
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 16: Date I [3]

[A/N: Okay, here is it guyz.

Cringe Backstory Alert!

Skip the early parts of the chap if you don't wanna get your heads hurting or something. But to be honest, some things here would connect some dots about who Rei was back then which would affect the story in the future.

Even so, I warned ya so don't blame me...









UmU. Here's the chap then]


Rei Ainsworth—or the person who he was in his past life—Lucifer, wasn't really in the dark about the concepts of 'Dates'.

As for why is that is because he himself had gone on dates in the past.

How is that possible? Some may inquire. It was normal to be curious about it.

How could this boy go on dates anyways? Did he have a girlfriend or was he just simply delusional? No apparently. He did have a girlfriend though their relationship didn't last long.

Rei always wondered why that girl decided to go out with him and establish a relationship even for a few months. Considering his records where he killed his relative and was treated as crazy by his peers, getting a girlfriend was already a miracle itself just like winning 10 SSRs in one 10x draw in a gacha.

But alas he did.

Amazing right?

Bearing the Stigma of a murderer, he at the very least was blessed with the fortune of love even shortly in his life.

Though he was sure that the girl wasn't really in love with him—or at least, he doubted that it was purely out of love that led them to have a relationship.

If she were to describe the girl, she was a beauty—no, she was one of the most beautiful girls on his school grade back then. She was a cheerful and outgoing girl in contrast with his indifferent and even rude personality sometimes.

How did he met her? What is his connection with her before they started dating? And what led them to be in a relationship?

Well, he and she were childhood friends. Yes, just like most of the cliche novel tropes you could find in romcoms nowadays, that is the connection between the two.

The girl obviously knows a little about Rei's circumstances back then in his childhood. So she wasn't oblivious about the treatment and his sufferings back then. And so, she could be considered to be his only friend in a sense—or rather it was only her who thought of that.

She tried to help him by saying this matter to her parents. But unfortunately, it was ignored to some extent. After all, why involve yourself in another family's problem?

And so, it ended up in failure. But at the very least, he knew that she tried to reach out for him and he felt thankful for it. Only for a brief moment though, for what she did was meaningless.

As they grew up almost together... no, scratch it. His meetings and the times where he interacted with her during his childhood was very lacking to the point that they could only be called as strangers at some point or so. It was very limited until he entered highschool where both of them were in the same class.

That's why when he is in his highschool when he already did the deed where he murdered his relative, he became a hot topic with slanders and insults all over.

It was quite normal which he had already expected to happen except for the fact that that was also the time when she confessed to him.

"Are you crazy?" That's what he could only reply in bafflement as she confessed to him. Not that he is a crazy one for commiting murder anyways.

What he got from her as a response though was a short giggle of amusement as she asked again if he wants to go out with her. This confused him to be honest. It was also at that time that he concluded in his mind that women are unfathomable creatures that men wouldn't understand in certain situations.

And so, he relented and accepted her confession because it also interested him as for what is the feeling to be in a relationship with the opposite sex.

Following that, he could say that the experience was pleasant. They enjoyed themselves—or he only partially enjoyed it while the girl enjoyed it in full throttle.

The fact that they are in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship was hidden. But he didn't really mind it that much. It was natural to do so of keeping it hidden due to who he was.

Following on, in a sense, they were both comfortable with each other since they have been acquaintances since when they were still kids. Still, there were times where they acted awkwardly and even miscommunicated with each other, and it was something inevitable.

They had gone to dates and even to the point of having a relationship through skinship. Yet he knew that something was wrong with this.

He couldn't describe it in words. In the end, it was just plain suspicions in a sense. Or maybe he was just paranoid where he doubted everyone around him due to his past experience.

In short, the problem lies on him.

And he knew that this relationship of theirs would only end in misfortune due to his mind process added with his on the edge personality.

So he concluded that it would be better to take early measures before it gets worse later.

So in the end, they broke up with him taking the initiative. The girl winded up slightly crying though, which he in the end could only give a simple apology for wasting her time.

"Luc... Let's just treat that our relationship never happened, okay?" The girl's words remained vivid in his mind.

And on the next day, everything remained the same as if nothing happened between the two. Just like as she said, they should treat that nothing really happened between the two of them all this time.

Back to square one. That's it.

At this time he was really glad that they really didn't continue their relationship. For he had died back there in that world—his original world.

With that he realized that he really cared about her even slightly. He worried and even cared about her wondering the things that may happen if their relationship had continued.

He was a pathetic individual in a sense and he won't deny it. And honestly, the fact that he already confirmed that she was completely living a rich and happy life when he last saw her made him smile faintly in his mind.

At the very least, no one would waste their time mourning for his death.


[Rei PoV]

It's only been a few minutes since they started the date. Rei and Tohka were currently walking down the streets with the same pace.

Rei was relaxed about this all the way.

On the other hand, Tohka was often in daze as she looked through the stalls, people, and—


It was then, Rei then turned around as his body twitched slightly.

There women were grinning, looking at him as if they'd seen something charming. Well, there was also some doubt mixed in in their gazes, due to his and Tohka's appearance.

To add, there were also people—boys who looked at them in awe, envy, and curiosity. It was something that Rei already know occasionally as far as his looks were to be evaluated ever since he started establishing his connections and foundations within the city.

'Well, our features could be considered to be foreigners or tourists in a sense. There's really nothing to ponder deeply about but...'

Breaking his gaze on them, Rei then glanced at Tohka.


Tohka seemed to have noticed those gazes too. She slowly hid herself behind Rei, and watched them acutely.

"...Rei, who are they? As I thought, are they enemies? Should I kill them?"


Rei's shoulders shook upon Tohka blurting out such dangerous thoughts with no warning. And in the end, he heaved a tired sigh as he responded to Tohka's words.

"No, of course. Why are you saying that? They're just ordinary people, you know? They meant no harm"

"What are you saying, Rei? Those fiery glimmering eyes... aren't they like birds of prey? There's no way they aren't targeting you and me. ...They might cause trouble later on if we leave them be. I think that it would be best to take them out before that happens," Tohka cautiously added.

Well, it's true that their eyes were looking like its gleaming, but...

First of all he'd have to come up with a new conversation topic.

"Don't worry. Didn't I tell you? There aren't many humans that will attack you nor will attack me. That's as long as we just act normally and proceed with this date"


"And besides. They can't help it you know? Especially by just looking at you, there's no way they wouldn't be interested with a pretty lady like you," Rei complimented smoothly.


Though Tohka still hadn't let down her guard, at least she stopped seeming about to strike at any moment. Also, she turned her head away as she mumbled in a low tone.

"Whatever... You look quite good as well..."

"Hm? What did you say?"

"Nu... It's nothing, we still have many things to do after this. Right, Rei?"

"Okay, as you wish, princess"


"Got it, Tohka"

Rei said that to Tohka, whose face was somehow beet red, and steadily walked in the streets.

"Nu. Hey, Rei, where are we exactly going?"

Tohka followed right after him, and asked with an interested tone in anticipation while walking beside him.

It was then—unexpectedly, the precaution that dyed Tohka's face dropped away.

"Huh...? Hey Rei, what's that smell?"


He closed his eyes and sniffed the surrounding, and just as Tohka had said, a fragrant odor lingered in the air.

'This place is... well, coincidences are quite freaky, totally' Rei mused in his mind that the very street that they were walking into was the same as those of the novel.

So to not let him be bothered by it anymore, he shook his head slightly as he removed the thought in his mind.

Doing so, he then answered Tohka.

"Oh, it's probably from that"

Saying this, he pointed at the bakery on the right.


Saying just that, Tohka stared in that direction.


"Nu, what is it?"

"Wanna go in?"


Rei asked, and Tohka's fingertips twitched as her mouth curled into a frown. Then, with a miraculous timing, *guurururu*, Tohka's stomach growled.

It seems that even Spirits can feel hunger despite their superhuman constitution. And Rei could definitely agree on that since he is one himself.

"If Rei wants to go in then I won't not come in"

'I won't 'not' come in you say?' Rei mused in his mind before answering her back.

"...I want to go in. You want to go as well?"

"Is that so, then I have no choice!"

Excessively cheerfully, Tohka responded, and triumphantly opened the door to the bakery.








[A/N: More like a filler ain't it? Anyways, some of ya may find loopholes or problems with his backstory and I know that.

As I was building our MC's character, this really put some ache on the head as I noticed how difficult and complicated it was to create a good OC... and I could conclude myself that I really failed on that in a sense.

Okay, I know I know so spare me from some rants guys...




Also, as I was rereading the source material (LN), I noticed that this date Arc was plain boring so I'll wrap this series up in a chap or 2 after this.




Other than that, this chap may have answered one of the reader's who asked 'how' would Rei teach her the meaning of a Date. Though not a complete answer, the explanation of how he could do it due to his backstory would make it natural.

You get it?

UmU UmU. Also point out some errors and typos there, I'll appreciate it.



So that's all I want to say so bye bye]