

As they approached the heavenly gate, the imposing guard demanded an entrance fee of 1 billion extols. Kid, unimpressed by the demand, swiftly dispatched the guard with a powerful blast from his gun, sending the guard's head exploding into the sky.

With the guard defeated, Blackbeard and his crew leaped onto the cloud island, their spirits buoyed by the bouncy texture of the clouds beneath their feet. Nokijo and Keya laughed with delight as they bounced along, marveling at the unique landscape.

As they encountered the island's residents, Blackbeard's keen observation led him to a startling realization: the Straw Hat Pirates had not yet visited Sky Island, explaining the presence of the guard. With a satisfied nod, Blackbeard seized control of the situation, using his Conqueror's Haki to render the residents unconscious.

Taking Conis, one of the island's inhabitants, as a captive, Blackbeard entrusted Nokijo and Keya with the task of securing her. Binding Conis with ropes, they ensured she would not escape their grasp.

Leaving Wire behind to watch over Conis, Blackbeard and the rest of the crew ventured forth, eager to explore the mysteries of Sky Island and claim its treasures for themselves. With determination in their hearts and conquest in their minds, they set out to make their mark on this heavenly realm.

As the sky crackled with energy, a bolt of lightning streaked down from above, heralding the arrival of Enel, the self-proclaimed god of Skypiea. With an air of arrogance and power, he surveyed the scene before him, his eyes alight with the thrill of discovery.

"I sensed the power emanating from here," Enel declared, his voice echoing with authority. His gaze swept over Blackbeard and his crew, sizing them up with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. "Who dares to intrude upon my domain?"

As Enel descended upon them with crackling bolts of lightning, Kid and Killer stepped forward, their resolve unwavering. With determination etched upon their faces, they prepared to face the self-proclaimed god of Skypiea.

Blackbeard nodded in approval, acknowledging their readiness to confront Enel. "Go," he commanded, his voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos. "But remember, he possesses the power of the Goro Goro no Mi and formidable Observation Haki."

With a shared glance, Kid and Killer synchronized their movements, their bodies enveloped in a shroud of Observation Haki. As Enel unleashed another volley of lightning, they deftly evaded his attacks, their movements guided by their heightened senses.

Kid's metallic arm crackled with electricity as he summoned his magnetic powers, drawing in nearby metal objects to form a protective shield against Enel's onslaught. Meanwhile, Killer wielded his newly forged swords with deadly precision, his strikes swift and calculated.

As Enel's lightning cascaded down upon them, Kid and Killer found themselves locked in a fierce struggle against the self-proclaimed god of Skypiea. Despite their best efforts, they struggled to match Enel's overwhelming power, his mastery over lightning proving to be a formidable challenge.

Enel's attacks came with relentless ferocity, each bolt of lightning striking with deadly precision. Kid's magnetic shield wavered under the onslaught, while Killer's swordplay faltered against the force of Enel's divine wrath. It seemed as though victory was beyond their reach, and despair threatened to consume them.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a sudden surge of power coursed through Killer's veins. With a roar of determination, he unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, a shockwave of overwhelming force that reverberated through the battlefield. Enel, caught off guard by the sudden display of strength, faltered for the briefest of moments, providing Kid with an opening.

Seizing the opportunity, Kid launched himself forward with renewed vigor, his metallic arm crackling with Armament Haki. With a thunderous clash, he delivered a devastating blow to Enel, the force of his attack shattering the god's defenses and sending him reeling.

Enel, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, struggled to regain his footing as Kid and Killer pressed their advantage. With each strike, they chipped away at his divine armor, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

But Enel, fueled by his arrogance and pride, refused to concede defeat. With a roar of fury, he unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, his power reaching its zenith as he sought to overwhelm his opponents once and for all.

Yet Kid, drawing upon the strength of his Armament Haki, refused to be cowed. With a fierce battle cry, he charged forward, his resolve unshakable as he faced down the god of Skypiea. And in a final, decisive clash, Kid's Armament Haki proved to be the ultimate weapon, shattering Enel's defenses and delivering a crushing blow that brought the self-proclaimed god to his knees.

As Enel lay defeated before them, his divine aura flickering and fading, Kid and Killer stood victorious, their triumph a testament to their strength, courage, and unwavering determination.

As Enel lay defeated at their feet, his once-mighty form now humbled and broken, Kid and Killer exchanged a triumphant glance, their eyes alight with the fire of victory.

"Killer, you've awakened Conqueror's Haki!" Kid exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. "That's incredible! You did it!"

Killer's chest swelled with pride as he realized the significance of his newfound power. "I... I finally did it," he said, his voice tinged with awe and disbelief. "And you, Kid, you defeated this thunder guy! That was amazing!"

Their jubilation was interrupted by the voice of Blackbeard, who approached them with a nod of approval. "Congratulations, both of you," he said, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "You've proven yourselves worthy members of the Blackbeard Pirates."

As they stood over the fallen form of Enel, Blackbeard's gaze turned thoughtful. "Enel may have been powerful, but he was blinded by his arrogance," he remarked.

Blackbeard's voice carried a mix of amusement and contempt as he regarded Enel sprawled on the ground, his once-proud demeanor shattered by defeat. "You wanted to be a god, Enel?" he sneered, his gaze piercing through the remnants of Enel's arrogance. "You strutted around this island, lording over these people with your so-called divine powers, yet you were nothing more than a petty tyrant."

Enel's expression twisted with a mixture of defiance and bitterness. "What would you know of godhood, Blackbeard?" he spat, his voice tinged with venom. "You are nothing but a mere mortal, seeking to grasp power beyond your reach."

Blackbeard's smirk widened into a predatory grin, his eyes gleaming with a wicked gleam. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Enel," he said, his tone dripping with sinister amusement. "I may be mortal, but I have something far more valuable than your fleeting lightning bolts."

Enel's curiosity was piqued despite himself. "And what might that be?" he demanded, unable to hide his interest.

Blackbeard's grin grew wider as he extended a hand toward Enel, his gaze intense and compelling. "Potential," he declared, his voice echoing with undeniable conviction. "The potential to wield power beyond imagination, to command forces that would make even the gods tremble."

Enel's eyes widened in realization as he felt the weight of Blackbeard's words sink in. Could it be true? Could this man offer him a path to true godhood, one that transcended the limitations of his Thunder-Thunder Fruit?

"And what do you ask in return?" Enel questioned, his voice laced with a newfound eagerness.

Blackbeard's grin stretched into a malevolent smile as he clasped Enel's hand in a firm grip. "Your loyalty, your obedience, and your unwavering dedication to our cause," he replied, his voice low and compelling. "Join me, Enel, and together we shall ascend to heights of power that would make even the mightiest gods tremble."

Enel hesitated for a moment, weighing his options, before finally nodding in agreement. "Very well, Blackbeard," he said, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "I shall join you, but know this: I will not be a pawn in your schemes. I will carve my own path to godhood, and woe be to any who dare stand in my way."

Blackbeard's smile widened into a grin of genuine satisfaction as he welcomed Enel into the fold. "So be it," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. "Together, we shall shake the very foundations of this world and claim our rightful place among the gods."

"That lightning guy was no joke," Kid remarked, his voice low and thoughtful. "But we managed to hold our own."

Killer nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the floor as he mulled over their battle tactics. "Yeah, but he's not someone to underestimate," he replied, his tone serious. "We'll need to be on our guard from now on."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching, and they both turned to see Blackbeard striding towards them, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

"Everything alright, Captain?" Kid asked, straightening up as Blackbeard drew near.

Blackbeard's grin widened into a grin of genuine satisfaction as he regarded his crewmates. "Better than alright, Kid," he replied, his voice filled with confidence. "Enel has joined our ranks, and with him on our side, there's no telling what we can accomplish."

Kid and Killer exchanged a surprised glance, their eyes widening in disbelief at the news. "Enel? Seriously?" Kid exclaimed, unable to hide his astonishment.

Blackbeard nodded, his expression gleaming with triumph. "Yes, seriously," he confirmed. "With his power and ambition, he'll be a valuable asset to our crew."

Killer's eyes narrowed in thought as he considered the implications of their new alliance. "But what about his goals?" he questioned, his voice tinged with concern. "Will he truly follow your lead, Captain?"

Blackbeard's smile remained unwavering as he clasped a hand on each of his crewmates' shoulders, his gaze steady and assured. "Enel may have his own ambitions, but he knows better than to cross me," he replied, his tone laced with authority. "As long as he understands his place, he'll be a loyal member of the Blackbeard Pirates."

Blackbeard said, "Enel where the gold at??"

Enel shot a lightning bolt into the sky and soon his subordinates arrived. Enel said, "Take us to my place" he commanded

As the Blackbeard Pirates gazed upon the shimmering city of gold, a sense of awe washed over them. Kid's eyes widened in disbelief, his gaze sweeping over the seemingly endless expanse of golden buildings and treasures.

"Holy shit," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "So much gold..."

Killer nodded in agreement, his expression a mixture of wonder and greed. "How much is this even worth?" he mused aloud, his mind racing with the possibilities.

Heat, ever the pragmatist, chimed in with a practical observation. "This is enough to live in luxury for a thousand lifetimes," he remarked, his tone tinged with awe.

Blackbeard, observing his crew's reactions with a satisfied smirk, nodded in approval. "Indeed," he agreed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The city of gold was enveloped by the swirling darkness of Blackbeard's vortex, Enel's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, his thoughts consumed by the desire to reach the moon. With a sense of longing in his voice, he turned to his captain.

"Captain, it has always been my dream to journey to the moon," Enel confessed, his eyes alight with determination. "It is said that we Shandia are descendants of the moon people."

Blackbeard regarded Enel with a thoughtful expression, considering his request. "Don't worry," he assured him, his tone reassuring. "I am only storing the gold. It will do no damage to the ark maxim."

As Blackbeard addressed his crew upon their return to the Victoria Punk, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. With Enel now among their ranks, the dynamics of the crew had shifted, and each member awaited their captain's next move with bated breath.

"This is Enel, the newest member of the Blackbeard Pirates," Blackbeard announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "He will prove to be a valuable asset to our crew."

Enel, standing tall and proud beside Blackbeard, nodded in acknowledgment, his expression a mix of confidence and determination. Though his allegiance was now sworn to the Blackbeard Pirates, his ambitions burned brighter than ever, fueled by the promise of power and glory that lay ahead.

Turning his attention to Kid and Killer, Blackbeard's gaze softened with a hint of approval. "You two have fought well," he praised, his voice resonating with pride. "Rest now, for you have earned it."

Kid and Killer exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment of their captain's praise, before retreating to their quarters to recuperate from their recent battles.

As for Heat, Blackbeard's command was clear and unwavering. "Continue your training," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument. "We have much to prepare for, and your strength will be crucial in the battles to come."