
Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown

Tenten woke up in an unfamiliar room, in a hospital.

How had she ended up here? She sat up to see Okami sitting in a chair a few feet away.

"Okami? You are alive. I thought you were dead" She asked pleasantly surprised.

He looked at her angrily, "I told you to take care of yourself. I told you I can't love anyone else in this lifetime, I told you if anything happens to you, I won't be able to get over the shock. yet---", he gritted his teeth before forcefully calming down.

"I am sorry? I promise next time, I will protect myself better next time"


"what happened?"

He turned to look at her, he seemed so guarded and detached. "What happened?"

"Your Last Mission nearly killed your entire team, If it wasn't for Gai sensei"


"He... abandoned the entire mission and carried you two here on his back the entire way", Okami was still firmly seated in his chair, looking out the window.

"Gai sensei... I remember, where is Neji"

"Next Room, being treated from his injuries, Neji is mostly alright. Say, Don't you think that you have so many men to worry about? Just worry about me from now on. Don't just keep thinking about other men"


Her mouth twitched at that. what the hell is he talking about?

A medic came in a few seconds later. "Oh you're awake!" she exclaimed. "That's good. How do you feel?" A hand rested briefly on her forehead.

"Fine," which was true, she was just tired but that could be easily cured with more rest. "When can I go to see my teammate?"

"As soon as you're ready. But mind you, no extra stress, relax for a week or so," the medic beamed, checking Tenten's blood monitors.

"Everything seems to be in decent order, but if anything changes you should come back. I'll be right back to discharge you," The medic left.

"Can you please not tell this to Dad? He is already busy with the reconstruction of our Shop. I can't have him worry about me" Tenten asked

He nodded, "We'll book a night in a hotel here. As long as you don't go out. He won't know"

"People are still busy constructing. The hotels will be full! We'll be lucky to get even a single room"

"We can stay in the hospital. If you want to"

"No. This is a public place, someone my dad knows might come here"

"Alright, we will go to some random Inn, after meeting Neji. Gai sensei might take some time before his briefing is over"


In half an hour they were walking down the streets of the village.

Okami was carrying both packs, despite her protests.

The first Inn they found was completely full, and they were sent further down the street.

"Welcome..!!" An innkeeper greeted them.

"Two rooms please," Tenten asked politely.

The Inn Keeper watched the young Boy behind the young lady, shaking his head.

The Inn Keeper smirked.

"I'm sorry but we only have one room left"

The innkeeper said apologetically. Tenten sighed; this was the fourth Inn they'd been to. How come all the inns in Konoha are full to the point where they only have a single room left.

"There are at least two beds right?" Okami asked frowning.

"Sorry sir, but there's only a double bed"

"We'll take it," Tenten sighed. It could be worse.

Okami gave a thumbs up from behind Tenten.

The Inn Keeper secretly smirked even more.

As soon as Tenten was gone, Okami came to the Inn Keeper and whispered, "Make sure no one disturbs us"

"I understand sir"

"Also, the rooms--

"They are sound-proofed sir", The Innkeeper blushed a little


They both made their way inside the room as Tenten Stretched. As she looked outside the windows.

"Kinda feels like we are--

Okami walked over to her. Her stare still focused on the world outside.

He slid his arms through hers and rested them on her stomach.


He slowly moved them up her body until he was cupping her Young and fresh virgin breasts. He pressed against her from behind so his hard-on was pressing against her voluptuous ass.

He whispered into her ear. "Do you really want me to believe you are so naive that you didn't notice anything till now?" He pressed his cock harder against her soft full behind.

She blushed and looked down. She is a chunnin how could she not notice anything. It was so obvious as well.

Okami could feel her tense as he grinds his hard-on against her soft ass, her body going stiff at the intimate contact.

He heard a hissing intake of breath as if she was steeling herself for something... as she turned around looking with a total red face.

Her sweet lips so near him intoxicated him so much that he forgot to breathe for a moment.

He then slowly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, as he parted her lips with his tongue.

She relaxed after somewhile and put her arms around him and gave her lips to him for him to taste.

They kissed for five minutes, before losing their balance and sank into the bed breathing heavily.

Tenten was silent and Okami just kept staring at her. "I hope you don't think my kiss is bad. I did it after thinking a thousand times" He said

She blushed looking at him so close to her, made her heart beat faster, "It was very good"

"Then, Can we do it again?"

She wordlessly nodded.

She moans into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He takes full advantage of it, his tongue expertly exploring her mouth.

Tenten could swear that she never felt anything like this before.

From his hard-on, she could say that he is eager to do it, She wanted to do it as well.

But the moment his hands touched her Chest.

"Not Before marriage", she whispered

He chuckled and kissed her passionately once more.



Sasuke and Kakashi fight, the former's vision starts to fade away from the overuse of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Sakura takes the chance and tried to kill Sasuke, but is unable to bring herself to do it. Sasuke then tried to kill her once again, but Naruto appeared and saved her.

Naruto attempted to reason with Sasuke, who declared his way of reviving his clan, by destroying every possible link to it thus regaining their honor.

Seeing Sasuke as a lost cause, Kakashi tried to send Sakura and Naruto away, but Naruto charged Sasuke both attacking with their signature techniques.

In a moment of understanding after the collision, a similar effect seen after their battle at the Valley of the End, Sasuke gave Naruto a choice; be one of his victims or a hero for killing him.

Naruto told him he would do neither. The blast sends Naruto and Sasuke backward. Kakashi catches Naruto, while Sasuke is caught by Zetsu. Tobi teleports to Sasuke, while white Zetsu makes clones of himself to capture Naruto.

Tobi tells Zetsu not to battle him and to go find Kisame. Naruto announces that he saw into Sasuke's heart, and they would both die if they fight again and be rid of the Uchiha and Nine-Tailed Fox.

After hearing Naruto's choice, Sasuke merely says that he will not go back on the path he walks and that he will kill Naruto first. Naruto answers back saying that Sasuke still hasn't accepted him as an equal and Sasuke tells Tobi that they must talk. Tobi and Sasuke teleport back to Akatsuki's hideout where Sasuke asks Tobi for Itachi's eyes to be transplanted into him.

Meanwhile, back at the bridge, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi get ready to leave after retrieving Karin, but Naruto passes out from the poison from Sakura's kunai that he got cut with from saving Sakura from Sasuke. Sakura gives Naruto the antidote and they set off back to Konoha.


Back in Kumogakure, A, Killer B, and Team Samui return, Killer B has taken Samehada with Kisame inside the sword planning on infiltrating Kumogakure to retrieve the Eight-Tails.

-An unspecified location-

Kabuto is shown using Orochimaru's snake abilities to subdue a couple of ninja saying that he's getting used to his new powers and it is time to get things moving.


-Kurenai House-

It was afternoon, and Okami was lying down on the floor, with Mirai on top of him, He made her sleep just now. He is tired. Taking care of newborns is an extremely serious business.

Okami opened his eyes because he felt something wet. When he opened his eyes, he saw the little one trying to bite his chest over his clothes.

Okami curls his lips into a dangerous smile as he gently grabs her and started kissing her cheeks.

"He He He", she laughed in her tiny voice.

He chuckled, and stood up, "Let's go to mommy for your Lunch"


Returning to Kiba, Lee, Akamaru, and Sai, Sakura and Naruto all go back to the village along with Kakashi and a weakened Karin.

Upon return, the others tell Naruto that they want to fight Sasuke too, he can't fight Sasuke alone.

Naruto disagrees and says he is the only one who is able to fight Sasuke and the only one that will, the others question him on what happened when he confronted Sasuke. Naruto says he will tell them when the time is right and walks off to Ramen Ichiraku.


Their arrival is met with the news that both Jiraiya and Okami are alive, Naruto couldn't have been happier at that moment.

A month has been gone by since then, with Danzō dead, the Village leaders have to decide on a new Sixth Hokage and vote Kakashi for the position saying that they think the Sunagakure will agree as well.

The Fire Daimyō says, "Very Well, Kakashi Hatake, I now appoint you as…" but is cut off by an unknown shinobi, running into the room and telling the Fire Daimyō that he had urgent news.

Shizune then breaks out in tears as she sees Tsunade has survived and hugs her, thus removing the need for a Sixth Hokage.

Tsunade is awake.


At the same time, in Akatsuki's hideout, Sasuke regains consciousness again after the operation in which Itachi's eyes were implanted in him. Sasuke states he can feel Itachi's power flowing into him.


Tsunade cried and hugged Jiraiya. who is alive, and has most of his chakra back. Jiraiya told everything about Akatsuki to Tsunade.

-In Hokage Office-

Jiraiya handed the report to Tsunade as he stood back.

"I and my direct underling Okami retire from the Intelligence Departement and active shinobi duties", Jiraiya said to the fifth Hokage.

Tsunade sighed, "Very Well, I accept your choice Intelligence head, who will take your position then"

"Jonin Shizune Kato", Okami said from the side.



Jiraiya nodded, "Shizune is your first disciple, and is incredibly well versed in Logistic Support and Medical Terms", Jiraiya said

"Well but--

"Shizune san has been your support for quite some time, she knows how to handle the sensitive information. She is a good diplomate as well. It means she can work very well with all Kages during this time and after some training, she will be able to become a good spymaster, and Intelligence head", Okami said

Tsunade sighed, "Shizune, Do you agree to this?"

"T-Tsunade S-sama I-I--

Okami smiled, "Shizune san, I and Jiraiya san trust your skills for this post, it's not because you are related to Tsunade sama or anything else. It's because you are capable of being the next Intelligence head. We will personally train you for this. I hope that you will accept our decision"




"I agree", Shizune said after taking a huge intake of breath

"Very well, Jonin Shizune Kato come in front and kneel", Tsunade said in a strict tone


"Effective immediately, You are to resign from your position of Hokage's secretary"


"You will be trained under Jiraiya and Okami. And for a total of six months, you are to be a member of the Intelligence department. The Head position will remain vacant for six months until you are ready. Am I understood"

"Crystal Hokage sama", Shizune said

"He-He", A giggling sound came from nearby



Everyone looked at Kakashi who was reading his orange book.

A tick mark appeared on Tsunade's head, "Kakashi will you stop reading that shit for a moment"



"Nope", He giggled

Tsunade was now enraged, Shizune has to stop her, From Bashing Kakashi up.

Okami sighed, this guy is such a troll.

"Jiraiya, now that you are retired, what will you do?", she asked calming down a little

"Hahahaha, I am going to continue my series of Icha Icha Paradise, I even have an editor now with Okami"


Kakashi's eyes shined, "Really? You will write more of these"

Tsunade who was calmed by Shizune just now got enraged once again.


Tsunade orders a meeting to make preparations for the coming war. Elsewhere, at the makeshift headquarters for the Interrogation Unit, Ibiki Morino prepares to interrogate Karin on information about Sasuke and Kabuto.


While on Mount Myōboku, the Great Toad Sage, Jiraiya, Gerotora, Shima and Fukasaku are having a meeting about whether or not Jiraiya's request that Gerotora store himself within Naruto be honored.

The Great Sage says he has had a vision of Naruto's future, and requests to see him before he decides whether or not he should receive the key to his seal.

Naruto is enjoying some ramen when Sakura informs him of Tsunade's recovery; this leads to his next meal being declared "on the house".

As he is about to eat, he is reverse summoned to Mount Myōboku, to receive the premonition; the Sage sees an animal island paradise, octopus tentacles, and tells Naruto that he would meet a young man with powerful eyes.

Naruto listens to what he has to say and ultimately accepts whatever lies ahead for him.


Anko and her team have located a number of bodies, evidently victims of Kabuto.

The fact that he just left them there and made no attempt to hide them leads the team to suspect a trap.

Meanwhile, Kabuto has located Tobi, briefly shows off his new abilities, reincarnating Itachi, Deidara, Kakuzu, Sasori, and Nagato, and offers an alliance with Tobi.

Kabuto asks for Sasuke to test out his ninjutsu.

Tobi asks if he refuses and Kabuto summons another casket with an unseen body, that shocks Tobi.

Tobi then accepts the offer under the condition that Kabuto cannot be anywhere near Sasuke until the end of the war. Nearby, Anko and her team discover Kabuto has joined with Tobi and she wonders what his motives are and reports the news to Konoha.


Okami leads Lee to the training ground 8.

"Where are we going?", asked Lee

"I am going to train you in Amanozako"


"Yes, Listen Lee, what I am going to teach you is an ancient art, that will make you able to release seven gates without harming your body."



"From now on, we will focus the power of Eight Gates to a body part to keep the rest of the body unarmed and amplifying its benefits because of how concentrated the power is. Using a single body part will make that place incredibly hard to handle the pressure. But we will train that here. From now our aim is to concentrate all seven gates in your pinky finger"

"Pinky finger?"

"Yes, Amanozako originates from the pinky finger, It's a Kinjutsu, and a very powerful one as well, But you have to promise me something before I teach you this technique"

"What is it?"

"Do not use it when you are surrounded by your comrades"


"Amanozako is a very destructive Jutsu, it's so strong that it will annihilate nearly everything in sight. But this technique does not differentiate Foes from Friends. It will harm anyone and everyone"

"I understand Okami Kun, I will not use this technique when I am surrounded by our comrades"

"Yes, also, the closer you use this technique to the opponent, the better. In the Long-range it's quite possible to dodge it. Which will be very bad for you, because you will ultimately need to release the seventh gate. No matter how short of a period of time"

Lee nodded

"This technique is also possible to be dodge if the person is underground. So, it's better if your opponent is not in the position to dodge it. This technique is unblockable, It will just outrightly destroy the opponent defenses. Not even Susanoo is able to block it"


"I will tell you afterward. Now, I won't teach you any Taijutsu art. But another technique, It's not very powerful. But a body toughening technique, for you to be able to handle the seventh Gate"


"What I am going to teach you is called Adamantine body created by Uzumaki's. It's not a very powerful technique. Though it will toughen up your body. Others will still be able to still harm you. But it's a good supplementary Technique for eight gates"


"we will need your muscles and fibers to be toughened up to the max. then I will teach you how to use the Kinjutsu Amanozako"

Lee nodded.


Back at Mount Myōboku, Naruto signs the contract to the key, believing he is ready to control the Nine-Tails, and Gerotora stores himself inside Naruto.

Naruto asks the Great Toad Sage about where to find the octopus but only tells him he sees an island paradise.

Fukasaku sends Naruto back to Ichiraku where two Konoha ninja asks for his autograph.

At Kumogakure, the Fourth Raikage calls a short meeting with the other Kage.


Three days later, the Kage discuss the enemy's power and confining the jinchūriki.

Tsunade is outraged by confining Naruto and B saying they would help greatly in the war.

Gaara and Ōnoki talk her down telling her it was already decided and her sole opinion won't change anything.

A says Naruto and B will be confined on an island in Kumogakure.

Tsunade privately meets with Raikage, requesting that B trains Naruto to control Nine-Tails, as she still believed that there may be a chance that the two will have to join the war and have them both ready should that happen, which A approved, which is also why he chose the island.


As Naruto, Yamato, and other Konoha and Kumo ninja arrive at the island, a giant squid (who Naruto thinks is the octopus the Great Toad Sage spoke of) appears and grabs Naruto until he is saved by B in his full eight-tailed transformation.

One Kumo ninja, Motoi greets them and guides them through the island. While guiding them through the island, they are confronted by King, a large gorilla that B has tamed. Motoi tells Naruto not only can he control the beasts on the island, but he can also control the Eight-Tails, learning B is also a jinchūriki.

Later, Naruto asks B if he can help him control the Nine-Tails and B refuses.

Naruto tries a rap but messes it up by unintentionally insulting B and tries to fix it with the Harem Technique though B slams the door on Naruto.

Naruto goes to Motoi to ask him how B trained to control the Eight-Tails and shows him to the "Falls of Truth", the first step of how B learned to control his tailed beast.

[Sorry for the delay in the chapter, I was writing Uzumaki Shenron, But I eventually decide to finish this one first, it is almost on the verge of finish anyway. The fourth war is almost upon them. A little more and that's it]

[Thank you for the support till now]

[Also please read Uzumaki Shenron, It's only four chapters till now, and it will take some time to update because I need to finish this one first]

[Thank you]