
World Of Despair

The stairs were already open when I awoke. I guess that's the way to the eighth floor!

The arena was deserted, save for the ice frost flooring and destroyed walls. There was no sign of the man-doll with whom I was fighting. At the very least, I made certain that I passed...I suppose.

As I gradually raised my torso and regained my mana,

"One's capacity for justice makes equality possible, but one's proclivity for injustice necessitates democracy. There can be no peace unless justice is served. Which proves for people that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. However, by pushing yourself hard, you were able to overcome fear and see the truth. Congrats! You've passed the test of Fear and Justice!"

The women's voice said abruptly like it did when I passed the first trial.

Sighs. I will recover my mana and start my journey to the top. According to my calculations, I've been here for more than twenty days. I shouldn't waste any more time.


Several minutes have passed.

I was already on my way up the stairs. But I'm not sure how the third floor will become the eighth floor.

When I got to the top, there was a gate with a Black hole-like thing in the middle.

I tried to take in my surroundings, but everything was blurry, including the walls. The path to the gate was straight. I'm guessing it's some kind of teleportation gate. I should go in and take a look.

As I put my sword inside my Spatial Ring and walked in the gate, My body was pulled in with some kind of energy, and I was dropped to some kind of place.


As a gloomy and cold wind brushed against me, I slowly got up and cleared my throat. Because the surroundings were dark, I focused my mana on my eyes to see clearly.

Despite this, the darkness remained persistent.

I made the decision to proceed. So, after a few steps in front, an icy cold voice came from all around.

"Welcome to the World of Despair. This is the Structures of Hell, a merciless world. If you pass this test, you will have completed all of the Trial's tests."

Finally. Then we'll see what this test has in store for me.

Thinking that, I became aware that my mana was completely blocked inside my Mana Core, and I couldn't cast a single spell.

My Mana was unable to see through it for the first time. Oh well, it's like the golden road all over again.

I slowly turned left and right, realizing there was an entrance on my right side.

Even though I couldn't detect any mana, I began to hear noises that posited there was life on the other side of that entrance.

As I approached the entrance, the entire path lit up in a blood-red gleam. With a cold aura rushing from within, I can only think of one answer. The Killing Intent.

Killing intent is a murderous aura emitted when a person's mind is filled with pure killing intent, and it affects their opponent, themselves, and others around them, paralyzing them with fear.

As an assassin in my previous life, I had experienced Killing intent from surveying the surroundings, but in this world, Killing intent is like a frost cold aura that I am experiencing for the first time.

When I entered the place, I saw a dark red world. Lanterns were strung across both sides of the road, each emitting only these two wavelengths of visible light.

The location was not an arena or a normal road, but rather a suburb fueled by death and blood.

Well, I don't care, and with the past tests I stopped regarding this big tree as a Holy Tree any way.

A voice was suddenly heard. It wasn't the women's voice that was heard. This was another female voice that sounded like a child's. Saying,

"Master Ethan Asher, I'm your guide. You are welcome to inquire about anything you do not understand. After explaining everything to you, you will start your test!" it said.

"Yes, please!" I responded with my thought.

"So, what exactly is my test?" I inquired.

"The Test of Guilt and Confidence!" the voice replied inside my mind.

So, this test should be some kind of battle too.

"Then, tell me how to pass the test!" I asked the voice once more.

"It's simple, win ten matches against our council's D-ranked assassins without being killed!" it exclaimed.

That's exactly what I'd expect from a test like this.

"Are they real men or dolls?" I inquired of the voice. Because fighting a Toy and Fighting a life is completely different,

"Don't worry, You will be fighting...Corpses!"