
Norman's Shop, Part 1


I exited the crowed while the program was going on.

"Hey Eth, Eve! where are you guys running of too?" My sister and my father called us, when they say me going in front and Evana tailing me from behind.

"You guys go home after this! I will be back soon! I have some errands to run!" I shouted to them and went out of the crowed completely.

"Fine! Be safe!" My sister yelled back and resumed her watching the program.

After getting to the road, I sighed.

"Eth? Don't you want to see the program?" Evana asked as she was standing near me.

"Its nothing. I just don't wanted to be there for some reason!" I replied.

"Now where you are headed of to?" She asked me again.

"I'm going to a shop, to buy something? Wanna come with?" I replied as I asked her with a smile.

Evana looked at me, sighed, smiled, and said, "Alright! I'll accompany you!"

I couldn't shake the feeling I was having while walking. Does it really hurt for Unc...King Arthur's daughter to help support him? At the very least, he wouldn't have been perceived as lonely.

I should put that aside and get back to work.

Evana held my hands when she saw how agitated I was, despite her trepidation. She was gripping my hands tightly, and that's all I need to move on for the time being.

"Thanks Eve!" I said to her as I took her hands in mine with confidence and total nervousness on both sides.

"Brother and Sister are romanhic!" "Hyu hyu hyu!"

Jin said this while smiling slyly. Where does he find out about all of this? It appears that my sister's effect of speaking to Jin made him knowledgeable of these things.

"Hey! That's not the case, Jin!" I responded to him via telepathy.

"Why...do you say that?" Eve asked, her face flushed and embarrassed, after hearing my thanks.

"Well, because you're my friend! That's it. Perhaps even more, haha!" I responded.

"Its..Alright! You are also my only friend! But, don't be an Idiot and say stupid things to make me even more awkward Eth!" She stated.

Hahaha. I'm glad she is here with me.


It took a while but we reached the Place according to the coordinates Boss Bulat gave me. If I'm right he said the man's name was Norman.

"Hey, is this some kind of mission from the council?" Evana asking on seeing the shady place.

"Nah! Its just a craftsmith store!" I replied as we made our way to the unadorned front door.

I sent Jin inside the Lifeful ring because Jin was so sleepy and this place do look shady.

Evana was staring at how I got Jin into the ring as I smiled at her and said, "I'll tell you about it later!" because we were preoccupied at the time

We decided to knock on the door after she said yes.

An old man with a small sticker-like beard and dressed as a butler appeared with a few firm knocks, but did not completely open the door.

"Greetings. is not—ah, hello, Young man, who are you?" Seeing me and Evana, he inquired suspiciously.

"Oh, my uncle Bulat sent me to meet with Mr. Norman." as I said, the man quickly gave of a weird smile and greeted us in, saying, "Oh you do? Please enter! "directing us inside

He appeared surprised to see two kids show up.

My nose was assaulted by a foul mixture of metal, herbs, and rotting material as we entered. While the facility's exterior was not particularly impressive, the interior was even less appealing. The entire place was a shambles, with tools strewn about, piles of discarded clothes and other miscellaneous items littering the floor, and rather intriguing and unfamiliar raw materials stacked high atop shelves. There were also microscopes and other tools that looked vaguely familiar to those in my previous world. So there are things in this world that I am aware of.

"A customer?" A middle-aged man made his way over from a dim corner of a back room.

Taking a closer look at the alleged genius inventor/researcher/artificer, I can say without a doubt that he did not look the part. Aside from the lab coat, his broad shoulders, and his well-built body with powerful arms that looked like granite, he looked like a fighter.

"Hello sir, My uncle Bulat sent me here after I asked if I can by somethings in this city!" As he approached, he stretched his arms.

"Oh, you're that big metal's nephew, aren't you? What's your name, little one?" As he was finishing up the table next to him, he asked me.

I introduced myself with a proper bow. "Ethan Asher, son of Edwin Asher. Hello there, Mr. Norman. Uncle Bulat has told me a lot about you and your work."

"Such proper manners for a Kid. How old are you?" He mused, his eyes fixed on me.

"I'll be twelve in December," I replied simply.

"I see… So, what exactly brought you here? "With a smile, he inquired.

He seemed confident, but I'm curious how many things he'd made. He reminded me more of a scientist than a craftsman.

"That is correct. Can you show me some of your most valuable artefacts? Uncle Bulat informed me that you produce some of the best!" I smiled as I tucked the parchment into my shirt pocket.

"Well, he didn't lie that's for sure. Henry! Bring my most recent works!" Norman yipped. Soon after, the poised butler with the sticker-like beard appeared, carrying a protected case the size of an adult, sealed with something I couldn't identify.

I returned to check on Evana because I hadn't noticed what she was doing, and when I saw her, she was seeing the selves inside and reading a book she desired.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Norman inquired as he opened the case.

"No, she's my cousin, sir. I was taking her for a walk when I noticed this place, which Uncle Bulat had shown me before!" I responded.

"That makes sense!" he exclaimed as he opened the case and whispered something into the lock with both hands on it. The lock glowed briefly and folded itself into various shapes before opening. The case contained a variety of enchanted weapons.

Norman took his time going over each weapon and what it was capable of. These items were of higher quality than those sold at the auction house. I knew that each of these weapons was priceless and unrivalled in comparison to those sold in shops and forges, but they didn't quite fit the bill. I considered getting some wands for Evana, but none of them were suitable.

The mad scientist grumbled something foul as I shook my head.

Norman eventually led us into a secret storage room filled with precious gems and raw materials that made my eyes twinkle with greed. "This is a purple mana stone, which is one of the most valuable gems on the planet. It has the ability to store a large amount of mana for use in an emergency." Norman studied my face, hoping to see a satisfied expression, but it never appeared.

After all, he spoke highly of his works.

Norman sighed defeatedly. "Henry, can you bring me the things?" he asked, rubbing his chin.

"But Master, this was made so that.."

"I know! Just bring it!" Norman terrupted the baffled Henry.

Henry eventually returns, clutching a small case with an even more intricate lock.

"These are some of the items I created in secret. It's just my inventions' theory, kid!" He simply shrugged his shoulders, any sense of confidence he once possessed gone.

Seeing a wrist band made up with a red and blue bands of some sort, I picked them up and looked at them closely.

As it turns out, this man is a true genius. He extracted the essences of the mana crystals found in a rare dungeon and the purple magic stone that can contain mana and formed them into bands. With the Mana crystals reacting against the magic stone, a user's mana and mana core's rank would be hidden, and if checked, it would be two or three ranks below the original stage. But, I suppose there are some shortcomings, such as how it would affect the user's mana when it reacts more strongly, or how it could cause one's mana to spin out of control, causing the person to die with serious mental adversities.

What amazes me is how he was able to extract the essences from such high-quality crystals and stones.

Fortunately for him, I have an idea.

"Mr. Norman, it appears that you have made a breakthrough with this item. Could you please tell me what it's called?" With a smile, I inquired.

"Yes, its name is Resistor band! Why do you ask kiddo?" Behind my smile, he inquired with interest.

"I have a solution for your flaw in this piece!"

"You do?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

"Sir, My theory is, Are you familiar with magnets? or attracting stones?" With a smile, I queried.

"Attracting.... Oh! Yes, I am aware of them; they are commonly referred to as lode stones! What does that have to do with anything?"