
Who Am I?

Sabera's Pov

After I blacked out, I woke up within the same darkness from my dreams. No, not now. I needed to run. KC was going to eat me!

Just like my dreams I was running from the dark creature. I could feel my legs burning.

Run, my mind yelped.

"Why?" a voice surrounded me, "Why are you running?"

The voice was sweet, almost kind, a woman.

"Because, that thing's going to kill me!" I shouted back.

"Stop," It said softly.

I shook my head, "What!? No."

The voice became more stern, "Sabera Alesea Morningstar, I said stop!"

My feet stopped me before my brain did. I could feel the creature right behind me. Why did I stop? Why did the voice tell me to? What in hell is going on? I was frozen, waiting for the thing to eat me. Two arms circled me. They weren't black as night, they were normal arms. Someone's body pressed against my back. It felt normal, as if I was getting a hug from a family member.

A deep voice filled my ears. It was crying, "My baby. Finally."

The soft genital voice spoke, "Turn around."

I did as she said. What I saw blew my mind. A tall blonde man with crystal blue eyes was holding me. He looked like me. The man had on gold armor, gems embedded within it.

"What? How?" my mind was spinning.

The man looked at me, tears still spilling down his face. "I finally found you, my baby girl."

"Who are you?" I asked

A chuckle escaped him, "I am Lucifer."

"Lucifer?" I asked, "But why are you chasing me?"

Nothing was making seance. Lucifer? Really?

He nodded, "And you are my precious little girl."

"You're my dad?!" I yelped

He nodded again. Suddenly, I understood everything. Why I didn't look like my mom and dad. Why I always felt alone. Because I didn't belong here. My dad was always mean because he wasn't my real dad. He didn't feel bound to me. The man in front of me now, crying from joy, was my real father. My true family.

I started to cry too, "Please let this not be a dream."

He frowned then, "Unfortunately, my brave girl, it is. Right now we are in your mind. And as much as I want to hold you now, you have to wake up."

I thought back to when I passed out, "Oh my god! That man fighting KC?!"

My father looked down at me, "That is Cain, your protector."

"Dad, I have to help him," I could feel my heart racing again.

"Take this," he handed me a pendant in the shape of angel wings.

I hugged my real dad one more time, "Even though I just met you. I love you, Dad."

After one last hug everything faded. The darkness and my dad was gone.


When I opened my eyes, I saw KC standing over the man my father called Cain. Seeing KC made my blood boil. He was supposed to be my friend. He lied to me. I bolted up between them and hit KC right in his pretty face. He went flying across the bowling alley.

I glanced behind me, "Are you ok?"

Cain let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, I'm good princess."

"Don't lie to me," I growled at him.

He shook his head, "I'll be fine for now. You should worry about yourself."

God why were men so dumb? "Don't die," I spat.

KC had recovered by the time I turned around. He went to swing on me, but it seemed so slow. I caught his fist, "Why?"

A sinister laugh escaped him, "Why? Because by devouring you I could have the power to kill your father."

My whole being shook, "So you knew?"

"Yes," he answered. "I knew. And I'd have succeeded. But your boy toy got in the way."

My grip became stronger. I could hear the crunch of his hand beneath mine, "Did you ever love me?" I had to know.

"No," he laughed, this time I could hear the pain in his voice from me crushing his hand.

I shook my head, "Good bye, KC."

The hideous smile on his face was replaced by a scowl of pain. Grabbing KC's wrist, I flung him back across the alley. I finally knew the truth. He never cared. KC was a power thirsty demon, that loved no one but himself. Instead of waiting for him to get up, I raced after him landing punch after punch. I didn't care where I hit him, I just wanted the pain to go away.

"Sabera," the soft gentle voice said in my head. "You can stop now, sweetheart. He's gone."

I halted in my assault. The voice was right, the only thing I was punching was a pile of ash. Tears weld in my eyes. And nothing could stop them from falling.

After a moment, I stood and went to Cain. He was hunched over trying to hold his side. Blood pored from him.

The voice spoke once more, "Hold your hands over the wound and say, Sana."

I did as I was told. Holding my hands to Cains side, "Sana."

A light glow radiated from my hands. The gash healed almost instantly.

When I was sure it was closed I asked, "Better?"

"Yes. Wow that was amazing," Cain looked at me bewildered.

I sat beside him, and let everything out.


Cain's POV

Cain placed his arm around the crying princess. It seemed like forever before she stopped. No one could go through what she just did without breaking down. Cain could feel her pain, with just one touch. After she quieted down, Sabera leaned into Cain. Man, even crying she was beautiful. Not only did she pommel that guy to dust, she healed Cain's wound. This girl was incredible. Cain looked at her and she was fast asleep. He stayed there for another moment, enjoying how she felt against him. After awhile, Cain picked Sabera up, bridal style, and carried her to KC's car. Man that guy had a nice car. To bad, now it was Cain's. He gently placed Sabera in the back seat and headed to his house. Cain didn't call it home, because it wasn't where he belonged.

When he pulled up to the farm house, Cain got Sabera out of the car and took her inside. Everything about the place seemed to brighten with her there. The yellowing white paint didn't bother him anymore. And the old grey carpet felt softer. Cain laid the princess on the green pull out couch and covered her with his only blanket. Though the house had four bedrooms, he never used them.

After making sure the doors were locked and had a protection spell on them, Cain went back to the living room and plopped down in an old recliner. He turned on the tv to a knew zombie movie. And passed the heck out.