
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 10: Your Name [1]

[A/N: Yo! I'm back now guyz. Seriously, I can only manage to slip this chap up in rush time so yep, here it is. On time isn't it?

Anyways, Sorry for the not posting two chaps today. Quite busy here but this chap is considerably long. I hope that can make it up to you guys.



Ho Ho! Now it's decided that the next 'series' would be "Your Name"! And don't think much about it...

Well.... nothing much to elaborate so yeah...



Here's the chap]


It's been ten days since then.

Rei had considered class as—boring.

Very boring to be exact.

Though some may not believe it, Rei back then in his previous life was always within the top 20 rankings within his school grade.

That could be already considered to classify him as smart enough to an extent that people would say he is 'good' in academics.

But it wasn't like it was bad relearning them once more. Instead of relearning things here in school, he could just do more things if he wasn't restricted with the status of a 'student' in the first place.

An example for that is testing his <Angel> and gathering clues about this 'world' right now since it considerably diverged from the original one that he knew.

Or maybe he could go find a certain gothic dressed girl roaming around the city and ask her for a date? No... he already has a date appointment with someone at the meantime so it's not possible but the thing is it would be possible later.

Or maybe go to outer space and plant a flag on the moon while finding the Spirit that could definitely be so much help to him due to her <Angel>. Well, he could do this since Spirits are able to breath in outer space without any complications.

Or maybe just do some shit here and there and cause disturbance all over the place, mainly crashing on DEM and rescuing some nigh omniscient Spirit locked in there. But he surely lacks the Intel to accomplish all of that so it's somewhat difficult to achieve.

Pushing those thoughts aside.

This day was just like any other day... Well, at least he could make friends at the meantime, which miserably failed for some unknown reason.

'Who needs friends for someone like me anyways...' Rei thought. But then added, 'Oh... The chaos incar— erm, Gudako-san could be considered a friend, right?'

He let out a wry smile while listening to class.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he is thinking nonsense at the moment. More like stupid as well considering his status.

It was then, another passing thought swirled in his mind.

'Should I just drop out or something?'

This thought bothered him for a few minutes or so but he immediately denied this idea.

It was still too early and there are still things that would benefit him if he stayed in this school.

But the fact of dropping out, was already an option that would also bring him benefits in the long run. But it would also bring him some demerits at the meantime as well.

After thinking about it, he scaled the benefits and drawbacks that he would face upon making this decision.

'Lets say if I were to drop out...'

Rei just needs to find the correct timing and reason to drop out.

"Maybe around the start of Autumn I guess..." Rei muttered in a very low voice.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he is acting like some delinquent teenager who would treat education as unnecessary for his own future. And apparently, this 'education' really doesn't matter to Rei's future at all.

After all, he was a [Spirit]. And also, if he played his cards correctly, he could live a lavish life.

And so time passed and lunch break came as the bell rang throughout the school.

"Okay class, see you guys on the next lesson," the old teacher said as he waved his hand goodbye as he exited the classroom.

After the teacher left the place, Rei could see people chatting here and there and many of them left the classroom to eat lunch while there are others as well who remained to eat lunch in the classroom.

Seeing that, Rei then left the classroom and quickly headed to the top floor which is connected to the rooftop. That place had been locked and could not be accessed by students.... or so it was until Rei just made the lock 'disappear' as if it hadn't existed in the first place.

[A/N: Well, some BS about the lock thingy (since in normal logic, school rooftops on schools would be normally locked right? But Anime clearly doesn't have the word logic in its dictionary so yeah... but I'm quite insistent about the lock thingy... so don't mind it too much).]

Anyways, along the way, he noticed someone familiar heading to the same path that he was taking.

There were two people to be exact. Both wearing the Raizen Highschool Uniform, they strode to the very direction he was going to, and then their gazes met each other.

One was a orange haired student and the other one was a student with short lilac hair, lavender eyes and fair skin.


Upon seeing those two, Rei just stood there frozen as if someone had petrified him...

That's just an exaggeration, but the fact that he looks frozen wasn't a lie at all.

"Oh? Rei! Going to eat lunch as well?" Gudako greeted as she waved her hands.

"Uhm, Rei-senpai, good afternoon," Mashu followed with a small bow.

"Yeah... Good afternoon as well to you two"

"Hm? So it's the rooftop where you are going to. Now I know why I don't see you at the cafeteria or in the classroom during lunch," Gudako said with a smile.

Just like the sun above, Gudako's smile seemed to be so bright that made Rei flinch at the moment. Well, it's nothing serious to be honest.

"Wait, if I'm correct, people, or rather, students were restricted on using the rooftop. Right, Rei-senpai?"


"Well, busted ain't you? Did you break the lock or something?" Gudako said teasingly as she pointed her finger at Rei.

Meanwhile, Rei answered back calmly with a shrug.

"...No. There is no lock in the first place. So to my own pleasure, I decided to use the place when I'm eating lunch. Also, don't tell anybody else about this, please," And of course, he lied on the spot. Why won't he anyways?

Rei then pleaded with a gesture which made Gudako chuckle in response while Mashu just gave off a wry smile.

"Hmm? How should we negotiate this? Oh! Now that I think about it, you always turn down my invitations to you these past few days!" Gudako exclaimed with a somewhat irritated tone with a pout in the end.

And for the eyes of Rei and Mashu, she certainly looked cute and adorable.

Okay we're going out of topic but a fact remains a fact so let's move on...

Anyways, what Gudako meant by her invitations were the 'hangouts' that she said in the other days.

Well, it's just about going to malls, eat in restaurants, going to the park, and karaoke or something. Which he apparently declined all over for a simple reason called 'work'.

Yes. Work it is. No further excuses besides that word since it already gives enough clues and such to know where he is pointing at.

"Then let's eat lunch together," Rei said.

"Umu. Got it"

Soon after, they got on the school rooftop and sat on a place with a shade to block the scorching heat of the sun.

They then sat down and took out there lunches and began to eat.

"So? Your answer, Rei?" Gudako asked as she started eating her lunch which Rei replied with his overused excuse.

"Yeah... about that. I'll go if I'm free, okay?"

"You will just say that you have 'work' again won't you?" Gudako refuted back immediately.

Rei on the other doesn't understand why she is being insistent about this matter.

Did he perhaps do something that resulted to this situation? Apparently, none.

Also, trying to understand the Master of Chaldea was out of his mind. Hell would freeze apparently if he completely understood her though.

Even so, there's no way he is going to say that in front of the person herself so he just shifted his answer to another one.

"That's not a lie though..."

"No, I don't care if it is or if it isn't. Let's see.... let's go on Saturday morning. Mashu will also come along"

"Eh? Senpai?"

Completely incomprehensible. That's what Rei is thinking right now. Either way, it's not like he could refuse or 'anything at the moment'.

"That's decided! No refusing, okay?"

"....uh. Yeah?"

'For some reason, I feel like I'm being dragged by her unconsciously...' Rei thought to himself as he brushed the thought soon after since he also thought that playing along with her antics for now might give him some perks in the future.

And it wasn't like he doesn't want it at all in the first place.

With that said, they continued their lunch right after. And so, lunch break ended after a very long talk with Gudako which apparently exhausted(?) Rei allot for some reason.

At that very short moment while eating lunch, Gudako told him short stories about Chaldea to be exact, which apparently puzzled Rei to his core for why she was doing that.

When he asked what is the origin of the stories that she was stating, Gudako just said that it was from a very good novel that she read named Grand Order.

Of course, Rei could only smile wryly at what she said at all since he himself knows the truth about her stories (but not everything sadly...). Well, it wasn't like she meant harm so he just casually listened to it since it was entertaining as well to hear about the story from the person herself.

And that for some reason exhausted him... especially, when Gudako joked that she defeated The King of Mages with a single hand (holding his neck to be exact...) which made Rei shiver to his core.

And so lunch break passed and classes resumed a few minutes after. Just like usual, every student got back in their respective classrooms. Continuing this, Rei sat on his chair listening to the teachers' lessons all time round.

'Talk about spending hours on the wrong thing instead of using it efficiently,' Rei thought with a scoff.

In the end, it's not like he can do anything about it at the moment though... yes, only at the moment...



Classes were finally over as the loud bell rang throughout the school. Students started packing there things on there bags. Some started to chat with each other. And some immediately got out immediately from the classroom as if something was hounding them out.

Well, for Rei, he just sat idly as he took out his phone remembering to log in from his game in order to not miss out the login rewards.... not that it is quite important to many but for him, it is.

A few moments later, he let out a yawn and decided to take a nap. Really, it was just his way to waste his time waiting for the thing that would happen later.


And then Rei heard someone calling out his name. Probably a student, which he ignored since his nap was more important than his classmates...

"Is he asleep?" A student said.

"Hey, did somebody get his contact or anything? Or more like, friends with him?" A curious sounding girl said.

"I only saw several people talk to him though. In fact, he has this air of someone unapproachable for some reasons... that is totally cool and hot at the same time...." Another girl student chimed in.

"Then why didn't you approach him or anything? You sound weird to be honest..." The girl student's friend who was beside her added.

"I'm your friend for over a decade already and you still don't know that I'm somewhat weird? I'm offended..."



And somehow, their conversation ended with that.

Rei who could clearly hear their blabbering stood up silently while concealing his presence. And then as usual, he then walked towards the rooftop to spend his time silently.

Within that split second, he disappeared which after a while, they noticed that the person of their topic had disappeared!

'A Ninja!' One of the students nearby ridiculously thought.



And so, time passed and it was already 5:15 PM when he checked the time. Seeing that, Rei decided to leave the rooftop and headed down the stairs.

After all, their next meeting would be around a few minutes. He at least needs to be presentable to a certain degree.

And so after sobering up as he composed himself, he strode on the corridors.

It was then.

"Um, teacher"

While walking down on the corridors, Rei then heard a familiar voice from a distance.

With that said, he slowly halted his steps and turned it 'soundless' as he hid himself on the corner.

There were two figures ahead of him. Namely Shidou Itsuka, his classmate and the main protagonist of this world, and Tamae Okamine, his homeroom teacher.

'Now that I remember it...'

Rei quickly reminisced the events that would take part here, well, upon remembering the details about it, he couldn't help but laugh.

And so, within his own perspective, he decided to watch this scene reenact right before his very eyes.

"What is it?" Tamae asked.

"I've found coming to school recently to be a lot of fun"

"Is that so? That's great isn't it," Tamae responded with a smile.

"Yeah....It was since you became our homeroom teacher," Shidou said somewhat nervously.


Surprised, Tamae's eyes opened wide.

Meanwhile, Rei was amused upon imagining what would happen next.

"Wh-What are you trying to say, jeez. What's with this suddenly."

Shidou continued, "Actually, since a long time ago, I've—"

"Ahaha... that's no good. I appreciate your feelings, but you know, I'm a teacher"

While patting the attendance book, Tamae gave a bitter smile.

As expected of a teacher, an adult. It seemed she was planning to reject him 'unhesitantly'.

Reine who was connected on the speaker attached on his ear then gave the instructions for the next line. While thinking pretty much not at all, Shidou moved his mouth.

"I'm serious. I seriously want to—"

"Uhmm... this is troubling for me."

"I seriously want to, marry you!"

'Wah.... You've got balls of steel to confess to your teacher eh? For once more, I am really amazed for who you are Shidou,' Rei thought amusedly while holding back his laughter.

The moment marriage came out of Shidou's mouth, Tamae's face seemed to change slightly.

And then after a short silence, a small voice spoke.

"...Are you really serious?"

"Eh..., ah, haa... yeah."

Faltering because of the sudden change in atmosphere, Shidou replied, and Tamae suddenly took one step forward and grabbed Shidou's sleeve.

"Really? When Itsuka-kun becomes of marriable age, I will be already over 30 you know? Even then, is it okay? Should we go greet our parents now? After you graduate high school, will you come live together with me?"

As if a different person, her eyes glittered and glowed, and with ragged breaths Tamae drew closer to Shidou.

"Uh...uhm, teacher...?"

[...Hm, it seems it was too effective], As Shidou staggered backwards, Reine spoke in the speaker along with a sigh.

"Wh-What is going on?"

In a voice that wouldn't reach Tamae, he asked Reine.

Meanwhile, Rei knew what he was talking about so he decided to tinker around the [Space] within the area which they couldn't notice and then made it possible for him to hear

[...Well, single, female, 29 years old, for someone like that the magic word marriage is like a deadly spell. As her old classmates each start building their own families one by one, her parents start pressuring her, and the walls of being thirty closing in on her, she is in a very insecure position. ...But even then, she seems a bit too desperate]

In a slightly perplexed voice rare for her, Reine said.

"Th-That's nice and all, but what do I do about this...!"

"Hey Itsuka-kun, do you have a bit of time now? You're still not old enough to sign the marriage registration, so for now let's go make a blood pact. We can probably borrow a chisel from the art room. Don't worry, I'll make sure that it doesn't hurt"

Edging up to Shidou, words gushed from Tamae's mouth. Shidou let out a sound like a scream.

"Ah, getting caught up any more in this could be annoying to deal with. You've accomplished your mission, so give a suitable apology and escape"

Shidou gulped, and after making up his mind, opened his mouth.

"So-Sorry! I don't think I'm ready to go that far yet...! Please just treat it as if this never happened...!"

Shouting, Shidou dashed away.

"Ah, I-Itsuka-kun!?"

Hearing Tamae's voice calling from behind him, Shidou continued running.

And on the corner, Rei started to laugh by himself as he picked up his phone and decided to call someone.

Well, he only did this after calming himself down from his laughter though because it wouldn't be far from the truth that he would sound like a bit stupid or crazy at worst.

For who had he called, it's the manager of the shop/cafe he is working in.

"...So kid? What's it for you to call me personally?" A voice of a man in his twenties resounded on the speaker.

His voice was quite stern yet it had a somewhat gentle tone within. And the most noticable thing is that sounds like an old man talking to a kid or something.

"Well... it seems that I can't work for the next few days in the shop haha...." Rei responded somewhat awkwardly.

"Again? Tell me kid, going to spend it on girls or something?"

"Right on the spot," Rei said plainly. It was better to be honest here than ever.

"Are flaunting or something? I'll really get you fired kid if you keep doing this," the person on the other hand sounded somewhat irritated. But it was nothing serious and Rei knew that.

"Oh, um. Yeah... about that, around the start of May, I would likely stop working at the shop. But before that, I'll make sure to fill up a week's worth of schedule as a repayment for my skips. Just note it in, Muramasa-san"

"Hah... Got it. Be sure to be true to your words kid, unless you don't want to get and fired and be banned from coming here again"

"Yes, of course," Rei replied confidently.

But deep inside, he was somewhat anxious. After all, those snacks that are for free there was something that Rei had certainly enjoyed.

"Then I'll hang up," Muramasa responded as he sighed.


At soon as the call ended, without any warning, an alarm echoed throughout the school. It wasn't the school alarm or bell... *UUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu————*

...but a space quake alarm.







[A/N: Okay.... another long and boring(?) chap in some sense (3.3k words... LoL).

Anyways, I'll start trying some new formats in writing... nothing much would change though...

This, ** for sound effects or something like *BOOM* or *BANG*,



Apparently, that's it for the small change...

Also, expect the chap release to be longer than expected. (I'll post the continuation of this as soon as possible)

That's it I guess so yep, see ya guys on the next chap]

Comment if u guys see some errors k?

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts