
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 15: The Clash filled with Conflicting Thoughts

[??? PoV]

She was alone.


Felt betrayed for some reason.

She was currently floating in the air, lingering in doubt. Above was the expanse of the clear morning sky, which for many reasons she felt repulsed because such time and place does not suit her. Nonetheless, it was... beautiful on its own right, however, the ugly smoke that ascended from the collapsed ground bellow as well as the countless debris spread around the place ruined it.

She can't remember anything besides from vague memories that she can't fully comprehend. In random instances, some memories were slowly being flashed back within her mind.

She then blinked in...satisfaction as a particularly important memory that had details about her situation popped in. Upon knowing what that is despite its vagueness, she knew that her 'memory' shouldn't be fuzzy in the first place.

In other words, something 'wrong' happened.

And moreover, she doesn't know what's wrong...or maybe she doesn't remember what's wrong in the first. Truly an infuriating situation if you ask her.

Despite that though, she could likely remember one thing that may connect everything that she is missing on altogether.

That man, that bastard… whoever it was again that was frequently present within her vague memories… made her feel sad, furious, and it clearly fed her with conflicting thoughts.

Thus, leading to her stuck in this situation right now.

Then she felt a sword materialized by her right hand and therefore acknowledged it beforehand. The sword was emanating with sheer darkness at first glance waiting to engulf and destroy everything on its wake.

Was the sword's purpose cut the said man apart? Would it free her from this unknown pain she is currently suffering?

Before she could contemplate the sword's purpose, her attention was nudged by an individual down below. She would have ignored it if it wasn't for its blatant flaring of Reiryoku which is somewhat deliberate.

It was clearly showing its attempt of grabbing her attention to it. Would she go with the flow and play with it or not?

She decided to entertain this peculiar being that appeared before her and descended down the ruined ground with an undefined speed. By knowing its identity would it be worth slashing it or not?

'Would it be an enemy or not?' She asked internally again.

After getting some information from the entity below, be it useful or not. The next thing she would do is that she would likely have to kill the bastard later in her memories in order to free from this conflicting, disturbing emotions that was creeping upon her heart.

She has decided that she doesn't need these kinds of emotions anymore for she felt that it will end up to only holding her down...yet deep within herself, one part of her solidly disagrees about not needing those kind of emotions. That only made her scoff silently in response not understanding what it is.

Her feet finally touched the ground and her judging, cold eyes were set on the individual currently in front of her.

To her slight surprise, it seems that the entity didn't even bother to register her presence in his mind. The entity looked conflicted as it was immersing deep in thought.

It was then, she saw the features of this entity. To her genuine surprise shadowing that of those of earlier, she recognized the entity after a short glance of his face.

"Ah...so it was you," She spoke coolly as her indifferent expression changed that of a complicated frown.

Her eyes, as sharp as daggers while cold as ice gazed down on the individual before her.

It was none other than the bastard from her memories. What coincidence—or fate if some may call it. It was kind of...exciting, yet, infuriating at the same time just by looking at the bastard below.

She could see the relieved...and concerned look around the said individual when his eyes met hers, and contrary on how he looked with that relieved and concerned expression of his though, the Astral Dress that he has alongside his aura implied as if he was ready for battle. Does she feel same concern and eagerness to fight like the bastard?

For the former, definitely not...no, 'probably' not if she was to be honest. But it is a different case for the latter. If the bastard was looking for a fight, then she would gladly accept the challenge, that was how it's supposed to be in the first place.

The bastard's steps was then inclined with vigilance and his handsome pale face was adorned with a slight frown as he noticed that dense aura of hostility of hers pointed at him.

She raised her sword…and called out it's name...? Name? Ah, yes, she remembered the name of this sword.


It reacted with a blast of dark energy as it was acknowledged by her as she pointed it towards the bastard.

Suddenly, a flash of memories came back on her once more as she tapped her forehead with a grunt. Those memories could be described as none other than unpleasant. It was the memories of that time where those insects were after 'her' life each and every time she manifests in this world.

Is he one of them? She wasn't sure, so for the most obvious move that she should do, she asked.

"I see... So are you the one who came to kill me this time?" She asked curiously. Whether he answered truthfully or not, she decided to cut her down once she knew the answer.

One less threat for her then.

Instead of answering immediately, the bastard materialized his own sword and pointed it down to the ground in response.

A dark amethyst blade covered with strokes of gold like veins as it manifested with purple flames and sparks in his hands.

"Of course not," He shook his head in denial as he let out a brief smile. "Actually, taking a more gentle approach. I am here to 'stop' you, dear," The bastard replied back showing a faint smile towards her. His sword then was covered in purple flames.

His answer was that. To 'stop' her. Stop her from what? Destroying each and everything from her sight? Or maybe eliminating the source of distress that she was having no matter what it takes? Or maybe something else entirely?

Also, 'dear'? She felt irked by just hearing his somewhat affectionate call to her. Those words alone bugged her, the emotions within her swirled in response waiting for whatever the bastard wanted to say next.

She doesn't know, nor does she want to. His simple answer was enough to give her an idea of what he is talking about.

It was then, she placed her hand on top of her chest for some reason. Somehow, her heart was ridiculously beating fast even though she hardly did a thing. It was the feeling of joy—yet, the conflicting feelings such as anger, sadness...and betrayal were mix all behind it.

She felt something resonate from within, it was as if it was calling out for her to never let go of him because if she did, she would definitely regret that decision for the rest of her life.

If she could somewhat describe it even further...it was the feeling of familiarity and attraction to something alike.

She tried to question herself if the bastard was the same as her or not...

"Hmph, is that so?"

...but it doesn't matter if she can take the matters by her own sword.

For an instance though, the answer to her inquiry suddenly formed in her mind which surprisingly made her body halt in moving.

The two of them were the same...in many aspects that she could and couldn't point out. At the same time, she can't help but sneer in repulse of the fact that she was admitting it herself.

'On second thought, I'll get more answers....after this. If he survives this battle that is,' she thought as she hardly gripped the handle of her blade.


Thus the whole area erupted with a swelling destruction.


Both seemed to be equal in swordsmanship, despite the obvious difference of the blade they wield fervently. Nevertheless, Rei does not shy from using less graceful and more conventional methods to his advantage, such as an empowered punch and using [Gates] in a distance to redirect attacks and escape, which...'Inverse Tohka' found it difficult to counter and follow.

In closer notice, Inverse Tohka was accumulating more bruises and gashes beneath her Astral Dress than Rei as they progressed their fight.

Does Rei want to hurt her? Of course not, but it was a different case if there is nothing he could do but fight her given by the circumstances. It takes a strong will and resolve to do things that would be contrary to what he honestly wants to, no matter how foolish it may be.

The earth shook once more as they brandished their blades against each other a hundred times within a fraction of a second.

Conflicting, unstable energies remained rampant among the atmosphere. Painting the clear blue sky with deep, bloody red and purple hue.

Rei grimaced inwardly, as much as he wanted to cover the supposed 'traces' after this foolish battle, such thing was not even considered a choice in the first place. The sheer exchanges of their blades was enough to create tremors within the barrier.

It was to his shock though that the barrier that he made wouldn't probably last before this fight reaches its conclusion. Did he made a mistake on making the barrier?


It was then, the barrier broke—at least the first layer that is, there are few more remaining however it wasn't as strong as the first one. It would only take a few more seconds for another one to be broken down. Despite this, he was only slightly concerned about that at this moment, the present problem was the one he should focus on.


The flashing torrents of dark energies were blasted to him one after another. Such blatant and powerful yet wasteful way to use your Reiryoku would normally be deemed as bad—if this was another case that is. Inverse Tohka however looks nothing like exhausted from the barrages as she prepared again another one as energy rapidly accumulated on her blade.

She must have an abundant amount of reserves of Reiryoku if she was pulling this kind of stunt.

Maneuvering though the countless buildings in the area, jumping and redirecting attacks one after another, Rei narrowed his gaze as he readied <Raguel> in his hands.

It was at that time where <Raguel> was now overloaded with Reiryoku.


A blast of flame energy then appeared out of nowhere and a useless building was toppled down.

Inverse Tohka hurriedly stepped as she avoided the dreaded blast, while blocking the majority with her trusty sword. The sword will be fine but her body is another issue.

Rei just walked nonchalantly on a levelled ground, with <Raguel> in his hand roaring with energies. Sharp, amethyst eyes set on her front.


With a cruel brandish, Rei cut down an incoming gale slightly altering space to his will, revealing Inverse Tohka with an expression of shock. The gale has cleaned a meter of pavement before it was stopped by Rei himself.

"For a 'Demon King', you are exceptionally strong just as your title states. However, is that all that you got, dear? How disappointing," Rei mockingly exclaimed with the purpose to rile his opponent up. "...Raguel; <Burst>"

As flames cut down the distance between them.


His tremendous jump created a crater beneath him before he went off.


Inverse Tohka was taken by surprise as she came face to face with Rei, their faces lightened by the brutal sparks from the friction caused by their blades clashing with each other.

"Tch! You insolent bastard!"

The Demon King has difficulty maintaining her dominance against the Seraph. The impact continued them to be soaring toward the sky.

Rei's amethyst eyes scanned the face of the Inverse. "Too naive, for someone bearing this much power, is that all you got? Naive, very much so to my amusement!" Rei declared while adding on his thoughts as he let out a wry smile. 'Not that I'm entirely different from that though. What audacity, haha'

Tohka could only gritted her teeth in fury as she tried to remove herself away from the bastard, but to no avail. Rei gladly took the initiative and began to push Tohka's sword away using his forearm guard, thus creating a violent reaction that exploded upon impact.


Tohka was promptly thrown away from the explosion and was planted on the ground, creating another crater in her wake. As if the place itself was screwing her, nearby buildings collapsed toward her direction, burying her several miles deep in concrete and debris.

Rei was standing on another abandoned building, his forearm whom he used to push away Inverse Toka was devoid of protection and instead presented a bruised afflicted on his skin.

Rei can regenerate his forearm guards on a whim but he found it little use against this kind of opponent who could obliterate anything in its path, just like him. Without further ado, he eventually shed some parts of his armor in favor of speed and agility.


His excess armor dissipated into wisps of mana, revealing parts of his bare body. It might be far from worrying but her forearm hasn't healed back as fast as he thought so, a fitting concern that his opponent isn't someone to be underestimated. Nevertheless, he can still function as normal as he can...

...Not only for him to realize that his forearm was already healing to a fast degree that he didn't notice for it only happened the second he turned his gaze away from it.


A pillar of darkness erupted, amongst the hill of debris, creating a massive hole and when the pillar dissipated, it revealed a pissed off Inverse Tohka who was already wounded.

Rei could only look in grim expression of worry...and satisfaction below. It was kind of funny that conflicting emotions were being mixed in his thoughts frequently.

Observing her body's state once more...despite it's unfavorable condition, it seems that she was still full on fuel on continuing this fight. However, he already knew that it was obvious that this 'Tohka' wasn't some kind of one-sided joke that would easily give up without giving everything she got.

She was kind of a stubborn woman as far as he knows.

Their sharp eyes met against each other and the spirits began anew. If 'Tohka' wanted to end this farce right here and right now, then she must deploy her strongest attack. Luckily, she has enough strength to do so.

"Come...my throne!"

Amidst the ruin, a mystical golden throne suddenly sprung up from thin air beside her and upon fully summoning it, destroyed it with one slash. The shattered pieces then began to converge on her broadsword as it began to change into its full glory.

Now, Rei understood that it was some kind of preparation for Tohka's greatest attack so far. If this is Inverse Tohka's alternate version of her 'Halvanhelev' which even boggled Rei since he had only realized that the kind of attack that weapon could release was more or less has the ability to rip space and him apart in its full output, yet why didn't he stop her midway?

Because he was thrilled, he hated this himself that he was thrilled to contest against that sword. Efficiency his ass, his reluctance to act to stop her right now was the mere indication of not acting 'efficiently'! What a cruel joke, a person filled with contradictions one after another!

However, he couldn't help it...

"I see"

...for that was one of the effects of this form however, the seventh degree was primarily focused on combat—which affects his mind for the lust for battle while making him cut his thoughts about anything unrelated to the battle as it slowly kills his emotional judgement as he dons this form.

If he wears this Alternative Astral Dress out, then everything would come back to normal. That is what Rei knows, nonetheless, it was really weird to the fact that you are turning into a completely different person in your notice.

Inverse Tohka's sword is now several meters longer than her height, thanks to the shattered pieces of the throne that added [Nahemah]'s destructive potency. She couldn't hide her condescending smirk, hoping—no, believing this will eradicate that annoying bastard that kept on playing with her.

She had promptly forgotten that this bastard was the one who she vowed to seek for answers when this battle is over, and was now replaced with the obsession of destroying the bastard. How unfortunate it is, really.

She will never forgive or forget, and with her [Paverschlev]. Nothing can stop her.

The look of an unimpressed stare from Rei as if he already knew what she was planning to do only further irritated her. It seemed that Rei too was preparing to unleash his own version of a powerful attack, as his own sword was now violently raging with purple aura more than ever.

"At last, now throw me your strongest attack...Tohka!" Rei's strong voice reached Tohka, who was now visibly furious at Rei's words which sounded like a taunt to her ears. "Raguel; <Burst>!" Rei declared.

Rei analyzed that in terms of 'raw power', Tohka easily overwhelmed him by a very small margin. But that alone isn't enough to turn the tides of this battle. It was clear that he was on the upper hand just by looking at their outward appearance.

As he licked his lips tasting the iron-like taste of blood from earlier, he smiled in content. <Raguel> raged as if it was excited, purple flames grew in size.

Inverse Tohka was now preparing for her finale, as she was about to swing that gigantic blade toward Rei.



A huge wave of dark energies travelled towards Rei, as it destroyed everything in its path. Tohka smirked as there is no way that the bastard can avoid it anymore.

That attack of hers, she fundamentally knew that it could rip and even interfere with the 'Space' spanning all over the area. Those pesky portals that this bastard creates all over to block or escape her attacks all the time would be deemed as useless.

Her eyes was still locked on the bastard's figure, that slight frown from understanding that his Spatial Manipulation would not be of use just a second earlier made her grin even more.

She could feel it, the victory is hers…yet, why? This pain coursing through her very being just ended up being even more painful?


Instead of finding answers to her questions, she shrugged as her gaze remained locked to...Rei, whose name would be forever ingrained in her mind on the time she remembered it.

It was all going to end with her victory...


...if not only that Rei retorted too in similar fashion as he swung his sword in all his might.

"Raguel; <Judgement>!"

An opposite wave of disastrous large purple slash was shot against the wave, each clashing against each other in terms of strength.


Another explosion that could make anyone deaf within its range. The mixture of both unstable energies that came from either blade was too much for the place to bear.

The result? A mute immense explosion comparable to a nuclear blast. The blast radius completely flattened the area into a disastrous wasteland.


[A/N: Hoh Hoh. Here's the 2nd chap tho quite late from what I expected, it's still released so yep, no problems right?

Originally, I wanted to make this as one whole chapter with the interlude but I can't help but think that it would look like the chapter would be too long and somewhat dragged. As in, almost 5.3k+ words man! That would be my highest word count in my hobby of writing!


Another concern about the split of this chapter is because of the fact that I might miss some errors here and there specially on the fight.

By the way, how did I do with the fight scene? Is it passable to be rated as great? Or maybe mediocre, share your thoughts.

Also, some people may notice that this battle scene might slightly resemble those of some action novel that you could find somewhere... That is because I used it as a reference so please, don't burn meh too much. But don't get me wrong, I still made some noticable changes to make it different guys!

With all that finished...See ya guys and the next chap, ciao~]