
Chapter 0: Arise

The kingdom of Estoria has been standing for centuries. The new era began in the year 1035, after King Ferron murdered his brother to take the throne. Hated and loved by many, King Ferron continues to reign over the kingdom. He has shown support for families living outside the walls, and has strived for improving the state of the Kingdom. After years of peace, conflicts are starting to break out along the southern border of the kingdom. With these conflicts, the king and the many soldiers of Estoria, have been unable to focus their efforts on other problems within the kingdom. Monster outbreaks, crime, and poverty are among the many problems caused by the growing military conflicts in the south.

A boy named Jakov has been living with his family on their farm for seventeen years. Their farm lies at the northern section of the kingdom, on a peaceful piece of land outside of the walls. With the military conflicts being in the south, Jakov and his family have still led peaceful lives since they live on the opposite side. Jakov ignorantly thought that the rest of his life would be monotonous and bland, but his coming struggles will make the fields of his farm look like paradise.