

500 years after the war.

The world mantains a constant strife and conflict between the races. Even with the aplication of the two world rules, goblins and orcs still invade other territories due to the lack of resources, causing the humans, the closest race, to suffer constant threats. The greed of man also causes the other races to turn a blind eye to their plead.

In one of such combats, a man pushed by one of his comrades into the water, in an atempt to make him survive the invasion of an army of goblins, grabbed a floating plank from one of the burnt houses and kept his sword in his hand as he watched his fellow comrades being slaughtered and lost his consciousness due to his wounds and fatigue from the battle.

A few days after, he awoke at the coast of an island with a wet cloth in his head and a throat filled with thirst and hunger. As he tried to bring himself to sit, the cloth fell and he saw a beauty out of this world coming his way with a small basket and a gourd. He gulped as he watched and noted how breathtaking the woman was, fair skinned with a light pink hue, blond hair like gold glistenning in the sun with beautiful long ears, beautiful and mesmerizing golden eyes and a perfect proporcionate body as if designed by the gods themselfs. She weared a light green one-piece dress with golden designs decorating as if it only existed to adorne the masterpiece which it covered. On her wrists and ankles were golden bracelets designed as ivys that bound the beauty to Mother Nature, as if it were her own daughter, born from her womb.

As she got near him, with his dry throat, he asked "Who are you?". She turned to him with curious and intrigued eyes, laid down the basket filled with fruits and the gourd next to him and answered with a melodic voice as if singing a song "My name is Adele, from the House Irythil. I saw you near the water and I brought you to the sand and went to bring you some water and food. Could you tell me who you are?".

As she observed the human, she noticed that he had short wet black hair, deep blue eyes full of mistery, handsome features and average height but well build body. He drank from the gourd with a now refreshed face "I am Eric, Eric Blacksorrow."

As he ate food brought to him, he told her that he was a prince who was patrolling the outskirts of a village with his troops when he discovered an army of goblins moving towards that village. He asked some of his soldiers to evacuate the village as he proceeded to fight the army with the rest of his troops. Unluckily for him, his squad was surrounded by the goblins and was unable to defeat them, leading to one of his friends to push him into the water to save his life. He had to watch as his best and only friend and fellow soldiers were slaughtered in front of his own eyes.

As she heard the terrible story and saw the sorrow deep within his eyes, Adele went back to the Settlement and talked to the Elders about the human that she found as well as the need to help him return home.

With the discovery of the human, as the elders were unable to trust him, they choose to keep him away from their own settlement to prevent him from causing trouble in their own home, as it was known in their history that the greed of the humankind caused a great deal of grief to the other races, especially their kind due to their forever beautiful figures. The Elders then issued an order that it was prohibited to have any contact with human, otherwise there would be punishment to whoever choose to ignore the order.

Eric unable to return home without help from the Elves and directions to his home, had no other way but to build a little cabin near the coast away from the Elves Settlement to prevent conflicts from arising with their residents and to have a safe haven, in which he could think how to return back home.

Adele, without knowledge of her elders, kept visiting Eric, to find more about the world, about the human territories, about various subjects that made her curiosity and heart throb to a full throttle. Weeks and months pass by as they kept in contact with each other in secret. As Adele and Eric interacted more and more with each other, feelings of love started to bud and bloom little by little, until Eric professed his love for her.

Knowing that the Elders would not aprove of such union as well as her parents, they married in secret. Gifting the golden ring, proof of his status as royalty, to Adele, they married and consumed their love. Some months after, the couple discovered that Adele was pregnant with his child and rejoiced, however, due to the renewed vigilance over the human (since it was discovered that Adele was sneaking from the Settlement), the Elders discovered their relationship and the pregnancy and were outraged. She received an ultimatum, terminate the pregnancy and never associate with human again or be exiled from the Settlement forever, never allowed to call herself as of the House Irythil or as an Elf.

She choose to stay with her love away from her tribe and what was once her home and family. Eric knowing of such situation "Are sure this is what you want? If you stay with me, you'll never be able to go back to your family and your own? I love you, but I´ll die long before you do and you´ll forever be alone...".

"There´s no reason to live, if not by your side Eric! Even if I choose to kill our child and leave you, I´ll never be able to forgive myself and live in peace"

"Even if that's so, I´d rather if you stay protected by you family and are loved by them for the long years to come than imagining your tears as you stay living alone by my grave for the rest of your life."

"I´d live a few years with you than none at all. Eric, I´d rather remember our love as I watch our son grown up to be like you than live my life being used by the Elders as carrier of bloodline of my House against my own will."

"I understand Adele, if you truelly are that determined then I´ll make my determination to protect and care for you for the rest of my life, as well as the children we´ll have in the future."

As the months passed by, the house in which the couple lived had suffered some changes, which permited them to live together and to acommodate the new life which was comming. When the time came for the birth, it was time for the sunrise, it displayed the most beautiful light it was ever seen. As Eric and Adele took in their hands their newborn son "See Eric! It seems like the sun has blessed our son with most beautiful light it has!"

As Eric reflected - "I´ve never seen such a strong light before, it must be something of a sign. The union of 2 races, blessed with light of the Sun itself, something never seen in 500 years in this world. A son of a human and an elf, the bond between races. Our son shall be named as John Calion, the son of Light."

"John Calion", as Adele repeated the name, tears fell from her eyes "A good name indead, he will be the beacon that will someday unite our races, and lead to better future, a future filled with light and hope".