

In a world ravaged by tragedy, a young child's existence was shattered when the cruel hand of fate stole away his parents, leaving him orphaned and alone. But destiny had other plans in store. Guided by an aged mentor who became a beacon of hope, the child found solace and strength, growing into a resilient soul, untamed by the darkness that surrounded him.

Riteesh_m · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Veil of Shadows

Chapter 25: Veil of Shadows

As the echoes of their parting still lingered in his mind, Steve returned to his home with a heavy heart.

The weight of his decision to leave Yumiko and the realm behind gnawed at him, but he knew it was the only way to keep her safe.

However, as he stepped into his humble abode, his eyes fell upon a due notice for his house rent. Reality crashed down upon him, a stark reminder of the challenges he faced.

Determined to set things right and carve out a new path for himself, Steve resolved to find a job and start afresh.

He shed his casual attire, donning a stylish new outfit as if to symbolize his desire for change.

As he roamed the streets, his eyes caught sight of a pamphlet advertising a job opening as a service employee. Hope flickered within him as he decided to pursue this opportunity.

On his way to explore the job possibility, he encountered a familiar face—the fruit vendor who used to supply apples to him regularly.

"Yo man, it's been months! Where have you been?" the vendor exclaimed, a mix of surprise and concern etched on his face.

"Just on a long trip," Steve replied nonchalantly, not wanting to delve into the complexities of his journey.

"That's way too long, dude! What about my apple deliveries?" the vendor persisted, a playful glint in his eye.

"Just carry on as usual. I'm in a hurry to find a job," Steve replied, trying to avoid discussing the current state of his neglected farm. The mere thought of it sent a pang of guilt through him.

As he hurried away from the inquisitive vendor, he couldn't help but recall the once-thriving farm he had left behind.

The images of overgrown weeds and uncultivated fields haunted him. But there was no time to dwell on it now; he needed to secure a job and set his life back on track.

Unbeknownst to Steve, a sinister presence lurked in the shadows. The fruit vendor, returning home, couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

As he turned around, his heart skipped a beat, sensing a malevolent presence just out of sight. Before he could react, a long, dark spike plunged into his heart, and darkness enveloped him as his life was extinguished.

An eerie laugh echoed through the darkness, a haunting sound that sent shivers down the spines of anyone who heard it.

Meanwhile, Steve continued his frantic run towards the job opportunity, determined to leave behind his troubled past and build a better future for himself.

But fate seemed to have other plans. The atmosphere around him suddenly shifted, the air thick with an inexplicable heaviness.

Eerie music filled his ears, and faint screams of women echoed in the distance.

Racing towards the source of the screams, Steve was met with an inexplicable sight.

A group of terrified women ran towards him, their faces etched with fear. But before he could offer assistance, they vanished into thin air, leaving him bewildered and disoriented.

"This feeling... I've felt it before," Steve thought, trying to make sense of the hauntingly familiar experience.

As he pondered this, a bolt of lightning struck him, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious. The weather shifted, and rain began to pour relentlessly, adding to the surreal nature of the situation.

Minutes later, Steve regained consciousness, his mind still reeling from the strange events. As he stood up and started walking forward, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby puddle.

Shock washed over him as he saw his own eyes—shining bright orbs, much like the time when his powers were unleashed uncontrollably.

"Oh no, not now! The owner will be scared of me," Steve thought, realizing that his glowing eyes could be a cause for concern.

To hide his peculiar eyes, he quickly put on a pair of sunglasses, hoping it would be enough to conceal his true nature from others.

Having gathered himself, Steve proceeded towards the job opportunity he had seen earlier. Just as he approached the entrance of a grand hotel, a young woman appeared next to him, her eyes brimming with desperation.

"Can I go in?" she asked, her voice quivering with uncertainty.

"I'm here first. You can go in later," Steve replied, not entirely comfortable with the idea of the company in his current state of mind. His priority was to secure a job and lay the foundation for his future.

As Steve moved forward to enter the hotel, the girl's tears fell like raindrops. "Please, I ran away from home, and I have no money to stay," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation and vulnerability.

The girl's words tugged at his heartstrings, and for a moment, he hesitated. But his mind was clouded with visions and strange feelings, making him unsure of what to do.

As he pondered the girl's plea, another vision flashed before his eyes—a glimpse of an unknown girl in distress.

These visions had been plaguing him ever since he left Yumiko and the realm. They were a constant reminder of the powerful abilities he struggled to control.

"Damn these visions," Steve cursed under his breath, torn between helping the girl and unraveling the mysteries surrounding him.

While he grappled with his internal conflict, the girl managed to secure the job offer, and she watched him walk away, curiosity mingled with fear in her eyes.

Her curiosity soon got the better of her, and she found herself trailing him from a distance as he ventured deeper into the woods. Unaware of the danger that lay ahead, she followed him, driven by a desire to know more about the enigmatic man who had crossed her path.

The woods were shrouded in darkness, and every rustle of leaves sent a chill down her spine. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she couldn't bring herself to turn back.

As she continued her pursuit, a sudden movement caught her eye. Before she could react, a monstrous creature lunged at her, its claws ready to strike. Fear consumed her, and she screamed for help.

Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, Steve materialized before her like a guardian angel. His eyes blazed with power, and a wave of energy surged through him. "Nice meeting you again, master," the creature greeted him, surprisingly friendly despite its menacing appearance.

They shook hands in a gesture that bewildered the girl.

As the creature backed away, seemingly recognizing Steve, the girl's body gave in to her overwhelming fear, and she fainted.

Unaware of the young girl's fate, the sinister figure responsible for the fruit vendor's demise continued its malevolent rampage, leaving a trail of death and terror in its wake.

Its dark presence cast a long shadow over the village, and fear spread like wildfire among the inhabitants.

As darkness tightened its grip on the village, fate was drawing Steve and the girl closer together.

Their paths, intertwined by an unseen force, were destined to cross, and the truth hidden in the depths of shadows would be revealed, changing their lives forever.

Written by Riteesh