
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 2: You're finally awake [2]

[Rei PoV]

As he strode down the hallway, Rei finally decided what to cook for both Tohka and Tenka, that is if the former was awake already.

"Now then...the kitchen is located in a room only if I go through the Main Operating Room...if I remember correctly," Rei uttered as he pulled out a tie out from his pocket.

The reason?

Simple, it is to tie his hair of course. Rei can't let it get away when he is ready to prepare the ingredients in order to start cooking.

They are unnecessarily long for male standards, and compared to female ones, the length of his hair should be considered as longer than average.

'...Hm. Are these still growing longer?' Rei asked himself internally as he stroked his hair down with his free hand to straighten it out in order for him to tie it smoothly.

'I think not...but should should I just cut it a little bit shorter?'

Internally, as he tied his hair in a simple ponytail, he continued to ponder whether it is better if he cut it off or not. Despite its disadvantages—no, in a more lighter tone, downsides, he can't deny that there are some good things in maintaining this one as well.

However, most good things he may come up with could be just considered as trivial reasoning or something based in biased opinions.

Rei wanted to tie it into a man bun, however, its very long length prevents me from doing so. Even if he tried, the style is not very much applicable with the length as stated as before. There was also Tohka voicing out her thoughts about the matter some other day before saying that it was fine whether it is long or short, she doesn't really care as long as Rei's likes it, in the end, she'll like both of it.

The more the reason he thought that he was more convinced that he should cut it a little shorter...but in reality, Rei presumes that she prefers it longer based on his observations after that thought. It was somewhat easy to know what she is thinking most of the time, she was like an open book. The reason for it may be simple such as she was used seeing him like that or it is just simply her preference.

'Huh, now why am I basing my decision about this in regards to Tohka's opinion? Ah...' As this passing thought entered his mind, Rei's mouth opened, however, no words came out.


Suddenly, the realization hit him as he noticed how silent the place was. The only thing could be heard was his footsteps.

At that point, he halted his steps as he let out a frown.

'I think I really wronged Tohka back then. Instead of resolving the case immediately, I just prolonged it and it soon escalated to the point of dire circumstances,' Rei thought as he grimaced internally.

There was this guilt that is slowly gnawing upon him and he would bet that this guilt would persist a little more longer. It was uncomfortable, but he needs to bear with it. It was his fault in the first place.

'Am I experiencing something akin to being in debt with her? That I need to make up to her by doing something such as doing some self blaming at this point? Or is it an entirely nothing itself? Perhaps, but it doesn't really change a thing if I just stand here and do nothing'

Once he talks it out with Tohka once she wakes up, everything would slowly settle down and turn alright. Yes, that's it. Once everything is sorted out properly, this feeling weighing upon him would lessen gradually.

"...Well with that, I should better think about present matters at hand first, and I'll deal with future matters when the time comes," he said in attempt to relieve himself a little as he approached the door leading to the Main Room.

The Main Room, or Main Base Operation Room in its prolonged and original name, was the room where Kotori and her crew are mainly stationed. Rei always wondered what they are doing in times where Shidou doesn't have to seal a Spirit.

Do they just observe the Spirits at hand? Do they patrol the city or locate other and more farther places to scan if there is an Spacequake occuring? Or do they just idly sit their and manage other things not related to Spirits?

Are these correct? Most likely, however there is still a chance of being wrong despite the high chances of it being correct. Obviously, many people could narrow down Ratatoskr's move if they have enough sufficient information, and Rei was luckily one of those people.

However, as the days passed living in this new world, he formulated several conclusions in his mind as for what he should.

Yet, Rei understood many things and there was this one that struck the way he is living his life the most. A simple realization that completely mangles all the information that he previously had in mind, or in other words, his past memories.

'Nothing is always absolute,' is a statement that is deeply engraved in his mind. This could be also rephrased into the words 'Change is the only constant in life'.

It means that the world is always changing and so are people. Not only is change always happening, but it is also unavoidable. Being afraid of change is expected. Especially when change comes unexpectedly, and everything you are used to becomes different.

Change is something that could be considered the most 'absolute' thing in life, a fact that wouldn't be removed since the dawn of mankind. Thinking about this, isn't the phrase quite paradoxical about mentioning that 'nothing is always 'absolute' for 'change is absolute'?

Rei is probably just twisting words here. Funnily so. And the fact that the statement was something 'paradoxical' is a subject that he could never deny.

Of course, this fact is just a mere conclusion he have thought off, and he is sure that many people would had probably thought of this conclusion as well.

The fact that his perception, understanding, and this world itself had already showed signs of deviation from what he remember is already a sign of those changes. Rei can just do little in the future if he just purely relied his next approaches based on his past memories, Rei probably already realized this fact a long time ago, it's just that he tend to ignore it back then just to spin in circles around. This was already a path with no point of return.

These kind of matters swirled in his mind and stopped when the metal door clicked and automatically opened showing the way in. When Rei stepped in, still fresh out from those deep thoughts, he then raised a brow when he finally noticed the weird atmosphere from within.

To describe it, it was kind of... uncomfortable? Not something harmful or a thing that could be considered as a threat, but it is kind of 'weird' in the most closest term.

The people in the room practically drilled their gazes towards him, well, not all of them.

There were some that could be seen as 'incapacitated' or down in action. To give a few examples.

The woman sitting in the very front seat of the room had her nose bleeding, but it wasn't like she was punched, assaulted, hurt, or anything. Her face was beet red as if she had a fever, and as for the matter of the nose bleeding, well, she is 'nosebleeding' in the most literal sense.

There was also this man in glasses looking as if his soul had been sucked out from him. Gritting his teeth as he drowned in agony. It's as if he had lost a 1 million dollar in a bet or something.

There was also this crew member who was fuming in something that you could described as jealousy. There were also visible tears flowing out from his eyes. "Riajuus, go explode....." He muttered silently as he sobbed.

In similarity, their gazes were all hammered on his figure. Rei disregarded it as nothing important if this was just a normal occurrence, however, it is obviously not. Sighing, his gaze landed to that of the Commander in this room.

Kotori Itsuka was also giving him a glare for unknown reasons. Yet, those glares were being quickly shifted from time to time, it's as if she can't look at him for long. Did he offend her or something?

Oh, he did just a while ago. But it's not to the point where she would act to him like that.

Narrowing his eyes as he observed, Rei saw that Kotori was uncharacteristically acting like a flustered mess. It's as if she was incredibly embarrassed, her face was beet red, and an imaginary steam was coming out from her head.

Turning his head to the ones who could only be considered as in 'normal condition' in this room, Rei asked.

"Uh, Reine-san and Kannazuki-san. Can you enlighten me for just a moment here? What exactly happened that turned the situation in this room like this?" He inquired as he raised a brow.

"Ehem," Kannazuki coughed as he heard me. Adjusting his collar slightly, he calmly said. "In a nutshell. I can say it's all because of Rei-kun here"

"...Me?" I replied somewhat confused.

He then continued, "It's about what you just did earlier with...the other 'Tohka'. In fact, commander here is—"

Kannazuki's words were abruptly cut as the sudden change into the already 'uncomfortable' atmosphere occured. Kotori who heard him fumed in anger...? No, that wouldn't be correct, embarrassment would still be the correct term, and she launched a kick on Kannazuki's back.

"K-Kannazuki! Shut up!"

The flustered commander shouted as her kick brought Kannazuki stumbling over the ground, not that he was unhappy about it though.

"Oh~! Commander, this is great! Please do mo—" Kannazuki exclaimed as Kotori kept kicking him on the foot, however, he then showed signs of panic as his words died down as he turned around and saw Kotori aim her foot at that 'place'.

"W-wait Commander! I'm joking, wait! Not the heels on that 'place'— A-Ahh!" The vice commander pleaded as he slowly moved away.

"You first shut your mouth!" said Kotori as she slammed her foot right down at that 'place'.

With a line of sweat on his head, Kannazuki fortunately moved his body quickly and evaded the dreaded blow. "A-Ah! R-Reine-san, Rei-kun! Help me here!"


Reine just sighed as she cupped her chin in silence. She turned her head away and acted as if she had not heard him.


Also ignoring his pleas, Rei turned his head as he offered a silent prayer to him. He knows when and when not to get involved in such situations, one of that which is interfering a furious woman unless if only necessary.

Rei hopes he passes this ordeal with that 'place' still intact. As a fellow man, he could at least sympathize with him that getting hit with something like heels on that 'place' would more or less heighten the possibility of a man being unable to continue his next generation.


'May the Gods bless and guide you Kannazuki Kyouhei so...' Rei thought silently before speaking.

"Stay strong...." Rei uttered at him showing pity on his face, and seeing this, Kannazuki further paled. He should face this dire situation alone!

As Rei walked away and turned my head unable to watch the upcoming demise of the person named Kannazuki Kyouhei, it was then Reine followed to his side.

Furthermore, Rei already got the gist as for why they—the crew involving the commander, Kotori herself was acting quite weirdly. The only thing he needs was to have was a solid proof to solidify that guess.

"Mmm, ignoring Kotori and Kannazuki at the moment.... I'll elaborate even further," she then pointed on the monitor that was shut off just a few moments ago. As she tapped on her device, the monitor soon lit up showing the room where Rei was located just a few moments ago—Tohka and Tenka's room to be exact. "....As you can see, the whole act you did was seen by every person present in this room. And if I may say, that act was too stimulating for some, and others just showed... different reactions about it, thus, leading us to this situation"

"Oh... I see..." Rei uttered those words in reply. He already confirmed that what he thought earlier was correct as soon as Reine pointed her finger at the monitor. "Well. I didn't thought you guys would watch us as soon as you have arrived in this room"

Yes, he didn't really care much about it to be honest. Noticing details such as the small or even hidden cameras in the room was beyond his scopes at that time. Rei can't really expect himself to function at full capacity considering his state back then, besides, noticing every small detail almost each and every time was beyond him.

"Anyways. Even if I know the reason now, that still doesn't explain much for their behaviors. I mean, that was just a simple kiss you know?"

"...is that what you call simple?" Reine inquired seemingly surprised by what I said.

"Yes, why? It is just a simple... oh," Rei then stopped. As he quickly reminisced, well, the engagement of that kiss between him and Tenka was beyond what you can call a normal kiss.

Well, a small mistake on his part then.

"...Mm. As long as you know," Reine then spoke noticing that he realized his mistake. "To add, some could say that the kiss was too stimulating, or rather, very experienced. Mmm... yes. I could say you are a very good kisser"

"Thanks for the compliment," he replied as he turned his gaze to Kotori who was still after Kannazuki. The poor man was starting to shed tears in fear.

"Kotori," Rei called out snapping her attention towards Kannazuki as she faced me.


"Is watching 'that' a little too much for you, dear commander?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Still flustered, she turned her head away before mumbling something softly that even Rei would not hear if his focus wasn't entirely placed on her. "...are kisses supposed to be that intense?"

Rei chuckled silently as he heard her faint voice, however, he must go now. His goal wasn't to stay here to sit and talk. "Well, it depends. I guess it's too much for a young lady like you to know about it"

Hearing his words, Kotori's eyes narrowed. It felt like an insult, but it wasn't like he had malice backed on it, so he just probably said it to rile her up.

"Hey, don't treat me as if—"

Before she could finish her words however, she was abruptly interrupted by Rei as he continued.

"Besides, peeping at other people's business is a very nasty hobby. Tsk tsk, nonetheless, I can say it is adorable in its own way but..." Rei paused as he remembered something pop on his mind.

"Listen here—!"

Kotori tried to protest, however, Rei turned deaf on it as he pulled out something from his dimensional pocket.

'Now that I think about it, I should've given this to them earlier,' Rei thought as he added. 'Better late than never, I guess'

"Oh, by the way," Rei called out. "Here, catch," Rei then threw the thing he pulled out from his dimensional pocket towards Kotori.

The latter was surprised, as she let out a small shriek as she caught it. "-Huh? A briefcase?" [1]

Yes, it was a briefcase. Rei gave them compact metal briefcase that originally belongs to DEM which could possibly contain things that may more or less be useful for <Fraxinus> in the long run. After all, information is a key component in order to achieve somebody's goals in the first place.

"....Why a briefcase? No, rather. What are its contents?" Reine asked. "....Based on my observations, you are not the type of person who would just give something like a gift or something similar, unless you want something in return"

"You wound me with those words, Reine-san," Rei said looking as if he was offended while letting out a wry laugh. "Think of this as a payment of some sorts. Maybe this would contain something that would be useful to you people more than mine"

"....Nn, okay"

"I'll get going then," Rei said as he continued to walk away.

"Huh? Where are you heading to?" Kotori asked.

Rei replied, "To the kitchen, I need to whip something up for the two. Anytime sooner, Tohka would probably wake up"

Kotori then cupped her chin as she handed the briefcase to Reine. "Ah. You can just let the staff do the work, but I think you would insist that you should be the one doing it, would you?"

"Precisely~" Rei hummed as he reached the door. "Well then, I'll try to make some snacks for you guys as well. That is, if you don't mind?"


"What? Did I say something strange?" asked Rei as he tilted his head slightly.

"You are silly. Normally you wouldn't even have the day to think about bothering on something like that in my opinion"

"Who knows? Let's just say I'm in a good mood"

"...Is that so? Then I think we should accept that offer of yours," Kotori then turned to her crew. "You guys don't mind, right?"

All of them just nodded, they really didn't mind. Nonetheless, having free made snacks are always welcome to them, so they wouldn't refuse it.

With nothing else to stop him anymore, Rei then went to the kitchen and stayed there for a while. Cooking could be said a sone of his hobbies. Cooking an spectacular dish for Tohka and Tenka and whipping up some snacks as an extra for the crew shouldn't really be a bother to him.

To be exact, he was enjoying himself right now.

And so, after a few minutes had passed....

Rei hummed as he watched his dish be cooked in completion. The only thing left to do was to prepare it to be served.

"Should I try cooking some Special Mapo Tofu next time?" Rei uttered as he held his chin, completely serious about the thought.

It was then he noticed that he had already stood there for quite some time. He already needs to serve this food while still hot. "I'll just leave this matter to the future me, I guess"






[A/N: Release schedule be damned! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

And yep, here's the chap for the week. 3.3k words, yay.

Also, would you guys believe me that the first draft file of this chapter was deleted for some reason from the app, making this chap release sooner than expected? Perhaps? Anyways, I had rewritten this chap back from scratch, it is good that I still remember most of it, because if not, I'm gonna post this chap probably next week haha.

As you can see, the chapter isn't much. It's just a small scene where Rei interacts with Kotori and co once again. The interesting parts of this arc would come up in the later chaps.

Oh, here are some explanations to the paragraph with number markers:

[1] Hey, remember the briefcase in Chapter 39? Well, here it is, unexpected right? I know you guys most likely forgot about this, not that I didn't expect anyways.


Welp, Castoria banner is probably coming up in July 3 and I believe my SQ stock won't be sufficient to draw her out... Well, probably. Getting Swimsuit Musashi in one roll could be considered as lucky. I didn't get Swimsuit Okita or Bunnytoria though, which were the original servants I want to get in the LasVegas banner in the first place, tch.



I really don't have anything more to say so yeah. Ciao~]

Comment guys if ya find some errors, I'll appreciate it!

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts