
Dark world: Noctem

A misfit, an abomination of sorts, Nox ráu vlad ( Theodore Crowe ) was born to the crescent moon pack, a pack filled with wolves who rebelled against the wolf monarch led by a wolf noble, Elijah smith. Born as the son of ava ráu vlad (a noble vampire who eloped with Elijah), people were scared of him, usually the child born with parents of different races hardly survive, and if they did they were considered disasters as an hybrid born with genes of both strong races could singlehandedly wipe out an entire race off the face of the universe if they wanted. But for Theodore it was different, at the age of awakening he was considered a norm, not even a vampire or a wolf as his gene suggested much more an hybrid. Despite being a norm, his parents still loved him and he was happy even being a norm, but that happiness was short lived as an incident changed his entire life, the humans massacred his pack and his parents lost their lives trying to protect him. With no choice but to flee as his parents wished, he ended up staying in the earth realm with his aunt and her family, slowly adaptating to the life of an earthrealmer while the urge for revenge intensified daily. Soon a strange phenomenon occured throughout the realms connecting them to one another as orchestrated by some Monarchs of the mystic realm, as a last minute effort from the resistant monarchs, Noctem was created substituting as a temporary replacement for the earth realm where monsters, gates, towers and ruins appeared. Amidst this chaos a deadly encounter with a mystic realmer awakens Theodore's sealed powers as an hybrid. As the realms fall deeper into chaos he must protect the things dear to him while getting his revenge on the one responsible for the massacre of his pack side note: The mc isn't a hero and doesn't have an heroic mindset, rather he's closer to something like a villian as he won't hesitate to use anyone as a pawn to achieve his goals.

Regis_ · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Last assassination

"Tch, these assholes!!" Lucas cursed Tilting sideways he avoided a bullet aimed for his head, As he had predicted the organization sold him off before he had the chance to complete his mission. The assassination was supposed to take place during the conference meeting the president was supposed to have or rather the one he interrupted.

' damned Marcus and his sect those bastards actually sold me off huh?, Hmph predictable fools, even still there's no way I'd let the president escape with his life no matter which way he chooses to escape he'll still end up dead. ' Lucas thought with a wry smile not realizing that he'd run into a dead end.

"You're surrounded, take off your mask and put your hands behind your back." A baritone voice yelled in an commanding tone.

Lucas turned around to check his surroundings it was then he noticed that he'd run into a dead end.

" Damnit, what a drag, I should really pay attention to my surroundings more." He said mumbling to himself while he continued checking the surroundings to see if there was any way to escape, fortunately there was but that would hinder his escape plan as the route he'd planned to take would seem like a maze to those who didn't understand the surrounding layouts.

' tsk, I'll have to fight my way out though they don't look like much and their numbers are just.. nine? I wonder if I can fight them without killing them, well only one way to find out then...'

" Hey do you have a problem hearing huh? I said your hands should be behind your back if you don't do this within three seconds I'll put a hole in your goddamn head. " A man who looked no older than forty ordered with his gun aimed at Lucas head.

" Alright alright I'll do it " Lucas uttered while putting his hands behind his back. " But Hey aren't you a little old to be using those foul words I mean come on you should have kids my age already."

"Shut up! Oi lackeys grab him." The leader ordered, without wasting time, two men in matching tuxedos walked towards Lucas with their guns still aimed at his chest.

As they approached him, Lucas muttered something in a barely audible tone, they couldn't make out the words but they were certain that he said something.

" Hey, what was that?" One of the men asked.

"I said, it's foolish to wear shades when dealing with an assassin, and what's with the clumsy gun work? This ain't shooting practice"

"Son of a..."

"Hahahaha, clowns allow me the honour of teaching you!!" Lucas yelled, laughing savagely as he skillfully disarmed the gun of one of the guys in tuxedo while using his tie to choke him.

This alerted the others as they hastily pointed their guns at him, but Lucas was faster, he drew the guy closer using him as a body shield.

" You're surrounded, surely you don't think you're getting here alive!" The leader said in his low baritone voice but his trembling voice betrayed his comment.

Lucas raised his eyebrows in a questioning look, " dunno, that depends on y'all though, do you think you can kill me? I could easily take three times the amount of people you brought with you and I wouldn't break a sweat."

"Anyway I'm not the one you're supposed to be chasing, don't you find it strange that you were suddenly informed during the meeting that I was gonna assasinate the president? I'm just a decoy, the real assassins are after him! They should be around the area you found me or who knows some may be here."

"You're bluffing, is this your last resort to save yourself? It's not gonna work." The leader cautiously remarked.

"Mm hmmm, in three... Two.. one. And that's my que, now to sit back and enjoy some fire works."

"What firewo..." The sound of an explosion sounded, interrupting the leader before he could complete his sentence.

Everyone except Lucas was stunned but they couldn't even process what they had just heard as several sounds of explosions erupted from different angles.

Lucas smiled when he saw this, he had planted bombs in different locations but before the meeting he had tempered with the equipments the president was supposed to use, things like the ear piece, each set and spare had a liquid substance containing a bomb planted on it, and Lucas had smeared a poisonous gas on the mouth piece which wouldn't take effect immediately.

" No matter where the president chooses to escape to he'll still die, the bomb was planted on him and it's even close to his brain anyway, I'm done watching the show, your looks are so pathetic it's not even fun to look at." Lucas teased, beaming in joy at his hand work but it quickly died down even killing his uncle didn't reduce the amount of hatred he had in him.

"S.. Shoot him, kill him!" The leader ordered in an enraged tone and the sound of multiple gunshots followed.

Lucas had expected that so he sent a kick to the gut of the other bodyguard who was in a closer range to him before throwing the bodyguard he had used as a body shield towards the group of bodyguard's.

He immediately followed closely behind the bodyguard he threw while avoiding being hit by any bullets, despite his speed a bullet still grazed his shoulder.

Lucas increased his speed moving several times faster than he'd initially been moving, as he landed in-between the group of bodyguard's he unleashed a barrage of attacks, slashing and cutting down every single person besides the leader, it didn't take long before he was standing on top a pool of blood.

"Hmmm, I guess I couldn't hold back I still killed them." Lucas mumbled to himself.

A cold metal touched his head interrupting him, he turned to face the leader of the bodyguards who had pointed his gun at him.

"What's the problem? Why don't you shoot me? Oh... Human's, so goddamn greedy. how funny you're probably thinking something like 'if I can submit him to the agency then my skills might be acknowledged and I can probably get a promotion or something' or if you have a villainous mind then you're probably thinking of using me for your personal gain." Lucas said with a grin as the leader hand which was holding the gun suddenly fell to the ground followed by blood splash.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" The leader cried in agony falling to his kneels before Lucas.

Lucas stared down at him like he was trash, like his existance was meaningless before him, " you didn't realize when your hand was cut off right? No you didn't even see me cut it off... You see the skill difference between us is quite huge you wouldn't even dream of reaching my level... You might be thinking if only you hadn't hesitated then I'd have dropped dead, funny enough I already removed the bullets when I was killing your men so It'd have be useless anyway."

Bringing his dagger close to his face Lucas lost his grin as it was replaced by a somewhat sad expression, " I'm actually pissed off ya know but I won't kill you however don't think I'll let you off that easily."

With this Lucas used his dagger to slash a horizontal line across the leader's eyes and cut off his tongue before he had the chance to yell.

"Now that this has been taken care of shall I start the next round?! Levi I hope you don't disappoint me" he muttered with a half smile.

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