
chapter six

Alex stood up with a start from his bed sweating all over "so have being dreaming" he asked himself.

Unsure of himself he quickly ran to the sitting room only to find his sister sitting and leisurely watching TV.

Lydia heard Alex heavy footsteps, turned her head to look at Alex, "so you've woken up I thought you would sleep till tomorrow."

Hearing his sister's voice once more Alex burst into tears.

Lydia was surprised to see Alex crying she was but she pulled him into her embrace.

"Alex why are you crying? talk to me."

Alex looked at his doting sister and then recalled his dream to her "I thought it was real, I don't even know what I would do if that should happen" he cried on Lydia's shoulder.

Seeing her brother in this state Lydia was heartbroken she thought " although it's Just a dream but am really in the organization Alex said he saw its members in the dream and I plan on leaving the organization soon."

"Don't worry I won't die and leave you it's just a dream Lydia reassured Alex."

Alex nodded then smiled "am hungry."

"Let me prepare you something to eat" lydia said and stood up to the kitchen.

Looking at his sister's back "I hope this time around my dream won't come true as it usually does" Alex thought.


The next day Alex woke up feeling energized.

"Let me prepare for today" he thought.


Two hours later Alex got ready to visit Sam "am off to Sam house" Alex informed Lydia.

At Sam house, Sam was still sleeping.

"Wake up sleepy head" Alex shouted into Sam ear.

"Mmmm Leave m....me alone" Sam mumbled.

"Aaaaa who poured me cold water" Sam shouted and jumped of from the bed.

He turned around and saw Alex looking at him with a mean look.

"You said I should come early so that we would not be late and here you are snoring your life away" Alex said angrily.

"Dude don't be angry I was just too tired yesterday, I would get dress right now" Sam tried to pacify Alex.

"I would be waiting downstairs for you."

Alex then went to the sitting room to wait for Sam.

"Am done let's go" Alex heard a voice behind him after waiting for sometime.

"Aren't you guys going to eat something before going out" Sam mother called out to them.

"Thank you Mrs Sam but we need but we are already late we will eat on our way" Alex replied her, glaring at Sam who was about to sit and start eating.

"Alex why don't we just eat something" Sam quickly chipped in stuffing some food in his mouth.

"Aren't you the cause of us being late if you have not been sleeping like you were drugged we would not be late" Alex replied Sam.

"Have already apologized for that incident come on don't be angry with me" Sam coaxed Alex.

"Let's eat this delicacies my mom prepared for us."

Alex reluctantly joined Sam on the table and soon they were wolfing down the dishes.

"See the person who said he's not hungry" Sam mocked Alex when he saw him eating like he'd not eaten for years.

I never said I wasn't hungry" Alex refuted Sam.

"Boys stop rushing your food you will choke on it" Sam mother warned them.

"Ok ma" both of them answered together.


Sometime later they both finished there food.

" Mum, we are heading out" Sam informed his mother.

"Make sure you come back early" his mum replied.

"Sure thing mom".

" Thanks Mrs Sam for the food."

Then they headed out.

"Is the place that far"up Alex asked Sam.

" No it's not far."

" Let's hurry up then."


Two hours later they reached a street with scarce population, the houses were scattered around, children were playing hide and seek, there were litter everywhere.

" Where is this place." Alex asked Sam.

"We are in the city of doom."

"The the city of Elves!" Alex gasped in shock.

" But I didn't see us pass through any portal".

"Ohhh that. I have a device that will teleport us directly here without you noticing" Sam replied.

Alex looked around and noticed that the children all have pointed ears.

" So where are we going."

"We are going to meet an elf God," Sam informed Alex.

Alex looked at Sam, " how did you get to know him."

"Don't look at me like that I was just lucky to meet him in our world, then he told me about you, and asked me to bring you to him when you've awaken your powers."Sam answered truthfully.

"Ok I see" so where is he now.

"About that he will come to us when we reach a particular place."


Thirty minutes later Sam and Alex stopped in a remote valley.

"How are we going to get there if we stop here" Alex questioned Sam.

"Mm....mm I don't know" Sam scratched his head awkwardly.

Alex glared at Sam like an idiot.


A bright light suddenly appeared before the both of them.

When the light disappeared completely, a man in white cloak appeared with his face shiny, a pair of huge white wings was on his back, his face was perfect, with his hair perfectly combed, his cloak was swaying in the air.

An aura was emitting from his body, the aura was rather oppressive making Sam and Alex to be afraid of the unknown man.

Sam and Alex looked at the man "w..wh...who are you" Sam asked the man shivering in fear.

"Don not be afraid earthlings" the man informed them.

"Am but a messenger from a higher begin to bring you two to his abode."

"Take my hand and we shall ascend to the palace of the high and lofty one."

Alex looked at Sam contemplating "can we trust him."

" I think so" Sam replied.

Then they held the man's hand.

They suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of a magnificent castle floating in the air.

" Am not qualified to go in the castle you are to go in yourself the man informed them."

Immediately they opened the door of the castle a voice "sounded only the Worthy are allowed in this castle."

Sam faced Alex "sorry dude I won't be able to help you in your challenge, make sure you pass it."

With that Sam disappeared.

" I wonder where that idiot went" Alex thought to himself.

"Let's see what this challenge is all about" Alex mumbled to himself.