people were homeless, most lived on the streets, as they discussed amongst themselves in the dark alleys someone would leave and return with some bread. She never thought about it, but was the city suffering from overpopulation? Regina glanced at Esther and her eyes widened as she saw her eyes avoiding looking at the people, why would she avoid the citizens? She must really not want to be found...

It wasn't long before they arrived at the small inn, which surprisingly had only a few customers considering the problem of overpopulation. Maybe most of the population also suffered from poverty? Alein was diligently waiting by the counter and bowed slightly, with a swelling happinesses as soon as he spotted Regina.

"I booked two rooms my lady" he began as she was let down, "One for you and Miss Esther-"

"Alein" Regina began cutting him off with a serious look on her face. "We've known each other for some time so please, call me by my name and drop all formalities around me. " Alein was shocked, what did she mean drop all formalities?

"But my lady, it's a well known rule that a knight should address their masters formally. It's a sign of loyalty. " A few months ago she would've thrown a fit if someone of a lower class had called her name...

Regina placed a hand on his cheek letting her thumb light rub on his face. In her past life she had also held on to social status and respect, but it all amounted to nothing. "Call me Regina, If you are loyal to me then naturally all you have to do is show it." Letting go of his face she smiled, "Protect me and be by my side as long as you are mine! "


"My wife will soon have a baby! It'll be your job to protect her and be by her side until she is yours."

The man smiled at the young Alein knowingly as the young knight blushed.


"Yes... Regina"

To protect you, I would do anything.



When he was first assigned to her he didn't like it at all, he had sworn to hate her and everything remotely related to her. Who hadn't heard the rumours that she was a spoilt girl who couldn't carry her weight. Who hadn't heard of her infatuation with beautiful things?

He knew he all too well that he was above average when it came to his looks, he was prepared to abandon her to assassins if she tried anything with him.

Surprisingly, she had completely ignored his existence when they were introduced, he couldn't help but ask himself if he wasn't beautiful enough to be noticed by her.

But that day, was the day he saw her for who she really was.


"Alein, you serve me now, know my enemies, no matter what we must have no relations with them."

At that moment she was the most beautiful being...


Alein smiled, his master would one day shake the world, would the impact bring positive change? He didn't know, neither did he care. All he knew that he belonged to her now, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.

He looked at her one more time, engraving her angelic face in his mind.

Till death do us part.




The group settled in and were soon having a full course meal downstairs, filling their stomachs to the brim.

"This meal is delicious! " Solomon exclaimed, triggering a smile on the inn keeper's face. She was a little old lady who didn't seem to have much, but she didn't seem to need much either.

"I'm glad you like it, today will be the last time I'll be able to cook such a meal. " she replied the overstimulated red haired.

Esther's chopsticks froze in mid air, "How so? " Esther asked.

"I can't afford the ingredients anymore, since the black star alliance it has been hard to get basic ingredients." The inn keeper sighed as she began to gently clear the plates.

"What's the black star alliance? " Regina asked feeding the baby on her lap while paying full attention.

"You don't know?" She shook her head confirming her obliviousness, " well the lunar kingdom and the fire elemental dragons formed an alliance called the black star alliance." Solomon's care-free expression immediately dropped revealing the serious rigid prince he was. The lunar kingdom was his homeland and no matter how idiotic he acted at times he was still it's crowned prince.

"They invited King Rigel to join the alliance but he refused, for that reason they are threatening him to start a war." Esther froze hearing her brother's name, a war? "Apparently , king Rigel was planning to form an alliance with the lord of darkness to help the situation, but he was refused. " Esther's eyes widened and she clenched her fist, in the end it was because of her.

Because of her the lord of darkness didn't accept her brother's request, because of her they were still being threatened, she was right then a useless silly princess who didn't know how to shut up. Earth dragons didn't know how to go to war, there had only been one earth dragon who had excelled in fighting, but she was dead. Earth dragons were practically as useless as water dragons. But not because they wanted peace, however it is because they were the least powerful dragons you could find. If there was a full blown war the. They would be immediately annihilated.

Esther quickly rose from her seat pushing it back with a clang. All eyes were on her, and she noticed, "I need to go to the bathroom" was all she muttered before disappearing. She was no where to be seen till night fall when her figure was spotted on the balcony connecting her and Regina's room bowing to an unknown figure begging for help.

"I'll tell you what " the figure spoke smirking. "I will do as you ask but in my place you must protect that human."

She gasped slightly, Regina? But why?

He half heartedly glanced at her before continuing. "She is essential to this world, and she is my key to making that damned white bastard submit to me."