
Darkness Unknown

Welcome to a world of superhumans and were normies rein supreme. You might think a world where people having superpowers would be great but there are risks to such a world. When everyone in the world that's 'normal' and the world government made a decision it resulted in ten years of bloodshed. Now superhumans can be considered rare as most have learned to hide and blend into the crowd. But what may become of the new generation of superhumans in their journey of self discovery in a world built to hate them? One things for sure, things are going to be interesting.

Starstruck_11 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Lion's Den

"Why the hell would you do that?!"

"I was ordered to bring you whichever way I see fit, as per Aiden's orders."

"What happens when all those people that actually saw report what happened? Not everyone was popping pills and getting wasted, and for crying out loud Jacob, you kidnapped someone! Do you think his family won't look for him? After that it won't take long for the Enforcers to get involved."

"Watch that tone."

I had regained consciousness halfway through their arguing. I was tied up to a metal beam in the middle of the room. It looked as if we were in an abandoned factory of sorts and most of the contents that would generally be here were cleared out. My kidnapers had taken off their masks and now I could see their faces. Isaac was arguing with Jacob, who was fairly tanned, had a muscular build, brown wavy hair that was braided, brown eyes and a piercings on his nose and lower lip. Several other guys stood across the room, at first that's what I thought I realised it there were the same person and they, or he, combined into one person. He had dark olive green eyes, short cut hair, a fair build and a slightly feminine featured face. Sitting on the window sill was a woman, black hair that reached her shoulders, blue eyes and out of all of them I felt she was a major threat.

"My family isn't going to look for me." I answered Isaac's previous question causing everyone to look at me with suprise.

"Is that so? Does it have something to do with all those wounds around your body?" The girl asked. I was slightly taken aback but this was to be expected I guess. I just narrowed my eyes at her before looking away. "I'm just asking considering you're a superhuman aswell." I turned back to the woman, shocked by her words.

"Reina, what are you saying?" Jacob asked her. "I'm a telepath, a powerful one at that. So tell me, why do you think it is that my powers don't seem to work on you?" She asked me, already knowing the answer. I scoffed and simply looked the other way. "So uhm... is this guy joining us or...?" Asked the other guy. "Even if he wants to it won't be entirely up to him, Aiden has to agree to it as well, besides it's risky to just let this guy in when we know about him. Chris, make sure the area is secure so we can make our leave." Jacob said and Chris did as he was told.

Isaac, who had been awfully quiet finally had something to say. "Jacob, we could use someone like him. I can convince Aiden to let him in, just trust me and do this." Jacob scoffed at his words and glared Isaac down. "Let me make myself very clear, I do not take orders from you nor will I ever. You are the one that got us in this mess, all because you couldn't be a good little play thing and entertainment Aiden, but instead you chose to go to a stupid party! Further more, now your royal manwhore is on my ass to bring you back him. So I dare you to give me another order and see where it gets you."

Isaac kept his gave but said nothing further. Reina was back on the window and I was just standing there watching all of this play out.

"Yeah so I'm gonna go." I said starting to work on getting out of the handcuffs. Jacob, seeing me struggling to set myself free, scoffed.

"Even if you do break free from there, what makes you think I'll just let you go?"

"Because I'm telling you to."

Everyone's eyes snapped towards the door where a well dressed man now stood. He was only a few years older than me it seemed and he was wearing a black suit that fit him well. His short wavy hair slightly glistening, his handsome face and feature, his deep authoritative voice, the way he was dripping of confidence and the most striking thing about him were his crimson red eyes that drawed you in the more you stared at them.

I did not like it. The fact that everyone else were practically petrified with fear didn't help.

"A-Aiden! Sir! We completely our mission as per your request." Reina said with a weird salute. Jacob did the same and Chris was behind Aiden along with someone else. Another guy that looked similar to Aiden but younger.

I swear to god, if I keep meaning more hot men I'm going to have a sexuality crisis, not that I'm not already having it.

"Sir. If I may, why would you let him go? He's a civilian that could threaten everything we've worked so hard to achieve. With all do respect, keeping him alive - let alone letting him go free, would be the dumbest thin-" Jacob spoke only to be cut off but a blade to his throat.

"Watch how you talk to my older brother. You may be high ranking in the organisation but you are still expendable." The younger brother spoke in a harsh tone, slightly cutting Jacob while doing so. While this was happening Aiden walked up to me and stared me down. I kept his gaze and didn't move a muscle, I almost forgot to breathe.

He snapped his fingers and the handcuffs burst into flames. It was a dark red fire that only made contact with the cuffs and I didn't even feel the heat. My hands were now free and so I finally stood up. Aiden walked over to Isaac and grabbed his chin, Isaac turning away in a mix of fear and disgust. Aiden pulled Isaac back to face him, a grin painting his face before he pulled Isaac into a kiss.

I mean this in the most non homophobic way I possibly can, but that kiss was just wrong.

"You should go before I change my mind," Aiden said, sending a side glance my way. I immediately started moving towards the exit and looking back behind me every few seconds to make sure they weren't planning on doing anything. I made it to the door and as I walked through the exit, Aiden shared some parting words.

"We'll be seeing each other very soon."