
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 11: This is so Unfair, isn't it?

[A/N: I want to say many things in this chap, to be specific, it was about the 4th Season of DAL, but that should come up later!





Zuuu— Zuuu—

Along with the machine's low sound, the bed is gradually being sucked into a huge inspection machine.


There laid Tohka—or rather, Tohka Yatogami, who slowly lowered her eyelids as she closed her eyes.

Her name Tohka was given by Rei, though the surname Yatogami was given to her by a woman named Murasame Reine.

Tohka had qualms about why they should decide it for her, she found it incredulous for them—or Reine just to just decide that. Why can't they just make it the same as Rei's? Tohka Ainsworth, sounds well enough to her ears.

However, when she heard the meaning of the surname, she couldn't help but like it in response. Night Sword God, in kanji they say, quite befitting for her right? Still, she insisted Ainsworth only to be rebuked each and every time.

In the first place, why is she even arguing about this? Why should she care? In the end, it depends on her whether she would even follow what they say or not.

When the said analyst gave a reasonable explanation which is having the same surname would only cause misunderstandings which would put Tohka in a place where she is Rei's sister or relative of some sorts. And for all Reine said, sisters or relatives being in such an...intimate relationship would be frowned upon society.

This caused Kotori back then to glare at Reine while muttering, 'If they are not blood related, then it's alright isn't?' Which Reine refrained form answer back then as she continued explaining to Tohka.

Yet, she still doesn't care. Why should she think like humans would? They are fundamentally different species, she is a Spirit, and they were human. Why follow their rules? It was funny.

Knowing that they would just go in circles and would never reach a proper conclusion, Kotori who was sitting by the side decided to call Rei who wasn't in the place and had some different matters to attend to.

This of course perked up the interest of Tohka as she immediately asked Rei if the surname Yatogami or Ainsworth would be a better fit for her which Rei subconsciously answered the former.

It was at this point that Rei knew, he somewhat screwed up.

This caused Tohka to gasp in surprise as she asked as if her pet just died recently, which her voice was filled with disbelief, shock, sadness and altogether.

'...R-Rei, am I that unworthy having y-your surname...?' Tohka stammered as she asked as her eyes was slowly being filled with tears.

Unacceptable. She first thought before Rei giving her a clear answer which calmed her down.

'Well, if we get together in the future and get...married, you would have my surname as well. Besides, you like the surname 'Yatogami' as well right?' is what Rei answered as if it was a matter of fact.

Yes, Tohka did like the sound of Yatogami and she had no problems having it besides the desire having the same as those of Rei. After some convincing was made, in the end, she accepted. Nothing could go wrong right?

Well, that was the story of how she got her surname a few days ago alongside some 'education'... or common sense if you may.

Back to the topic...Up until now, she already received several inspections; as expected, the feeling wasn't really good. It was a one of the primal fears in all organisms, the fear of being swallowed whole by a huge predator or something. But no, don't mistake her feelings as 'fear' or anything similar—its just... very uncomfortable. Yes, that's what it is.

After Tohka's body was entirely swallowed inside the machine, the light of the x-ray passed through Tohka's body.

After few minutes later, the machine finally removes itself from the bed where Tohka had laid down.

"Yes, this part is done and you may get up, Tohka," The voice called her out, those of a woman's to be exact.


Upon hearing the voice that had come from above, Tohka slowly opened her closed eyes.

Next to the bed, there's a girl standing up with a concerned look. Her hair is tied up with black ribbon. And, she is eating a lollipop in her mouth. If you take a look at those characteristics, the only thing you can feel from her is that she's was simply a cute girl.

She is wearing crimson military uniform; her expression was flat. It creates strange impression that the she looks too young for the clothes.

Yet, this only applies to what normal people—or humans would think of, for Tohka, there was nothing much out of ordinary compared to what she had worn as a Spirit.

This person was none other as the Spirit who Rei had mentioned in some of his stories before she met her, a Spirit who has been living in human society while not being under the threat for so long. She was as well the <Ratatoskr> commander, yes, the said commander of this place and small organization she was in, Kotori Itsuka.

"Hm? How's your physical condition? Did you feel some sort of problem?" Asked Kotori taking out the lollipop out from her mouth.

"No, there are no complications worth mentioning," Replied Tohka dryly as she stretched her limbs. "So, is this finished?"

Just before Kotori could answer, a noise interrupted her. The sound of the metal door opening made the two look at it's direction.

"...Sorry for the delay"

Upon hearing that voice, Kotori's body started to walk towards her putting the lollipop back to her mouth. Putting on a serious expression, she then said.

"Oh, Reine, you're faster than expected. Are the results already out?"

During that time, there currently stands a woman wearing a <Ratatoskr> uniform. She has long hair put in a simply hairstyle and has an old stuffed teddy bear that she puts in her breast pocket. The stuffed bear has lots of scratches, and the woman's face looks so pale. Her voluptuous breast press together on the bear makes them look even bigger.

Tohka even winced at the sight before ignoring it right after. Hers could be considered 'big' as well, Rei would even support her on that claim...but for some reason, she felt like she was defeated in some battle that she didn't know of.

The newcomer's name was none other than Murasame Reine, an analyst here, as well as Kotori's companion.

"No, just a few more minutes. We'll be done," Reine spoke in a mild manner as she eyed Tohka.

Tohka turned her head briefly landing on Reine's figure who was typing something on her tablet.

"Is that so?" Tohka replied plainly as she stared at the woman.

There something that really irked her when she first landed her eyes upon Reine, but she couldn't just figure it out. That sole reason made her wary of her, be it overthinking or not, she tried to gauge her in her mind however, she found nothing out of ordinary from this woman...and that was the problem.

There's no way this woman could be just an ordinary person. Tohka knew this by gut feeling or instinct alone which was one of her most trusted arsenals as far as she could remember. Nonetheless, she still couldn't figure what it is about Reine that bothers her.

That's why for now, Tohka decided to keep her in range. As one of the quites she had read on the...'internet' as a past time hobby, 'Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer'.

Well, she somewhat disagrees to that for she would rather keep Rei closer than anyone else. Still, she understood what the quote implies which made her take note of it in her mind.

'Could Reine be considered as an enemy?' Tohka pondered rather showing a difficult expression.

The answer to that was obviously undecided. As for now, the said person really hasn't done anything 'bad' towards her or Rei. In fact, Reine was the one who seemingly understood how she thinks, behaves and acts. It was as if she knew her personally.

Mulling over her thoughts, Tohka then spoke in a serious tone, directing towards the pair.

"You'll hold the end of our deal, right?"

The deal that they agreed upon was none other than 'Helping' Tohka about Rei. Well, helping improving their relationship, arranging more dates for them, and so on and so forth.

That was the gist of their deal, there are other more details left unmentioned however those were the ones to be taken note on.

"Nn, don't worry. We'll make preparations after this," Reine answered as she nodded finishing with a tap on the tablet she was holding.

Tohka was currently located at the hidden underground base of Ratatoskr in Tenguu City. In here, they conduct their so-called 'observations' mainly about her.

For many reasons, Tohka can't help but want to blast the place up. How dare they treat her like some rare animal and something like a specimen for their experiment?

Tohka reminisced in her thoughts as she closed her eyes.

It was infuriating. However, Tohka could somehow tolerate them to some extent.

They were the first group of humans (excluding those who she met shortly on that date between her and Rei) that showed no signs of harming her. Upon hearing more details, Tohka couldn't help but wince in doubt.

The main purpose of this organization—the Ratatoskr was to save 'Spirits'. Yes, Spirits like her.

Of course, she was filled with doubt in such claim, the only thing that made Tohka to somehow believe was Rei who also told her that their goal was the truth.

"Now Reine, I think with that tap, we're officially finished for today?" Kotori asked as Reine gave a short nod afterwards. She then added. "We're using the same Realizer, didn't we?"

As for why the Realizer was mentioned, it goes way way back. The <Fraxinus> was still under repair after that day when some 'Spirit' decided to make a very destructive and reckless move to eliminate the AST.

As for who that Spirit was, it's already a given. Nevertheless, some would say that he was just defending himself, a very logical reason indeed considering that those people were the ones who tried to attack you.

Moving on, Reine continued, "....Yes. This thing is similar to <Fraxinus>, this machinery has a realizer installed in it as well"

The said machine was a recent item that arrived a few days ago after all.

While saying this, Reine's hand pointing out to some documents appearing on the tablet.

"…Look at it, Tohka's spiritual energy value from the beginning until now has fallen down into the normal state compared from when she was still unsealed. The equipment wasn't able to detect any abnormal Reiryoku or unstable Reiryoku as of late. The current status of the 'route' between Tohka and Rei is what we could call...perfect," Reine stated as she once again eyed Tohka, however, this time, she looked at her slightly showing surprise and doubt.

Reine then followed, "With this, we could safely say that if Shin were to seal any other Spirits, a similar result should also appear, however..."


"The seal that she has compared to the incomplete one of yours and Shin could be also identified as different..."

"Different? Didn't you say that the end result would be similar," asked Kotori as she mad a frown hoping that it wouldn't be something bad.

"Yes, we could say that hers," Reine pointed her finger at Tohka who tilted her head in confusion. "...is somewhat loose and more free compared to yours. Her Reiryoku readings are stable as you could see, but as you can see, her behavioral pattern shows fluctuations regarding towards a specific subject"


"Yes, that said subject was a person to be exact. It was other than Rei himself," Reine hummed. "Tohka's mental state when regarding Rei makes unusual fluctuations which more or less deems her as... unstable"

"This..." Kotori slowly widened her eyes in realization.

Reine nodded as if knowing what Kotori would say and then added, "...Judging by the date we've gathered, in my hypothesis, she could draw out more than 50% up to 90% of her Spirit parameters if several conditions are met...And if that is correct, Tohka could prolong the use of her Angel just like when she was a unsealed Spirit"

Absorbing the current details in her head, Kotori let out a frown. For the way Reine is saying it, it seems that it will go into a rather troublesome in the next parts.

Reine then continued, "...despite being sealed compared to yours who could only manage to bring a sliver amount of your parameters unless you forcefully don your Astral Dress"

Kotori knew of the fact that after being sealed, Spirits will only have a tiny fraction of their powers stored inside them passing it through the sealer. However, their physical abilities are still far superior to regular humans. The rest is stored within sealer's body (Rei as an example) through an invisible Path or "Route" between them.

The Path actually circulates the Reiryoku between him and the Spirits. If the Spirit's emotions became unstable enough, the ratio of the Reiryoku between the sealer and the Spirits will change, thus allowing the Spirits to use their Limited Astral Dress or an Angel.

And for the case of Tohka, who could be called unstable in some cases depending on the situation, this could be called nothing but trouble.

"To add, her very presence still exudes excess Reiryoku albeit more weakly compared to her unsealed state. This gives off the fact that she could still be detected through a Reiryoku detection device"

In other words, living hidden in peace was not an option. Enemies would always come right after her no matter where she goes except for that place—that dark space where she goes to sleep back then.

But that was normal for Tohka, it's always been like that after all before she met Rei.

'Hm? If that is true, then why haven't we been detected yet despite living quite...lax in that mansion,' Tohka pondered before reaching a conclusion. 'Umu, Rei surely did something about that. As expected of Rei~'

Tohka did not voice out her thoughts as she continued listening to the pair.

"Is that true? Then...this would be harder than I thought it should be," Kotori uttered as she looked at Tohka with concern.

"Nu?" Tohka tilted her head to the side in wonder.

Tohka rather found Kotori's reaction rather confusing, why does Kotori sound so concerned about her? She just can't fully understand.

The list of the people she could trust in the world consisted of only one and that is Rei without doubt. Though Tohka doesn't mind adding more the list, she was just that open minded...yet, trusting them to the extent of her trust to Rei was an entirely different matter.

Still, it doesn't hurt to try and have more people you could rely on? Right?

That's why Tohka was pondered over this girl called Kotori Itsuka. Tohka rather feels that she could get along with the girl and maybe because she's just a good natured individual? Perhaps...—

That thought was soon halted as Tohka let out a weak sigh which was left unnoticed by the two individuals in here.

No, she couldn't. At least, not yet.

"I see your concerns about me...but I think I—and Rei, could protect ourselves well enough... With that said, may I go now?" Tohka asked. Her quality time with Rei was being taken over by these kind matters after all.

Nevertheless, Tohka couldn't deny that this lot had been helpful to her. Not that she would say it out loudly.

"Wait, just a last few touches. It will not take less more than a few minutes," Reine answered as she held up her chin.

"You said that it was already—!" As Tohka was about to complain, a sudden thought struck in her mind. Pausing, she then huffed in exasperation, "Hmph, do as you wish. And do it faster"

Hearing Tohka's words, Reine replied. "...Noted"

"Then, I'll go first. I'll wait for you guys in the Main room," Kotori followed as she exited the place leaving Reine and Tohka blankly staring at each other.


[A few minutes later, in the Main Room in the Underground Base of Ratatoskr]

"...What is he doing now?"

Kotori uttered as she tapped the side of her armchair as she leaned backwards as she unwrapped another chupa chups on her free hand. Currently, she was watching a rather interesting thing in the monitor.

It was live—or in real time as well. As for the contents, it was about Rei who was now sitting in a bench alongside two youthful girls.

"Those two...they were from Raizen Highschool where Shidou goes as well, right?" Kotori asked as she eyed Kannazuki.

"Gudako Fujimaru, 2nd Year... Mashu Kyrielight, 1st year... It seems that they are, commander," Kannazuki responded from the side as he showed the information of the two in the monitor.

Though there was a lack of audio from the ongoing footage, the visual alone shows how the interactions between the three were progressing. It would be correct to say that they were having a good time.

Well, Rei could be seen to be grumbling yet it was clear that he was quite happy. Gudako Fujimaru was an outgoing and cheerful gal which was full of smiles. And lastly, Mashu Kyrielight who was also enjoying the situation while giving off a wry smile.

"Heh. To think that this boy was having two beautiful flowers in both hands while leaving one extravagant one behind," A crew member commented while nodding rather with a proudly smile. "Surely, he has some experience with women prior to when he met Tohka-san here"

He was none other than Kyouji Kawagoe and is a crew member of <Fraxinus>. He holds the title Bad Marriage. He has the appearance of a middle-age man. He wears a formal suit and has clean shaven black hair that has a white skunk stripe running towards his forehead.

Despite being called the "Master of Love", it appears that Kawagoe has difficulties keeping a relationship, since he has been divorced five times. It is unknown if this is caused by either a philandering nature or a lack of understanding the opposite gender.

Seeing his expression, Kotori deadpanned as she let out a tired sigh. Why is he acting proud for Rei all of a sudden, it makes Kotori think that it was an issue for men which she agreed and ignored right after.

"Is he flirting with those two? Hm, hm... As I thought, just with his looks, he could already be considered as a Casanova!" Masaomi Mikimoto commented while giving a subtle nod.

"Isn't that a bit too judgemental?" Kozue Minowa commented before staring right back again at a photo on her hands.

"Hmph! 2D is still the best you know!" Munechika Nakatsugawa exclaimed earning the attention of the present members in the room.

"Huh? Where did that come from?"

"That's right, what's with that?"

"What? You two have a problem?!"

"No, but I digress! Real women in real life would be much more better than the likes of 2D! For they are real and touchable unlike that 2D of yours, my friend," Kawagoe answered as he shook his head.

"I agree!" Mikimoto followed giving a thumbs up.

"Guh—! How dare you! Just because you can get a woman for yourself doesn't mean that other men could!" Nakatsugawa complained as if some injustice was made.

"Not my fault"/"I am lucky"

Kawagoe and Mikimoto answered at the same time which earned a burning glare from Nakatsugawa as he gritted his teeth.

The banters were then thrown left and right, it continued which Kannazuki joined the fun a few moments later.

Seeing the lively conversation being thrown all over the main room, Kotori can't help but also give a smile.

These were her crew members, of course despite being strict, she could still let them relax and converse like this. A crew's moral would affect the crew's performance after all.

Closing her eyes, she thought of getting a nap. She had been pulling several all nighters lately, be it regarding on work or in personal life, it seems that the fatigue caught up to her.

And so, she let herself rest. Even for a few minutes, that was enough—or so she thought it would be.

A resounding alarm then echoed in Main room.

Kotori twitched her eyebrows as she opened her eyes slowly when she heard the sound. That's, normally something that wouldn't be used. That's one that should only alarm them in near dire states.

"...What is happening?"

She looked up at the monitor while saying that.

And after Kotori brought her eyebrows closer dubiously, she could hear Shiizaki, who was operating the console leak a *hiii*.


"Commander! A-about that...…"

Shiizaki's fingers were trembling a little while she looked at Kotori.

"Co-commander... the observation device is not in full performance or broken...that's not it right?"

"Haa? What are you saying? The one's having problems are related to communication right? Hurry up and answer already—just what is happening"

When Kotori said that, Shiizaki gulped before moving her lips.

"Um, the readings is in ca-category C...no, D! It's still dropping exponentially!...the Reiryoku value is near bordering E!"

"Reading...? Wait?! A Minus range! Wha—?!"

Kotori opened her eyes wide when she heard those words. "Locate from where this is coming from—!"

'A Spirit appearing? Though this some abnormal case, why is a Spirit in such abnormal state! It was as if they are going inverse or something—!'

"Alert everyone! Activate the spacequake alarms throughout the whole city immediately!" Kotori commanded as Kannazuki first began to take action.

"Yes! Commander!" Came the reply of each Fraxinus member present in the area.

With those words, the lax atmosphere of the room turned serious as everyone turned into their work mode.

"It's...from here commander..." Shiizaki replied as she paled.


Before Kotori could inquire any further, she was interrupted as she heard a voice as cold as ice behind her.

"What is...this?" Tohka uttered as the ground beneath her started to show cracks, "Oh, Hehehe~.... So this is what you're doing while leaving me behind here...this is so unfair, isn't it, Rei?"

Her dull purple eyes, as if it lost color, stared at the monitor while showing a rather... dangerous smile.


[A/N: This chapter as you could see, didn't show Rei or whatsoever up until the last part.

This chap is centered on the perspective of Ratatoskr's crew members (for screentime I don't want to ignore there presence that much) and Tohka, and well, you could already guess how the next chap would turn out hehe. Also this is worth 2 chaps to be honest, a shocking 4.2k+ word chap which I didn't even notice only after making this note.

Got motivated writing after finishing the first episode of the 4th season a few minutes ago.

Moving on to the main topic of this note. It's about the 4th Season of DAL!

Don't you think that the animation improved greatly compared to last season! Also, the OP was literally amazing! As the first episode was released, I noticed that the first episode adapted The first 2 chapters of the Light Novel, it consisted over 100+ pages. It's quite intriguing in my opinion on how they managed to compress worth 100 pages of details in less than half an hour.

Though there are some lines and scenes that were cut off, I could proudly say that they actually hit or adapted well the main points and interactions of the first two chapters good enough!

Considering that they would adapt volumes 13-15, the sequencing of episodes would be like 4 episodes on each novel if there are 12 episodes in total. Volumes 14 to 15 are mainly centered on Mukuro, and Vol. 15 would return Tenka on the screen as well! It's her first appearance after 8 volumes (she appeared on the 7th vol—or you could say in the last episode of the second season as well)!


Well, I think that's it for this AN eh. I just wanna give my opinions about the first episode of the fourth season. So guys, what do you think about it?

Comment down your thoughts about the chap as well as the anime if you could. With that said, ciao~]

6/3/22- Did some minor edits of missing words, letters, etc.

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts