
The test

The bladed exam seemed to be the most popular as it had a large range of tools. Looking round the types of weapons where ranged form single dagger to a two handed battle ax. However there where two people we pond that stood out. One being a silver Katina speckled with a light blue aura and the other a seemingly simple one bladed sword when looking at a glance. However when looking again, it was a very wide and large one at that which many of the children there wondered if they where taller than the blade in that mans hand.

That man was actual there examinar, and he spoke in such a rough voice it was both hard to hear and perfect to hear at the same time "Form a line... one at a time... come and attack".

That was it, no name, no order or how they would be judged.

Slowly people started to form a line and an unlucky person was pushed to the front. No sooner had he lifted his weapon, a simple short sword, then the man growled "Fail... next". It took everyone by surprise that he had to speak again, "Approach now or fail now" this woke everyone up from the shock they had and the poor person that went first ran out of the room with some sniffing following him.

Slowly the next person walked up stopped and started to grip there weapon when "Failed" was once again boomed from the man, knowing they had to move for the next person they stepped back and towards the exit. Up walked 1, 2, 3, each met with the same response.

Now it was the go of the person with the Silver Katina, unlike all the other people this man didnt bat an eye looking at the blade. As the new phalanger slowly stepped forward she didnt think of stopping to draw her blade but darted forward and suddenly drew and slashed in one quick flowered movement.



The sudden loud clash of metal on metal rang though the hall. Before the girl could lift her head the tip of a blade was in front of her eyes.

"Name" the namless brute growled.

"Mizu, Mizu soho" she responded.

"Pass..Sageru level 2" he grunted almost cutting him off

A sudden gasp was heard from some of the ones left in line, not only did she pass but to get level 2 gave them hope.

When she moved to the side she heard the next attacker charge straight like she did.

He was quickly defeated and asked the same question.


"Pass" was said before he could even get his full name out. Since everyone was dressed the same Yami was unsure of who was who as he had very few people he could call friends. He didnt bother learning the names of people in his class so didnt bother trying to rake his mind for whom this person was.

As each new person went up following what Mizu had done, nearly all had passed but non of them got a level after there pass making Mizu feal special.

Kaen was the next up, and he rushed from the start, and swung his ax down missing the man that easily side stepped it. However Kaen then swung his ax horizontal into the flat end of the huge sword.

Just before the two met the air became a bit warmer and the ax's blade had a very faint red glow on it that Yami didnt miss, not did the examiner.


Suddenly Kaen was flung back so quickly no one saw what happened.

"*Grows* Pass... level 1... no name needed" he said turning away from him.

Everything proceeded to normal again after this with more passes the fails now and the spectator grow larger and larger.

Now it was Yamis go.

Some people started to leave as they didnt care about his result others staid to watch him suffer, kaen was the latter. As he approached and the man saw his worn down weapons a small smile appeared on his face.

Yami had been watching the whole time and know that unless he charged he would most likely fail, but he didnt, he walked slowly toward the man and stopped several feet in front before staring at him.

A sudden noise came from the man that grew louder and louder until he was laughing louder than he had spoken up until that point.

"So... you have some sense in you" these words where spoken, rather then growled.

As Yami had been watching the whole time he realised that this man had not taken a step this whole time. As he slowly walked towards him stopping a couple of feet he hoped he was right.

"So... you have some sense in you, stopping just out of reach of this blade" The man spoke.

"If i had my normal one then the distance would need to be even large then the gap now"

Yami pondered this second comment for a while before asking something "Name".

He asked in the same tone all others where asked causing the group of people that stayed to be a bit shocked. Again he man laughed before replying.

"Ditan, now come and fight"

Yami done just this, crouching low and leaning forward to the point of falling over, he shot forward. Daitan went to swat Yami away with the flat side of his sword when a blade came flying at his face casing him to falter for a second.

This wasn't because he count stop it, heck if he let it hit him it would bounce of. He faltered as he never saw Yami draw this blade but just it fly at him. This second of hesitation gave Yami the chance to slip under the large sword and disappear from sight in the shadows. The exchange happened in s second. Daitan moved his head out of the way allowing the blade to fly right past whilst sensing where Yami was.

Daitan was impressed when he found out, Yami was directly behind him grabbing the handle of the blade in the air ready to slice Daitan neck. But just as quick Daitan crouched down causing Yami to slice at nothing. All the on lookers where silent not thinking that the man that defeated them all in a few seconds had spent this long on a nobody.

As Yami rolled forward after landing just outside of Daitan's reach he thought over the failed slash he just made. Both opponents where back to their starting positions almost as if nothing had happened.

"Pass, you can stop and get level 2, or you can continue and be knocked down to level 1" Daitan announced, "Or progress to level 3" he thought to himself in hopes this would be the case.

Yami didnt need to think but done the same action again and shot the blade forward like last time. Daitan was a bit annoyed that he would do the same action again and didnt hide his anger. Lifting his huge blade to smash the flying blade, he realised something too late.

"Is this blade a bit shorted then the other" This thought flashed through his mind as he swatted the blade away. In the process of swatting the blade away Yami had closed the distance and using his longer blade struck at Daitan knee.

Daitan was unable to anything else then instinctively take a step back and then use his free hand to knock Yami down.

Even though Yami was faced down in the dirt not even being able to hit his opponent he was happy, he made him take a step. Daitan was also thinking of this, "How terrifying of an opponent you will become in the future, throwing a blade knowing i will get angry and swat it in just the position that i could have a blind spot for a second is impressive enough. But being able to act on that as well..."

"Pass... Level 2" Even though he wanted to give level 3 he was not allowed and for anyone he did the school would lower it.

After hours of fighting it was all over, now everyone made there way back to the rows of seats seeing some of them already occupied.