
Date or Die

Have you ever had that daydream where you imagined yourself as a girl? Well, seemingly i was just a truck-accident away from making that dream a reality. Crazy, right? Only catch is that it came with an annoying system attached... Popular System: get popular with the ladies and stand at the apex!!! Warning: Unpopularity and Obscurity is punishable by death ... "Da f***k?" yes I made a watt and royal account too *Don't own the pic, but it's pretty sweet, right?

LuckyChant · Eastern
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18 Chs

The After Effects...It hurts...

Humans are brittle things. No mister bodybuilder, this counts for you too!

Anyway, humans are brittle, this is just fact. Despite the fact that our bodies can be considered complex and compact, even when we take into account bones, we just break too easily.

You see that refrigerator over there? That can crush you!

You see that pc over there? That can electrify you!

You see that gun over there? That...should explain itself, really!

You get the point. Anything can hurt you! Even if you only stay in place or something, the cells inside you die by the millisecond! Be it the smallest of bacteria to a dam* elephant, or even if you do nothing, either way, you are never safe!

Still, why is it that you haven't died yet then? Well, the body heals. While humans are brittle, they have come up with many ways to "survive".

On one side, even if it's true that your body is as brittle as a law-firms loyalty, it also has an unnatural way to "recover".

When it comes to bodily damages, while some areas may never change, they tend to get better in most cases. This is even more true in this world, where Mystics run amok. In fact, unless you've lost a limb or organ, you can recover from mostly everything.

Fantastic isn't it? Well, it certainly is... If not for "one" little fact. While the brittle human body has a much higher rate of recovery in this world, the same can not be applied to the after-effects...

After all, while the human body is brittle, the human mind is also fragile. Physical trauma has millions of treatments in this world, but in contrast, mental trauma only has treatments in the dozens. Sadly, there is no cure for the mind in the world of Mystics, at least none that are better than those from a science-based one. In fact, it's "worse", like really "worse"! One only has oneself to turn to in these situations. But what happens if oneself are unreliable? Well, that would certainly be a tragedy!


One cloud, two clouds, three clouds... Hmm? What am I doing? Counting clouds of course! Wait, dam*, you made me lose count!! Now I have to start from the beginning again!!

Why I'm counting clouds? Well, you see... I'm bored okay!

"Dear, it's time to take your temperature"

"Yesh momh"(Yes mom)

Oh, yeah, I've finally learned how to talk! Pretty sweet right!

Huh? "You should have learned that long ago", you say? Hey! what do you take me for!? Stupid!!?...

Yeah, don't answer that...

Anyway, the reason I haven't been able to speak before this moment is because of one simple fact... I don't have teeth! It's like when your grandparents forgot to put their replacements in their mouth and tries to talk to you! Like, could you understand them!!?

Anyway, let's set aside my brilliant victory over my gums for a moment.

...I'm currently in a hospital bed.

"How?", you may ask? Well, remember when I by accident headbutted goldie? You know, when the bling bling turned shing* shing*?

Yeah, seems like goldie wasn't too keen on that! Like, so not keen that she decided to return the favor a hundredfold!!!

Relax, relax. Mystics are doing their miracle thing right now... Which is not helping much honestly. Still, the reason I can attribute to my survival is probably "that", I guess? You know, that Moonlight Aura, thing. It seems like goldie's "goldie punch" knocked some of that shing* shing* into my body. Luckily, my Aura stopped it from doing any real damage...Can't get it out though. Huh, for once I miss that bat sh*t system-

Actually... Isn't it a bit weird that it has been this quiet? I mean I have been in this bed for over a week, and have met a lot of people and weird Mystic devices while here. Still, why hasn't it even made a peep? It should have found an excuse to bully me by now.

[the system does not look down on cripples, so Mister Pervert Virgin does not have to worry about that.]

F**K I should just have kept quiet! And I'm not a dam* cripple!!! She hit me hard. Like really hard! Still, not that hard!!!


Hah, just imagining what might have happened if things went different with that punch gives me a scare!!

Hm? Punch? Hurt? Somehow I don't remem-

I-I mean, man, it hurt! L-like really bad!!... I think!!....


Okay, I don't remember sh*t, but it's the thought that counts right!?

Seems like I got a case of the good old memory loss- not actually. Well, at least I remember some of it. Like in that it was... kinda, good, actually? I-wait?

Hey! Yeah, you!

I know I'm talking against myself here, but I'm not one of "those" people okay!! I-I just hit my head really bad, okay!!!

Actually, while we are talking about my head, it is worth mentioning that while I feel fine. My body is in a... How should I say? Hmm.... Well, I think It's best if you heard it from the doctor instead!!


"Form the report, we can conclude one thing; while her body looks fine on the outside, there are great changes happening on the inside. This is most likely because of a combination of factors. Namely her unique disposition as a Dual Awakener and that she was "injected" with a lot of aura from her partner"(Female doctor)

"Umm, understood?... And what does this mean?"(Mom)

"Simply said, her Soul Origin and inner mystics are going a bit loco at the moment. Like, it's trying to reform or something? Think of it as her Soul going through an early puberty or something. Got that chica?" (Spanish? doctor)

"Uhh... And how do we "fix" this "puberty" thing exactly?"(Mom)

"Just giving up on me chica? Tch, well whatever. It means that the effects from her Dual Awakening have been accelerated. Like, at a speed that is probably going to make that pequeño(Little kid) explode? Anyway, it is fine now, you don't even have to worry, but this is going to be a major problem later if we do nothing"(Spanish doctor)

"What!? She'll explode!!? Start explaining before I ***** your face you ****!!"(Mom?)

"Whoo!!? W-What is wrong with her!!? Circe, this is one muchacha loca!!?"(Médica español )

"Nothing much, your just bad at talking to people, Aria."(Circe)

"Well what are you doin' there just watching, help a chica out there will ya!?"(Aria)

"Sigh. Anyway, you don't have to worry miss. There is an easy solution to this pickle we find you find yourself in"(Circe)

Calms down*"And that is?"Scary smile* (Mom)

"Wow, you were right about the crazy thing, Aria."(Circe)

Clears throat*

"Anyhow, tell me miss."(Circe)


"What are your thoughts about marriage?"


... Yeah-

He*l no!!!

That is a literal death sentence! In fact, I would probably have it better just ending my miserable existence by my own hand!!!

Ah, it hurts! It hurts just thinking about it!!

I mean, have you seen her when she looks at me? She looks like the devil, I swear!!

If we ever were to be married, our relationship would be that of a cheating husband and murderous wife!! That is, just take out the cheating part!! What did I ever do to deserve this!????


And that was how I reacted. As you should probably have imagined by my calm tone, I got a divorce, yeah!!!

Anyway, the marriage was fast called of, like mom literally forced that bit*h's mouth shut before she could continue. Seems like it's the single gang for the win!!!!

...Hah, but you can't win them all... It seems I still have to keep connections with her every once in a while so she can guide my Soul, whatever that means. Anyway, yeah, imma die.

Well, at least it only needs to happen once in a while, right? ... At least for now...

Sigh, first the gods and the system, then the horni uncles, and now? A f**king serial killer!!




But hey, enough with the sappy stuff. Like, when you hit rock bottom, it's not like you can go any lower, right!?

I'm sure things are only going to go up from now on, in fact I'm willing to bet on it!!! Yeah, I shouldn't fear sh*t at this point!!

Come at me world, give me your best shot!!!!!!

The World: ...







Author's note: Thx for reading so far(again)!! Anyway, I have seen a lot of you giving me power stones these last two days, to say the least, I'm really grateful!! I'll make sure to reach that 15k word mark by the end of the week so that your efforts wouldn't be in vain!!! Anyway, big announcement incoming!

[System warning]

Time skip is coming next chapter! Finally done with the prologue man. Five years old baby!!! Anyway, I'm thinking of introducing a lot of stuff and people in the next couple of chapters! If you have anything you personally want to see, it's time to say it now!!!




Ps: If the Spanish is bad, I'm sorry. Haven't practiced it in like, 2 years? Anyway, just added it to differentiate a little

Pps: Wow, I'm never releasing a chapter again without proofreading it. Like, no wonder I lost colls... Anyway, sry dudes and dudettes imma be more careful in the future.