
Chapter 5: Pair after Pair [3]


Rei after hearing her words stared at her blankly.

From his observation, her actions and words showed that she has no malice or malevolent intentions behind it. She definitely wants to offer this 'protection' to them, despite her annoyance to this Spirit before her, she apparently was adamant about saving this Spirits out from harm.

Rei clearly understood their motives, however, his apparent twitch of his brows led him tilting his head as he rested it on top of his hands showed his amusement at her words.

"I see... and what are you trying to say now?"


They could protect themselves well enough! Even more than them if Rei were to go all out. Rei knew this and would clarify this fact in front of them—which could be a potentially bad move because you would reveal the tricks under your sleeves out in the open.

But the fact still stands that he was strong enough for it. Call him arrogant or overconfident if you may, so far, he already has a grasp about his abilities. But what's more is that he still has many things left undiscovered and dormant.

Space Manipulation, no matter how you see it is an ability out of the norm. It's a lethal and versatile ability even in its 'simplest' forms. Nobody can refute this fact.

If Rei could only utilize 'the simplest parts' of it at the moment which already has the prowess that could bring almost anything down if he wishes to, then what about its complex degree? To the degree that he can bend the rules of every fabric of space in his wake for example and making him 'absolute' in that domain?

Speaking of Tohka, she could handle almost every enemy with only her sheer brute force. Needing protection from them would be the most least thing to have in this moment.

So, isn't it better for him to outright reject their offer?

But no, he didn't outright rejected it. For Rei was still pondering as he weighed scales in his mind. Rei decided to think in a more broader perspective.

This 'protection' that they are proposing obviously has more into it. Be it merits or demerits, one thing Rei knows that he—and Tohka would benefit on it, no matter how simple or mundane it may be.

In any case, these benefits can be almost be deemed as 'useless' for the beings Spirits in a sense.

For example was expenses—mainly money. It was something unneeded for a Spirit for it is almost—or rather, perfectly made for the race called humans.

It was unneeded for Spirits could survive without that but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be bad to indulge upon it. Tohka herself would be happy to, Rei took it into consideration.

That was one of the things, which is money, that Rei needed somehow... Now some may ask why go the roundabout way of getting money if he could just rob someone out, or mainly the banks and arrogant rich people for example?

There are plenty of reasons that he could say. That however would just lead him just making it like excuses for him being indecisive or something.

If he were to give give out an answer—or answers. Then it would go down like this:

First, they aren't worth his time unless the situation is very dire, which is practically impossible for now.

Second, influencing much in this world would definitely cause him problems sooner or later, though this is purely based on instinct and completely not backed with something solid but it is what it is.

Third, why bother doing those acts even though they—<Ratatoskr> could offer almost everything of this in the first place? They are organization backed by Asgard Electronics which is a worldwide technological company! Money, connections, and many miscellaneous matters, they mostly have all!

And that is why Rei planned to get in contact with them anytime sooner. The very third, and most likely, important—and most rational thing among these choices.

This seems to be foolish considering how pathetic some of his reasons may sound to others, but in the end, he will still get something out of it?

Isn't this reason simple and plain enough to accept the deal?

Unfortunately, there are some problems if he ends up accepting their offer. Overall, these problems could be rounded up into one thing.

It is that accepting the offer would be the same as shackling himself. They would probably—or definitely hold him back sometimes and restrict the way he acts in one way or another.

That's why Rei was quite reluctant. The benefits that he would attain in this deal could be considered mundane at best. Luxuries in human life like money and stuff could be easily attained through sheer force.

He just needs to be 'evil' and commit atrocities and crimes for short term benefits. But really, that would be just downright edgy and unreasonable. Wouldn't it? He is not an edgy kid that wants to be 'evil' but in some way or another does good things in the end— Nevermind this.

That's why he decided to make an alternative approach which will both benefit both of them at the same time.... well, Rei would have an upper hand though in some ways.

What if Rei makes a temporary term of being under their protection? Considering that Origami was an example of a Spirit living alone and not in the Spirit Mansion after when she turned into a Spirit, why shouldn't he do the same as well?

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that they would put restrictions upon you but still, he would be able to receive support. That's why he would create a situation where he would just need to put some conditions in one way or another—or maybe, put them in 'debt' or owe him for a 'favor' in exchange. Surely, they would accept his 'conditions' as long as it is reasonable enough.

'Then I should temporarily accept their so-called 'protection',' Rei decided in his mind.

In other words, Rei plans to leech on them in a sense. A somewhat dirty but smart move considering that they would 'help' and 'protect' Spirits as their jobs—or responsibility, they would give him 'necessary' support as long as it doesn't cross the line of digging on their morals and nerves.

[Ratatoskr] was is an organization created for the purpose of saving Spirits, the cause of Spacequakes, through peaceful means without killing the Spirits after all.

While these thoughts were quickly being brought out in Rei's mind after he said those words, Reine then spoke.

"...Now, please calm down, Rie," Reine spoke as she tapped his shoulder.

Hearing her, he lifted up a brow. Whether or not it was a matter of course, she had still mistaken his name once more.

"I'm calm. As every way possible, I currently am. Also, my name isn't Rie, but Rei," Rei said back as he took a glance at the woman.

"...Ah, you're right. I take it back. Sorry about that, Ren"


Rei in response looked at her with a blank expression in silence. Clearly, Rei showed a hint of... irritation or some sorts.

However, she remained still as she tilted her head wondering if she had said something wrong.

As if noticing that this conversation would not continue unless one of them or another third party acted first, he then spoke.

"It's Rei," he clarified with a clear tone as his eyes remained gazing onto hers implying that this is a serious matter for some reason.

"....Mm, this is difficult"

Difficult? What a joke! Rei them looked at her with a tired expression.

"...How is it difficult to say the first three letters of your name? Right, Reine?"

He couldn't help but think it was on purpose but...as he looked closely at Reine's face, he couldn't help but think that she might have really mistaken his name. However, Rei could not corner her about his name any more than this.

Sighing, he then took another sip of his coke.

"Now, moving on. Let's talk about this 'protection' that you say, what exactly do you mean by it? Do you even have the means to accomplish it?" Rei questioned.

He knows already how this talk would go out in the end, all he needs to do now is to go with the flow while also adjusting things to go in his way.

".....Mm, what it meant is obvious already. We would protect you from harm as long as it is within our capabilities. We would also offer our services for your personal needs which would satisfy you," Reine then paused. "For that, we would like to request for you and Tohka to go with us at least for a few days, for observations and an assessment as well"

"Observations and an assessment, huh... What you are proposing sounds very interesting but 'Take us'? Do you think I would easily agree with that without any reason? I think not," Rei said as he checked time on his phone.

'Just... Hm. I'll use a Gate immediately after this talk. Tohka is... Well, I feel that something bad is happening in the mansion at the moment. I hope I'm not entirely sure....'

A shiver then suddenly went through his back. Rei couldn't help but seriously think that something terrible—no, at least it should be called 'bad', which is happening in the house.

"Of course, we have reasons for that, and it is natural for you to be wary of it... Moving on with the matter, the reasons can be more or less classified into two parts"

Reine started speaking with a seemingly calm voice.

"...The first part is about the matters in concern about managing—or rather, taking care of you Spirits, or more specifically, <Princess>, about the matters of a normal life"

"Take care of her...huh, I already got that covered but surely you mean more than that. And a normal life, you say?" Rei emphasizing the last parts of his sentence with a raise of a brow.

Of course, it was a mere facade. He just played along with her words.

But for a brief moment, Rei surely saw Reine's eyes glowed as she eyed him. Did that mean that she already caught him? Maybe, but even so, he wouldn't mind it for now.

"...<Seraph>— no, Rei. A few days before, you kissed <Princess> and you had undoubtedly sealed away her powers, right?"

"I don't know what your are talking about"

Rei countered with a lie. This however was believed by the two for only <Ratatoskr> knew about the Sealing of Spirits themselves. A top secret if some would say.

Rei's words was then took the attention of the two.

"Her name by the way, isn't <Princess>. Tohka, that's her name"

"...I see, Tohka huh," Kotori mumbled and added. "Does she have a family name? Or are you planning to use yours?"

"Why? Is there something that you would like to suggest then?" asked Rei as he stared at Kotori in wonder.

"I do but... that would be Reine's job," Kotori pointed at her companion with a smile.

"...Well, that's fine. Back to what I was saying, you sealed her powers—or most of her Reiryoku with your kiss, to be exact inside your body and I'm certain you are aware of some changes occuring deep within your body by some chance"

Rei nodded at her words. Seeing that, she continued.

"As for how you could seal them, even we don't have any clear evidences on how that phenomenon was happening," Reine implied and continued. "Following on, there's currently something like an invisible connection running between Rei and Tohka"

"A connection... huh? I see, I felt something akin to that, care to clarify more details about it?"

"...To put it into simpler words from what we have observed, when Tohka's mental states becomes unstable, there's the chance that the spiritual power that is sealed within your body will reflux"

Reine said as she took out a small tablet and tapped something and added.

"It was also a foreign matter among us regarding details about a Spirit sealing another Spirit's powers on their own body, we don't know if this power were to let loose out of control, it may even result in worst case scenario like the disaster that occured 30 years ago"

Hearing those words, Rei could help but smile. For all he knew, there would be a Spirit in the future who would own two <Angels> for she had absorbed a Half of a Sephira crystal of another Spirit. So far, nothing like a big spacequake would occured.

This conversation has been fruitful so far. But Rei couldn't help but feel... amused?

Why is that?

Why would they explain or say to him the thing about sealing Spirits in the first place? The information that they told him was something confidential, 'very' confidential as far as he knows.

And they told it to him, a stranger—no, an short time acquaintance at best? He could be even be a potential hostility! How utterly careless!

Then...Is what they are doing is that for them to gain his own trust? Maybe, but even so, he couldn't help but think it was a considerably bad move in some ways.

"....Though as much as I wanted to refute some of your claims, I see what you are getting at. Besides, do you think that I couldn't handle and keep her—or more specifically, control her power?" Rei pointed out as his lips slowly took a shape of an arc.

He was amused. Very much so.

"Also, seeing that you have this very accurate analysis about this sealing. It implies that you guys already have a sample—or someone to prove this 'sealing' of some sorts. Tell me, this person to be exact already sealed a Spirit or two already, right?"

With those words, they—or more specifically, Kotori, felt like she had been struck with knife deep in her chest.








[A/N: Okay, let's be honest here. I know some of you might not probably like or would be disappointed what happened throughout this chap.

I know cuz yeah... I just want them to have some interaction with Rei. Associating with Ratatoskr would be a must in order for some future events to happen. I mean, Ratatoskr has been present in almost every LN volume (Except Final Volumes, their presence are thin already).

But I know some of you wants to ask some clarifications and questions. I bet those will have some answers in the next chapter.

So please hold yourselves guyz, well, if ya could haha.

Irregular updates are still confirmed. Also, comment some errors guyz if ya found some, Kay?

With that said, bye guyz~]

Edit: 6/4/22 - typos and errors

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts
Next chapter