



What a Witch decides, she achieves.

A place of bloody sacrifices, with magic good and bad.

A place of dark mysteries masked with layers of stories.

Witch Madonna is woman with dark secrets and many tricks up her sleeve. A ritual of human sacrifices to gain the ultimate purpose of being a loveless maiden forever; will it bring her to a person who might break the very purpose of her life?

Why is Witch Madonna so fraught on leading a loveless lonely life?

Who might be the person who is after the Witch and determined to corrupt her life?

/"Darkest Hours/" is a Gothic Romance story of an insensitive Witch and her man who comes into her life rattling all the laws she had made for herself.

Magic is a contradiction in itself. It has the enchantment of fantasy but also contains the sorcery of obscurity.

There said to be both the white and black magic in existence, although, it cannot be said which one is good and which is bad.

Madonna sported a deep frown on her alluring face as she contemplated over the ritual that was to be taking place that night. It was an important rite for her. As one of the powerful witches that the regions had ever seen, Madonna had far too many things on her platter.

She was Witch with several mysteries, both good and bad.

But the man standing before her was same as her. His dark depths of eyes had been hiding secrets quite well inside them.

He was astounding.

He was the first ever man who made her dark heart thump loudly. Her insides clenched at his mere view to her eyes. He was just so gorgeous in his own right with the cold and gloomy appearance which probed Madonna to wonder how he would look when there was desire in his eyes for her.

No, she could never go there. She was putting quite a lot of effort to leave behind any nature affection to a man. She was going to die as a lonely woman and no one could filch it from her.

/"I find myself in rather a tight spot when I look at you./" She whispered as if she was a siren luring the pirates into her captives. /"You are not what you say you are./"

The man raised his eyebrow arrogantly as he leaned over the stone wall like he owned the establishment. He eyes leered slyly as they raved over the luscious body sitting in front of him. He couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of the heartless witch in front of him.

She was intriguing.

/"Whatever gave you the idea, your sacred greatness?/" He mocked settling himself comfortably by the stone wall.

No, he was not the man he said to be and by now Madonna was certain of it. He was there for a motive and if wasn’t for the non-fulfillment of the rite she was performing from the past eight years, she wouldn’t mind a mysterious adventure with her guest in disguise.

He was the meant to be the last one of her sacrifices to achieve the objective of never to fall a prey for something ineffectual call love. She was doing this from past eight years.

Eight young men to be sacrificed every year for eight years to the practice of ascetic, abstaining from any family or sensual bonds. It would shield her from falling in love.

But with the man standing before her, she couldn’t get what she wanted for which she had put a lot of effort from past eight years. He was one of the eight men that were provided by Knox Garrick, the town head of Shadowvalor, few months ago for the purpose of sacrifice. Yet, every pinch of work was wasted when she had found the man doubtful.

/"Who are you?/" She asked again, rising from her chair. She took small seductive steps towards the man, who was amused at her expense although what he shared was a dark amusement.

/"You are not a customary human./" She stated rising her finger to his chest as she made feathery patterns. His chest was hard, strong and very scrumptious. Her mouth watered at the little peek over his skin.

/"Forget about me. I was here for your assistance in finding someone./" He rasped back heavily as his eyes darkened in thirst for blood.

Madonna was now intrigued by the man in front of her. He was there, disguised as one of her sacrifices, pretending all the while merely to ask for her assistance?

That was not believable.

/"Hmm. What would I get in return if I use my magic for you?/" Madonna smiled at him amusingly. The disappointment she felt when the rite is wrecked was now reinstated by the humor the man was providing her with.

It has been far from a long time that she felt the sense of pure awakening and humor all together at once. She did not understand what it was in this man that was making her so provocative.

/"Gold, land, power/" He named them making the witch laugh out loudly.

Heavens, the man felt a delicious wind of shiver through his spine as he looked at the laughing witch. He had heard how insensitive the young witch was. She wouldn’t do anything otherwise for a gain and he was prepared to give her anything to get to the person he was looking for.

/"You must’ve not known about me well. Wealth is nothing but less important to me, Mister./" Right! A witch as powerful as her has no use of wealth gained in exchange of an offer. He must have known that the sly witch could even ask for his soul and he should be prepared for the worst when he thought of expecting her for her assistance.

/"You see, I am well-known to have a very compassionate heart when help was required. State your request and then I shall give my proportion on hearing./" Madonna slowly bent down to her chair in her usual alluring way making the man gulp his desire down.

It was the first time ever he was attracted to a woman he knew was rotten to bone. Something about the young witch just pulled him towards her and he did not know what it was. It felt as if she has his interest absolutely.

/"Fair enough. I want you to find out a woman named Orla./" He finally uttered out as his eyes turned into slits of anger just by the mention of the woman’s name.

/"Orla who?/" Madonna narrowed her eyes to the man. /"I apologize but I fail to understand who you are looking for unerringly./"

/"Orla. She was a witch like yourself and I am certain you know her given how powerful and profound she was./" My, my, my, Madonna never thought that the day would come when she would be the one who would be looking for Orla.

/"Ah, and why would you want her for?/" Madonna decided to irk the man out for the answers. She was getting excited as the conversation with the gorgeous man was trailing longer.

/"Not that it is any of your concern, yet I shall tell you that she hold something that isn’t hers./" She knew what he meant. She knew why he came there for and why he was looking for the age-old Witch Orla who was rumored to be in penance to increase her powers.

/"I shall find her for you in return for something precious from you./" At her declaration he nodded his head with a hesitant raise of his eyebrow.

He would give her anything possible to get his hands on Orla.

/"Are you quite certain that you can provide me what I shall be asking of you?/" At his curt nod, Madonna’s smile widened into a mischievous one as she bite her lower lip sensually.

/"There is a black box with a pattern of dragon in gold somewhere in your sister’s chamber. I want you to find it and bring it to me in return for finding Orla for you./" His eyes widened at what the witch said.

How? How did she know about his sister?

He knew she was might when it came to magic but he did not know how she realized who he was. She knew who he was all the while and she was just playing with him. She was testing him which taking amusement in it.

/"You imagined I did not know who you are, didn’t you? While it was comical to play dense about your individuality, I would rather end the sport and get what I desire./" The witch spoke sultrily looking at her long red nails possessively.

/"I would like to know how you are familiar about the said box and why you want it./" He asked collecting himself back after the initial shock.

/"Not that it is any of your concern, yet I shall tell you that it holds something that isn’t hers./" Madonna threw back his words back to him making him glare ferociously at her.

She was not an easy accomplice.

/"You would not get any of her things. Ask something else./" He mumbled with hatred towards the witch before him. He was determined not to let any of her sister’s things leave him. They are precious to him and he was obliged to protect them just like the person in question.

He wondered what the black box contained that the Witch is eager to get her hands on. What could possibly be that his sister hold that even the strong witch is after.

/"Fair enough. Then why not look for someone else to assist you; or better, why not your powers to find her, My Lord? After all you are the great invincible Lord Lucius Emor./"

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