

Sabera's Pov

I woke up to several sets a feed jumping all over me. It seems the other eggs hatched while I was sleeping. They pounced on me and licked my face until I batted them away slightly. Once they were done with their game I sat up and looked around. I wasn't at Sam's place, I was in a giant plush bed. The room was decorated in old style England decor. And had to be as big as my house back when I lived with my fake family. A clawed foot patted my lap, it was the baby that hatched first. He looked sad. Then I remembered what happened before I passed out. The roar of the man dragon echoed in my ears. I hugged the little one as the rest curled up next to us. He had seen it happen. His mother was gone and I'm guessing his father too.

"I'm so sorry," I cried into his scales.

A knock from the door scared the life out of me.

"Come in."

A man with blonde hair entered the room, "How are you?"

I knew this man. He was the one from my dream.

"Dad?" I whispered.

He smiled, "Yes."

I jumped out of bed and ran to him. The dragons protested from being left there. I wrapped my arms around him and in turn he did the same.

"My brave, beautiful girl," he said in my hair.

We stood there for quit a while till another light knock came.

"Sir," it was Cain.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. I didn't know if he wanted my father to know about us.

Of course, he knew, "It's ok sweetheart. You can go to your guardian."

I blinked in surprise, and Cain laughed.

"I told him on the ride here," Cain answered my thoughts and held open his arms. I placed myself into his strong embrace.

I started laughing at the happiness inside.

After talking about the rules and things, we all went to the breakfast table. My dad said he was ok with Cain and I as long as we fallowed the rules.

1. We could not share a room.

2. We had to have guards with us if we went out, for protection.

3. We could not kiss infront of him. He didn't want to feel dad crazy.

4. He gets to do dad stuff like throw me parties.

Don't ask me but they seemed reasonably ok rules.

At breakfast we were served the most delicious food I've ever had. There was pancakes and eggs, toast, bacon, biscuits and gravy. The works. My father motioned for me to eat. I started out picking because I didn't want to seem rude.

The king raised a brow, "Don't be shy Sabera. You can have as much as you want. You have been out for four days after all."

That's when I chocked on my drink. Everyone stood and ran to my side.

"Four days?!" I coughed once I was able to speak.

Cain patted my back, "It's ok babe. You went through heck out there."

I turned to him, "But four days. That's a long time."

My dad laughed, "Maybe for humans, but for us it's like a night."

Everyone sat back down and we finished eating.

Once everyone was done I asked to go shower. A maid led me to an absolutely massive bathroom. The tub was as big as a hot tub. And when I say a golden thrown I mean the toilet looked gold plated. This is what I call the royal treatment. Well considering I am royalty.

The maid set out some towels and clothes, "When you are done please feel free to call on me to help you with anything."

"Thank you," I gave her a half smile.

In truth this was all so overwhelming. I started my life with being hated and ended up with the lap of luxury life. All in the span of less then a year.

I undressed and slipped into the most relaxing bath of my life. It was only a few minutes before I heard someone scream and the door flew open. Six baby dragons jumped into my bath. The maid that ran the bath came stumbling in looking as if she had gotten ran over by a train.

When she saw me, she went to her hands and knees, "Oh your highness. Please forgive me. The little dragons wouldn't listen to me."

The woman was shaking. Did she think I would be mad at her?

I smiled, "It's ok. They must think I'm thier mom so it's no big deal. You can get up. I'm not upset."

She jumped to her feet, with a dumbfounded face. Bowed and ran from the room. I laughed and turned to the babies. They were all jumping around and playing in the water. I grabbed the closest one and started scrubbing them. One by one I bathed the dragons then myself. It was fun to catch them. I just hoped they didn't go rolling in mud afterwards. I got out and dried them. Cain had once told me that dragons don't gain a human form until they were adults. That would be about 1000 years from now. Though they would grow bigger. After I got dressed. It was a midnight blue dress that hugged my body. Was this silk? No, but it felt like it. I combed my hair and went out to find the maid standing at the door.

"Do you need anything your highness?" she asked softly.

I thought for a minute, "Do we have collars?"

"Yes my lady, we can get them for you right away. Any kind in mind?"

I looked at each baby, "They need to be different colors and a nameplate put on them."

"Yes, I will get those right away," she bowed and turned to walk out of my room.

I stopped her, "Um, may I ask your name?"

"Abby, miss," she smiled and left.


Cain's POV

Cain had been waiting almost three hours for Sabera to come down from her bath. Lucifer had told him to escort her to the back garden when she was done. A maid had come down asking another maid to call a blacksmith. This confused him but he didn't bother to ask. About an hour in to waiting the other maid ran up after the first. Other then that no one passed him. After a little while Cain heard someone coming down the steps. It was the maids. And after them Sabera fallowed by a flock of dragons. She made his jaw drop. She was gorgeous, her hair was pinned back by a deep blue jewel. The dress she wore caused little Cain to jump. He had to tell himself to calm down.

One of the dragons landed on his shoulder. Cain looked at it and noticed a black color with a nameplate that read "Jasmine" on it. That explains the blacksmith. The name suited the dragon, in which had emerald green scales. Cain scratched the little lizards neck and in turn received a purr of approval.

"How do I look?" Sabera asked copying Cains scratching.

He breathed in deeply, her scent filled his brain with fuzz.

"Absolutely stunning," he answered.

She smiled. Her smile could warm the coldest of places. Cain walked the princess to the garden. Where a huge party was underway. At the entrance of Sabera the crowd stopped in thier tracks. She stood awkwardly and waved.

A chorus of "Welcome home" erupted from everyone. Cheers were so loud it was deafening. Lucifer walked up to them and swung his daughter in a circle, "Welcome home, my little princess."

When the king put her down Sabera smiled at Cain. His heart stopped. She was glowing from happiness, which made her even more stunning.

Cain bowed low to her and winked. A blush was his answer. And that alone made him feel on cloud nine.