

Darwinism, a term associated with evolution of mankind. Now it is considered as a must, Darwinism is everything anything and yet nothing at the same time. Follow the story of Alexander and his evolution towards the top.

ace_monkey_0410 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


As Alexander would awake he would see himself in the same forest but this time next to a stream, now quietly pondering the circumstances that allowed him to be here. " That light told me to be the strongest but how? I don't have Evo Force or any connection to- " His pondering would get interrupted by the loud roar, a sound which would send shivering up his spine.

A colossal beast, standing at 15 meters, a drake would be looking down at him. The normal person would be terrified, Alexander however trained himself specifically to be able to survive in these situations. Firstly he needed to analyze the enemy; about 15 meters tall, heavy scales, seems like a tier 2 based on its horn which isn't to tall, a drake who's mean weakness is its poor agility and intellect. Taking all this into consideration Alexander then concocted a plan. that plan is very simple 


Alexander would run as fast as his legs would carry him, trying his hardest to escape. Although the beast was known for its poor agility, Alexander was just a tier 0 and it was extremely fast to him. Running as fast as he could, Alexander soon found himself at a dead end, due to him not knowing the layout of the forest he quickly found himself Infront of a massive tree that he knew he couldn't jump over or run around due to him being to slow.

The beast would approach menacingly, making sure to make its prey feel inferior and small Infront of its grandeur. Alexander at this moment would think " If only i was stronger, if only I had the talent and the ability to fight I wouldn't be here dying to this beast." suddenly almost instantaneously, he felt strength surging through his body at a rapid pace, as he would jump at the drake and in this moment he would defy all known laws of Darwinism and punch through the beast. 

Alexander just having killed his first beast would feel a deep sense of exhilaration and joy, looking at his hands he would still feel this weird energy, something that until recently he has never felt before. The Darwinism was inside of him, he could feel its power surging through him making him more powerful, smarter, and more beautiful. Alexander would then sit down and decide to make a plan to get stronger and eventually leave the forest and get his revenge soon.


Days would pass as Alexander would wander through the forest killing all types of Evo Beasts and sharpening his skills, little did ne know however that something was watching him, a beast with sinister intentions. " Using this power to kill beasts feels like pure ecstasy. However, I can't get too complacent as I need to make sure to be the strongest." suddenly without hesitation, a screech would echo out and without being given any time to react Alexander would be attacked by a beast which he couldn't identify. Alexander would jump back, making sure to get away fast enough for the beast to not catch him.

"I am Borussia kneel before me, unworthy ant." Hearing him speak Alexander felt shivers go down his spine as he remembered that only Evo Beasts of tier 4 would be capable of clear human speech. Looking at the monster Infront of him, Alexander couldn't help but want to kneel, but he wouldn't as he would Analyze his enemy. "Small, 3 meters tall, lion like figure, tier 4, looks to have a high affinity for his tier." Alexander would think all of these thoughts in mere moments, although Alexander, nonetheless would still feel helplessness and despair on what to do.

As the beast would approach with increasing speeds Alexander decided to fight, to fight for his life, to fight to become the strongest. With his newly gained motivation Alexander would rush at the beast with no hesitation. Their clash rumbled throughout the forest scenery, as Alexander would start thinking " I feel as if I'm going to make a breakthrough in my prowess, my power keeps increasing day by day but i don't feel like I'm using it properly, I think that there is more that my powers can achieve." As he would think thins he suddenly remembered his former teacher who taught him basically everything he knew.

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" Darwinism, is evolution, the powers we are able to use today is only due to the evolution that we are able to have, you see my student Evolution as people call it today is something that I see as limited. Evolution branches out in every different way, people choose only one path like flight, speed, strength and others when Evolution is all of that and more. You see my student, don't get held back by the restricted norms of society instead forge your own path to strength, form your own path to the top."

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" I understand now, I get it. Darwinism is infinite the power to evolve everything, all encompassing I have been made its champion. And I will succeed."

Upon this realization light would flow out of Alexanders body, making him light up, the beast who he was previously fighting was stunned thinking " how can he be going through a breakthrough during a fight this is insane!" As the light would die out Alexander would look at the best with a cocky smirk and would then rush forward electricity on his body, as he would go to punch the beast. The Beast, who was not about to let himself get killed would dodge the attack before rushing forwards to deliver an attack of its own, which would be blocked by a shield. Alexander would then conjure flames to attack the beast as they continued fighting the environment would slowly get more destroyed not caring however, they would continue to fight. 

Alexander would use a wide range of abilities from elemental bending to strength speed enhancements to the maximum but unfortunately his body would start to get damaged internally due to the amount of energy being released inside of him, Alexander would now understand that although it is possible for him to do many things his body which was a still in tier 0 although he was breaking through at the current moment.

Alexander would speak to the beast " You are truly strong, and for that you have gained my respect." As the beast would reply, " Likewise, but i think that it is time to finish our fight right?" "Yes it is" As the two would run full speed at each other to deal one final attack. As their fist would collide a boom was made and one of them died, while the other survived just barely though. 



Anyways please give my story an honets review and I will improve accordingly

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