
For My Wife

Inside the bedroom,

Luna helps Raymond to sit down on the couch. Stroking his hair and kiss his forehead. "Dear..please don't do something like that ever again, okay?"

Raymond still hugging her body and nod his head. "C-can we go home?" He then looked up at her, hoping that she would bring him back home. This is too unfamiliar to him.

Luna sighs. She then forces a smile on her face. "Dear…we have to stay here for a week. Grandma misses you, and we have to accompany her and your other family member. Until then, I'll be always at your sides. You should behave and don't cause any trouble anymore, you have to promise me. If not, I will.." Luna stop. Not knowing what punishment she able to do to make him agree with her. Of course, she means no harm to him. She loves him, so she will try to keep up with his behavior as long as he can withstand her.