
The Red Dragon Emperor : Embers of Destiny

As dawn broke, I stirred from my sleep, the weight of both my true age and my youthful facade settling on my mind. It was a peculiar sensation, the awareness of my own complex existence within a child's body and determination etched into my expression. I rose early and set my sights on a new beginning. With small, determined steps, I made my way to the administrative office. The corridors seemed vast, and the furniture towering as if the world was still adjusting to my small stature.

As I entered, my gaze met with a kind receptionist. She looked down at me, her eyes softening into a warm smile. "Good morning, little one. What brings you here?" a smile that, unbeknownst to her, met an individual carrying decades of experience and wisdom.

"I'm here to apply for a transfer to the Indian branch," I stated, my voice firm yet layered with the innocence of my apparent age. Her smile remained as she nodded. "Of course, dear, Let me get the necessary forms for you."

As I waited, my thoughts churned with the choices that lay ahead. India's vast expanse offered numerous possibilities, but my goal was clear. My gaze wandered out of the window as if seeking guidance from the world beyond. Mount Kailash, the towering abode of Lord Shiva, called to me like a beacon. It wasn't just a place of spiritual significance; it held the promise of something far greater—a boon, a gift, a revelation. The notion that Shiva was known for his benevolence, and his willingness to aid devotees who truly sought him with their hearts, resonated with my purpose.

Shiva, the God of destruction, whose position ranks high in DxD to celestial entities like Ophis and Great Red, was a source of power that held the potential to empower my journey. The title of Bolenath, the compassionate god who listened to the pleas of his followers, seemed to carry a whisper of opportunity. The very thought of standing before him, seeking his blessing for my path of embracing dark and shadow magic, ignited a fervor within me.

This wasn't just a pilgrimage; it was a strategic step toward unlocking a potential that could set me apart on the path to becoming an emperor of the realms. With my unique blend of experiences and qualities. I was destined to make my mark.

As the receptionist returned with the forms, I realized that this seemingly ordinary decision held profound implications. Uttarakhand, situated in the embrace of the Himalayas, was to be my starting point. A launching pad for a journey that transcended the ordinary—a journey to become a god.

The receptionist returned with the forms, bending slightly to place them within my reach. I took a moment to glance around, appreciating the familiarity of the environment even as the depth of my consciousness contrasted with my childlike demeanor.

When the time came to indicate my preference, I smiled up at the receptionist and uttered, "Uttarakhand branch, please."

Her eyes gleamed with a hint of recognition, an acknowledgment that there was more to my choice than met the eye. "A wise decision," she remarked, her voice a subtle acknowledgment of the complexity she couldn't possibly comprehend. My mind lingered on the choice I had made. Uttarakhand wasn't just a location; it was a turning point in my life that could rewrite the very fabric of my existence.

The receptionist's smile held a hint of understanding, perhaps sensing that behind my youthful exterior lay a determination far beyond my apparent years. With a nod, she took the forms from me. As the forms were handed back to her, I held her gaze for a moment, gratitude and determination blending in my eyes. "Thank you," I said softly, my words a mixture of my true age and the innocence of my current form.

The receptionist's response held a touch of warmth that transcended the usual exchange. "You're welcome, young one."

With a nod, I stepped away from the office, my steps carrying a weight that the world couldn't perceive. My heart pulsed with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. The vastness of India's possibilities had converged on a singular goal—the ascent to Mount Kailash, the communion with Shiva, and the pursuit of power that could elevate me beyond the realms of ordinary cultivation. My path was set, and the journey was about to begin.

Days turned into weeks, and the moment of departure arrived. With a small travel bag in hand and a heart brimming with anticipation, I made my way to the orphanage's entrance. But I wasn't alone. Ms.Maya, a kind-hearted staff member who had volunteered to accompany me on this journey to Uttarakhand is waiting for me near my ride to the airport.

after a while, the bustling airport, a microcosm of journeys both mundane and extraordinary, welcomed travelers with its aura of anticipation. Amidst the crowd, I stood, my small form hidden by never-stopping people. Accompanied by Ms. Maya, who had taken on the role of both protector and guide, I embarked on a flight that would take me from Japan to the Indian subcontinent, from the familiar to the unknown.

As we boarded, the contrast between the expansive cabin and my childlike frame was evident. The seats seemed larger, the overhead compartments more distant, creating a surreal feeling of being in a world slightly out of proportion.

Settling into my seat by the window, I gazed out at the expanse of the airport, my thoughts a whirlwind of curiosity and wonder. The flight attendants moved with practiced grace, their interactions with me a blend of amusement and kindness. Despite my appearance, their demeanor mirrored that of any other traveler, treating me with a respect that transcended age.

As the engines roared to life, a surge of exhilaration coursed through me. With a gentle ascent, the plane lifted off the ground, and Tokyo's sprawling landscape morphed into a tapestry of twinkling lights.

The aircraft's vibrations became a backdrop to my meditation, its subtle fluctuations serving as a reminder of the impermanent nature of existence. Sitting in a regular seat, rather than the traditional lotus position, I focused on finding my center amidst the surrounding motion.

As I withdrew my awareness from the external world, my consciousness turned inward. Each inhale and exhale carried a sense of rhythm. The sounds of conversations, the occasional laughter, and the ambient noise faded into the background, replaced by a serene stillness that permeated my being.

Amidst the steady hum of the aircraft's engines and the muffled sounds of passengers going about their routines, I found myself in a state of deep meditation, practicing the intricacies of the Void Devouring Arts. With my eyes softly closed and my breath in sync with the rhythm of the flight, I embarked on an internal journey that transcended the physical boundaries of the plane.

In my meditation, I visualized the concept of the void—the emptiness that held the potential to contain all things. With each inhale, I imagined drawing in the energy from the void itself. With each exhale, I directed my intention toward the art of devouring.

To understand the very meaning of this energy.

The hours have passed, and each moment of meditation is a testament to my focus and determination. The airplane, once a confined space, now felt like an expansive canvas where I practiced the art of manipulating energy. The cabin's vibrations, the muffled sounds, and the ever-present motion of the flight became part of the symphony that accompanied my meditation.

As the journey neared its end, I slowly withdrew from my meditative state, a sense of accomplishment and clarity filling my consciousness. The airplane's descent mirrored the journey I had taken within—a gradual return to the physical realm from the depths of meditation.

With a tranquil smile, I opened my eyes, greeted by the familiar surroundings of the cabin. The flight had been a journey not just across physical distance, but also through the realms of energy and consciousness. The Void Devouring Arts had allowed me to explore the interplay between emptiness and existence, and as the plane prepared to land, I carried with me a deeper understanding of the forces that shaped the universe.

The airport appeared beneath us, a welcome sight that heralded the end of the flight and the beginning of a new chapter. As I stepped off the plane onto Indian soil, the air carried a fragrance unfamiliar yet welcoming. The sun's rays painted the surroundings in warm hues, infusing the moment with a sense of arrival and rebirth.

The flight had been a bridge between worlds, a tangible reminder that age and appearance were merely facets of a greater whole. The journey was over, but a new journey had just begun.

Arriving at the orphanage, I take in the peaceful surroundings. Nature and the building's traditional design harmonize, while the sound of kids' laughter fills the air. Inside, corridors lead to spaces where stories mingle.

My room is simple but full of potential, its window offering a glimpse of the outside world. As the sun set and Moon rose, I stood up from my bed and went outside. I ventured outside, stars adorned the vast expanse of the sky, twinkling like diamonds scattered across the night sky. The moon cast a gentle glow, bathing the surroundings in a soft, ethereal light.

The towering peaks of the Himalayas stood as majestic sentinels, The snow-covered terrain glistened like silver, reflecting the radiance of the heavens above. Each mound and ridge of snow held its own story, shaped by the forces of nature and time.

I walk purposefully across the snowy landscape, each step creating a soft crunch beneath my feet. Despite the biting cold, I feel a reassuring warmth enveloping me – a protective shield of void energy that wards off the chill. Choosing a spot, I settle down, my body finding a comfortable position on the snow.

Sitting in the meditative position, I focused my mind on harnessing the void energy towards the Blackheart. With a concentrated effort, the energy flowed seamlessly, and then, like a magician's trick, the transformation occurred. The black heart absorbed the energy, and in an instant, it transmuted into mana – a dense, dark essence. The black heart thumped with renewed vigor, circulating the newfound dark mana throughout my body, coursing through my mana veins. The pulsating rhythm of the black heart became synchronized with the mana's flow, both in harmony.

Now, my attention shifted to the mana itself. With a gentle touch of my consciousness, I guided it through the labyrinthine pathways of my soul, delving into its deepest core. It was as if I went beyond the surface, beyond the floating Lotus, and descended into the very abyss of my being. In a sudden twist of perception, the scenery morphed – I found myself suspended amidst a sea of flames that seemed to have been plucked from the very inferno of hell.

Within this fiery abyss, a presence materialized – a voice that resonated within me.

~So you have finally arrived. I really did not expect you to find me on your own this early, boy~

The words reverberated through my mind, carrying an ancient weight and a certain authority.

Ddraig, the formidable dragon spirit, manifested before me. His form was grand and imposing, a true embodiment of draconic might. His scales glistened with an ethereal luminescence, their color a blend of vivid reds and oranges. Eyes of blazing intensity fixated upon me, reflecting the essence of a being who had witnessed countless ages.

The surroundings bore a stark contrast to his presence – an ocean of roaring flames, each wave resembling a hungry serpent seeking to consume. As Ddraig spoke, his voice carried the power of authority, resonating like a symphony amidst the infernal chaos.

Despite the turmoil around us, his demeanor exuded a sense of ancient wisdom. His words held a mixture of curiosity and a hint of amusement as if he had anticipated this meeting in a realm beyond the laws of reality.

I greeted the magnificent dragon spirit before me with profound respect, my words carrying a touch of reverence. "I greet the Heavenly Red Dragon of Domination."

Ddraig's eyes, fiery orbs of ancient power, bore into mine as he observed me. The intensity of his gaze seemed to pierce through layers of existence as if he could perceive not only my words but the very essence of my being. His imposing form held an air of authority that resonated deep within me.

~You seek my power, young one,~

Ddraig rumbled, his voice echoing through the fiery abyss.

~To become the Red Dragon Emperor and have me as your partner. Tell me, why do you need such power?~

In the face of the dragon's question, I felt a surge of determination welling up within me. It was a fire that matched the flames of the abyss surrounding us. "I seek to be the sole emperor of all the worlds," I replied firmly. "To rise above the ordinary, to transcend realms and boundaries. It's not just about domination, but about wielding the power to protect, to shape, and to forge my own path."

Ddraig's intense gaze never wavered, and I felt the weight of his scrutiny as if he were peering into the depths of my soul.

~You are ambitious, young one,~ he mused.

~But ambition alone does not warrant the power of the Red Dragon Emperor. What do you offer in exchange for such a partnership?~

With unshakable resolve, I met his gaze. "My determination, my dedication, and my unyielding pursuit of growth. I've faced challenges that defy my apparent age, and I've striven to overcome them. My path has been one of continuous effort, driven by a thirst for knowledge and strength. I offer my unwavering commitment to becoming a force that can bring about change."

Draig's eyes seemed to gleam with an ember of approval, a hint of appreciation for my response.

~Your words hold weight, and I sense the truth in them,~ he acknowledged. ~Your talents are intriguing, and the way you've navigated your journey till now—although I don't understand how you did it, and I believe everyone has their own secrets-But the fact remains that you achieved it at this early age. You have my attention.~

As he spoke, the flames around us danced with ethereal grace, their patterns shifting and twisting like the threads of destiny. In the midst of this fiery realm, our conversation felt like a clash of wills, a negotiation of intentions that transcended the ordinary realm of mortals.

I took a deep breath, my determination unwavering. "Draig, I don't seek your power solely for myself. I seek it to protect those who matter, to shape a destiny that can stand against the tides of fate. To rise as an emperor revered by the people, one who reshapes the course of existence itself."

Draig regarded me in silence, his ancient wisdom weighing my words. Then, finally, he nodded a gesture that echoed with an air of approval.

~Very well, Grey. If you are willing to walk this path with the determination you've displayed, then I shall grant you the power you seek. But remember, with great power comes great responsibilities. As partners, our fates are entwined from now on.~

I bowed my head in acknowledgment, the flames reflecting in my eyes.

~I understand, Draig. I accept this responsibility~

In the midst of the fiery abyss, a pact was forged – a partnership that spanned worlds and transcended the boundaries. The flames danced with an aura of newfound energy, echoing the beginning of a bond that would shape destinies and change the fates of not just one but many.












~Rest assured, partner. I've ensured that our presence and the recent surge of power remain concealed. I've observed you closely for an extended period. However, I'm curious about your method of masking the energy fluctuations that occurred during your initial cultivation and breakthrough. Would you be willing to share the details?~

With a thoughtful expression, I regarded Ddraig before responding, "The method I employ involves tapping into the essence of primordial energy known as the Void Energy. It predates even the chaotic and creative forces that shape our universe. While it may not inherently possess the raw power of other energies, its unique trait lies in its inherent mutability. You see, Void Energy is of type 'none,' granting it the potential to be transmuted into any other form of energy."

Ddraig's fiery eyes held a glint of interest, his ancient wisdom processing the information I shared.

~A formidable and versatile energy indeed, he commented, But it sounds as if accessing this energy is no simple feat.~

I nodded in agreement. "You're right. Void Energy exists exclusively within the void, a space that separates universes. This exclusivity makes it virtually inaccessible and unknown to others. It's a well-guarded secret of the cosmos. However, through the Void Devouring Arts, I've found a way to harness this elusive energy."

I paused for a moment, a wry smile touching my lips. "The interesting part is that this technique doesn't manifest outwardly. Unlike conventional energy cultivation, where fluctuations are sensed by others, the Void Devouring Arts keep everything internal. For an observer, they'd simply see me in a state of intense concentration, possibly sweating and with a rather... constipated expression, while, in truth, I'm drawing the energy from the very fabric of the void."

Ddraig's eyes gleamed with a fusion of comprehension and amusement, his blazing form emanating an aura of profound respect.

~HAHAHAHA, impressive, truly impressive, Grey. Your aptitude for concealing your power sets you apart. The art of drawing strength while shrouding your aura is a hallmark of a future Emperor. Admirable, indeed.~

His words reverberated within the fiery expanse, resonating like the wisdom imparted by ancient masters in the pages of cultivation novels. A surge of satisfaction coursed through me. Ddraig's recognition was a testament to the depth of my journey and the extent of my determination.

Ddraig, still in the throes of his earlier amusement, regained his composure enough to continue.

~HaHa...Ha..ha. Yes, one more thing, partner. We are being observed.~

"...eh?" The words hit me like a bolt of lightning, shock reverberating through my being at this unexpected revelation.






















{Conversations between Grey and Ddraig will be enclosed within double quotation marks (" ") even though they are occurring telepathically. This formatting is specific to the interactions between Ddraig and Grey.}

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Author here, just wanted to tell you that I really appriciate you guys giving this a chance. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or share your insights in the comment section below. Your feedback is invaluable and plays a significant role in shaping the narrative.

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