
Darkness Adore

Shin's life takes a perilous turn when he stumbles upon the 'Mystic Emporium,' a mysterious store hidden away in the shadows. The encounter binds him to a powerful entity of darkness, making him the chosen one to combat the malevolent organization known as 'The Order.' Little does he know that his newfound role as a contractor will lead him into a world of dungeons to raid and evil creatures to face. As Shin embarks on his critical quest, he must navigate through treacherous dungeons, each guarded by wicked creatures serving The Order. These dungeons hold the key to the organization's dark plans, and Shin must overcome numerous challenges, puzzles, and battles to progress towards his ultimate goal. Along his journey, Shin will also seek out powerful artifacts, hidden in the most dangerous corners of the realm. These ancient relics possess incredible magical abilities that could aid him in his battle against The Order and The Veil Syndicate. However, obtaining these artifacts won't be easy, as they are protected by guardians of great strength and cunning, who will stop at nothing to prevent them from falling into the hands of the righteous. Amidst the chaos, another notorious and enigmatic organization emerges, known as 'The Veil Syndicate.' They seek to exploit the chaos created by The Order and possess ancient artifacts capable of unraveling the very fabric of reality. The Veil Syndicate becomes a significant obstacle on Shin's path, operating from a hidden fortress deep within a cursed forest, where they conduct sinister rituals to augment their dark powers. With both The Order and The Veil Syndicate plotting malevolently, Shin's faith and beliefs are put to the test. He faces moral dilemmas, questioning whether he should sacrifice his friends and loved ones or the realm itself to stop the sinister plans of these evil organizations. The burden of innocent lives at stake becomes an immense source of turmoil for him. As the epic saga unfolds, Shin grapples with the complexities of faith, battling internal conflicts and doubts. Each encounter with evil challenges him to reaffirm his convictions and forge a new understanding of his faith. Along his journey, he forms unexpected alliances with diverse characters who each teach him valuable lessons about bravery, self-discovery, and the true meaning of courage. The fate of the realm and its people hangs in the balance, and Shin's decisions will shape its future. Can he find a way to save both his loved ones and the realm, or will he ultimately face a heartbreaking sacrifice that will change him forever? The tale of Shin's extraordinary journey becomes a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity, as he confronts the malevolence of The Order and The Veil Syndicate, preserving the light of hope and faith in a world shrouded in darkness.

Nemisofdoo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Legacy of the Mystic Emporium

As Shin cautiously pushed open the door, he was immediately embraced by an enchanting aura of happiness. The air hummed with welcoming vibes, drawing him in like a warm embrace. The scene before him was nothing short of magical; humans and beast men mingled together, their laughter and conversations intermingling harmoniously.

The dwarfs sang in perfect harmony, adding to the atmosphere of pure delight. Humans and beast men exchanged playful banter that echoed through the air like a symphony of laughter.

Elves gracefully moved about, their warm smiles making everyone feel at home. Their attentive service added to the sense of belonging that filled the air.

And then, the fairies fluttered above, casting enchanting spells that elevated the already joyous mood. Their magical lights created an ethereal ambiance that stirred the hearts of all present.

"You're just in time to join the celebration. We're glad you're here!" said a graceful elf with a kind smile.

"Wo...Wow," Shin murmured, his voice tinged with amusement and excitement. "I've never seen anything like this! It's like a whimsical carnival of joy!" A grin crept across his face, unable to contain his amusement at the extraordinary scene.

As he joined the fun of the guild, he felt an overwhelming mix of emotions—a heartwarming blend of happiness, excitement, and joy dancing hand in hand. "I'm so grateful I stumbled upon this incredible gathering."

Shin found himself drawn into the festivities, he realized that this place was more than a Guild; it was a sanctuary, a home away from home, where strangers became friends, and differences were celebrated. He couldn't help but smile.

Time passed, and as the night wore on, Shin continued to immerse himself in the enchanting atmosphere of the Guild. He laughed with the dwarfs, cherishing their tales of grand adventures and humorous mishaps. He struck up conversations with the beast men, learning about their cultures and customs, discovering how much they all had in common despite their physical differences. He even danced with the fairies, twirling and spinning as their magical lights swirled around him, filling him with a childlike wonder.

Shin's heart felt lighter than it had in a long time. "This is a happiness that I want to cherish forever," he thought to himself, not wanting the night to end.

Guild members approached him, smiling and expressing how much fun they had with him. "You're a welcome addition to our merry band," said a dwarf with a hearty laugh.

An elf nodded in agreement, "You brought even more joy to our celebrations. Come back soon, won't you?"

The beast men chimed in, "We enjoyed sharing our stories with you, and we look forward to hearing more of yours next time!"

With a bittersweet feeling, Shin thanked everyone for their incredible hospitality and friendship. "I'll cherish this unforgettable night forever," he said with genuine gratitude. "I promise to return soon, and until then, you'll hold a special place in my heart."

As he bid his farewells, he felt a sense of belonging he had never felt before. Walking towards the entrance, Shin knew he had found more than just a Guild; he had discovered a home—a place where he was welcomed with open arms.

But as he stepped outside, terror met him in every corner of the kingdom. It was catastrophic to look at. Buildings were falling apart, fires spreading, and dead bodies scattered everywhere. Voices filled with terror echoed loudly in the kingdom. "Thi...this isn't real, right?" Shin said with tears running down his cheeks and his voice trembling. "A true horror indeed."

Desperate, Shin turned around, wanting to inform the guild about what was happening outside. But the guild was already wrecked. Kneeling down on his knees, crying and puzzled, Shin whispered, "What happened?"

With every tear that dropped from Shin's cheeks, rage started to grow within him. He felt useless and powerless in the chaotic situation. Shin's mind raced as he ran, hoping to find a single soul to save.

In the distance, a small voice cried out, "Please help me...a-anyone!?"

Shin rushed towards the sound, and there he found the guild leader of the mystic emporium, battling three masked attackers. The guild leader had visible wounds and was fighting valiantly to protect a little child, but it was clear he was reaching his limit.

Understanding the situation, Shin ran towards the child, hoping to create a distraction so the guild leader could continue the fight. But as he ran, he heard desperate shouts from the other guild members in need of help.

In a moment of conflicting emotions, Shin rushed to assist the guild members, leaving the guild leader and the child behind. The guild members fought courageously but were outnumbered and overwhelmed.

One by one the guild members fell like fallen stars, their anguished cries for the guild leader's assistance lost amidst the overwhelming chaos. In the midst of this desperate fray, a devoted guild member named Roa mustered all the courage left in his trembling voice, "Guild master, I've cherished every moment fighting by your side, but I'm afraid I can no longer reach the sunrise." Abruptly, an earth-shattering boom erupted, and a blinding flash engulfed Roa and his comrades in a devastating grip, sealing their tragic fate.

"No... NOOOO!" Shin shouted, covering his eyes from the blinding light and crouching to protect himself from the explosion's impact.

When the light subsided, Shin returned to the guild leader, only to find that the three masked attackers had pierced him with their swords. The guild leader was now on his knees, gasping for breath, and the little child was crying by his side.

"No, no, no, no, no," Shin trembling in disbelief, not knowing what to do. The guild leader's condition worsened before his eyes, and he spoke with a weak smile, "I'm proud of them, but still... I'm sorry. I failed you all... I wasn't strong enough.."

With a cough of blood, the guild leader handed his sword to Shin, saying his last words, "This might sound shameful enough, but please continue our legacy, young boy... Be strong so you won't make the same mistake".

As the guild leader took his final breath, Shin gently closed the older man's eyes, his hand trembling with sorrow and reverence. He had admired the guild master's wisdom, kindness, and the sense of belonging he had brought to the guild. Now, the weight of his sacrifice weighed heavily on Shin's heart.

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Shin stood there, unable to contain his grief. The once vibrant guild hall now felt like a hollow chamber, filled only with the echoes of laughter and camaraderie that were now forever gone. The cheerful faces of the fallen guild members flashed before his "I promise," Shin choked, his voice trembling with emotion, "I'll carry on your legacy.