
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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42 Chs

Chapter 2- "Are you stupid!?"

(A/N This is about 2 months into the apocalypse)

Axel's POV-

Damn it's hot. We were walking down a long road and I was thinking about how many places we had jumped from. The first house only lasted a day before it was over run by "walkers", as Tanner likes to call them. Ever since then we had just been jumping around from house to house, sometimes staying in the woods.

Thank god for my father. I swear if we were anyone else's kids we would've starved to death. "Hey, Axel?" Tanner asked breaking me out of my daze. "Yeah?" I responded "Do you think we'll see dad again?" she asked with a sad expression. Neither of us had said a word about our father or Uncle Merle yet. I guess we both just didn't want to face the truth.

I knew that Tanner wasn't doing so well so for her sake I lied. "I think so." I said and flashed her a smile. With that she smiled. She looked at me and I knew that she was gonna make me do something ridiculous. "What?" I asked her with a heavy sigh. "Race?" she asked and I smiled. I loved running.

With that I took off. "Hey!" she exclaimed as she ran to catch up with me. I was so caught up I didn't notice she fell until she cursed loudly. "God Dammit!" she all but screamed. I turned around to see her laying in the street with a huge gash in her leg. That's gonna leave a scar I thought as I ran over to her.

"We don't have anything to help this but it's gonna get infected if we don't treat it." I said as her face filled with worry. Dammit Axel why did you say that now she's gonna panic! "It's okay. We'll find something." I said pulling a flannel out of my bag. It was bleeding pretty bad and I knew she wouldn't be able to walk.

I wiped up the blood and wrapped to flannel around her leg tightly. "Come on." I said as I lifted her up onto my back. She was pretty light for a 12 year old, but then again we were in the middle of the apocalypse and we had barely eaten in the last 2 months.

We walked for about 40 minutes. She was trying hard not to complain about the pain, but I knew it must have been tough not to. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said in a tired voice. I looked down at the flannel and noticed it was drenched in blood. Fuck! She's bleeding a lot I need to find something quick.

We walked for around 15 more minutes before we saw a hospital. I looked back at her and she smiled. I ran to the hospital. Once we got there I noticed that there were dead bodies everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean everywhere! I walked past them and heard Tanner gag from the smell which earned a chuckle from me. I found and open door and walked in.

It seemed relatively clear although it was really dark so I pulled out a flash light. I looked around and walked down the hall. "I'm getting a little tired." Tanner said drowsily. Shit! I rushed to find a room and when I did I sat her on the bed. I rummaged through the cabinets until I found a needle and stitching thread, along with disinfectant and bandages.

"I'm not gonna lie this is gonna hurt a lot." I said as she gave me a worried look to which I re-payed with a shy smile. I've done this before I can do it again. I took the flannel off and winced at what I saw. It was red and swollen and covered in blood. I grabbed some gauze and wiped the blood away, before pouring the disinfectant on her leg.

"Oww!" she exclaimed as she slapped me upside the head. "What was that for!" I'm helping her out she could at least be nice to me. Damn! "You could've given me a warning!" she sat back. I swear that girl is just like our father. At the thought of him I got a little sad. "What's wrong?" asked Tanner, noticing my mood change. "Nothing. I'm fine." I said and smiled at her.

"This fucking hurts!" she exclaimed making me laugh. "it's not funny!" she said while laughing. "Okay we need to get this over with." I said as I took my belt off. I folded it and brought up to her mouth. She gave me a questioning look. "Trust me." I said as she bit down on it. I then brought the needle to her leg and pulled it through. I heard a muffled scream and looked up. "I'm sorry!" I said. Once I was done I bandaged her leg up. I walked around gathering medical supplies incase an incident like this happened again.

I was almost done when tanner and i heard a bang from outside. We looked at each other and I pulled out my gun. She tried to stand up but I pushed her back down forcefully. "Stay here!" I said quietly. I walked out and saw nothing so I turned the corner and saw a walker walking the opposite way. I was about to shoot it when I accidently kicked a can. It turned around and looked at me.

I aimed my crossbow at it and was about to shoot when it spoke? "Don't shoot!" It said as It walked closer. Holy shit that's a person. "Why are you wearing those dirty hospital clothes?" I asked as Tanner came around the corner. "Dammit! I told you to stay in the room!" I yelled. "Well your not my boss!" she yelled back "I'm helping you. What's your problem!" I argued "Hey!" the dude yelled. We both turned to face him and yelled at the same time. "What!" we said in unison "First of all why is it so dark in here. Second of all why are the dead people everywhere, and Third of all where the fuck are your parents." he asked with a heavy accent.

Me and Tanner both looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Funny, now we'll be on our way." I said as I started to walk away. "I'm serious." he said with no hesitation. "Really? Where have you been these last 2 months?" Tanner asked. "In that hospital room. In a coma." he said. I just stared in shock. How did he last that long.

"My names Rick. Who are you?" he asked. "I'm-" I was cut off by Tanner. "I'm Stacy, and that's Mark." she said in response as she glared at me. "So can you guys answer my questions now?" he asked. I turned to "Stacy" and she gave me a nod. "About two months ago a virus broke out. People started dying and coming back to life as these things. They eat people and if you get bit or even scratched you'll turn into one of them." I said. The man looked at me like I was crazy. "You serious?" he asked. "Yeah." I said back.

"Well I need clothes. My house is just up the street. I'm gonna head there, plus I got to get to my family." he said as he wobbled towards the exit. "They're not gonna be there." I called but he just kept walking. Dammit. I grabbed some crutches and throw them at Tanner. "Come on." I said as we followed the dude. We walked in silence until the dude decided to walk up to a blown up walker.

I looked at Tanner and she had a weird look on her face. What the fuck is he doing? He then kneeled down to it and tried to touch it that's when I jumped up and pulled it off of him. "Are you stupid!" I screamed as more of a comment than a question. He got up and continued to walk. We got to his house and he ran in screaming. "Carl! Lori!" over and over again. I guess that's his family. I walked in a told him that they probably left. He nodded and got dressed.

When we walked out he wasn't okay. He obviously needed some food and water. We saw a walker and he started hallucinating. "Lori?" he questioned "Lori! Carl!" he started yelling again. He started to attract more and more walkers. Me and Tanner were holding them off the best we could but it wasn't enough.

All the sudden a guy and a kid came running out of a house. They started killing walkers. I was to distracted to realize the walker behind me. It fell on top of me and made my head hit the ground really hard. The last thing I saw was Tanner stabbing the walker and pulling it off of me. Then the man picking me up.


So how you guys liking it so far? Please tell me in the comments. I know some people like a story that gets straight to the point but this is defiantly not it. Anyways I hope you guys have a good day/night and if it is between 12-6 a.m. go to sleep. Until next time! Bye Lovies : )

Word Count 1156 : )