
Dating An Idol (Choi Yeonjun's Fanfiction)

Alanna Kim, an eighteen years old girl who have to return to Seoul, South Korea after her parents divorce. A new environtment and a whole new culture awaited her. She seemed to be perfectly adapting until she had to help a man she had never met before. What if that man turned out to be a celebrity? What if they started dating?

Aubade_Booker · Celebrities
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6 Chs


I rested my head on the window and look out to see several clouds passing by. The scene where my father and my mother signed the papers came back to my mind. They never fight, they never discussed anything, I had never seen them acting loving towards each other and everything seemed grey between them. But they loved me, they made sure that I had everything I liked and made sure I was happy. They knew divorcing would effect me a lot but they needed to be free, they couldn't be bound by a wedding ring their whole life. And I was not against it, they deserved to be happy.

I didn't know I passed out until my Mom woke me up. And yes, I was staying with my Mom. My Mom, Kim Eunseo was a Korean, that made me half Korean and half American. I looked around to see people leaving with their luggages. My mom was also busy taking down our luggages and I quickly got up to help her. As we walked out the plane, the airhostess greeted us in Korean which I replied with an awkward bow.

I understood Korean but speaking was a bit hard for me. Mom used to speak Korean with me and I would try to reply her the best I can. My heart was racing hard thinking about the new life we were creating. I just hoped only for good things.

My uncle, Kim Jaehyun, Mom's older brother came to fetch us. He was waiting for us with his wife, he excitedly hugged us as we reached beside him. My mom also seemed to be really happy and I liked seeing that. Mom and Uncle Jaehyun walked out together talking about things and my aunt in-law, Minseo, linked arms with me and asked chat with me. I was really glad they could speak English, it made me feel a bit comfortable.

"You guys must be tired, you should stay with us tonight. You can check your house tomorrow." He said while putting our things in the back of his car. My Mom also agreed to it and added that she was excited to eat Korean foods after a long time.

I looked out the streets of Seoul as we drove by, its so beautiful. I wanted to take a walk with my Mom as soon as possible. Uncle Jaehyun and Aunt Minseo had a really nice house and they had a twin teens of my age. I was closed with my cousins from my father's side but never really got to meet my cousins in Korea.

"Alanna that's Haneul and Hyorin. They are the same age as you." Mom said and hugged my cousins, more like squeezed them to death.

"Hi.. we always wanted to meet you but we don't have time to visit you guys." They said and helped my put away my things.

"It's okay I am staying here now.." I replied and sit down on one of the couch. We talked about a lot of things, they just finished highschool and I did too. We really got along well and it's nice to laugh and play with them.

I didn't have any problem with the food either, I really liked it instead. I guess it's in my blood.


Mom and I went out the next day to moved in at our new home. Our furnitures and electronic things were already there and all we need to do was arranging the things we took with us from the States.

My room was not big but very cute, it had this very unique chandelier and I really loved it. The grey walls and the wooden floors were just my liking. I guess living here will not be as bad as I thought it would be. I quickly filled up my dresser and wardrobe, made my bed and dust off my study table and put the family picture I took with me. I caressed my Dad's face, I hope he's happy, I wouldn't like it if he was not. I missed him.

We spent the rest of the day dusting and cleaning the house, after arranging and decorating much to our hearts content, it looked really cozy and lovely. That day was tiring but I was happy for some reason.


Word count : 718

The first chapter is short, right? I'll make longer from the next chapter since this is just the introduction. Thank you for reading it ♡