
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

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86 Chs

Chapter 6: Morning Start

At this time, Rei was walking back towards his home with a conflicted expression. He was still slowly trying to digest all the information that Kurumi gave to him.

To define it, Rei was concerned about several points about the said subject.

In the first place, why would Kurumi give that information to him? Does she want him to do something about it? Perhaps, or perhaps not. Looking on it on another perspective though, it could be also seen as Kurumi trying to test him up for something.

But anyways, those were just mere speculations.

Rei knows how Kurumi was before, and the thing he meant by that was her past. He knows. That is also why he can't fault nor even despise her for everything she had done.

Doing so would make him a hypocrite more so than he already was.

In fact, Rei wasn't innocent when it came from taking a life of another.

'Besides, compared to me who had willingly took a life in order for my own sake in my past life, and now I had even took the lives of several people from just doing their jobs...' Rei halted his berating thoughts and sighed before letting out a bitter laugh.

"An 'ally of justice' huh..." Rei mumbled.

Ally of Justice, or the so-called title that Kurumi had known to be claimed by that 'woman' for herself and for herself as well decades before now. The very title that she herself had come to despise for it reflected all the sins that she had unknowingly done before knowing the truth behind all of it.

Kurumi was once an ordinary human before becoming a Spirit. She grew up as the daughter of a rich family and was beloved by her parents. However, one day while returning home she was attacked by a monster—a 'unstable' Spirit if it were to defined which is the result of the incompatibility of the Sephira Crystal from the human it fused. She then was saved when a girl wearing a dress made of light killed the monster. The 'woman' introduced herself and claimed herself to be an "ally of justice". She told Kurumi that the monster was called a Spirit and asked her if she wanted a power like hers to help her fight them making her one "ally of justice" as well.

Wanting to protect her family and friends, Kurumi accepted and was given the Sephira Crystal containing <Zafkiel>. Afterwards, she bonded with it, unknowingly turning herself into a Spirit in the process.

Working together with the so called 'ally of justice', Kurumi began hunting down Spirits, with her killing at least over 50 Spirits during that time. A number that nobody could ignore, but Kurumi didn't care much for all she knows, she was doing it for the greater good.

But one certain day after killing a Spirit, Kurumi left that woman with the usual task of cleaning up the body. However, after leaving like usual, this time she decided to turn back and invite the woman to come with her to her friend Sawa's house, hoping that an adorable cat could defrost the woman—her companion's usual melancholic demeanor. However, to Kurumi's horror, instead of a monster lying on the ground, she found her best friend Sawa lying dead as the woman was holding a red Sephira Crystal.

Realizing Sawa was the Spirit and she had killed, Kurumi started to inverse. But thankfully, before she completely transformed, she used her fourth bullet to reverse time and prevent the transformation by returning to a moment before being overwhelmed by despair.

Rei let out a sad smile remembering all of these.

An unbelievably twisted fate.

A tragic story.

A horrible farce.

Starting from those said events, it slowly molded the person we know as Kurumi Tokisaki, or <Nightmare> today.

Despite all of these, the fact that she is an "ally of justice" still didn't fade away from her. To be exact, she still enforces "justice" or rather, "twisted justice" in her own methods.

As stated, there is a twisted sense behind her methods in reenacting her "justice". Those twisted sense most involved murder, maiming, and so on, but to be more precise, she would often choose the first option which is killing people.

However, as the people that she brutally murdered were would-be rapists and animal abusers. Also, a good sign of her sense of justice lies in her ultimate objective: to go back in time, kill the 'First Spirit', prevent the spacequakes from ever happening and saving millions of lives in the process.

Yet, despite the fact she doesn't kill without a reason and her redeeming qualities, Kurumi doesn't seem to think of herself as a great person and even appears to hate being called one.

In hindsight, Kurumi possesses some degree of innocence that her psychotic behavior has not entirely ruined; she has a soft spot for small animals and other creatures.

It was an adorable trait. Rei had seen it first hand just recently.

Speaking of the feline, it left soon after Kurumi left the place. The cat was a free spirited individual. Much to his amusement, Kurumi really looked enjoyed in the short time she had with the feline.

Rei honestly wondered if he should take the cat as his pet.

Back on the topic however, the entire goal and reason as for why Kurumi had contacted him there could be more or less described as somewhat vague not until he decides to touch upon the matter she addressed herself.

Or does she even want him to be involved?

'Ah, I'm just going in circles,' Rei internally groaned at the thought as he soon shifted his direction.

The concern about the recent murders and disappearance of individuals is something that Rei could link to another group of individuals.

To be more precise, the individuals he was thinking off right now was none other than the Chaldean pair which he haven't contacted with ever since the day Tohka rampaged. Literally rampaged in a sense.

It was understandable. They wouldn't also engage contact with him until things cool down first.

Rei thinks whatever reason that they wanted specifically go near his house (mansion to be exact) would be involving very important matters. The two said themselves that the area around the house he was currently residing in had more or less give them a shot of connecting themselves back to Chaldea.


Well, it could be something similar to a leyline.

As far as he could remember, they might be thinking that the area around the house might be a potential leyline or a hotspot for mana.

However, it was impossible for them not to notice it this long! That would be a stretch of a joke that Rei couldn't even laugh about.

Figuratively, leylines should technically not present in this world, or at least, they shouldn't be. The rules and fundamental structure of this world doesn't really means the exact same as of theirs. However, he can't rule out the possibility that these leylines might potentially exist.

After all, this world is also filled with mana. And at one point, all the mana in the world had converged into one single point which resulted the birth of the 'First' Spirit.

Either there are faint present leylines, or the subject about it was avoided or the information was disclosed.

After all, if leylines are ever present here, the associates from Chaldea would have no problems addressing the matter of contacting the pair here. Much more, they could even summon servants.

And the reason for the sudden change might possibly involve him dabbling with the area around the mansion. Setting up barriers, doing crude experiments of his abilities, and the result of him gathering mana...

Gathering of mana?

It was then it somehow made sense. If Rei remembers correctly, leylines is basically a battery of magical energy. His place could be described as one, even though it was a simple mistake or accident resulting into that.

'So a pseudo leyline of some sorts? No... that's ridiculous, but it could be fundamentally be treated as one if you don't look much on the small details...' Rei concluded in his mind and soon frowned at it.

Things are getting convoluted more than he wanted it to be.

The ring in the sky? A possible demon pillar, something entirely else that somehow wants to continue the incineration of humanity, but this time, it had reached in a alternate universe much Rei's dismay.

The murders could be linked to rouge servants or...shadow servants if he were to guess.

They need to supply themselves to keep existing in this plane...and one method to do that was very unsavory just like ripping and eating off somebody's heart for example.

With just that, a memory of a short white haired girl holding knives appeared in his head... ehem, setting that aside, there is no way that the Master of Chaldea and the Shielder would let such things go by. After all, they should have already resolve these or at least had done something about it in their prolonged stay here.

They won't let a chance go by if they are given the opportunity to help people in need.

So maybe the murders and disappearances have been potentially stopped or at least been put on minimal occurrences? Kurumi didn't really specify if they did stop or not as of late, she just pointed out that they are happening a few months ago.

He needs to know more about the bigger picture here.

"It seems that I need to keep myself up to date... specially, regarding about news and such," Rei uttered as his brows slowly crunched up. "...or I could also ask for Ratatoskr for details. That would be more... efficient and effective if I am correct"

Yes. Definitely, Ratatoskr could provide him those needs.

He then sighed looking at the starless sky. He was surprised to see that the sun was slowly peeking up. Watching the sun rise was a sight to behold.

It was simply mesmerizing.

A luxury that almost anybody could experience in their daily lives...well, that is if they wake up earlier, like a few hours before the sun rises and the sky was still riddled with darkness.

'Now... oh?'

Soon, his thoughts halted just as his footsteps had. He had been walking for quite sometime and that said walk subconsciously brought him back to his mansion.

It was a long walk for sure. He even guessed that the walk even reached around more than an hour with him just randomly roaming the neighborhood as he was submerged in his thoughts.

And thus, bringing him to his current location. Rei was outside the mansion, a few steps away from it to be exact.

However, he wasn't the only person present outside in this area after all.

First of all, to describe the outside of the mansion, it was surrounded by concrete fences. Considering how isolated the mansion was built at, it was understandable.

Rei was still outside of the said fences, and so is the person a few meters away from him sitting under a tree.

Soon, his eyes met with the person he wasn't expecting at this time of the morning.

Those magenta orbs met his amethyst's. At this point, there was nothing big happening really. They had just registered each of their presences in mind.

Just a few days ago they were enemies, and right now, they are looking at one another as if nothing just happened. No, that would be a mistake, even if both deny it, the fact that 'nothing just happened' could be defined as a big fat lie.


The one who broke the continuing silence between the two was none other than Tenka herself. She then stood up and approached him.

"Bastard," she called. "Where did you disappear off this early in the morning?"

Simple and blunt words escaped her mouth as she questioned Rei.

"It's nothing worth knowing off," He answered. "But if you still want to know, then I had gone to an abandoned church"

"Abandoned... Church?" Tenka slightly tilted her head in confusion.

"Hm?" Rei almost did the same, but decided not to continue as he soon understood why she was confused.

To be blunt, Tenka was almost ignorant on many matters around the world is. These involved some common sense and terms.

But he could not blame her for that.

It is just her circumstances were special, just like Tohka's.

"...Maybe I'll explain that later. But I am curious, aren't you supposed to be resting more? Are you sure that you are not straining yourself," Rei asked in concern.

Truthfully, Rei was genuinely worried about Tenka's current condition.

To be frank, he would call it even as abnormal.

And there are many reasons for that.

"Strain myself?" This rime, Tenka shot a frown as she narrowed her eyes. "Do I look that feeble in your eyes?"

Rei then raised both his arms up in surrender trying to appease Tenka.

"No, no. Do I look like I'm looking down on you?" Rei answered as he continued. "I'm just concerned. Besides, Tohka would be sad if she were to know that you are not fairing well, wouldn't she?"

It was a low blow.

Tenka growled, but she doesn't need to answer the bastard of his claims, he already knows.

It was true after all. Her outmost priority is Tohka. Even if the world ends tomorrow, she would not spare a bit of her concern. So she can say that Tohka would be in distraught or at least be worried if she knows that she is straining herself.

But there is no way she would openly admit that to the bastard before her.

Seeing her slowly calm down, Rei let out a weak sigh.

"Speaking of you however, why are you awake this early? As far as I know, Tohka isn't really the person with early rising habits so I thought..."

"You shouldn't care," Tenka remarked. "Everything I do is my own business. Besides Tohka, I think my well-being probably is no concern of yours," she coldly stated.

And for Rei, that response didn't click quite well for him.

"You are part of my concerns and don't say I don't care about you, because I do," Rei retorted instantly which slightly startled the girl in question.


"Even if you say that it is not needed, as long as Tohka is concerned, there is no way I cannot just let you be, could I?" Rei pointed out. "We tried to literally kill each other just a few days back then, and I won't deny that you might harbor hate and the urge to end me right here and now. But that doesn't change the fact that Tohka deems you as somebody important despite the short time you've spent with each other"


"Also, it's not like I hate you. Rather, I feel your presence here better. If it's you, I know Tohka would be more...safe and happy even if I'm out of the picture," Rei smiled faintly. "Besides, having a sister has been one of her desires once in our conversation back then"


Tenka remained silent as she continued listening to him.

"That's a reason worth pushing for, isn't it?"


All, he got was a silent stare.


Breaking out from her stupor, Tenka huffed before responding, "Hmph... Understood. As long as I account Tohka's well being, I would at least listen to your ramblings, bastard"

Tenka then started to walk back towards the mansion and Rei soon followed by her side. Tenka didn't seem to mind much, or rather, she ignored him.

Rei then scratched his cheek before saying something. He carefully chose his worths enough to not earn the ire of the woman beside him, "About what you said earlier, thanks"

Tenka turned her gaze briefly as she continued walking, "I don't need your thanks," she sternly replied.

"I see..." Rei gave a nod of understanding. In that case, he wouldn't push his gratitude any further as he then diverted the topic. "Setting my thanks aside, can you please stop calling me 'bastard'? I have a proper name you know?"

Rei showed a pleading expression much to Tenka's amusement.

"I'll consider it..." She paused. "As I thought, bastard fits better"

"Oh please. You are too mean for your own good," Rei shrugged jokingly which earned him a glare from Tenka. "By the way, if you are awake, Tohka should be as well if I am correct"

Tenka nodded as they slowly approached the door.

"Oh, so where is Tohka right now?" He asked curiously.

Right. He can't imagine Tohka really doing anything this early in the morning. Basing on the time they spent together, she would.just likely cuddle with him and watch TV.

It was then, Tenka's lips curved slightly in an arc. She sported a victorious smile for some reason which brought temporary chills to his spine.

"Tohka is..." Tenka paused before shaking her head. Soon, her smile completely morphed to a grin. "In the kitchen. She said that she would like to make breakfast for all of us, she should be done preparing at least one dish up as of now"


Rei's natural pale complexion further paled at her words.

Instantly, he shot up and rushed in the mansion. If there is anything he had learned that he would never forget, it was the fact that the combination of Tohka and cooking would always result to chaos.


Added for the fact that he treats the kitchen as something akin to a special place, imagining how it would just turn out scared him.

Of course, he had taught Tohka how to cook, at least, the simple ones. Those dishes that at least won't turn into such abominations even if mishandled.

Some would see Rei like some stupid guy overreacting on something. But he doesn't care about how they see him, they are just bystanders after all.

They should just mind their business for all he should care.


Tenka soon followed before him as she hastened her steps with an amused expression on her face.


Fortunately, no chaos had been ensued in his absence. As soon as he arrived at the kitchen, he was greeted by Tohka with a wide smile on her face.

Much to his surprise however, it seemed that Tohka worked a miracle of making breakfast enough to accommodate them all. Compared to the disasters that she have been making back then, these dishes that she made were 'surprisingly' passable.

Though some were a bit overcooked, it wasn't to the point it where it could be described as inedible.

Who would want to eat charred meals or soups colored like tartar in the first place?

Tohka even found herself proud of her 'achievement', and honestly, Rei felt the same. Tenka who soon arrived just looked at the two with a neutral expression.


A few minutes later, they all proceeded as they set up in the dining room as they prepared for breakfast.

Eating breakfast was almost a quiet event for most families. Usually, they engage small talks concerning about important and trivial matters in the dining table. Despite that however, it is a fact that their focus would always be placed on eating their said meals first.

It is a subconscious action, and nobody could really deny that.

Tohka was eating quiet faster than usual. It was as if she had something eager to say after she finishes her business.

Meanwhile, Tenka could be seen with a neutral look each time she took a spoonful of food inside her mouth. To be honest, if someone were to read her thoughts right now, she was currently enjoying her breakfast, not that she would express it aloud in the first place.

It was then, Tohka drank her cup of water instantaneously. This could be seen as inappropriate table manners, but oh well, it was something that shouldn't practically matter for the people present here.

Basically, Rei was practically amused by the matter because Tohka was currently acting so eager

"Rei!" Her sudden exclamation brought his attention to her.


"Let's go on a date!"

"Oh got— wait? Date?" He suddenly bit his tongue... it didn't hurt. Really....

"Un!" Tohka nodded with energy.

"Tohka, I think you should rest for now. You and Tenka have just been released not even a day before..."

Rei continued to say more as he tried to reason her out, but that was futile effort. It seems that Tohka was really set on this date.

Tenka just observed all of this transpire in silence as she ate.

"But Rei! I am strong enough look, look!" She flexed her...arms as she smiled. She then moved around showing that her body was in perfect condition. "Umu. No problems!"


"Oh! Also, Tenka would join as well!" Tohka happily exclaimed. "She would be all alone here if we don't bring her to our date as well"


Truthfully, Rei was kind of left off seeing how fast the conversation have progressed. The enthusiasm Tohka exuded left him no room to refuse her request any further. Tenka just ignored them as she continued eating her own meal.

In the end, Rei only gave a sign of approval which brought different reactions from the other parties.

Tohka smiled victoriously and joyfully as she immediately exited the room saying that she should get ready.

And on the other hand, Tenka simply let out a silent sigh before giving off a faint smile which soon faded a second after that only Rei himself had noticed.

Do not misunderstand though, Tenka was 'happy' that Tohka feels 'happy'. Nothing more, nothing less.

'...I feel like this day is going to end up more hectically than I thought it should be'

Considering how he started this day, one couldn't really blame Rei for thinking that this day is quite 'hectic' in a sense where the whole schedule of this day had been practically filled up already.

Despite these thoughts however which could be also interpreted as a complaint and such, Rei would clearly say that those assumptions were wrong.

To be exact, it wouldn't be wrong that Rei felt that this would be a good change of pace while waiting for the 'storm' to come.


[A/N: First of all, I'd like to apologize for the delay.

I needed to rewrite the chapter from scratch over and over. I kinda feel bugged by it... well, consider it as something that a writer feels when he is somewhat disappointed in his results...

And I concluded that this chapter should be in its best compared to its drafts... probably.

In fact, scrapping 3.5k+ words over and over is quite a hassle you know?

Hmm, on another note, there is another reason for the late release. I forgot that this should have been released yesterday.


Also, 6.9k followers! Yay...? Hm? 69 chapters (technically if you add auxiliary)? Coincidence? Sadly, can't make this a...well, 'hot' chapter in a sense. Maybe at a milestone chapter...?

Another note to add is regarding about the FATE stuff. I am by no means a person who knows almost everything in the Nasuverse and how many things work there to the point I would debate with hardcore fans. Please spare me from that, at the very least I know substantial information that are needed in order to make this fic of mine work.

If ya guys have any concerns, just comment it down and I'll try to address it to the best of my abilities.

With nothing else to say, see you guys on the next chap, ciao~]