
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 36 - Training The Kids.

Naruto and Jiraiya managed to convinced Tsunade to be the next Hokage. Hiuzen immediately passed the position to Tsunade, After Tsunade officially accepted the profession Hiruzen jumps in joy.

Joseph didn't heal the damage that Itachi caused to Sasuke because...he doesn't want to. When Kakashi brought the idea to heal Sasuke with his seal, Joseph said that the curse seal that Sasuke has will interfere with it causing an unknown effect. Kakashi accepted Joseph's explanation just like that.

Joseph doesn't want to court Tsunade but the mission reward is so tempting. Joseph is with Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura inside the hospital, they are waiting for Tsunade to finish her treatment for Sasuke.

Tsunade palm glows green, then after a while, Sasuke woke up from his coma. Sasuke eyes have no light on them, but it's nothing special, Joseph eyes are also the same.

Joseph walked towards Sasuke then Karate chops him in his head, making him looked at him, "Dude, what the hell? The fuck you are weak."

"Oy!" Tsunade shouted at Joseph's action.

"Joseph-sensei! Sasuke just recovered!" Naruto comically complained.

Sakura doesn't want to annoy Joseph so she just shut her mouth. What a good girl.

"I heard from Naruto that your brother choke you like a bitch?" Joseph said provoking Sasuke.

All the people looked at Naruto and saw him gazing at the window while whistling.

Sasuke clenched his hands so hard that it started to bleed. He cannot refute Joseph's words, he is weak...so weak that he cannot do anything.

Naruto and Sakura looked at Sasuke with concern in their eyes.

Kakashi and Tsunade wanted to lecture Joseph but before they do...Joseph said something surprising.

"Well...I'm glad that you know that you are weak, You three! go to the training ground tomorrow...I will train all of you myself."

'Heh! What a tsundere,' Tsunade thought.


Joseph went home and didn't saw any of his girls in the living room. He thought that maybe they did some mission or something, they have their own lives any way he can't expect them to stay at home when he is not with them.

Without waiting for his girls to come home Joseph entered his room. He got surprised by what he saw waiting for him there.

His girls are wearing some kinky costume, with their legs widely spread, "Come Joseph-sama/sensei/san." Joseph couldn't control himself and let the beast take over.



While waiting for his student Joseph browse that system for some fun skills. Physical strength is cool and all but he wanted a power that can create something. He also wanted some skill to give someone power as long as they are loyal to him.

[DDS: Passive Skill - Divinity(SS) - Bless people with power, or smite them with thunder. Bless them with pleasure, or let them die from pressure. Take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lie.]

[Noted: More Believer equals More Power. Gain a title by having more believers. Ex. God of War, God of Sun, etc... ]

[Cost - Blood Points: 75,000 or 15,000 Dating Points]

Joseph is short on blood points, but blood points can easily be obtained by killing, So it shouldn't be a problem for him to grind. The problem is dating points, it almost needs a whole day just to earn a few of them.

Joseph brow

After five minutes, the three students finally arrive.

"Ehhh! Joseph-sensei, why are you so early!?" Sakura screech in shock.

"Wahhh I know it, I know it! We should have gone earlier, right-ttebayo!" Naruto comically said.

"Dumbass because you said that we need to eat ramen first!" Sasuke exploded at Naruto.

"Halt! Stand Straight!" Joseph ordered.

The three quickly followed Joseph's instruction, Naruto even bumps into Sasuke while hurrying.

"My training is really simple, but effective," Joseph split himself into four. "Beat my clone, that is all, you can use whatever method you want."

The original Joseph flew leaving the three with his three clones.

"Shall we just start?" Sakura questioned.

Sasuke then tried to use Chidori on Joseph's clone, but Joseph Dodge the Chidori without even trying.

"Your attack is strong but you are slow, try again, focus..." Joseph explained, this clone is not manually controlled by Joseph. He is letting the clones train the three similar to shadow clones, but the memory is still live broadcasting in his mind.

Sasuke tried a second time but still missed. He wanted to try a second time but his charka is nearly gone.

Joseph touch him then transfer some charka to him, "Again, I can replenish your charka, so don't hold back."

Sasuke smirk because not waiting for his chakra to recover will really boost his expertise quickly.


"Alright! Here I go dattebayo!" Naruto shouted then used Shadow Clone Technique to attack Joseph.

His clone quickly vanished one by one when they came in Joseph's range effectively stopping the original Naruto to advance.

"Joseph-sensei is really strong!" Naruto said with a grin, then made more shadow clone but this time, his plan is caught Joseph at his back.

Just like last time the Shadow Clone pop.

"Heh! I caught you now, Rasengan!" Naruto said, He thought that Joseph got distracted by the shadow clone...but Joseph just caught his wrist then throw him away...making the Rasengan hit the ground.

"You have a lot of chakras, you also have a plan...I am proud of you...but next time, don't be too obvious," Joseph said.


Sakura doesn't know how to attack Joseph, she didn't have any techniques that can hurt him.

"You don't have to fight me Sakura, We need to improve your control to the highest level, I think being a medic ninja suit you," Joseph said.

Joseph point at her teammates who is recklessly fighting his clone he said, "Those two need you, as you can see, they can get hurt...a lot, so they need you as their support if anything happened to them."

Sakura heard that her being a medic can help the two of her teammates jumps in joy.

"Joseph-sam...sensei knows medical ninjutsu?" Sakura asked while doing some cute gesture.

"Well, no...but I can guide you if in the future you wanted to be..." Joseph said with a gentle smile.

Sakura nodded then started her chakra control exercise. Joseph planned to train her control first before he gives her to Tsunade.