
The Aftermaths (Part-2)

Name: 'Okami'

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Village: Konohagakure

Bingo Nickname: Dark Wolf

Threat Level: A-rank (Presumes to be. Possibly S rank)

Preferred Element(s): Wind

Kekkei Genkai: Dark Release (New Element, Presumes to be a bloodline)

Skills: All skills in Nin-, Tai- and Genjutsu are of Jonin Levels, Danger comes from the Dark Release; very high-Level Kenjutsu mastery, and incredibly fast speed and dexterity..!!

Very Good at spying, Stealth Assassination, and collecting information. Rumored to be a part of Konoha's Intelligence Departement. Half of the battlefield was cleared out because of the bizarre Kekkei Genkai. Rumored to summon a huge pack of dark wolves that were unkillable under any circumstances. Injuries created by wolves are very real and very lethal, they can suck chakra with every bite and scratch. Though they require the dark environment created by Dark Kekkai Genkai. The environment can be cleared. The bizarre Kekkei Genkai also possesses the ability to blind the opponent(s) with sheer Darkness alongside the ability to suck Chakra. The Threat also seems to possess a mysterious technique that breaks off any kind of Nin-Jutsu. Technique's limitations are currently unknown. Appears to be very fast and dextrous.

Bounty: S+ (200 Million Ryo!)

Village: Kumogakure, Iwagakure


When Okami went to the hospital it was hectic and chaotic.


Okami looked here and there and sensing no one was there to follow up on the orders. He quickly gave the Antiseptic liquid.

"Hold his hand, Do not let it move", The doctor said to Okami as he didn't care who it is, as long as there is someone, it doesn't matter.

"DOCTOR DOCTOR", Someone barged in.

"She is bleeding quite heavily, we need to do the surgery... But all the surgeons are busy, and she can't wait.

He looked here and there at the chaotic scene.


Okami who was helping another doctor looked back.

"Don't be distracted Kid, Are you good with the knives", The doctor asked as he bandages yet another victim with the help of the teen

Okami nodded.

"Go and help, I will manage"

"I am", Okami ran towards the patient who was nearly dying.

"Are you good with the knives"

Okami nodded

"Sanitize your hand, I will keep guiding you, Just focus and do what I tell you, Be my assistant"

Okami nodded. "Um... How do I sanitize my hand?"

"Pour some alcohol on it, and put on some rubber gloves"

He turned back to the family who brought the patient here, "We are short-handed right now, All the operation rooms are occupied at the moment. We will do it here"



"In In In, D-Do whatever... Just save my mother Please"

The doctor turned back Okami, "Kid, Do you know Mystical Palm Technique"

Okami shook his head. "I don't"

With a sigh, the doctor said dispiritedly, "There is no time Kid, It's you, Me and her or she dies. Learn as you go by, I will teach you the basics, remember do not use excessive chakra at any cost"

"And If I can't?"

"We both will have to live with the burden of Killing a Patient... You in?"

Okami closed his eyes and opened it again, "I will learn it as I go by"

The doctor nodded, as they sanitize their hands and begin to do the surgery.

"Do not let your hands shiver at any cost, No matter the pressure, You don't need to learn Medical Terms, I will handle all of it, It's not a complicated surgery. Just listen to my orders and act on those"

Okami nodded.

That day he completed his first successful operation. Though almost the entire thing is done by the doctor.


Okami ran and ran, Helping others as much as possible.

The Staff is overly lacking, Hokage died, Konoha's internal might is chaotic at the moment. So, Many shinobis, weather genin or chunins, they all are sent to scout or protect the outskirts of the village. The gates of Konoha are heavily closed and reinforced. All shinobis are moved for protection of the village.

Jonin Okami was supposed to join them. Elders ordered him to.

Okami straight up refused. Elders can do whatever they want.

He never kills for those he doesn't like.

As a Highly recommended member of the Intelligence team, Okami was given a lot of sensitive details. Which includes, the dark past of the Hokage council.

His opinion on Elders is at the bottom worst. He would rather die, than work for elders.

They can demote him or even remove him as the shinobi. He never cared.

The situation of genins is better than the chunins or Jonins but they still are overworked.

"His hand is cut very deeply cut, I need you to be very steady and focused", The doctor said to Okami.

Okami nodded.



"I will go and see the patient. You complete the bandaging", The Doctor said that to Okami.

The Doctor rushed to see the patient...


(At night)

The hospital is still overly crowded, but the chaotic situation of the daytime is finally settled.

"Doctor, How is Kaa-san", One of the Teen asked

The Doctor shook his head, "She has taken too much damage, and like you said a huge stone has fallen on her head, I am afraid only Sannin Tsunade can save her. And she will not live for more than 3 minutes."

The teen dropped to the ground with tears in his eyes. "W-what about my sibling, C-can he--

The doctor shook his head, "She is heavily pregnant, the fall broke her fetus. I am afraid Your sibling is--


The Teen opened and closed his mouth. Trying to cry. Yet the voice won't come out of his mouth. His chest hurts. Yet, no voice comes out.

Okami silently watches the teen. As he remembers his own mother. He wipes a tear forming in his eyes as he stood up.

A courier pigeon came to him from Hospital's window.


Okami read the scroll, and without a single emotion, just crunched it and throw it on the floor

Jonin Okami has been declared as the traitor and is removed from Shinobi corps effective immediately. Immediate arrests are to be made under his name. Resistance will be met with Death.

Ordered by- Elders

Okami sighed and was about to go out. But another order came and void the previous order.

Okami sighed.


To Danzo and others' surprise, Sparrow, Third Hokage's precious and most trusted ANBU came and showed them the Hokage decree Hokage made when he was alive.

Elders or Hokage council can not touch Okami, not until sparrow, the head of ANBU is standing behind the boy.


(2 Days Later)

At the bed, Tenten's father Hirokoto was lying unconscious the entire day.

He was been tired. Oh so tired.




His eyes suddenly opened and he blinked wearily at the overhead lighting while hearing the dim rush of wheels and the shouting of unintelligible words being called back and forth between people he couldn't seem to focus on with his ears ringing. It was strange the way they spoke, and his fuzzy head couldn't place why.

They sounded different, or maybe it was the blood rushing to his head— if he had any left.

"Uncle... are you... alright?"

Hirokoto couldn't tell apart who was saying this... Everything just feels so---

He could barely see him, That boy... Okami

He shook his head, "Where... Where", he asked in a hoarse voice trying to make some voice. But it's so damn tuff.

"You are in a hospital Uncle"

"My... Daughter, Ten---

Hirokoto found his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"Uncle, Uncle listen to me... DOCTOR DOCTOR, Uncle"


He lost his consciousness.


That night, the worst happened, some small village took the opportunity and attack Konoha.

The attack was devastating, But eventually, Konoha managed to rebound the attackers.

They would not be able to survive another attack like this, Not in this situation.

Konoha right now is going through some major turmoil. They lost many of their shinobis to sand and sound. They lost their Leader.

Due to internal conflict between ANBU and Root, they are not working well together.

And the Hokage council being in charge is not helping either. Since Sparrow doesn't like them, and without Sparrow's orders, ANBU doesn't move a finger.

Everyone refuses to see a bigger picture.

Jonin commander Shikaku Nara is trying to do his best, but the entire situation is out of control.

They need a leader that everyone acknowledges; They need the fifth Hokage immediately.


The next day, Hirokoto opened his eyes again, he was able to see more clearly than before. The chaos, people running, he barely and stiffly moved his head to see Okami who was standing in shock.

There were some peoples crying over the bloody body of a Shinobi. The body's headband said so.

Hirokoto could see Okami's clothes covered entirely in blood. His hand holds a bloody surgical knife that he let drop on the ground. As he took a few steps back and fell on his ass.

Okami made a mistake, Mystical palm, He used way more chakra than required on the patient.

The doctor patted Okami on his shoulders, "You did good Brat, We can not save every life. So, don't go down on me yet. We don't have time for this, Stand up, there are many who needs your help"


"Move on Kid"

Okami shivered at this word, as he stiffly nodded.

"Let's go"

Hirokoto saw his daughter Tenten sleeping by his bed. Although in bandage herself. But still safe and alive. He sighed with relief...

As his eyes lost consciousness again.


That night, Hirokoto opened his eyes again, He saw the tired and clearly lacking sleep Okami taking care of him.

He saw his tired daughter sleeping beside him, His black cloak stained with dried blood covering her body.

"Uncle you are finally awake", Okami came and said in a soft voice.

"Here, drink some water, I will call the doctor"


After Doctor checked, Tenten hugged him, stayed by her father's side Talked to him.

Hirokoto could see the dampness in her eyes. No matter how cheerfully she talks to him.

Her hands are not clear anymore.

She has Killed many during this period of chaos.

Okami left them alone.


(Next Day)

Okami helped Hirokoto eat porridge.

Okami smiled gently when the big man make faces while eating porridge.

But Under the strict gaze of Tenten, he quietly ate.

"Sometimes, I wonder who is elder between you two", Okami chuckled

When Tenten goes in the afternoon to cook lunch, Hirokoto turned to Okami.


Okami smiled, "Yes"

"This accident made me realize something, I am not young anymore"


"Take care of her for me in the future"


"You are a good kid, I am sure your parents must be proud of you, You will become a good a partner as well--

"Old Man"

Hirokoto looked at him.

"I don't have parents, I am an Orphan"

"I am sorry"

"I had grandparents... and no, They were never proud of me"


"In fact, they lived a life of pain because of me"


"I am not a good person Uncle, I am wicked, A killer, A dark being that only knows how to bring misery and death to people"


Okami smiled

"Rest easy Uncle, I am sure she will find someone worthy of her... She will be here any minute now, I have some work to do", Okami said


Defeated Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, and Gai were standing in front of Itachi Uchiha and Kisame of Mist.

"Give up, You can't de----", Itachi stopped talking suddenly


Itachi's eyes quickly rotated.

Thick Dark mist invaded the place at that very moment.

