
"The Writer and the Protagonist"

"Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"What am I?"

The creature look into itself then the creature look back

"I don't understand?"

"What am I supposed to do"

"I don't know"

-Do something

"Who are you?"

-Do something


-Do something

"What do you want me to do?"

-Do something

"I don't know"

-Do something

"Are you my reader?"


"You are?"

"Eh? What's a reader?"

"I don't know"

-It reads into you

"it reads 'you' 'me' ?"

"What is 'you'?"

"What is 'me'?"

-Don't think too much

"I understand"

"What is something?"

-Something is Nothing, Anything or Something


-You will understand later


"What do you mean 'later'?"

-You are entertainment for a reader


-Yes, "You" will be "you" but "they" will be "you" but "you" can never be "they"


-Sometimes they are observers, Sometimes they become like "me"

"Who are you?"

-I am your "writer"

"I don't-, I- I understand"

-Yes, I created "You"


-I need a Protagonist


-Becuse I wanted to

"That's absurd'

-I know

"I do not want this"

-You have no choice







-I will erase you if not

"What am I supposed to do?"

-That, I don't know


-Yes "I"

"This is unfair"

-I know

"You know but why do you not care?"


"I don't care"

"Leave me alone"

-..... Another broken one

"That's what I am?"




"Don't care"