
Chunin exams (Part-3)

For the last month, Okami was put into ANBU training camp and he was given a lot of sensitive data about Konoha.

Danzo, ANBUS, Root, Hokage council, Uchiha clan, Orochimaru, He was given whatever that is needed in order to work as a Highly recommended member of the Intelligence Network.

And the fact that Kakashi, Kurenai, Gai, his own son Asuma and most of the ANBUS totally trust this boy helps as well.

Originally the training was supposed to be a basic one, where he was to be taught everything from Spying, to threatening, to negotiation, to fighting, Assassination, running, where to watch, etc. etc.

But the boy turned out to be a genius, Trained by Airi herself, The boy surpasses everyone in nearly everything, But Jiraiya using his authority as the head of Intelligence Department, Increased the training parameters alongside his rank, But the boy shocked everyone once again as he learns everything in one single go.

Hokage feared another Orochimaru or Itachi.

But Jiraiya actually trusts this boy.

And since everyone single one of his trusted people trusts this boy, He sighed and decided to bet on the boy as well.

He just has to keep the boy safe from the corruption of Danzo and Roots, which he will be in frequent contact with.

He called Sparrow to make some adjustments.

If the boy is Trustworthy, He will not go the same road as that of Orochimaru and Itachi. Hokage is sure of one thing, he will not repeat the same mistakes he made with Itachi and Orochimaru, He will not trust Danzo and Hokage council anymore. And he will definitely not let Danzo or his men contact the boy at any cost...

It's time, Danzo let go of his duties and powers.


Soon, One month has been passed. Jonin Okami was to be deployed to winds Borders.

No one delivers him. This mission is top-secret and very time-sensitive.

Okami turned back and sighed.

The plan was simple, Get the information before Kazekage leaves Konoha during the finals, and at that time, With the information that Okami gathered, Hokage will strike a deal with him, At the very least they have to stop the incoming war.

Suna won't try anything in Konoha. Kazekage is not that stupid.

That was the firm belief everyone has.


In some random place, Between the trees and Jungle, Okami sits in front of the fire, preparing the meat while playing with the stick that he found on the ground.




Okami turned to the side, looking at the hungry Lone Dark wolf. Growling at him.

Okami smiled and picked the stick that is piercing the meat.

"Here", Okami said as put the meat at the ground near him.


The wolf very carefully made its way towards Okami.

Ready to pounce and eat him if necessary.

The wolf sniffed the meat and carefully licked it before finally eating.

Okami chuckled, as he stood up.

The dark wolf jumped back.

Okami with a gust of wind, Disappeared from the place.


(7 Days Later)

Okami crossed Sunagakure without even stopping for it, to reach the far side of the Land of Wind; Straight to the territory of Daimyo.

(In the Tavern)

"This beautiful young lady hello..!!", Someone called out

The young girl black hair beauty looked Behind her only to see an expensive Yukata wearing youth, alongside 3 of his attendants.

She Ignored him.

"Hey..!! My young master called you. why haven't you answered yet", one of the attendants said

She still didn't say anything.

The Youth was getting awkward and actually thought of saying something, But his attendant beat him to it.

"You--- this prostitute, Do you even know who stands in front of you?"

She still didn't care.

"You ignorant. He is the only son of Wind Daimyo"

She couldn't take it anymore, "And why do I care?"


The Youth raised his hand, stopping the servant to speak any further, "Why don't you come with me to my house. I am sure a Simple villager like you won't be able to see a big house ever again"

She Smiled...

The Black Hair Beauty pointed at the youth Nearby a moment later and told the Young Master, "If you want me to come to your house, you have to ask whether my boyfriend agrees..!!"

The Youth that was sitting on one of the tables and everyone else was shocked...

But before the Young Master could even speak... the Youth spoke.

"Young Master, You can take her to your Home, if you like, J-Just spare me S-Some money"

"Yo-- Alright, I will go with this man, You Pathetic Beggar"

She Huffed and get out.

Everyone Sitting on the tavern just look at the Youth with Great Disdain.

Young Master chuckled and the servants just blatantly laughed, "I will go out and take her back to my house, You give him the money, and come behind us", The Young Master ordered one of the servants.

"Yes, Young Master", The Servant Answered

Once everyone got out, The servant made his way towards the Youth, "You don't know, but my Young Master taking Fancy at your girlfriend is the best thing that could ever happen to her, and You also will get a good deal out of this, Just find someone else for you"

The Youth suddenly smiled creepily and stretch his hand towards the Servant, only for the hand to pass through.


The Servant got scared and took a few steps back.



The servant fell on his back; The servant was a civilian anyway, The smiling youth sucked in the entire chakra from the servant.

As the youth disappeared, Disintegrating into the winds.


The Servant joined the Young Master.

When They reached the manor, The old Samurai looked at the young master and clicked his tongue in frustration.

"Young Master, why are you always bringing a girl here? Don't you understand, You are the Next Daimyo, Yet, instead of studying finances. Why are you always bringing an Unknow---"

The old Samurai could not even finish his piece.

"Big brother, who is this old man", the black-haired beauty just purred at him.

The young master smiled and touched her face, "Don't worry he is just some servant", He looked coldly at the old man, "Listen, I am the Young Master here, I don't care, what you think, Now, release the barrier that stops anyone from coming in"

The Old samurai was angry, But what could He do? The young man was right, he is nothing but a servant. A dog of the family.

Old samurai, remove the barrier, which stops anyone, not register, from coming in.

This barrier alone stopped many assassins from trying to assassinate their lord.


In the room, The Young Master couldn't control his desire and held the lady to throw her on the bed.


The Young Black hair beauty didn't even move an inch.

The Black hair beauty chuckled, "Big Brother, You are so weak, you can't even throw such petite girl like me? I guess you are not much of a man. Are you?"

The Young master grit his teeth, "Shut up Slut, I AM

"an Idiot", the Girl interrupted

"an Idiot, wait, what"

The girl chuckled

The Young master looked at her with rage.

With a poof..!! of smoke, the girl summoned the black Katana in her hand.


"Everyone outside is under My Genjtusu... Big brother", The Girl chuckled

"W-what do you want?", The young master asked

"Your face"


The Girl hit the young master on his head. Making him unconscious.


Wind Daimyo was studying the finances of this month in this chamber suddenly shocked because the gate Opened without any warning beforehand.


His eyes narrowed when his own son comes towards him.

"What is it", Wind Daimyo asked while continuing his studies



"Why did you sponsored Suna's mission to Konoha?"

"What?", Wind Daimyo asked

The Young master shrugged, "Why did you sponsor Suna's mission to Konoha?"


The Young master sighed. "They all are sleeping, why did you sponsor Suna's mission to Konoha."

The Wind daimyo calmed down after a few minutes.

"will you leave after I tell you the truth"

The Assassin in young master's clothing bowed a little. "Of course my Lord"

"It was Kazekage"



The Wind Daimyo sighed, "It was Kazekage who wanted me to sponsor all my missions to Konoha instead of Suna"

"B-But, That's impossible"

The Wind Daimyo nodded, "I thought it was weird as well, But, I can't really do anything"

"He has been replaced", Muttered young master

The Wind Daimyo nodded, "I believe that to be the case as well"

"Very well, I need another favor from you, take me outside, and tell your men to open the barrier"

"Will you leave then?"


"Without Killing any of my men"


"What about my son"

"He is hurt, but he will be fine, just a little headache, but it will be alright"

"Who are you"

"I can't tell you"

The Wind daimyo nodded, as he stood up

"Let's go then"


As soon as he was out of the sight, The young master turned into Okami.

He took out the seal made by Jiraiya to contact Jiraiya.

Jiraiya the sannin at this moment was out of the village at the spa... taking research material for his next book.

Suddenly the seal glowed, "Jiraiya san coming Jiraya san can you listen", The voice comes out of the seal that broke all hell



"What is it Brat?", Jiraiya was pissed off because it was him who messed up his research material

"Tomorrow is the Chuunin final right?", came the voice from the seal

"No, it was pre-pone to today, Kazekage was quite in a hurry for this, You don't have to worry though, We have convinced them to stay at Konoha for a day so that your mission could be completed without any hindrance"

The Voice of urgency came from the seal, "Why didn't you tell me"

Jiraiya felt something wrong, "There was nothing to tell you. We will keep the mission as per Schedule, this change in finals changes nothing"

"Listen to me very carefully old man, That Kazekage is an Imposter"


"I have confirmed it, It was Kazekage who asked Daimyo to sponsor all the missions to Konoha; This entire thing is a ruse. This Imposter is trying to sacrifice Suna in his mission to assassinate... In the village, there are only 3 people worth assassinating right now. Sasuke, Naruto, and Hokage... Naruto and Sasuke are participants, it won't be easy for Kazekage to assassinate them. The only other person--

"Sensei", Muttered Jiraiya

"Yes, This entire thing is an Assassination plan from the start... You have to do something, Old man"

"Got it", Jiraiya cut the communication and took out another seal

"Sensei can you hear me? Sensei?"


"Inoichi can you hear me... Inoichi... Shikaku can you hear me"

Gritting his teeth and praying that nothing went wrong, Jiraiya took a few steps in a hurry only to be stopped in the way.

"Stay aside, I don't have time for a game", Jiraiya said in a hurry

The Leader shook his head, "We are the sound five. And we are ordered to keep you busy in case you catch on"

"Sound? Orochimaru?", Wraith fills Jiraiya's eyes as he charged at the Sound Five.


Okami on the other hand used Physical path to run as fast as possible. He runs at the speed of light itself.

His mind is only filled with the images of Naruto, Kakashi, Sensei, Hinata, Tenten, Lee... All the bonds he ever created.

This is not just assassination, To assassinate Hokage himself. The Sand must wage a war against Konoha in their own turf.

It's an idiotic move, But it doesn't matter, That Imposter won't even think twice of sacrificing Suna for his own use.

That also means there will be death.

'Dang it Dang it Dang it... faster FASTER'