
How Did I Get In Here?

"Sir, we just receive word from Singapore." the man gulped a bit before he continues again, "They told me that Mr. Raymond has gone missing when they were just about to go to the private gate. He told them that he needs to buy something in a certain shop, but due to the crowded of people at the same shop Mr. Raymond went, they couldn't spot him afterward. His phone also has been turned off and they couldn't locate him anywhere around the airport."

Matthew rubs his bridge of the nose with rough. "Have they check every corner of that country?"

Again, the man gulped. "Regarding that, sir, Singapore govt insists us to follow the missing person procedure. They warned us to not mess up with the Custom Checkpoint between the neighboring country. We must first get permission from both govt before we can mobilize our people and check on the camera footage to find him."