
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 14: Turning Point...? [3]

As Tohka declared, she burst forward quickly appearing in a distance holding her broadsword—<Sandalphon>, which is somehow being coated with dark aura, up in preparation to cleave the orange head down.


Completely(?) caught off guard(?), Gudako could only exclaim in surprise. Tohka, who was supposedly Rei's girlfriend or something was quite(?) serious.


'This girl is TOO serious! No, DANGEROUSLY SERIOUS! She really is dead set on slicing me apart!' Gudako exclaimed in her thoughts while uncharacteristically showing a wry expression as if she had expected this outcome in the first place.

In the first place, SHE KNEW that girls with this 'type' of archetypes tend to act way beyond reason. Yet, for some stupid reason, she went and tried to tease—or rather, accidentally provoked the girl.

Again, this kind of scenario or ending already came up in Gudako's mind. Being attacked in one way or another was commonplace for her throughout her journeys. Of course, she would always have someone on her back when the time comes though.

And as said, her supposed helper came to help. It was none other than her precious Kouhai!

"Senpai! Haaa!" Mashu dashed intercepting the slash with her humongous shield.


The impact was so strong that the sheer force of the Angel coming in contact with the Shield created strong vibrations and waves enough to shatter to everything around them.

Gudako herself leaped a few blocks away to get some considerable distance in order to not getting caught up with the exchange.

'Really, knowing the basics of reinforcement magecraft is a must to learn for any magus out there,' The Master mused within her mind remember some notable magi—or even Servants who she knew. One of the most notable ones was a certain Red Bowman.


Somewhere, a certain Counter-Guardian sneezed.

"Archer?" Inquired a young woman with aqua eyes and long wavy brown hair in a two-side-up hairstyle. "Do Servants get sick or something? Or is it just you?"

Archer who rubbed the bridge of his nose snorted.

"Probably just some dust, Rin," Setting his sights 'somewhere', he then sighed. "Or maybe someone was just talking behind my back"

"Hm," nodded Rin. "Most likely considering a rude jerk like you"

Instead of getting offended though, Archer just scoffed much to Rin's irritation before answering, "Thanks for the compliment"

"It wasn't!" Exclaimed Rin wondering where—or rather, why did her Servant Summoning got wrong!


Reinforcement could be described as a pretty conventional and versatile mage craft depending on every situation your in. Sure, she only learned the basics but it yielded decent results.

With that in mind, she also learned other spells adding it to her arsenal. The only thing to keep in focus was 'when' and 'where' the opportunity comes for her to strike it.

What was left now was to wait, and a few seconds later, it happened.


[At the same time]

As the short skirmish continued...there was one person who...decided not any major actions at the moment. Really, the said person—Rei, thought that what he was doing was pretty idiotic—no, 'foolish'.

On the side, Rei couldn't help but wince with his brows as he let out a weak laugh. He could more or less guess the reason as for why Tohka is like that and how everything led up to this situation. However, Rei didn't even expect things to go up to this point...'this early' at the very least.

He was a fool. He knew this was gonna happen yet why did he not prevent it? The answer was already given, he was a FOOL.

Now, some would rather call him stupid—or an idiot, but he would deny that.

He may be a 'fool', but he is not an 'idiot'.

To clarify, an 'idiot' would usually be someone unintelligent, or indeed mentally handicapped—and he was nothing by any means like that. A 'fool' however, was someone who acted imprudently, sillily, and that of a person who makes...unwise decisions.

So whilst the words are often used to mean the same thing, 'idiot' carries overtones of a lack of intelligence, 'fool' carries overtones of lack of judgement, or just silliness.

Both would do 'stupid' things—but the idiot would do them because he didn't understand why they were stupid, whereas the fool should really know better. And one proof of that is that he was just watching the thing happen before his eyes and not even doing anything.

Watching the events unfold, Rei internally mocked himself. What is the best course of action he should do now? Of course, he knows. He should stop this unnecessary clash—and a few seconds later the opportunity had risen.

'It was time to move—a thing I really should've done more earlier,' Rei thought.

And it all started with just a sway of his hands.


[A few seconds earlier]

Noticing that the woman wasn't slashed down as the other one blocked her sword. She stepped back and regained her footing before bursting forth once more swiftly swinging her blade to the side.

Her aim was precisely the orangette whose the most vulnerable one of the pair. And once more, it happened. The shield met the sword and deflected it.

Tohka was rather impressed by the Plum haired Knight, her blows was not something that could be described as weak. In fact, it was strong enough to create destructive waves with just a simple swing.

Yet, this Shielder blocked it 'cleanly' and with precision. In Tohka's eyes, this girl certainly has experience, and not just normal experience that you would have in normal combat. What she saw was someone whose experience have been tempered through countless battles with stronger individuals where the odds of winning were stacked against her.

Tohka can't help but grin subconsciously despite the cold expression that she was showing on the outside.

Did Tohka ever try to see the limits of her abilities? No, the humans...or those Mecha Mecha Squad that she had always fought were too fragile to even take a clean blow from her broadsword.

That's why she did not even have the thought of knowing her limits...until this opportunity came. To be honest, she is quite enjoying it much to her displeasure. That however doesn't deter her from her goal in mind.

The Spirit could block and parry her strikes well enough. Despite the fact that her opponent wasn't really attacking back in response much to her irritation, everything was going well.

'Hmph, I'll ramp things up then. How long would you last, I wonder?' Tohka thought as she fueled more Reiryoku on her strikes.


Mashu tried to tank as many blows as she can with the seemingly endless blows coming thru and fro to her as she tried to maneuver her movements so that her Senpai would get to safety while also preparing for a possible counter.

Although she admits, that being a Shielder has made her near invulnerable to any kind of physical damages, she can't prolong this seemingly one sided battle any longer.

Openings were not available, Mashu could not see any present one at the moment. If she couldn't 'find' one, then her only option left was to 'create' one.

Seeing Tohka lift her broadsword up as she fueled it with Reiryoku. A single swung, a torrent of energy soon was shot in a form of a slash.


She was thrown back as the wave of energy struck and exploded on her, thankfully, large shield protected her just as it should be. She grunted as she stood valiantly, trying to gather her center of gravity before she sprung away from Tohka.

However, as much as she can do, it seemed Tohka was capable of catching up with her—no, Tohka was just relatively 'toning' her pace to keep up with her.

In short, it was as if she was holding back. Tohka was still 'measuring' her abilities while keeping up with Mashu, and they both knew that fact. Sooner or later, this pattern will collapse and the one who will emerge victorious was clearly the former.

To her credit, Mashu already fought opponent's way beyond her league more times as far as she could remember. But Mashu doubted she can give an offensive strike while having the risk of attacking Tohka only to be caught in surprise from whatever she was holding back.

Besides, she's perfectly good at defending herself. It also was not a surprising deal to combat enemies way beyond her abilities.

Still, no matter how optimistic one could be. A battle where someone who doesn't have the mind to make a counter or an attack to its opponent was doomed to be defeated.

In fact, she can't even call this a battle that she could win unless some kind of interference happens. Of course, she had fought battles where victory is bleak at sight, that however didn't discouraged her from doing her duty and move forward.

There's a good chance she might be defeated due to exhaustion or maybe being overwhelmed by the Tohka's endless blows. Either way, both were not something that she would call good for her situation.

Mashu grunted as she was pushed away by another explosion and she felt her arms numb as she tried to erect the shield keeping up the pace with the movements of her opponent.

It was then, an opportunity came at sight. A possible blind spot that resulted by chance or maybe her opponent's blunder if you may call it, not completely, but she will make it so. Quickly adjusting her posture, Mashu then stepped up as she swung and bashed her shield as strong as she could.

Taking this a sign of 'fighting back', Tohka then prepared herself as she moved in response. She straightforwardly took the blow with her blade to deflect it easily—is what should've happened except for the fact that the blow was way beyond the level of what she had expected!

Tohka visibly grunted as she was unexpectedly thrown back. Her form and defense was vulnerable, but still manageable... however—


It was then, a flash of lightning was shot on a distance towards Tohka at high speeds.

Gandr. A type of curse that can reduce the target's physical capability. In other words, it can render the opponents' capabilities to move, even for only a small time frame.

Gudako smiled in satisfaction, as she reminisced several memories in mind.

Back then, the spells she can use, like this offensive Gandr, are dependent on the Mystic Code she wears. Without a Mystic Code, she is virtually incapable of using even the simplest forms of magecraft, although it is uncertain if this is due to lack of training, inferior magic circuits, or both.

And as stated, it was back then. It all changed as time passes, she is without doubt, matured to someone trustworthy of the title of Master. She truly had gotten far on her journey. Such results of being able to use these Spells without the help of Mystic Codes.

Knowing so, the capabilities of her Spell shouldn't be expected to deal much, but it will be enough to subdue Tohka and buy time even for a moment.

Her aim was good and she was sure it would hit Tohka. It was a supposed blind spot on the rear, but—Tohka then instinctively raised her free hand as she turned her body to the shot's direction before erecting a translucent barrier the easily blocked the spell.

As a result, everything seemed to start back at square one. Mashu visibly grunted as she regrouped with her Master.

Tohka twitched slightly while adorning a rather gleeful smile. Though she wasn't aware of it, for those who would see her right now, they would undeniably describe her as having...fun.

"...As I thought, I am really a fool," Rei sighed as he waved his hands in the air. At one section, the 'Space' bended itself. "I'll handle this as promised"

"Eh? Rei, what are you—? Ah...!"

"Wha—ah? Rei-senpai?!"

What Rei did was that he simply opened a [Gate] right beneath the feet where Gudako and Mashu, they immediately fell without resistance as they uttered those words.

Everything just happened so fast that even Tohka was surprised by the sudden interruption.

Rei just sent them 'accidentally' several meters up in the sky, and without doubt, any normal person would get injured in the fall, or worst, die.

However, knowing that those two practically experienced something more extreme than that (like falling over hundreds of meters up in the sky), he shrugged at the thought. Those two would be fine... probably.

"Did you have enough fun already?" asked Rei as she stared at Tohka waiting for her answer.

"Do I look like I'm having fun Rei?" Tohka said as she tilted her head as she scrunched up her brows. "If you're trying to make me lau—"

"Then explain the gleeful smile on your face. Surely, you won't deny that, right?" Rei pointed out as he chuckled.

'Gleeful smile? What...?' Tohka then paused. She unconsciously touched her face. Without doubt, her lips were literally bent on a curve. She was literally smiling.

Did she find the battle fun? Perhaps she did. She wasn't so petty to deny that it felt good releasing your stress with 'fighting' as an option.

Rei giggled much to his amusement. "Now then, it's been a long day. Should we head back home? Oh, would you like to drop to a nearby restaurant—"

"Enough, Rei, don't act as if nothing happened," Tohka spoke in a pained tone, he was diverting the topic. She may not be the smartest one out there, but she can at least notice 'important' details when it matters.

"Why did you interfere? Can't you see that I'm about to get done—"

"Tohka, it was far from done, in fact, you guys are just starting in my eyes," Rei stated with a more voiceful tone. "And I decided to finish it all. So Tohka, everything is done, okay? I'll explain everything when we get back"

"I'm not playing here, Rei!" Exclaimed Tohka to the surprise of the perpetrator herself and Rei. "...Where did you send them? Ah...I'll finish this fast, so please—"

"No, Tohka. This matter is done. It's mostly my fault you see, but you trying to kill them won't change anything"



"Answer me!"

Brandishing her blade, she pointed it at him, she couldn't believe that she would ever consider Rei as an 'enemy' right at this moment. Visible tears falling down from her cheeks, the way her expression that was filled with anguish and betrayal gave Rei several messages in his mind.

"....It's all their fault, right? You admit that you also have your faults. We'll talk about this later, Rei," Tohka said as the waves of dark aura around her started to get more destructive than ever. "So let me erase them so that no one can ever get between us...Please....Rei"

"I'll say this for once and it won't change the way you are now, Tohka," Rei paused as he let out a weak and conflicted smile.

That expression of his pained Tohka. He was acting weird, he promised her...that he will always be by her side!

The hint of rejection.

'But his promise....no, he won't—'



Hearing that single word of rejection which sounded like a bell of judgement on her ears, in that mere moment, her consciousness was suddenly cut off. Tohka felt a feeling of grabbing hold on something other than the Angel in her right hand.

No, maybe that's-----

The unknown feeling might be the one that 'grabbed' her.


Amidst the happenings outside her consciousness, she felt like she was sinking in a sea coated in endless darkness.

Everything was black, yet, the feeling was familiar to her. It was this sea of darkness again. A dream perhaps? When did she again appear here? Sadly, she can't completely remember, but she was sure that it happened a few days...prior.

Suddenly, a voice soon was heard out. A faint ray of light invaded this sea of darkness. However, a cracking sound resonated in the area which was undoubtedly heard by her ears.


[Immersion In-progress @($)/#@!!21(#hhh; Commencing Breach Attempt]

The voice sounded as if it was emotionless. Just like those of a soulless being, a machine of some sorts. There are words that she didn't comprehend which really didn't catch her interest.

After a few seconds, it then resounded once again, echoing through the vast sea of darkness.

[They are all your enemies]


She was confused. What is this now? Enemies? Ah, if it means 'them' then yes.

[There is no side for you there]


Hearing that, she grunted. No side? She has...yes. There's no way she couldn't. After all, he was there for her.

[There is no one in this world who can be with you]

"No, that is...Wrong...wrong, wrong," she denied. She already have an inkling upon what this voice was trying to get on her.

['He' is your enemy]

".....He would never be my enemy...it's just a misunderstanding. He will always be at my side, that was his promise... and he will always be with me, I will make him!"

[Yet, where is he now? Nowhere, right? So why are you struggling so much? No one recognizes your hard work. So give up. Giving up on all this will make it easier, right?]


[You won't be loved anyway]

"...No, he already loves me...it's my fault for being—" She didn't get to finish her sentence as the voice questioned her again.

[You won't get recognized anyway]

"Ha...? He already recognized me, that's enough..."

The voice tries to deny many things that she would've haven't thought off. It was stupid...yet, she felt something uncomfortable crawling on her body.

[Do you really need to go back?]

"What...? Of course...I do"

[Do I have to go through that hardship again?

Why does it matter anyways? Everything in this world would be messed up especially for beings like you. No matter what, he won't accept you...


"No, that isn't correct! He will accept me...no matter how many times it takes, he would!" She—Tohka exclaimed in denial to those utter rubbish that she was hearing. Such vile thoughts managed to get into her—yet, she ended up passing it. In the end, she won in a battle which she didn't even know off.

[WhY? @!(1(;2;&";2; Error; Breach Terminated—Commencing Second Attempt———]


It was then, the voice was cut—in the most literal manner it is. The only sound it makes is when it whistles as it cuts through the air. She knew what it was—someone sliced it down with a 'sword'.

Despite that, the uncomfortable feeling did not disappear, rather, it only started to get worse.

"Hmph... Good. Now reach out your hand. I'll take your place as promised temporarily as promised"

The feeling of something suffocating in her chest grows deeper and deeper.

As she drifted in this dark space slowly sinking down, drunk in anguish, she then heard a voice echo in a distance, she then raised her head, which was slowly followed by her arm.

"Yeah... That's it. Reach out your hand..." The voice called out. It was familiar, where did she her that voice again? "It's all right. As promised, I'll return the reigns of our body to yours afterwards"


Her consciousness was getting blurry at each second. She honestly felt that she should agree for once to this voice calling out on her. Unlike the one from before, she knows deep within that she could trust what this one is saying.

With that in mind, she stretched out her hand trying to grab something out. But she can't. Why?

Despite her attempts on grabbing 'it'. Her hands just passes through. It's as if 'it' was just a illusion—or an corporeal being.

"Hm? Ah. So it is 'that' huh? It seems that some complications have happened..." The voice sounded moody. "Blurry memory after taking over, eh? Sadly, it seems my take over would give results out of hand...so I will apologize beforehand, me"

Just as she was about to give up, her hand slowly fell down. She failed to reach out and grab it, maybe she could rest for now?However, just as stated earlier, she wasn't the one who grabbed 'it'. The unknown feeling—no, 'she' was the one who grabbed her.








[A/N: Anyways, here's the chap. Kinda thinking about wrapping this 2nd Vol in a few more chapters. Looking at it, this volume was the convergence of my FF from the OG Plot, I'm kinda satisfied on how things are going despite the errors and flaws present.

It's also getting harder to write due to this but even so, I think it's worth it with you guys having the time to read it haha.

Now, about the fight, how do ya guys think about it. I tried my best to apply what I know so far, especially about Mashu's capabilities when against a Spirit like Tohka. I know that there might be some things that I might have missed, so kindly point it out guys.

If you are wondering btw. I would rather classify Servants to be stronger than Spirits. But yeah, not all Servants and Spirits are strong, but obviously. You know the FGO power system right? Isn't obvious whose stronger between the two platforms.

Though I tried to downplay Mashu for a bit (much to my convenience...sorry guys) in order to somewhat prolong the fight. The fight could be classified as short but quite eventful...I guess? Comment your thoughts.

Also, as you all could see. The MC's personality is not the best, and my original design for him was kinda bumpy and confusing. The result of that is this MC—Rei, whose what you could tell a OC with

Sometimes, he acts like a weird dude just out of nowhere. Sometimes, he seems to think and act like a nice protagonist like any other yet deep inside, you could see that his thought process and personality was somewhat messed up, and similar to vice versa.

Sometimes he does things out of the blue without any reason, and so on and so forth. As you can see, it's ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Not the best character out there, I know. Maybe, I can flush out more of his character in this arc, but to summarize it in one word, Rei's personality could be describe of those of a FOOL.

Hm, you don't think so? Then share your thoughts about his output. I'm quite interested on how you see him anyways. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated if ya know what I mean.

Also, point out some errors. I'll really appreciate it!

3.8k Wryyyy-----

With that said, see ya guys on the next chap!]