
Return (Part-2)

"Welcome to the Stone Mistletoe Inn. How may I help you?", The Middle age lady asked smilingly

It's a very popular Inn in Iwa, so popular in fact, many traveling shinobis, civilians, merchants stay here, It's very crowded on the first floor. Last year Chuunin exam participants stayed here during their visit.

"I am looking for a room, how much is it for a night?", The teen came and asked

"1 Gold for a night including breakfast, Lunch and dinner sir"

"I will take the room for a night", He put the gold coin on the table along with the leaf

"What is this sir?"

The teen smiled, "I am from a small tribe, It's our tradition, our thank you gift..!!"

The old lady smiled even more brightly, "My My... it's a very polite tradition you have kind sir, and I must say you are quite beautiful as well"

The Teen smiled, "Everything is beautiful in its own way if you look at it from a positive perspective..."

"Here is the key to your room sir, It's on the second floor, Our employee will take you there"

"Thank you..!!"

As soon as the teen is out of sight, The middle age lady look at her helper and give him the leaf, "Burn it"

"But Boss, he gave you as--"

The middle-aged woman said in a disdain voice, "Why should I care what his traditions are, He is just some poor merchant, What do I care? Throw him out if he has no money. Also, give him the lowest level of food to save some money. No. wait, I will do it myself. I can at least do it for that poor pathetic boy"

The helper smiled wickedly, "Certainly Boss"


The teen reached the room and locked it, and after checking it for a while, He opened the special message hidden in the key.

~Tavern Bartender~

The teen smiled and took a bath and change clothes. As he looks outside from the window, the helper of the lady was burning the leaf.

The Teen smirk, "The will of fire"

The teen was Okami.

The Innkeeper smiled as well, watching that leaf burning. "The will of fire", muttered the innkeeper


(That Night)

It was rowdy at the bar, everyone drinking, fighting, It was chaotic.

"What'll it be sir?", The bartender asked

Okami turned around to face the barman, "Two tankards of mead, and a place for fun"

The tavern keeper looked up in shock.

But Okami put the leaf on his bar table

"What is it, sir?"

"I am from a small tribe, It's our tradition, our thank you gift..!!"

The Bartender smiled, "I will have your order prepared sir, as for fun, you can go to Brothel, the one east side of the Auction house is quite good,

Okami grin vulgarly, "Brothel sounds good"

The Barman chuckled and brought his Beverages.

Okami left after paying for it. He was not even able to move steadily.


Once Okami was alone in some dark valley, His unsteady steps suddenly become steady, and his drunk look suddenly becomes serious.

he took out a piece of paper from his hands' sleeves. opened the very small chit, the barman has given him.

~Scout Hikaru, Tonight @10~


That Night; He visited the red light district looking like a drunk, as he took a pretty and beautiful prostitute with him to the room.

As soon as she enters the room and closes the door. He throws her onto the bed itself.

"My Lord; aren't you in quite hungry"

"I am hungry for you"

"Then what's stopping you from eating me"

"Nothing", he practically jumped at her.

She smiled, he smiled,

He slowly brought his face closer to her.

She closed her eyes.

But she couldn't even touch his body before she was asleep.

He removed her clothes and put her naked self on the chaotic bed that he made.

He disappeared from the room.


In the Dark Night, a 30 year or so old man was coming out of Auction house, Even if it's pretty late at night, the village's street was bustling with the cheerful crowd, Laughing people, talking merrily with their friends, family, lovers. it was then, a loud noise attracted everyone's attention it was just for a second that everyone got distracted; when everything begins to slow down and eventually being stopped.

Okami came out in that frozen moment and took Scout Hikaru with him.

The time started re-flowing.

It happened in an Instant. No one suspected anything.


(At unknown location)

The 30-year-old man sitting on a chair; looking around confusing and bewildered about what happened, just a moment ago, he was at the bustling street after purchasing goods from the Auction house. Now, he is here.

"Scout Hikaru", came the black cloak covered; masked man. Bearing a heavy voice that definitely seems to be fake.

"W-who are you?"

"You don't need to know, I won't chit-chat with you, There is only one thing you should know about. you have 1 second to answer 1 question. Alright? why is Tsuchikage moving such a large amount of people at once"

"H-How would I k-know what Tsu--

"Time's up"


Okami stabbed Hikaru's thighs and twisted the blade cruelly, opening the wound in Leon's thigh, even more, making the mere scout bite his lips hard.

"why is Tsuchikage moving such a large amount of people at once"

"I-I don't... I don't know, please let me g--

Okami leaned forward, only inches from Hikaru's face, and as his lips parted.

"Time's up", Okami whispered

Okami brought out a simple pair of dental forceps, as he grabbed Hikaru's jaw roughly with his free hand, stopping the younger man from turning away.

"N-N-N-Noo... Please No... I-I really don't anything, I am just a scout"

Okami looked at those fearful eyes as he squeezed and forced the scout's mouth open against his will.

"P-please, I- I really don't know... I beg you... please don't", the scout was crying at this point of time

"Then who does"

"Elders... Elders... Elders are bound to know everything aside from Tsuchikage, Please believe me, it's the truth"

"Which elder?"

"Elder Baron... Elder Baron"

"Where will I find this guy?"

"I- I

"Time's up"

"Wait... Wait, Hulming Peaks, You can find him in Hulming Peaks"

"where is it?"

"Southern Mountains of the village"


"At mid-night"

"How do you know it?"

"I- I was supposed to bring his girlfriend to their"

"A young girl"


Okami chuckled, "How old is this elder"


"and girl?"


Okami chuckled even more, "Where would I find the girl?"

"I- I have her address in my pocket"

"Thank you for your corporation..."


The world started to blend in. And everything becomes blurred. Suddenly, Scout Hikaru was sitting on a chair. He was not even bound.

He was shocked and looked here and there. He touched his thighs and mouth and everything he could.

His wounds are gone, the pain is gone as well.

"Genjutsu, It was Genjutusu... I am alright, I am alright, It was Genjutsu", Tears fell from his face

A needle was pierced on his back neck, making him unconscious.


"Good job Hikaru, this kind of thing will earn you the promotion", The Elder said as he patted the scout's shoulders.

Hikaru bowed and left.

As he smiled vulgarly and brought the girl inside. The Personal guards of the elder were stationed outside

As soon as Hikaru left the Peak, with a poof..!! of smoke, he disappeared.


The girl and the elder went inside the locked room.

The old man smiled vulgarly and grinned, "Tonight, you are mine"

The Girl smiled seductively, "Elder Baron, why did Tsuchikage move such a large amount of personals all at once"



The Elder's eyes suddenly lost their eyes.

He told everything to the girl under the effect of genjutsu, as the girl kill the elder.

The guards were guarding outside with no idea of what's going on.



They got alert. A wolf suddenly appeared out of thin air just above the guard's head and fell right at the top of one guy. Making him fall down from the tree. As the wolf tries to tear his neck down.

More and more wolves appeared falling on top of the guards, some even appeared behind them.

They managed to kick them out, turning them into the mist, but more and more and more and more wolves kept appearing, out of thin air.

And what's worse is, it's pure Attrition battle; These wolves are sucking chakra at an incredible rate.

But these vile creatures just kept appearing, There is no end to these things. It's not a battle they can win.

One by one, they began to fall, even if someone wants to run, an Irresistible force just brings them back.

This place is deserted, there is no one that would hear their voices.

This was a pure massacre of dark wolves under the silver moon.

Okami went to the brothel and took off his clothes, sleeping beside the prostitute... entirely naked.

She was given a light poison, her waist will hurt like hell tomorrow morning.


(Next morning)

The Prostitute opened her eyes as she felt the guy sitting on the bed and putting on his clothes.

Her lower waist hurts like hell.

She smiled, "You must be quite good at this, My waist hurts like hell, But, why don't I remember what happened?"

Okami coldly looked at her, her eyes blackened, "We had very intense sex yesterday. It was so intense that your body is not in a condition to work today. So, you should rest. You will not remember me. I am just like an Invisible memory to you. you know what we did, but you won't remember anything else... after 3 days, your memories about me or what we did will be completely gone"

She was a civilian anyway, The Genjtusu of such intensity will affect her brains and she will not remember him.

Her eyes regained their focus, she looked here and there. But, he was gone. She lied down. Trying to think what she did with him.

Strangely enough, she can't remember his face or anything about him. But she did remember everything they did at night.

It was strange. She groaned and decided not to dwell on it. It was just a costumer anyway. She will do the same with some other man the next day.


That morning, Okami was gone in the search of Naruto and Jiraiya in Kumo.

Trying to save them from the Iwagakure's army that is coming to them.

~Just after Okami left the village~

Onoki was restless knowing the delicate mission that he had entrusted his son and granddaughter could put Iwa in a terrible position should it go awry.

Suddenly one of his Chunin entered through his door with urgency. ''Tsuchikage-Sama! There's an emergency, you should come immediately!'' the young man was so worked up that he didn't care to ask for permission to enter.

Onoki jumped in his chair at the intrusion. ''What's the meaning of this? You better have a good reason for barging into my office in such a manner,'' said Onoki, angry at the disrespect of his subordinate.

Even his leader's foul mood didn't deter the young man from his haste. ''It's Han and Roshi, sir! Something is wrong with the Jinchuurikis.''

The Tsuchikage got upset upon hearing that. ''What do you mean about that?'' demanded the diminutive man.

Onoki followed the Chunin to the roof, and he could, in fact, see a great amount of smoke coming from two different locations in the distance: Roshi and Han's cabins. ''They are battling, they wouldn't be using that much strength otherwise.'' Said the Tsuchikage in worry. For them to be fighting just when he had recalled their ANBU patrols had to mean that someone was waiting for the perfect moment to go for both of them at once, it couldn't be a coincidence; someone planned this.

''Call all the available Shinobi we have, we need to protect the Yonbi and Gobi! I'll be personally going to help Roshi, you and the rest help Han!'' said the Tsuchikage in a hurry to the young man.

Before the man could reply, Onoki noticed two small white clay spiders crawling on both sides of the Shinobi and widened his eyes, recognizing that particular Jutsu.

The small man floated away with his gravity Jutsu just as the small arachnids detonated on the Chunin he had just been talking to. The resulting explosion was big enough to blow a good part of the roof they were standing on, and the only sign that the young man had been there was a shower of blood and gore.

Onoki looked with shock at what just a second ago had been one of his Shinobi.

''Long time no see, old man. Did you miss your old student?'' called a cloaked figure in the sky, riding what appeared to be a giant white dragon made of clay

If Onoki hadn't been angry before, now it was a certainty. ''Deidara. I knew it was you, I could recognize your Jutsu anywhere.'' The small man glared at his former pupil.

The blond man grinned mockingly at the old Kage. ''And here I thought that you would be happier to see me. I was in the neighborhood and decided to take a moment of my time to visit my old home. Everything's looking good over here, you have done a great job of keeping things in check, Onoki. However, this place is missing my touch. But no matter, that's nothing a couple of C1 won't fix.''

Onoki leveled himself with his attacker using his gravity Jutsu and took a glance at the attire of his former student. ''That cloak...so You are a part of some organization now?''

''It's called Akatsuki, Remember that name Old man'' Said Deidara, careful to keep his distance. He knew better than anyone that you shouldn't underestimate Onoki.

The undersized man crossed his arms over his chest and demanded answers from his former soldier.

''Stop fooling around! what do you and your accomplices hope to gain from this? Why are you targeting our Jinchuuriki?''

Deidara gave a dry laugh at Onoki's questions. ''Ha, like if I would tell you something like that. But enough chatter, weren't you going to help your precious Biju right now? Come on, don't mind me, you go ahead. Well, that is if you don't care to leave me here while I give Iwa a new makeover.'' Said the blond man while he started molding more explosive clay with the mouths in his hands.

The small Tsuchikage's eyes narrowed in barely contained rage at the actions of the man. ''I always hated your cowardly way of fighting, Deidara. But I never expected you to fall this low.''

''See how much I care. Try to keep up, old-timer'' And so Deidara gave a sharp flip on his dragon and quickly started circling Iwagakure, all while dropping his bombs on civilians and ninja alike, their screams of terror and agony filling the air.

''I'll have your head for this, Deidara!'' Yelled a now vivid Onoki, and started giving chase to the mad bomber, maneuvering through mountains and buildings as the self-proclaimed artist continued to bomb the city.

''Take this, you fucking traitor! Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu! (Dust Release: Detachment Of The Primitive World Technique)''

A small conical light started forming between the old Kage's hands, before expanding in a straight and large beam of light going directly for the terrorist.

Deidara halted brusquely the advance of his giant clay dragon, barely dodging the beam. Relief washed over him at avoiding such a deadly Jutsu.

As the Tsuchikage's former student, he knew that technique destroyed at a molecular level. If he was hit by that there was no chance of surviving.

''Damn, that was a close call. Way too close for comfort. I think I really pissed off the old man this time, un.'' he didn't plan to stick around for long anyway. He just needed to buy some time for Sasori, Kakuzu, and Hidan so they could finish capturing the Yonbi and Gobi.

Thanks to the missing patrols usually guarding the Bijus they were discovered only after they were halfway done with their fights, but they still needed just a small distraction to avoid any risk of anyone getting there in time to save the Jinchuuriki or give chase once they got them.

And that task had fallen onto Deidara, as he had the best mobility out of all of them, and was also the most slippery. He just needed to keep Onoki and the rest of Iwa busy for a short while. But at least as long as he stayed in the skies the rest of the Iwa ninja couldn't do anything but defend themselves from his explosives.

Onoki knew that Deidara was stalling for his comrades, but he couldn't leave Iwagakure unprotected to the assault of the crazy blond. If he had to choose to save his village and innocents or his Jinchuuriki, he would choose his village thousand times over.

''You'll regret ever showing your face here again. The next one won't miss.''

Deidara clicked his tongue in worry, if he kept running away he would eventually be caught, so it was time to start defending himself. ''Don't think you can't take me on so easily, you old bat. Let's see how you like a taste of the greatness of my art'' The large dragon turned around and went straight for the old Kage.

The clay creature started spitting small birds made of clay that started homing on the small man.

Deidara also started making exploding birds made of clay, and soon a large flock of the small creatures started swarming Onoki until he couldn't keep dodging for long and few of them managed to reach him.

Deidara made a single hand seal and yelled ''Katsu!'' causing a large explosion. However, instead of the charred remains of Iwa's beloved leader, what fell was a rain of small pebbles.

''A Rock Clone. Where did he go?'' while looking around for any sign of the Tsuchikage, Deidara caught sight of a bright light coming from down below.

He widened his eyes and quickly did a barrel roll, but was just a bit too slow and the next Jinton beam obliterated the left side of his dragon, along with his arm.

The mad bomber started a free fall while yelling bloody murder due to his missing limb, but he quickly got his bearings and made a large bird of clay with his remaining arm holding on to it. He couldn't afford to get to the ground or he would get ganged upon by all the Iwa forces. ''screw this! This is long enough, I'm getting out of here.'' Deidara started gaining altitude for his next and final Jutsu, pulling out a small clay statue that had an open mouth and wing-like arms wrapped around it.

''I'll make you pay for taking my arm, old man! or rather, your precious village will! I have a special gift just for you. My C3 will make a burning crater out of Iwa because art is an explosion!'' The Akatsuki member proceeded to drop the statue over the village, and as soon as he did, the statue became huge and extended its arms as it continued its free fall.

Onoki looked in horror at the large figure. Fearing for the safety of his people he used the Jinton once more and fired it at the statue, tearing a huge chunk of it. However, the rest of the statue detonated soon after and the inferno that enveloped the sky could be seen for kilometers.

Once the explosion died off, The old Tsuchikage took to the air once more to evaluate the damage done. He managed to trigger the explosion high enough that the radius of it damaged only the taller buildings, but still the shockwave was so strong that most of the surrounding structures got big parts of them blown off, and adding the rest of the C1 bombs Deidara had been using, there was virtually no building in Iwa that hadn't received some sort of damage. And speaking of the mad bomber, there were no signs of him anywhere, obviously, he used the last Jutsu as a distraction to cover his retreat.

Onoki's ire was palpable. He had been unable to protect his Jinchuuriki, his village, and his people. He continued to watch the damage done when one of his ANBU reached the roof of the building he was floating over. ''Tsuchikage-Sama, we suffered heavy casualties in the center and west side of the village, and we still don't know the status of the Jinchuuriki! Your orders sir?'' Asked the masked Shinobi, anxious for the answer of his leader.

''Gather all the able Shinobi you can find and look for wounded. Forget the Jinchuuriki, we must have lost them by now; attending the injuries of our people is more important at the moment.'' said the diminutive man in resigned anger, knowing that they lost and the enemy had gotten what they wanted.

The hatred in the man's eyes could have chilled to the bone anyone that met his gaze. ''Akatsuki, I'll paint the streets red with the blood of your members, that I promise you.''


-Sea of The Land Of Lightning- Kumo

The ocean was littered with the remains of what used to be a fishing boat, and there was the occasional Iwa corpse here and there.

Even the warship that Iwa had used was in a poor condition by the ferocity of the skirmish between Jiraiya, Iwa, and naruto. The only thing keeping the battle even was Jiraiya's prowess and the sheer number of Kyuubi enhanced clones that Naruto could make, and even then, the two Konoha Shinobi was starting to be overwhelmed, having had more than a few close saves.

The situation was so critical that Naruto had been forced into his Chakra Cloak, which made him sport a bubbling red aura of Chakra in the shape of a fox, had his canines and claws elongated, made his hair wilder, his whiskers thicker, and his eyes red and slit.

Kitsuchi was impressed. He knew of Jiraiya's strength but he never had the chance of fighting the man until now, not even during the war did the occasion present itself, but he had never expected the Sannin to be this strong. The man had managed to repel almost everything they threw at them, and the sheer amount of Shadow Clones that the boy could make was insane, but he could notice that both of them wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer. Even if the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki seemed to have almost unlimited chakra, Jiraiya did not, it was only a matter of time until he dried himself out.

''All of you, keep them on the defensive! They can barely hold on, victory is almost ours!'' All his troops reorganized themselves and started preparing another round of attacks.

Jiraiya noticed their attack pattern and knew what to expect, but he also knew that he and his pupil were in trouble if things kept going at this rate. There was no choice, he would have to use Sage Mode. Not only did Sage Mode improve all his abilities tremendously, but it also let him save his own chakra by using natural energy from the environment. Besides, having Shima and Fukusaku helping him would be a great asset. ''Naruto, I need you to cover me for a moment, use more of the Kyuubi's Chakra if you can, but I need them off my back!'' Yelled the Sannin to the feral boy.

''You got it, Ero-Sennin!'' Naruto focused for a moment before the second tail of Chakra materialized behind him.

With the increase of the amount of Chakra, Naruto could also feel the increase in the Kyuubi's influence over him. His demeanor became more savage, and after creating a dozen Shadow Clones they all gave a mighty roar. Due to the Kyuubi's Chakra powering them, the clones battle cries were so powerful that they caused small tidal waves that disoriented the Iwa Shinobi. Taking advantage of the chaos they made, the Chakra Cloaked copies jumped towards their enemies with red spheres of compressed circulating Chakra in their hands.


Most of the Iwa Shinobi managed to dodge the assault, but the few that didn't meet their end in a giant explosion of water that the attack leveled in the collision.

The massive attack made the Iwa ninja lose sight of their targets in the mist when they were forced to retreat a great distance to avoid it. They stopped for a moment trying to relocate the two Konoha ninja when out of nowhere a small stream of high-pressure water dismembered some of their ninjas, forcing the Iwa Shinobi once again to dodge to avoid being skewered.

From the mist emerged Jiraiya, but his appearance had quite a few changes. He was now sporting a goatee, a big warty nose, and webbed hands and feet. And aside from his change of appearance, he had two small old toads on his shoulders, one seemed to be a male and the other a female, and both were wearing small capes fitting for their size. The male toad was green and had a white mop of hair, large eyebrows, and a goatee. And the female toad was a lighter shade of green and had short wavy purple hair. The blond boy was nowhere to be seen, most likely he fell back to avoid getting in his master's way.

''I think a got a few of them, Jiraiya-Chan.'' Said the male toad, now confirmed to have been the cause of the stream of water.

''Seriously boy, why are you always summoning us in such annoying places? Salt-water is bad for our skin, you know.'' said the female toad, annoyed at the Sage.

''I'm sorry Fukasaku-Ojisan, Shima-Obaasan. I'm in a bit of a pickle here, I can't fend these guys off and protect Naruto at the same time all by myself.'' Said the Sage, somewhat embarrassed at being scolded by the toad, but soon gave the Iwa Shinobi all his attention once more.

''Now you bastards, I'll show you what happens when you mess with the great Jiraiya!'' Boasted the old pervert while making a dramatic pose, which earned him two punches to the face, courtesy of his amphibian friends.

''Don't yell on our ears, you moron!'' Chided the couple in unison.

Some of the Iwa Shinobi took advantage of the distraction that the Sannin and his summons were making and started charging Jiraiya head-on while doing hand seals for their Jutsu; but in the blink of an eye the Sage was upon them, wielding in one hand a giant blue ball of chakra like the one the Jinchuuriki used moments ago, but this one was several times the size of its user.

''Cho Odama Rasengan!"

Yelled Jiraiya while bringing down the enormous sphere of condensed Chakra on the dozen Iwa Shinobi. The cries of agony of the men were soon muffled as their bodies started disintegrating in the giant orb until nothing was left of them.

Kurotsuchi was in awe at the raw power that the Sannin was showing, she hadn't expected the man to be this powerful. ''Kurotsuchi'' she was taken out of her stupor by Kitsuchi's call and she turned to look at her dad.

When Kitsuchi knew that he had his daughter's full attention he proceeded to relay his order. ''Take our remaining ANBU and go past Jiraiya without being noticed, use the mist as your cover. I need you to apprehend the Jinchuuriki and bring him to us. Once we have him in our grasp we will make a run for it. Jiraiya has revealed his true power, to stay and fight him head-on would be suicide. Our only chance of success is to escape with our target. But be careful, a Biju's Chakra is not to be underestimated, even if its user is not that much skilled by himself, that Chakra is so strong that it makes the boy a threat. '' he told the girl with authority.

Kurotsuchi looked at her father with determination and nodded. ''I won't let you down, dad.'' She called their remaining squad of ANBU, which was about a dozen, and went into the mist and out of sight, intending on hiding from the powerful Sage as they tried to reach their objective.

Jiraiya, nevertheless suspected what they were trying to do, but he wasn't about to go looking blindly for ANBU level Shinobi, but he knew a way to easily find them. ''They are hiding from us. I'm counting on you, Obaasan.'' requested to Shima.

The small summon looked at Jiraiya knowingly and nodded. ''On it, Jiraiya-Chan'' She stuck out a bizarre-looking tongue. It was long and thick, with warts all over it, and seemed to have a face with small squinted eyes and a wide grin with sharp teeth. The weird creature-like tongue started sniffing the air, and after a moment, Shima detected a couple of signatures, but she widened her eyes in surprise at what she was feeling. With haste, she started elongating her tongue in what appeared to be a random direction. Jiraiya, Fukasaku, and even the rest of their Iwa enemies got varied looks of surprise at the weird behavior. The appendage tried to wrap itself around something in the mist that no one could see, and warts in the tongue started to release an acid substance while trying to catch whatever it had sensed.

Two figures came rapidly out into the middle of the battlefield after just avoiding being melted in the acidic shower. The figures revealed themselves to be two men. They were wearing black cloaks with red clouds, which gave them away as members of Akatsuki.

Jiraiya widened his eyes in worry at the identity of the newcomers, remembering the last time he met them. ''these two again; so this is why Shima-Obaasan looked so worried. The situation just took a turn for the worse.''

One was a very tall man, with gray-blue skin, spiky blue hair, and had what appeared to be gills under his round black eyes. Aside from the standard Akatsuki cloak, he also had a big two-handed sword wrapped in bandages, that at the moment he was resting it against his shoulder while he wielded it one-handed.

''It seems that we have been found out, Itachi-San. Such a shame really, we were planning on killing whichever side was left standing and take the Jinchuuriki for ourselves.'' Said the man with a grin, exposing his sharp teeth.

His partner was a pale-skinned man with jet black hair that he kept in a low ponytail and his bangs framed his face. He was devoid of all expression and he had an air of cold serenity about him. But what really stood out were his blood-red eyes with three tomoe surrounding each pupil.

''Careful, Kisame. Now that we have lost the element of surprise our mission won't be so simple anymore.'' Said the stoic man to his comrade.

''Heh, silent killing was more Zabuza's style anyway. I'm more of steamroll-through-the-opposition kind of guy.'' Said the blue-skinned man, seemingly excited at the prospect of a battle.

Meanwhile, Kitsuchi was filled with dread at the turn of events. Not only did they have their hands full with Jiraiya but now two other monsters decided to appear with the apparent intent of killing everyone there save for the Jinchuuriki.

Jiraiya was the first one to react. He puffed his chest and exhaled a huge quantity of ignited oil.

''Katon: Dai Endan!(Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet)''

The already big flame was made even bigger with both toads using wind Jutsu to enhance the flames. The amount of fire starting to quickly cover the area made the Akatsuki members and the Iwa Shinobi jump to save themselves from burning alive.

Kisame had a wide grin at the intense start of this battle and focused his sights on the Sannin.

''I guess I'll go for the biggest prey first.'' He lunged at the Sage, but before he could reach his intended target, a large fireball forced both him and Jiraiya to split. Recognizing his partner's Jutsu, he turned to Itachi with a puzzled look. ''What's gotten into you, Itachi-San? That could have hit me, you know.''

''Don't fight Jiraiya in his current state, Kisame. He is filled with natural energy at the moment. If you try to absorb it with Samehada you could end up dying. Only a sage can withstand the effects of Natural energy.'' explained Itachi impassively.

''Leave Jiraiya to me, you go after the Kyuubi, he is our number one priority.

Said Sannin cursed under his breath in annoyance. Had Itachi not intervened, Kisame could have taken himself out.

The Shark-like man put on a face of disappointment at having to sit out the main brawl. ''No fair, I always get the boring jobs. But I guess it can't be helped.'' He sighed before resigning himself to his task. '' Fine, I'll leave these guys to you then. I hope that the Kyuubi puts a bit of a fight at least.'' He left so fast that only a blur could be seen when he took off.

Both Kitsuchi and Jiraiya looked worriedly in the direction the man had left, knowing that their daughter and godson respectively, were over there. But as they were about to give chase to the Swordsman, a large curtain of black flames blocked heir path. They looked at the remaining Akatsuki member, knowing that he must have been the cause of such a technique.

'That's the same Jutsu he used three years ago to escape my Gamaguchi Shibari(Toad Mouth Bind)' remembered the old Sage. At the time, he had been forced to seal those flames away as they didn't seem like they could be put out.

''What is that? I have never seen a fire like that before. It's even burning on water.'' Thought Kitsuchi in bewilderment.

All the remaining Iwa Shinobi, Itachi, and Jiraiya looked tensely at each other, and in an instant, all three factions started the skirmish once again in an effort to make an opening to go help their respective allies.

When Kisame reached Naruto, the boy and his clones were already engaged in a fight with a squad of ANBU and a short-haired Kunoichi. As soon as he arrived, everyone stopped fighting and turned to look at him in surprise.

''Hello there. I'll be taking the Kyuubi now, but you are free to try to stop me, make it worth my while.'' The blue-skinned man told them with a predatory gaze.

The ANBU looked extremely wary of the former Kiri ninja, while Kurotsuchi didn't know yet what to make of the odd-looking man.

In contrast, Naruto seemed ready to tear apart the Swordsman. While influenced by the Kyuubi, seeing someone that was part of the organization that made him live in worry of being hunted down was more than enough to make his blood boil. He remembered how easily the swordsman had subdued him three years ago, but he sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight.

Naruto created even more Shadow clones. And along with the ones that were fighting the ANBU a moment ago, they rushed at the Monster of Kiri, claws, and Rasengan at the ready to tear him to shreds.

Kisame's grin got even wider at the boy's aggression. He avoided their swipes with ease and dispelled them with a slash of his own soon after, and all while he parried the Rasengans with his sword, dissipating them as he absorbed the Chakra powering them.

Kurotsuchi took advantage of the blond distracting the Akatsuki member and signaled her ANBU to capture the boy. ''Now's our chance! Go for the Jinchuuriki!.'' The Shinobi complied and made their way to the Chakra cloaked boy. They split up into two groups, one group jumped into the air, preparing a Water-based Collaboration Jutsu, while the one on the ground posed to strike with their blades to incapacitate their target.

Naruto first focused his attention on the ANBU preparing to lunge at him with their swords. He gave a sharp turn of his body, smacking his attackers with his Chakra tails, knocking them back as blood flew from their wounds. He then looked up as he heard the remaining ANBU finishing their Jutsu.

''Suiton: Mizurappa!(Water Release: Water Trumpet)'' Yelled the Iwa Shinobi as they launched a large jet of water from their mouths as they descended upon Naruto.

The Jinchuuriki took a deep breath and gave a loud roar, producing a large shockwave that neutralized the water technique and sent the users flying. He didn't get any respite, however, for as soon as he got rid of the ANBU, Kurotsuchi flanked him and started using her Kekkei Genkai abilities. ''Yoton: Sekkaigyo no Jutsu! (Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique)'' The girl spat a large ball of quicklime from her mouth at the orange-clad Genin.

Naruto attempted to sidestep the slimy substance, but he wasn't quick enough and one foot got encased in it. He momentarily tried to shake it off, but the quicklime started to harden like concrete at the contact with the water he was standing on, effectively trapping his leg and hindering his movement at having to carry the mass glued to him.

Kurotsuchi saw that her ANBU were starting to come back, having finally recovered from the previous attacks. Feeling confident in having a backup, she pulled out her mother's sword and charged Naruto, intending of cutting his tendons to subdue him. But in an instant, Kisame appeared between her and the boy after finally finishing off the clones. He gave a powerful slash with Samehada that she just barely managed to block with her own sword, but still the force of the blow sent her flying and she crashed into the water and sank into the ocean at the brutal throw.

The ANBU looked in worry at the quick dispatch of the Tsuchikage's granddaughter. ''Lady Kurotsuchi!'' They proceeded to surround the Monster of Kiri, ready to get revenge for the girl.

Kisame glanced around him in boredom at the Iwa Shinobi.

''You are annoying. This isn't fun anymore, you are all a bunch of weaklings.''

He wasn't smiling anymore, all in all, he seemed to be done playing around. After a moment, all the Shinobi circling him attacked at the same time, stabbing their blades into the vital organs of the Akatsuki member, which coughed up blood and rolled his eyes into his skull.

The ANBU gasped in surprise when the seemingly dead Kisame turned into the water as they were holding him in place with their swords.

''Suiton: Daikodan no Jutsu! (Water Release: Great Shark Bullet Technique)''

when they heard the technique they turned around too late to see a giant shark made out of water approaching them at high speed. They didn't have time to dodge as the giant water creature crushed them all in his jaws with a large chomp. All the ANBU were swallowed by the shark as it dived into the water taking them along and leaving a stunned Naruto face to face with the Akatsuki member.

''h-he took them out as if it was nothing.'' thought Naruto in horror at the strength of the shark-like man.

''Now that I finally got rid of these pests come with me like a good little Jinchuuriki. If you resist you'll just make it harder on yourself. I have orders not to kill you, but no one said anything about maiming.'' Said Kisame, having lost all interest in fighting an unworthy opponent.

Naruto stared silently for a moment before recovering his determination. He wasn't gonna give up, even if the situation seemed hopeless. That was his ninja way. He jumped at the swordsman with a battle cry, in an effort to claw his face off.

The tall man easily sidestepped every single swing that Naruto threw at him, and faster than the boy could follow he brought his bandaged sword down on the Jinchuuriki's torso. In that single swipe, the sword absorbed all the demonic Chakra that Naruto was expelling, leaving him back to his normal appearance, his red cloak completely gone.

Naruto gasped and got on one knee, barely able to keep himself standing on the water surface. He always ended up tired when the fox's Chakra ran out, but to have him forcefully taken left him completely exhausted.

''what is the deal with that sword? It took so much of my Chakra I can barely move.''

Nevertheless, Kisame didn't give him a moment to catch his breath. He slashed Naruto one more time, wounding him and making him faint due to Chakra exhaustion and the after-effects from using the Kyuubi's power. As the boy started to sink into the sea the man grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up to avoid letting him drown.

''Yoton: Sekkaigyo No Jutsu! (Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique)''

When the former Kiri Shinobi sensed the attack coming, he quickly turned around gave it a chop with Samehada, once again absorbing the energy powering the quicklime Jutsu and leaving it useless. He searched for the user of the technique and found the same Kunoichi he had dealt with earlier. She looked annoyed at having been tossed so embarrassingly, and took out her own sword and clashed with Samehada, pressing against the man with all her might.

''You are out of your league, girlie. But you have spunk, I'll give you that.'' Said the Shark man with an amused grin.

She clenched her teeth in rage, she hated being underestimated. ''Shut up, you piece of shit! You just came here to ruin my mission and kill my comrades. I'll make you pay for that!'' She tried to hold her ground, but she was being pushed back fast, and the worst part was that Kisame didn't even seem to be putting much effort into it, and all while carrying an unconscious Naruto on the other hand.

''That mouth of yours is gonna get you killed, girl. So much confidence without the skill to back it up. You should learn your place.'' Said Kisame with his grin returning, finding pleasure in tearing down Kurotsuchi's ego.

Faster than Kurotsuchi could follow, Kisame delivered a hard kick to her stomach, making her stumble and lowering her guard for a moment. The former Kiri Shinobi exploited her momentary stunned state to swing his sword into her chest, wounding her and taking a large chunk of her Chakra.

The tomboy gave a cry of pain and brought a hand to hold her injury, staining her palm in blood. She started having trouble standing because of her Chakra exhaustion. With her current reserves, in a few minutes, she wouldn't even be able to keep water walking.

She looked to Kisame with dread. She hadn't felt this terrified in a long time. In a single attack, he weakened her enough to have her completely at his mercy.

Whatever he threw at her next she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid it. The man gave another swing of his massive sword with the intent of finishing her off.

"This match is finished Jiraiya", Itachi said, as he watched at his comrade who is about to end Kurotsuchi's life


This is a very long chapter, no chapter for tomorrow and Please leave reviews. If you can.

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