1 Chapter 1

After a long evening lectures, Molisa went home fully tired and surrendered as if she wont be able to wakeup again, boring lectures are always hard to go through, she was sitting on a couch thinking about her childhood days when no lecture attendence was compulsary , teachers weren't striking at students who wont be studing hard and again the most favourite PT lectures wont be seen anymore.

Molisa was a bright and heathy student but she wasnt really a social person, conversations with peoples were really hard for her, being a single child in a middle class family of 3 peoples, but the curiousity always crossed her path about every simple thing.

WHY?... HOW?...WHERE?...WHEN?... questions were regular guest of her mind.

we never know what a child goes through and we never really care about it because may be we are brought up the same way in our society that makes us think that a child till the age of maturity is useless.

Molisa's father had a second marriage without divorcing the first wife , which brought many questions in the mind of the little soul.

whenever she used to go to school other mates use to bully her by saying that, she is so ugly because her mom is ugly and as she is a child of the second wife of her father she is also a fraud. Molisa had given up explaining to them, after returning home from school she use to see her mom dad fighting.

The little child was left alone thinking of weird ways to just ignore everyone and stay alone and away from this situations.

No one ever understood what impact this situations were causing on her. She found herself alone and worried , the little soul at the age of 10 had no idea that she is under depression now.

Parents never noticed if Molisa was depressed or worried watching fightings and clashes in the family.

Molisa was so used to it that the only time she loved was when she was alone out of the house, but when Molisa's grades decreased and she started getting ill regulary , crying for not goint to school.

Molisa's parents Mr.& Mrs.Luther were now worried as well as frustrated , it was hard for them to manage jobs and look after Molisa. The child was admitted to the hospital after 2 to 3 salines the doctor instructed that everything is normal she just had a weakness due to which she is sick, the doctor asked, Mr. Luther is your child not having food on time?. Mr.Luther replied with, no no she was fine we provide her enough food , she is a bright and healthy child.

After a day Molisa was dicharged and been instructed to eat properly and on time to avoid such incidents again. Molisa was acting too maturely quite and doctor was suspicious as well as curious to see a child acting so mature at the age of 10.

Molisa was good in sports as well studies which always created jelousy among her friends so she hardly had any friends and it was a matter of thinking about why Molisa turned out to be like this, well the reason definetly was the bad childhood memories even though her parents provided her a good well maintained life she never really got to know what really family togetherness is, what she saw was fights, swearing at eachother, blaming eachother and what not.

After some days she felt ill , her body was shivering with fever, Mr. & Mrs. Luther took her to the same doctor again as she was again said to be normal after 1 to 2 injections of antifever. As the doctor came out of the ward after checking Molisa's health he thought of talking to her parents about the child's behaviouor he noticed when she was addmitted before, this time he suggested to take her to a Dr.Swiss Mathew for some councelling as he thought the child has something in mind which might have affect her behaviour so he suggest a physcicatrist.

The doctor nodded to her parents suggesting them to take a try as mental health leaves a great impact on physical health, and Molisa might be worried about something. Mr. Luther took it lightly and said , 'Doctor. do you think my child has gone mad to take her there?

On the other side Mrs.Luther was serious about it and suggested that lets try this last time if it doesn't work I won't force you to take her again.

After a short argument then finally came on a conclusion that lets try listening to doctor's opinion and get her a counseling session.

The child was yet quite and she just nodded yes to her mom dad. Reaching at the clinic of Dr.Mathew he suggested Mr.& Mrs.Luther to wait outside, the session started Molisa was still quite, the doctor asked Molisa if she had something to tell her which she is not able to say infront of her parents,


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