
Super Strong Senpai of Team 8 (part-3)

(Hokage Tower)

"Team 8, reporting for duty Hokage-sama."

"Hmm... Let's see." Sarutobi Hiruzen; The third Hokage, idly browses through a stack of mission scrolls.

"We have a babysitting mission, a gardening mission, and a Tora mission", The Hokage tells Jonin Kurenai.

"Team 8 accepts the Tora mission. They deserve it..." Kurenai sensei gleefully accepts the scroll.


All the genins strangely looked at Okami who was trying to suppress his laugh.

"Okami; behave", she too was trying not to laugh.

All the genins looked at Kurenai sensei as well, feeling that something must be very wrong

Hokage was amused too. Like he was in the joke of Century.

A few Hours Later they found out why...


The third Hokage took a nice long drag of his smoke pipe to hold in his desire to chuckle when the relatively new team 8 walked into his office with pulsating scratch marks on their bodies, the exception being the team Jonin and the tall Okami, who was everything but a Genin.

Okami was petting the unconscious limp form of the greatest bane of newly registered Genin, Tora the demon cat...

"I still don't understand why you just didn't put the stupid cat to sleep in the first place, Senpai", Said extremely tired and full of marks, Inazuka Kiba, and Akamaru who was currently glaring daggers at the devil-cat.

(who was sleeping like an angel in Oldest Genin arms) and trying to mend his 'battle scars', same as the other three.

"You didn't ask" Okami response was, still gently petting the purring feline all the while he mumbled, "Soft kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of fur… Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, Purr… Purr… Purr." He sang in a creepy voice.

"Kid, Kakashi is rubbing on you too much," Kurenai sensei said, first one to act after that… riveting performance, she turned to address the Hokage crisply, "Capture Tore mission complete, Hokage-sama."

"Thank you, Kurenai. I'll have your subordinate's account updated in the morning." He said, calling for the boy to relinquish the sleeping cat back into its cage.


(Next Day)

Okami was standing in front of Genma as they seize each other up.

"Sigh... Let's get started", Genma sighed and said in a gentle voice.

"Yes Sensei"

"Kakashi has already taught you the basics of Swordsmanship... what I will be teaching you will be. Stances"



"There are various stances and each stance has many branches and the way to fight, many, if not everyone master only one or maybe two stances... Although, I never mastered any one stance to the fullest. I know the basics of all the stances, and my fighting style consists of bits and pieces of them"



"Mastering and specializing in a single stance is extremely fatal. While mastering all the forms is near impossible"


"In my entire life, I have only known a single person who had mastered three stances, Second Hokage Tobirama sama, Sakumo sama had mastered two stances, and no one since then has been able to master more than one stance"


"Every stance has various techniques, Every stance has various basic moves, and every stance has variations... If we go by the normality, one talented person can grow old and only master a single Stance in his entire life. Sakumo sama was made for swordsmanship and with his sole aptitude, he was able to master two stances. If he was allowed to grow old, he might be able to master at the very least 3 stances. A very rare feat I might add. Extreme Geniuses like Tobirama sama spent his entire life and only managed to master three stances as well."

Genma placed a hand on his sword hilt and took a stance.

"Watch... This is Chūyōdō, the most basic and thus fundamental, of all the stances, chūyōdō is characterized by its versatility and balance. In short, it is a comprehensive set of offensive and defensive moves that together constitute the common basis shared between the more specialized styles."

"This is what you learned till now, the basics of all forms"

Genma took another stance

"Now comes... Ketsugidō, the defensive Stance, it emphasizes defensive techniques. performed with the employment of tight motions of the sword, as well as graceful dodges. The high-constant, efficient swings of the sword are intended to cover a wide area and offer substantial protection with little effort on the fighter's part. Poise and focus are essential. Practitioners of ketsugidō strive to outlast their typically more aggressive opponents owing to their impressive resilience and optimal delivery"


Genma took another stance.

"This is Kōseidō, The Aggressive stance, Here you let go of your defense, and numerous acrobatic maneuvers such as leaps, somersaults, backflips, and spinning are used extensively to deliver crushing attacks and outmaneuver the enemy in equal measure. Its variations are very little. The techniques this stance carries are too little as well. To fully exert this stance, you not only need strength in your arms, to overpower your enemy, you also need strength in legs to jump and somersault the enemy... All in all, a very powerful and rough fighting style, where you overpower your opponent to the point of desperation"

He took another stance

"This is Shōmōdō, This form revolves around methodical infliction of various types of pinprick yet enervating wounds. Essentially, shōmōdō consists of numerous techniques that gradually nick, shred, and impale the extremities of the opponent to gradually wear them down with the least effort possible. This stance has most Techniques integrated into it."

"You need to be fast and endurant to be able to perform Shōmōdō, This technique mainly relies on Poisons, back attacks, stealth attacks, Assassination arts"

Another stance.

"This stance is called Seimitsudō, This form focuses on pinpoint accuracy. Characterized by swift thrusts and slashes, seimitsudō intends to overwhelm the enemy defenses with highly precise attacks with minuscule movements, that target vital spots. The delivery is sharp, fluent, and extremely efficient.

"This is the most elegant approach of the various forms, and the one most likely to eliminate the adversary quickly. Despite the form's relative lack of flexibility, a veteran swordsman can always rely on their deliberate, graceful moves, and superior skill"

Another form

"Azamukidō is the most sophisticated form of swordsmanship, which relies heavily upon elements of anticipation and psychological warfare. The form is simple, dodge an Attack and counter it."

"The form has a glaring weakness, that it has no defensive maneuver, If you can't dodge, or if you guess opponent move wrong. you are dead"


"Come on, I will show you one more time, Copy me step by step"


(1 Month Later...)

Okami sits crossed-legged in meditation...

Wind... the element of freedom, allowing Okami to create a pliable, ceaseless jetstream in the form of pitch-black wind or invisible vacuum capable of erasing anything it comes into contact with

His Chakra element was destroyed when he merged with the spiritual energy of the Black wolf. But instead, he got his spiritual element. The very powerful version of Black winds.

Even though he has a large amount of chakra, but his Spiritual energy is massive to the point of never-ending. And it fills faster. And the best thing is, His winds do not use Chakra. But Spiritual energy instead.

His mutated Black winds didn't cause any problem with Hokage or anyone either.

Since Mutation in elements is normal for them...

He was finally starting to practice Advance Ninjutsu yesterday. Since his basic Grandma Airi made wind training is completed a month ago.

But he couldn't.


He feels odd...

He couldn't put his finger on it.

So, he was meditating for days to figure out what's wrong with it.

After nearly a month, He finally figured it out.

Wind style is an extremely flexible nature release and was nearly limitless in its capabilities, yet everyone who possessed the art, simply used it in the most structured ways possible; creating wind gales, cyclones, one direction attacks, and not using the release to its full capability.

That's the problem he was getting.

"Such pointless and barbaric techniques", Okami muttered

And such he decided to create his Wind Style on his own.

An unstructured way, where he controls the winds as a whole.


(1 Month Later)

Tenten had just finished a training session with her team and was taking a breather when she saw Okami approach her and her team.

"Okami..!! what are you doing here?", asked the sweat dropping Neji

Okami smiled, "I promised to help Ten-Ten in training, by the way, where is lee? I haven't seen him since 1 month"

Tenten sighed, "Don't ask, that Idiot is still training"


Neji continued, "He says that the difference between you and him is getting higher and higher, so he upped his training time... by a lot"

Okami sighed, it's true that the difference between Lee and him is getting higher and higher. But that was because he is a permanent sage.

And he also carries the sacred Kekkei Genkai. That gives him four Sacred Paths.

Though he still didn't get anything in the physical path, yet, and the elemental path has nothing to do with Lee. But Okami is certain that being a sage alone is enough to beat the ever hard-working Lee...

Lee can't even begin to hope in beating him.

Okami sighed again and let go of this matter, It's not like he will tell lee about this, Not to mention, Okami himself train hard enough. Harder than Lee.

Ten-ten, after resting a bit, walked over towards Okami, and after waving good-bye to her team they both left...

After a few moments. Gai burst out in his good-guy pose, "It seems that Tenten's flames of youth are so great that she must share with another person. Young love is a great way to inspire even greater flames of youth!" He shouted

"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Lee shouted.

"Lee?", Gai and Neji saw his student and team-mate beaten up in scratches.

Lee smiled a little bit tiredly, "Sensei, I did it, I created my very own Taijutsu art."

Gai sensei smiled, proud inevitable in his eyes.

He patted his student shoulders, "Get some rest, we will fight after this, use everything, you have created in your new taijutsu art."

"ye--", Lee fell unconscious.

Gai smiled as he picked Lee in a bridal style.

"You are finally growing up Lee"


Ten-Ten was gritting her teeth.

Fighting Okami was different than fighting her team.

No matter how many weapons she throws, No matter what she does, He always stood there, smiling, blocking everything with his sword. Even explosions.

"Why are you putting so much distance between us? Now you know that straight away attacks won't hit me, why don't you try different methods. Not to mention I didn't even use wind Jutsus... Don't be such a girl Ten-ten"

She grit her teeth even more, "Shut up, don't look down at me Because I am a Girl"

Okami shook his head, "I don't see the gender in fighting and training, my most respected teacher Kurenai sensei is a woman herself, I respect them according to their will of getting stronger. But other than that, Ten-ten, You are in an absolute disadvantage position, If you want to make sure it hits me, then you should get close and fire. Or is it that you're afraid of letting even a part of me in your field zone. If that's the case, then it's a foolish thought. Distance only has meaning in a fight between equals. Fighting someone who is stronger than you, Or has an absolute advantage over your style. You have to take a risk"


"With you and me, distance holds no meaning at all. Watch... If I do this, my sword is almost instantly at your heart"


Her eyes were wide opened when she blinked and he was there. Holding a sword at her heart.

It happened in an absolute second.

Okami smiled, "Let's do it again"

She nodded.


"DAMN IT!" Tenten shouted as she finds herself down on the ground.

There were scratches and bruises mark on her.

"Here let me help you," Okami said as he handed his arm at her.

She picked herself up.

And just as soon as she picked herself up, He used more strength than necessary. As she got slammed into him.



He nearly hiccuped, when her soft chest into his chest. It felt weird...

Okami was blushing not quite unlike Hinata

As Tenten realized what he was doing. a blush came on her face as well.

As she released the hug and looked at the nearly frozen and paralyzed Okami.


she giggled. Well, he is cute... and naive.

"Let's get back to training", Wooden Okami could only nod.

She giggled again.

After their session, Okami got convinced by Ten-Ten to let her take him out to dinner as a Thank you..!!

He agreed.

Okami was afraid of her father. But, he could only smile in front of her.


When Okami being dressed up, get to her home.

A large man with a Dark face and red eyes opened the door.


"H-Hello S-sir"

Dangit..!! when did I become Hinata

The man coldly smiles. The smile of a devil.

"So, you have come to take my adorable daughter away. didn't you", He said slowly, tension building up


He could only slowly nod.

Despite, how wrong this sounds. It wasn't wrong actually, he really was here to take her.

"Come inside, we need to have a talk between man to man"

With near shaking and shivering legs, he went inside the demon's dove...



Tenten laughed, and giggled, hearing his story and the terror her father possess.

They went to a local restaurant. They ate and this time, Okami gets to hear her side of the story.

Her goal is to become a great female ninja that surpassed Tsunade herself. He also learned about her team and she told him some tales of missions and training sessions that made him laugh...

Tenten on the other hand gets a good laugh, as Okami is too good at talking and charming.

Well, Okami lives with Pariah of the village and also runs a clothing store.

Talking is like second nature for him...


For the last six months, Kurenai sensei is taking care of the genins. Making them do the D-ranks. He was excluded from it though. He spent his entire time in training hard. And gets to master a few Genjutsus from her and even improving it as his own.

For the last six months; Jinpinkotsugara Hengenjizai, the sacred ability of the Elemental path... well, he gets to be able to use it.

He is not proficient in it. But he at least gets to do it, if given enough time.

Today, he was meditating.

The skeleton appeared again.


He was seeing the same skeleton after 6 months.

And he begins to see it, Kan Korimachi. Using the sacred Bloodline Ability.

"The second path, the physical path", Kan said as if demonstrating it to Okami who was in front of him

"The sacred ability: Subluminal and Superluminal Nervous System"

Kan is noted to be the fastest shinobi in existence. because of his sacred ability to activate and deactivate the dual nervous system.

As Okami sees it.

His specialized, dual nervous system sends signals through the body at luminal to superluminal speed; light speed to faster than light speed, and allows him to send signals back in time. due to its nature.

Because Kan always moved faster than light, it would be impossible to see him approaching.

Okami keeps watching it.

Any observer looking at Kan; the moment he changes his course of action. The opponent wouldn't know he did, they would just see the results; him being in a different location instantly, as if he teleported without them knowing or his very action instantly changed.

As Okami continues to see, he noticed that Kan's movement speeds are so high that he can literally vibrate through objects or transfer the kinetic energy he generates into another body, quite literally causing it to disintegrate via overload of its intrinsic field, rending it apart.

He also noted dodging instantaneous techniques such as Amenotejikara and the infamous Flying Thunder God Technique in the hands of experts; before the user has a chance to make their next thought or movement.

Kan disappeared and Okami got the training method.



The schedule for the last six months stayed the same... Okami would meet her at training ground 9, they would train, go out to eat, and then he would walk her home. where he would see her father sometime.

It's quite interesting to say that the old man has gotten quite immune to Okami's presence.

As if beginning to acknowledge the boy... barely though.

They were both showing improvement as well, Okami is constantly improving. His speed especially is getting faster and faster.

And Tenten's senses had grown sharper. She begins to focus more on Taijutsu herself. Traning with Lee and Okami quite often...

And before she realized herself, Ten-Ten is beginning to spend every day with him.

Neji being the genius he is, is beginning to grow out of his shell, and becoming stronger and stronger.

Though he is still stuck on that fate that he carries for the rest of his life.

Neji would grow out of it.

Okami was sure of it, Why? Because every Genius who can't be talked reason with needs a good beating to make them fall to earth.

Lee's self-made fighting style that is quite weak at the moment, but he is getting better and better and also more and more fierce.

But there is one thing Okami noticed is just how unpredictable; Lee's natural movements are.

'Drunken fist arts', Okami shook his head. How could Lee, who has never in his life touched Alcohol be a genius of Drunken fist?

But as the days pass, He realized that he was wrong. Rock Lee is an Absolute and natural-born Genius of Drunken arts.

Okami's mouth twitched, Okami finally figured out how Lee could catch up to him; Even in sage mode, Okami isn't sure that he could Beat Rock Lee Unpredictable movements. but how the hell is he going to tell Lee that to become stronger; He needs to start drinking.

Okami sighed.

'Why the hell do you have to be a talent in Drunken fist arts', Okami thought.

He told Gai sensei about it.

Rest he could decide, after all, Gai sensei is older and more responsible than him and surely he would know what to do with this information.


And after 6 months, Team 8 is ready for its first C-Rank mission.

Okami glanced at the happy and naive Genins of Team 8 and then at Kurenai sensei.

She shook her head.

Okami sighed, C-Rank, the mission where the Kid genin becomes real adults. As they get their first blood.

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