
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 20: Moonlit Promise [2]

"Trash cleaning complete. Now what am I supposed to do next..."

Rei muttered as he closed off the portals before him. At the same time he took out something out of his dimensional pocket.

It was a briefcase.

Yes that's it. And to add, it really looked high-class to be honest which took Rei's interest.

'Talk about luck...' Rei mused in his mind.

Albeit briefly, he took this briefcase which he supposed was to contain some useful stuff on the airship which it belonged.

Opening it, he then saw what he was expecting at the very least. Mainly a advance looking device, a laptop, some stack of documents, even money, and so much so.

Satisfied with the contents, Rei let out a laugh.

This was a mere coincidence to be exact. Inside the airship also known as <Heptameron>, he just infiltrated in using his abilities and got to a room which could be described as luxurious.

Taking interest about the place he landed into, he immediately took what 'looked' important or rather, interesting.

There he took the briefcase and left immediately. After all, he needed to erase this airship as soon as possible before it requests some reinforcements or so when they manage to grasp a view about the whole situation.

Thinking so, Rei admitted to himself that he really got lucky this time, which was a rare occurrence. Why? It's because luck wasn't something that sided him in the most convenient times based on his experience.

'Information gathering... though randomly picked. I could deem this as a great catch if Lady Luck favoured me for the day'

Information can be classified as Knowledge. And knowledge is power they say and that is a fact. Even though he couldn't dabble much with what he collected at the moment, well the advance looking device only to be exact, which is probably made by DEM, he already has a suitable solution where he could access it in the future.

The only problem to that is that it would only involve him into unnecessary troubles or give him some complicated works or something. After all, he would definitely seek out some little help about the advance, Mecha or whatever technology complicated stuff it was.

The only thing now is that he needed to know the contents of the device which seemed to have the most juiciest contents among all the things in the briefcase.

'This would certainly give me some valuable info if I am correct. Also, if this is what I think it is, this could help me locate all the bases of DEM, and I'll blast them one by one in the process... not that a Spirit from the original timeline had already achieved that feat though,' Rei thought as he reminisced the blonde haired girl sleeping as she hovered in the outer space.

Dropping back the briefcase into his dimensional pocket, he folded his arms as he reminisced some details in his mind.

'The only reason as for why DEM managed to find that Spirit was because of an <Angel>—no, <Demon King>, to be exact which is literally 'near-omniscient' which provides almost every information around the world.

But it was called 'near-omniscient' for a reason. It's powers or abilities have limits and restrictions'

This <Angel> is a book that can give the user information about anything that has ever happened in the world, no matter where and when. The user becomes 'near omniscient'. It's ability could be described as "a super powerful search engine" or a "fantasy-google machine", where one has to focus on the information one seeks before arriving at an answer.

However, in order to use this ability, the user has to consciously think about the subject it is looking into and the Angel does not automatically detect any danger coming to the user. It is also incapable of giving information about a person's inner thoughts and events that have not occurred yet. Another limitation is that the Angel can only give 'facts', so it cannot tell the user subjective information like what she should do when the user was unsure of itself.

Still, that doesn't change the fact that this <Angel> could be the biggest and most dangerous weapon if utilized to its maximum power.

The said Angel though belonged to a Spirit which is currently being held by DEM and Rei doesn't have a clue except for the fact that she is stored within one of DEM's bases which are widely spread around the world.

Certainly, he still doesn't have any way to find her exact location at the moment but considering that someone else was also looking for her too, Rei might as well cooperate with her and reap some benefits for himself.

"All it takes to make this happen is a proper encounter or contact. Might as well familiarize with each other in the process. I'm really interested about knowing her face to face, not in just some novel," Rei muttered as he let out an amused expression which also showed eyes filled with expectation.


Somewhere, a Spirit felt that something important was about to happen. Thinking so, she let out a sly smile.

"Ara? It seems that something interesting is bound to occur. I wonder when it would be"


Noticing that he already spent for quite some time in his monologue, he dematerialized his Astral Dress reducing it to a partial one.

The armor covering him was mostly gone, the sword as well the cannons followed in unison. What remained left were the 3 pairs of glowing iridescent wings attached on his back as well as some partial armor which covered his arms and upper body.

This would give him less protection but it greatly improves his mobility—not that he needed it much for he could just use his gate to pop out almost anywhere else where his eyes could reach.

"Now time to go—Hm...?"

Rei then turned his attention backwards from where he first came from.

There was a series of explosions and signs of battles from where he came from. Apparently, it seems that there was a separate team that was tasked to eliminate or capture Tohka once they deem him to be 'eliminated' or 'lost'.

Not that he didn't already expected it in the first place.

"But still, I thought they would fall back quickly after knowing that their airship was being attacked or when they knew that they would be no match for Tohka. But, hmm...?"

Suddenly, Rei narrowed his eyes. He then caught a glimpse of a gigantic stroke of light which split a hill in half.

"... Tohka is quite... Angry perhaps? No... furious, I think? But to think that she would slaughter them without hesitation...well, it's quite surprising"

Surely it was. The novel not anime didn't really depict such cruel acts except for the latter parts.

Rei then hovered in the air as he approached that direction. And suddenly, the sounds and clamors of battles had stopped. It all ended with a big explosion.

Raising his brow, Rei couldn't help but ponder about something.

It was then, as if a rushing gale, a strong gust of wind occured as someone also flew in the sky at high speeds.

It was Tohka.

Still donning her Astral Dress as she wielded her <Angel>. Though it could be seen that she received some 'scratches' here and there, her situation couldn't be called anymore less than great.

Her body then froze as if petrified when she saw him as she widened her eyes.

After that, Tohka's body trembled.

"A-Ahh... Rei...?" She called out with tears forming beneath her eyes.

"Well, it's m—"

Not even finishing what he was supposed to say, it then happened.



Tohka immediately throttled on him as she gave him a hug which he grunted due to the impact. Nothing he could comment much about but it is what it is.

In a sense, Rei wondered if this much contact would truly happen in real life, for they have only met twice and only spent with each other not even lasting a day.

At the next second though, Rei brushed the thought. He merely knew that Tohka held a somewhat favorable impression on him. He won't deny the fact that Tohka 'likes' him as a person.

But the concept of defining it as love would be ridiculous. Unless this is some kind of fairy tale where someone felt love in first sight, considering their first meeting where Tohka even tried to kill him. That's what you would call one of the worst first impressions in real life. As in, why not?

'I mean, if emotions such as love and affection were that easy to be understood and analyzed. Then almost nobody in the world would be single,' He scoffed within his mind.

But now he was in a world where things like affection and love could be dabbled and analyzed by making it into some game where you had to pick one of the choices available to you which in the end if you pick the correct choices—you could almost make any other girl fall for you and that.....

He then stopped the thought for it would only complicate his thinking. Doing so, he let out a sigh.

Rei just let Tohka clung onto his body as she started to cry silently.


Feeling the wet tears on his shoulder, Rei could only comfort her as he patted her head gently stroking her hair in the process.

'Losing someone you could deem as the first person to accept you would definitely hit hard. I could somehow understand her reaction and her feelings that exploded when 'he' got shot right before her eyes....'

Slightly shaking his head in denial, he then let out a smile as he asked.

"Are you alright, Tohka? It seems that... well, you have some insignificant scratches," Rei said laced with a tone of concern.


However, Tohka only gave a silent response.


"Why...." Tohka softly mumbled which Rei heard out clear. Not understanding what it meant altogether at first, he further inquired.


"Why didn't you come back earlier... why didn't you respond when I called your name..."

It was then Rei swore to himself, something was definitely out of place. Added the fact that he saw Tohka's almost dull and dark eyes glimmer into 'something' for a second.


"Why didn't you listen to my pleas... why did you pretend to be gone.... why did you leave me? Why, why, why, WHY?!"

Tohka protested, her voice was deep, as if desperate in a sense, she shouted unconsciously.

"...Wait Tohka, calm down"

"No, Rei! This—"

"I get it... calm down first. I know I'm at fault here, so please, okay?" Rei pleaded.

As if not letting him go, Tohka's grip only tightened on Rei's body.

"Rei, promise me," Tohka uttered.


On another thought though, he could only think of a somewhat dangerous—no, maybe good a thought as well.

'She almost acts as if she was a yan—'

"You won't 'leave' me right?"

And that hit the last nail on the coffin. Well, maybe. It was still early to end up in conclusions after all.


Rei really couldn't understand this development, well, not everything but he still got of how this is going.

Still, not hearing his response, Tohka just silently waited.

Rei could only look at her with an indescribable expression, only to break down as her next words startled him by surprise.

"You would take responsibility, right?"

"Wait, huh—?"

Snapping him out of his thoughts, he then looked at her in surprise.

"You would right?"

"Now wait..."

Rei wanted to say something, only to be stopped as Tohka spoke.

"This feeling inside me. When I look at you. When you disappeared albeit shortly thinking that you are gone. It hurts Rei. At the same time, I feel fuzzy and warm with you...." Tohka said as she looked up at Rei and added. "I just can't understand... that's why you should take responsibility. For letting my state be in a mess like this"

"...I see"

"So you would, right?"

As if relenting, Rei heaved a tired sigh as he smiled right back at her.

"Don't worry... I will. Even if you didn't ask, I would do something similar to it in the future"



"Really, really"

"Yes yes. Really"

"Un... now how should we make sure that you don't break your promise"


"Something like that... no, to fragile. What about this? Hm? No, but.....ah! So we could do that!"

'That? This? That? What are you talking about?' Rei was puzzled apparently. Normally, he wouldn't but that isn't the case right now.

"Do what?"

"The thing we watched in the movie a while ago, the thing that was made to prevent the boy and the girl from breaking their promise with each other"

"...And what is that?"

"You know...a kiss, they called it," Tohka said with unabashedly. Even so, her face still showed the hints of a blush.


Rei was silent. Now what. Everything developed in a way that he missed. Even so, it all ended up in the same end. It was at this very moment, just like the saying that the end justifies the means. It all ended up in this situation.

'Task failed.... successfully'


"Hm. I see.... I don't have any qualms about that but you only need to do this to someone special to you. Someone very special I say"

"But Rei. You're the only person I know, and I would ever need if you ask that. And I can't bare the feeling of losing it—no, losing you again just like before. You're someone very special to me. And that's why I WON'T let you leave me. Never"

Tohka almost sounded adamant, not letting him have a chance to refute or reject what she said. Rei, who had noticed this change could only look at her with a defeated expression.


Tohka calls out his name, using her right hand she grabs Rei's face gently. As if caressing something precious.

Then, she pulls Rei toward herself—and kissed him. Without any hesitation, Tohka pressed her pink lips onto Rei's lips.


It was a rather clumsy attempt for Rei had already experienced a kiss back then on his previous life but... something felt different between that and this.

Tohka's lips were so soft and so moist and even gave off a sweet smell that that feeling and touch had rendered his entire being to pause albeit briefly.

A beat later.

—Cracks formed on Tohka's sword that towered into the sky, then it crumbled away, dissolving into the air. Following that, the film of light that formed the inners of the dress wrapped around Tohka's body as well as her skirt disappeared, as if bursting open.


Tohka let out a voice filled with bewilderment.


But even more surprised was Rei.

It was not at Tohka's sword and clothes disappearing. It was the fact that 'this' phenomenon was happening.

Spirit Sealing.

The ability to Seal the power of Spirits inside one's body. An ability exclusively made for the original protagonist—Shidou by the First Spirit, was now something that he also possesses.

It was Impossible...at least, based on the information he possesses.

He doesn't know whether he should be thankful or not—no, he is thankful. But Rei still couldn't figure out when or where did this ability even manifest in him in the first place.

With so many questions flooding in his mind, he was distracted until then.

—Tohka's body then grew limp, falling towards him.

In Rei's current state, while pondering slightly, he hugged Tohka before her body fell away. Rather weakly. Timidly.

Adjusting the space around them, he created a bounded field where Tohka could just float safely even without the access of her powers. Pretty convenient for it also repels the cold winds in the sky.

Remembering that when sealed, a Spirit's constitution would drop almost similarly to those of a normal person's.

Tohka who still wasn't letting him go just had a mysterious look on her face, touching her lip with her finger.

And then, she noticed her current state. She was almost half-naked at this point... no scratch it, he was half-naked already.

As if embarrassed, she tried to find a situation to hide her body, perhaps due to embarrassment of letting someone see you in such state.

Rei on the other hand just stared at her with not so much reaction.

In front of his eyes were Tohka's pure black hair, and her naked shoulders. The point was—their bodies joined snugly.

"...Now, you won't be able to see," Tohka muttered.

"Embarrassed?" Rei asked teasingly as he let out a giggle as he looked at this adorable creature on his clutch.

"Of course.... why wouldn't I?"

Rei then took out something from his dimensional pocket. It was a jacket.

Letting her go for a moment, she then placed the jacket on her. Tohka wanted to question where he pulled that out but immediately didn't care. All it mattes is that Rei was here.

"Are you okay?"


After a while, she then spoke not answering Rei's previous question.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

She stated. Rei doesn't know if Tohka knew what's the other meaning of what she said, but he left it as it is.

'Ignorance is bliss... I think'

Rei could only stare up in the sky as he replied, "Yeah... it is"

"You won't break your promise, would you?"

Tohka asked as she snuggled deeply on Rei's body. Feeling the warmth, Rei didn't really give an exaggerated reaction or something, but one thing he knew is that this wasn't so bad after all.

"I won't. I swear under the moon! A moonlit promise I say"

"...Is there anything special about a moonlit promise?" Tohka inquired as she slightly tilted her head.

Rei then answered back, "Well, at least I think I do... yes, at least for me"

"Fufu. Yes you wouldn't break it or else..."

"Or else?"

"Nothing~ I'll think about it later," Tohka in a rather playful tone responded which somehow brought a slight shiver to Rei's spine.

"I see... nothing much I could do about that then"

And just like that, the 'Date' of the two ended as they basked themselves under the sea of stars along with the moonlit sky.


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Fragment No. 969, [Mimic]-{Foundation}]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Divinity] extraction in progress; [Authority] unlocking in progress; [Mimic]-{Foundation} completed]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Mimic]-{Foundation—World of DAL; Spirit Sealing(fake)} <Limit(?)>]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: <Spirit Sealed:(1/?)>]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: <The First Anchor> has been established in this <World>]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Angel: Sandalphon]-{Armament} refuses to accept the Host]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Angel: Sandalphon]-{Armament} is deemed to be incompatible]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Error; Readjusting Sequence—<Inverted Version Accessing>]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Demon King: Nahemah]-{Armament} has been deemed as compatible]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Demon King: Nahemah]-{Armament} has been temporarily attained]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: <Quasi-Chaos Element>—{Qlipha Crystal} has been detected! [Resonance] will commence]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Resonance] successful! Speeding up attributes for unlocking [Authority] and [Divinity] extraction]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Authority—1st Seal Unlocking in progress; 13.2% complete]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: [Divinity] extraction in progress; 27.9% complete]


[<Fragment of Chaos>: Interference shall be postponed until the Host's next breakthrough]









[A/N: Phew~ Now what... well, the next chap will wrap up the second volume. I believe I've done quite a decent work... well, if you disregard the confusion and errors that it brought to you my readers.

This is quite a long chap in my opinion... (3.2k words I think is already long?) so expect a chap after 2-4 days.

I'll start working up on the next chap after a day or so.

Other than that, comment your thoughts in the comments section. Might as well point some errors if you guys find some.



With that said, bye guyz]

Edit: 6-7-22

- Did some minor changes on the flow of the story, removed some lines, and fixed some errors

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts