

In a world ravaged by tragedy, a young child's existence was shattered when the cruel hand of fate stole away his parents, leaving him orphaned and alone. But destiny had other plans in store. Guided by an aged mentor who became a beacon of hope, the child found solace and strength, growing into a resilient soul, untamed by the darkness that surrounded him.

Riteesh_m · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Trapped in Shadows

CHAPTER 17 - Trapped in Shadows

The moment Steve and Yumiko stepped through the portal, their senses were immediately assaulted by a startling sight.

The guards who had always stood watch at the entrance were nowhere to be found, leaving the area ominously devoid of any signs of life.

A disconcerting calmness hung in the air, shrouding their surroundings in an eerie silence.

Yumiko's voice quivered as she voiced her unease. "Something's not right here."

Steve, his instincts screaming at him, could feel that their carefully laid plans were unraveling before their eyes.

A sense of foreboding settled over him, like a dark cloud obscuring their path. He spoke with urgency, "Step back, it's a trap!"

Before they could fully comprehend the situation, a horde of snarling beasts descended upon them.

Steve, drawing upon his quick reflexes, swiftly unsheathed his power sword and struck out with unyielding determination.

The blade cut through the air with a resounding swish as it cleaved through the attackers, momentarily holding back the relentless onslaught.

However, the beasts regrouped and surrounded them, closing in with savage intent.

Steve's heart raced as he realized the gravity of their predicament. "We're trapped," he admitted, his voice laced with both frustration and concern.

Yumiko, her face etched with determination, turned to Steve with a plan. "We need to split up. We can't take them all on together."

Steve nodded, acknowledging the validity of her suggestion. "Alright. You go in that direction," he directed, pointing towards a path obscured by dense foliage.

"Steve, be careful," Yumiko cautioned, her eyes reflecting both worry and determination.

A wry smile tugged at Steve's lips. "That's my line," he replied, a mix of affection and concern evident in his voice.

With their plan in place, they sprinted in opposite directions, their hearts pounding in their chests.

The relentless beasts gave chase, their primal instincts driving them forward. Steve, thinking on his feet, sought refuge behind a large stone, his breath labored with exertion.

His heart pounded in his ears as the creatures passed by, oblivious to his presence. However, a few stray beasts lingered, blocking his path to safety.

Realizing he had little time, Steve summoned every ounce of strength and resolve. He brandished his power sword once more, its radiant glow casting an ethereal light upon the grim surroundings. With a swift and practiced motion, he dispatched the remaining beasts, their howls of pain and fury echoing through the desolate landscape.

As the last creature fell, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. The power coursing through his sword had depleted, leaving him defenseless.

He cursed under his breath, frustration and urgency gnawing at his insides. The power of the sword was sustained by the fusion of the sword and the power stone, granting it only a limited duration of five minutes.

Steve hastily rummaged through his bag, hoping to find an alternative weapon, only to be met with disappointment and disbelief.

He had no weapons left; they were all stored in Yumiko's bag.

All he had were a meager pair of bread and a few apples. Frustration surged within him as he thought, "That damn woman! I told her we weren't going on a picnic!"

With a renewed sense of urgency, Steve resumed his escape, his feet pounding the ground as he raced through the unforgiving terrain. Mile after mile, he pushed himself, his determination unyielding. Yet, just when he thought he might have a moment's respite, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness and ensnared him.

A voice whispered in his ear, its tone filled with both caution and urgency. "Don't make a sound. We're on the same side."

As the beasts receded into the distance, revealing an abandoned battlefield, Steve surveyed the man who had saved him. "What brings you to a place like this?" he inquired, his voice a mixture of curiosity and relief.

The man regarded Steve with suspicion, his eyes filled with equal measures of curiosity and caution. "I could ask you the same thing. What is your purpose here?"

Determinedly, Steve replied, "I'm here to slay the King of Beasts."

A glimmer of recognition flickered in the man's eyes. "Just like us," he affirmed.

Steve's curiosity piqued. "Wait, there are more like us?"

The man nodded, leading Steve to a hidden enclave where a gathering of people and various beasts had assembled. "The other creatures were under the control of Shilva, but they have since been freed and joined our cause," the man explained.

Steve's mind whirled with questions as he absorbed this new information. "Shilva? Who is he?"

The man's gaze turned somber, and he replied, "Shilva is known as the King of Beasts, a formidable adversary. Despite our amassed forces, we have been unable to launch an attack against him."

Puzzled, Steve probed further. "But with your numbers, why haven't you made a move against him?"

A weary smile touched the man's lips. "Ah, young man, you underestimate the strength of Shilva. We lack the necessary power to defeat him, and returning to our world to gather the resources we need is a perilous endeavor. Once one enters his realm, there is no guarantee of returning."

Steve's mind raced, grappling with this new revelation. Confusion and determination clashed within him. "But my friend, she entered and returned from this realm," he said, hope flickering in his voice.

The man's expression hardened. "No, that's not possible. The only person who has successfully entered and left this realm is King Raizor."

A surge of anger and betrayal flooded Steve's thoughts. "Then why did she lie to me?" he wondered aloud, feeling a bitter taste of deception.

The man's voice softened with empathy. "Someone has manipulated you, my friend. But fear not, we are here to aid you."

Steve's mind churned with conflicting emotions, torn between trust and doubt. "She wouldn't do something like that," he thought to himself, desperately clinging to the belief in Yumiko's integrity.

Determined to confront Shilva and put an end to this treacherous game, Steve declared, "I need to defeat him."

The man's voice resonated with a mix of concern and caution. "Do you truly understand the gravity of the situation, young man?"

Steve met the man's gaze, determination etched across his features. "What do you mean?"

The man sighed, his eyes filled with the weight of countless battles fought. "At the beginning of the entrance, there were two paths. The one you took was the safer route, while the other led directly to the king."

Suddenly, Yumiko's words echoed in Steve's mind, their hidden meaning unraveling before him. "She deliberately led us in this direction," he realized.

An overwhelming sense of urgency surged through his veins. "Wait, I need to save her!" Steve exclaimed, his voice laced with desperation.

The man's expression hardened, his resolve unyielding. "You can't," he stated firmly, his hand reaching out to restrain Steve.

Infuriated, Steve's determination flared. "I will go alone. Let me go!" he demanded, his voice filled with unwavering resolve.

In an unexpected move, the man swiftly struck Steve, rendering him unconscious. As darkness claimed him, his thoughts were consumed by a singular focus—Yumiko's safety.

Meanwhile, Yumiko found herself locked in a desperate battle against the imposing figure of Shilva, the King of Beasts. Wounds marked her body, blood staining her clothes, but her spirit remained unbroken.

"I'm sorry, Princess," Shilva taunted, his voice laced with sinister delight.

The odds seemed insurmountable, the end drawing near. Steve was mysteriously absent, leaving Yumiko to face the wrath of the king alone. Their fates intertwined in a perilous dance, each step bringing them closer to an uncertain destiny.

Written by Riteesh