
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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Chapter 15- After the Prison Pt. 2

Beth's POV-

I'm with Daryll running from the walkers. I miss daddy and Maggie but there gone. I was trying to shot a walker but my gun got stuck. Thank god Daryll was with me. We were set up at a camp. "We should do something. We can't be the only survivors. Rick, Michonne they could be out here. Maggie Glen they could've made it out of A block. They could've." I said but he just stayed silent.

"You're a tracker. Come on. We can find them." I said but he ignored me so I stormed off. After a while he caught up and we were walking in silence until we came across some tracks. We argued about whether or not the person was dead. I then started picking berries. We kept walking for a while before coming across two dead walkers. I pulled out my knife after I heard rustling but got caught off guard when one attacked me from the back.

Daryll got it off me and I killed it. We then walked until we saw train tracks. We saw walkers eating a body so Daryll killed them. I then started to cry when I saw a kids shoe.

Axel's POV-

We were walking through the fields trying to find a place to stay. Mica kept crying but I guess it's understandable. "It's gonna get dark soon. Where are we going?" Lizzie asked. "Further." was all Tyreese said in response. "Is everybody dead?" she asked out of the blue. At that a tear escaped from my eye. I have no idea where Carl or Tanner or Dad is. It hurt that I couldn't answer that question, so I didn't. We just kept walking until we found a little spot to camp out for the night.

We were all sitting around when Judith started crying. Tyreese gave her a bottle and she stopped crying. Although we heard a walker so we had to get up and leave. The nest morning we came across a grape bush. I mean I know it's much but it's something to eat. "Can we eat them?" Mica asked. I swear she is the most cute innocent child ever. But she won't last.

"Yeah, they're good." Tyreese said. I just stood back letting them to their thing. "Here, Axel have some." Mica said handing me some grapes. Judith started crying once again. None of us knew what she wanted so she just kept crying. We heard rustling and we all looked towards tree's. It's kinda ironic considering we are surrounded by tree's. "They're coming!" Mica yelled as she clawed Tyreese's arm. Like damn kid. "Oww! That hurt!" he snapped back at her.

Oh my god. Do they really have do do this now? "Don't yell at her. She doesn't understand walkers." Lizzie cried. "Your the one who doesn't understand them." Mica snapped back. Apparently we do. "Watch the baby." Tyreese said as he stepped into the tree's. A bird flew out causing Mica to run away. I swear this child. Tyreese and Lizzie ran after her totally forgetting about the baby. I picked up Judith and ran after them.

I got there and saw Tyreese lecturing Mica about running off. I just stood off to the side. I don't really like getting social with them. We heard screaming and I handed the baby to Lizzie. Tyreese told them to stay there and ran off toward the noise. "Please don't go." Mica said. "Mica you can handle this. Your tough." Tyreese said and we ran off. We saw two guys struggling with walkers. Then one got taken down. We heard a gun shot and the last guy got bit.

"Tyreese." we heard from behind us and saw Carol with the girls. "Stay on the tracks." one of the guy's said. "But the wood's have more cover." Carol insisted. "But you don't understand there a place up the track's. It's safe for the kids." he said. We then started walking.

Mica and Tyreese were talking but I wasn't paying attention. I was a decent amount ahead of everyone. I was crying quietly. I don't know if Tanner is okay. Or dad. Or Glenn. And as bad as it is I was more worried about Carl then anyone. It might be saying a lot but I honestly love Carl. I turned around when Lizzie pointed out a sign I had simply passed. "Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive survive." I saw the excitement in Mica's eyes but I was iffy about it.

We kept walking for a little before Mica came up to me and grabbed my hand. "Are you okay? I saw you crying earlier." she said. I gave her a smile wiping my tears. "I'm fine I just miss my family." I said as I picked her up and put her on my back. "But you wanna know something?" I asked. She nodded. "You guy's are pretty cool to." I said and she giggled.

Maggie POV-

I was just sharpening my knife on a rock. I need to find Glenn. These people I'm with the don't matter compared to him. And if they keep me back it won't end well for them. Sasha cam up behind me. "How's he doin?" I asked referring to Bob. "He's fine the bleeding stopped. Got the water to our backs. Decent advantage points from the bank. I'm thinking we camp here for the night." she said. "You should both be safe here." I said and she gave me that look. God I hate that look. It's like a look of pity that also says your crazy.

"The bus got out. Glen got out. I'm gonna go find him." I said standing up. She gave me the whole speech about how he's gone. After a minute I left. They followed after me. We found the bus. Glenn wasn't in there. After a little we saw a sign. 'Terminus, Sanctuary for all. Community for all.' it read. I got some mud and wrote on it. 'Glen follow the tracks we'll be there' I wrote.

Tanner's POV-

I was sitting in Glenn's room. I woke up about an hour ago outside surrounded by walker's. I looked everywhere for my dad and Axel but no one was there. I decided to gather supplies before hitting the road. I got up and saw Glenn on top of a broken piece of cement. "Glenn!" I yelled causing walkers to look at me. He didn't wake up so I yelled again. "Glenn!" I saw him start to stir awake so I ran inside. By the door he would come out of.

He stumbled out of door falling on me. "Jesus get off of me fat ass." I said as I pushed him off. "Tanner?" he asked. "No shit sherlock!" I snapped. "Do you know where Maggie is?" he said frantically. "No idea. I just woke up." I said. We walked into a cell block. "We should gather supplies." I said as he walked into his and Maggie's room. He pulled some riot gear out from under his bed and then plopped down on it.

He picked up a picture of Maggie and cried a little. "Dude, get over it." I said leaning up against the door frame. He didn't say anything just grabbed a watch and then walked out. I followed him and he started getting supplies. We put on the riot gear and ran out through the walkers. It was hard but we managed. We saw a girl just sitting in a chained off area. When we passed she didn't even do so much as look our way so we both went in the thing.

I recognized her. She was on the Governor's side. "It's full. Did you even take a shot?" Glen asked looking at her gun. She didn't respond so he simply said "All tight. Let's go." she didn't listen so I snapped at her. "Let's go." "Are you just gonna stay here and die?" Glen asked. "I was apart of this." she said. Glen's obviously not gonna go without her so she needs to hurry up.

"We know." I said bitterly. "So what are you doing?" she asked looking at me. "We need your help." Glen said to her as he stuffed a rag into an alcohol bottle. "We're gonna run out of bullet's. Take this." he said to her handing her a knife and a gun. He told us to back up and through the bottle at a car causing it to catch on fire. He told us to stay in front of him and then we ran out.

We got out with minimal problems. We walked down a road for a little bit before Glenn started asking questions. Here we go again. "Did you see any of my people get out?" he asked. "All I saw was my sister in that field." the girl said. Oh my god can they get anymore dramatic. "She had a gun, but they just swarmed her. She wasn't supposed to be there. I did it for him. I trusted him. He wasn't supposed to kill that old man." she ranted. I then thought about how Glenn didn't know.

Oof. "Hershel?" he questioned. She then stopped walking. "Was his name Hershel?" he asked again. "I'm sorry." she said as she started crying. "I'm so sorry. Brian, that man told us you were bad people. I know it's not true. I can see it's not, so what we did, what I did...I mean. I'm a piece of shit why would you want my help?" she questioned.

I then budded in getting tired of this whole thing. "Listen here you whiny bitch. We don't want your help we need your help. And I would really appreciate it if you two would stop with the pity party!" I snapped. I started walking ahead of them until Glenn started talking. "Your a real bitch. I mean god. I don't know how Axel speaks so high off you!" he exclaimed. "He's always talking about how amazing you are. How much he loves you. But your really just a bitch." He exclaimed.

"Dude she's like twelve." the other girl said. "You should watch what you say." I said getting in Glenn's face. "Yeah or what?" he asked. I was about to talk again when the girl yelled. "Can you both just shut up. Your acting like children!" she snapped. We just glared at each other and kept walking. "I have to find Maggie." Glenn said. Here we go again. "She's my wife. I got off the bus to help and she didn't see me." He said.

"How do you know she mad it?" the girl asked. "He doesn't!" I snapped glaring at him. "But, Hershel. Maggie's father was a great man. And he told me all I had to do was believe, and that's what I'm gonna do." He continued on with his sob story. Then some walkers came. We ended up fine but Glenn passed out. "Great just great." I said sarcastically as a walker came up behind the girl. She beat the hell out of it as a truck pulled up.

"Hope you enjoyed the show assholes!" she yelled as they opened the door. Three people came out and one of them started talking. "You got a damn mouth on you, you know that?" he asked. I just chuckled. I can already tell this guy is cool. "What else you got?" he asked.


Okay so today's chapter was really long. But it's okay we got a lot accomplished. The next one is going to be better (Hopefully) but I'm trying my best. Anyways I know it's not very much but thanks for 52 views. It's not a whole lot but it's something. Anyways until next time lovey's.

Word Count- 1965 : )