
Chunin exams (Part-1)

(5 Months Ago)

Horse→ Tiger→ Rat

"Illusion of darkness: Primordial Realm"

Using his black winds as a medium, Okami envelopes an area as far as one can see, covering it in the complete darkness. Within this darkness, Okami voids the barrier between reality and illusion, blending the two while controlling it on a whim. Within it, he can inflict injuries on the target that will reflect on them in reality. When attacked or harmed while this Genjutsu is activated, he can shrug off injuries as if they never existed. Utilizing his imagination, Okami can bring anything into existence in an instant.

"What do you think sensei?"

"How did you do that?", Kurenai asked feeling pretty impressed by Genjutsu's incredible prowess.

Okami grinned, while sweating, "I used the principles of Illusion of darkness; the same structure that you created as well, I thought a lot about what you said about the Technique's weakness. So, I used my element of wind to make it an Illusion of reality... Theoretically, It should be a Genjutsu that supposedly be able to affect the enemy regardless of their 5 senses. Rendering this an unblockable Jutsu"

Kurenai shook her head, "You are right, On paper, this is an Unblockable Genjutsu, using Illusion of Darkness trick, You can trick Hyuga. But Sharingan will see the path and the structure before you could make it. Someone of Hiashi's level would see it as well"

Okami was confused, "So, this Jutsu won't work against Sharingan?"

She shook her head, "Theoretically it should; its just a matter of them being able to see it"


"let me ask you one thing? why are you trying so hard to beat Uchihas, their Clan is dead anyway"

Okami shook his head, "I just had free time on my hands; So, I thought I might try my hand in helping you fulfill your dream of creating a Genjutsu that can't be broken through any means"

She karate chopped him, "To get it right, you need a lot more than free time on your Hand"


She kissed him on the cheeks, "Thank you for working so hard to fulfill my dreams"


Okami looked down red-faced. He looked just like Hinata.

Kurenai sensei grinned seeing her naive young student.

She got serious again, "There is a way, But it's impossible"

"Really? What's the way?"

"Create and fill the structure with your Chakra in an instant, that way no matter how good Sharingan is they won't be able to see it forming, breaking such complex Genjutsu structure will be near impossible; We can Trick Hyuga and sensors with it using the same trick. Since the Genjutsu will be filled with extreme Chakra levels in an instant"

"That... Sensei, isn't that impossible?"

Kurenai nodded her head, "That's why I said it's impossible."


She smiled after that, "But you should be proud of yourself, Creating an Extremely good Genjutusu, that can trap and kill even the best of them



In the third week of the patrol, Hinata's Byakugan caught traces of swift movement at the edges of her range.

Team Kurenai changed their course to track what had to be a shinobi and followed it back to the border.

As quick as they were, it still crossed back over the border before they could catch it, and Kurenai called a halt when they were still several meters short of the invisible boundary.

At the other end of the clearing, on the Earth-side of the border, were four figures that seemed to be around Kurenai's height. Kiba wondered which one had violated their border to lead them here.

He looked left and right, his nostrils flaring, wary of an ambush.

Hinata's Byakugan were active, and some slight movement in the grass around Shino's feet meant his bugs were deploying as well.

A few seemed to have taken to the air after moving well away from their host.

"Have we satisfied your curiosity?" Kurenai called out.

"Somewhat," the largest of the four Rock ninjas replied. They were all dressed in tans and neutral grays, and the lower portions of their faces were covered as well. "I'm somewhat insulted that Konoha sends a woman and a group of children to match us"

"What? Afraid of a woman and a group of Children?", Kurenai asked, smirking


The Four Iwa Shinobis were Laughing.

Insulting back and forth...

Iwa shinobi growled. Kurenai growled.

"Okami, I smell something wrong, They are trying to stall us, Leave soul Clone here, check our side, Go", Kurenai suddenly whispered

"That's too bad, you never understood" the Kurenai sensei yelled back with an evil smirk. "I was not insulting you. I was describing you"


(Inside the main camp Konoha)

Commander Dariketsu was wrecking up the main camp as he kept on searching something.

"Aaarrgghhh... where is it?"

"Commander", a voice called out from behind.

Dariketsu turned back, and looked grim as he saw who it is, "What do you want Kid"

Okami shrugged, "I don't know, You are the one searching your very own tent, like a mad lad"

Commander Dariketsu frowned, "This is my tent, I can do whatever the hell I want in here, And I believed you were on the petrol duty, why are you here?"

"Aahhh... Of course, We met some Iwa shinobis and are having some verbal confrontation with those guys"

"So, why are you here?"

Okami shrugged, "I just left a clone in there to come and catch you"

Dariketsu frowned

Only to cough blood from his mouth next.


A sword was sticking out from his chest.

He looked up only for Okami to smiled gently and sweetly.

Okami in front of him just disintegrated like sand flowing and disappearing in the air.

"Never talk to a shinobi for too long, It's always fatal", from said Okami behind him

with a poof..!! of smoke, Dariketsu turned to Iwa shinobi.


(Few Hours Later)

Since Iwa shinobi was able to enter Konoha's border, the Security around the part has been tightened.

Commander Dariketsu is dead. Or missing in action...

"A-Ano, s-sensei", Hinata approached Kurenai sensei and Okami who was sitting near the fireplace on a log.

"What is it Hinata?", Kurenai asked

"w-what were t-they doing here?", Hinata asked, getting the attention and curiosity of Kiba and Shino with that question.

"The same thing that we came here for... getting the information", Kurenai said directly

"That means our mission is just as tough as them", Kiba asked chiming in on the conversation.

Kurenai sensei nodded, "Yes, but there is something we have that they don't"

"It's Okami senpai isn't it?", Shino asked

Okami smiled...

He moves without making a noise, His chakra can not be felt.


(That night)

"According to the information I have gathered during the last three weeks of Petrolling; Iwa's sentry posts usually change shifts every four hours. It's almost 11 pm. They should be changing shifts in about an hour." Kurenai sensei said.

And her team nodded.

Okami thought about it for a bit and said: "Then let's wait for an hour, and we can move out when they are changing shifts. If we sneak past the obvious sentry post and launch a sneak attack on the hidden posts, we should be able to get through without anyone discovering us. We'll sneak through into their camp, launch a Recon of our own, then retreat straight away"

"Hey, what are we going to do about the petrol, didn't Iwa fail in it too?", Kiba asked and Akamaru yipped

Kurenai sensei nodded, "My first plan was to distract them, but considering their latest failure to be able to pull it off... I am thinking we should straight up; avoid them"

Everyone nodded again.

Okami interrupted, "We can't make the same mistake as them, We need to be sure that the information that we are looking is at Commander's tent, Hinata, you will be sticking with me the whole time"

"S-senpai, I- I don't k-know if I can", she looked down

But there was a hand on her head, she looked up to see the Okami who was kindly smiling at her.

"It's alright, even if you mess up, which I know you won't, I will still protect you and bring you back; I am your Senpai after all"


"Hinata, believe in me who believes in you"

Her face was red and she looked down... again, with a little smile, she nodded.

Kurenai sensei smiled gently, but she got serious again. "Alright, One last thing before we head off. We're the scalpel, not the sword. We do the job right, we collect the information and get the hell outta here. nobody has to be a hero. Clear?", she said especially looking at Kiba



One hour later, five shadowy figures started moving in the dark.

It was relatively easy to avoid petrol; they just needed Kiba's sense of smell and Shino's bugs, while Hinata got her eyes and Okami is a sensor.

They move swiftly and silently alongside the boundary between hills and the path, making a detour and circling the posts while ensuring they made no noise.

After they had detoured around two of the obvious sentry posts, Kurenai sensei raised her hand to halt the team, "Okami"

Okami nodded, and carefully made his way inside.

On the left, above 50 yards ahead, there was a hidden sentry post. There are three Iwa Shinobis there.

Okami circled them and made hand signs.

The small area around the sentry turned into a mirage. Like a Loop, No one would be able to see what's going on inside the Genjutsu barrier.

"Tsukaite Kumo" (Consuming Mist)

No one sensed anything when he inhales a deep breath and then he exhales a pitch-black cloud from his mouth.


The guards sensed the black cloud and yelled, but no voice came out of their mouth, they couldn't move because the Cloud paralyzed them as well.

When the dark cloud disappeared Kurenai sensei stood there along with the dead bodies as she made a short work of them.

She gave a signal, as Okami and every Genin disappeared in a blur, The Genjutsu barrier around the sentry post disappeared as well...

Very quickly, They managed to find a second hidden sentry post.

When they finally tore through and got past all the sentry posts on their side of the Border, they had already killed 34 sentries from the various hidden sentry posts.

As they lay down hidden in the darkness, watching the enemy camp from a distance, Hinata was concentrating and telling everyone, everything that she sees.

Her eyes were of absolute importance here. Only she can see past everything, and tell them where the scroll is located.

[Just so that anyone is confused, everything around here is made of the chakra, including trees, and that means, Paper as well, Since, they are made of trees... while, Byakugan see every chakra, in short, they see everything]

"Found it", Hinata said finally

Hinata and Okami made their way towards the enemy camp.

Although the enemy camp has quite a few patrolling Shinobis, at the moment, it is already past 1 am mark, and is the time when humans are easily tired.


There was an accident, Hinata made a mistake. And was discovered. Okami hides from Hinata and Iwa shinobi at the same time, as he made sure the Iwa shinobi couldn't yell or move.

Eventually, Hinata made a surprise attack, hitting the chakra point near the heart, Shutting his heart, getting her first blood.

She was in shock and terror, as she took a few steps back.

Okami hugged her as he caressed her back, He could feel her hot warm tears falling on his chest, as tightly held his clothes.

"Being kind to an enemy is being cruel to yourself."

She couldn't understand but kept crying.

Okami gently smiled and hugged her, "I am proud of you Girl."

He could feel her hand tighten around him.

"Let's keep moving, we have to complete the mission and get out in 15 minutes"

She nodded in his embrace.

He felt bad for tricking her into her first Kill.

But given the chance, he would do it again, They are Nice Kids, But they are also not Civilians, They are Assassins, Trained Killers. And this is why they become the Genin, to start on their journey to become the seasoned Killers...

At least, Her situation is not like his. She will be able to move on.

He still remembers his first-ever kill like it was yesterday.


Okami and Hinata Gradually reached the Commander's tent.

Okami moved quickly and slashed the Neck of Commander; quickly killing him. And taking the scroll from him.

The plan was a success. They found the scroll they wanted, the secret orders by Tsuchikage to the Commander of the borders.

While getting out, there was another mistake by the Genin Hinata.

"Who's there?!" A sudden loud shout came from somewhere, followed by hurried footsteps and a man in Iwa headband.

Okami swiftly killed the Guard, but it was too late.

The patrolling shinobis, the sleeping Shinobis, The entire Iwa side on the border, now charging over.

Right at that moment, an immense roar that shook everyone's soul rang out suddenly.

The entire sky was filled with an immense bolt of blue lightning, so very clear in the pitch-black night.

Shino and Kiba pounced on them, Getting their first kill as well. Okami moved way too quickly to make a short work of them.

Although Shino and Kiba too were in extreme shock from their first blood, there was no time to console them.

He nodded to Kurenai sensei who set up the large Genjutusu. Creating an Illusion of that lightning and roar. Which gives them the opportunity to silently kill all of them.

As all of Konoha shinobis ran for their lives.

There were too many of Iwa shinobi here and they all came to the site of disruption.

During their escape, a Kunai made its way towards Shino.

Okami held it in his fingers


Black cloud covered Okami as he just came out of it without a single scratch. His clothes were torn though. Making him naked with only underwear remaining showing his extreme abs and toned up ripped muscles.

Hinata's face got totally red. This is the first time she saw a boy naked.


Okami stopped and turned back. and make hand signs in a blur.

"Taiki no Shihai: Rakka Sora"

Due to his extreme mastery over the wind release, Okami is capable of altering the actual environment of a location.

Using this technique the atmospheric pressure around Iwa shinobis changes drastically in a matter of seconds. They were attracted to the ground and all the atmospheric pressure was too much to handle for them.


Their Bones cracked. Iwa shinobis were dead.

More and more and more Jutsus were fired at him.

He raised his hand.

"Elemental path"

The Jutsus disintegrated and turned into natural energy. Healing him and refueling his chakra.


Okami turned his head up to see a falling giant man with his hand being the giant stone hand.

With one-handed sword in his arm, he stood with his sword pointed downward with the main hand, and maintains the off-hand free.

The attack comes. Okami smirks.

Then Iwa shinobi swing his arm at Okami.



The hand and Iwa shinobi got passed and through Okami who disappeared and disintegrated into the winds. as the heavy fist falls onto the earth.

'My Chakra', Iwa shinobi was thoroughly shocked

"My Clone sucks chakra". Cam the voice from behind him


Iwa shinobi tried to jump away. But his head was separated from his body.

Okami stood there watching coldly as he beheaded a person.

Many Kunais and shuriken were thrown at him, Okami used Physical path, as they hit nothing but an After-Image.

Okami disappeared from the place.

More and more and more Iwa shinobis were after him.

He quickly joined Kurenai sensei.

She quickly forms layer after layer of Genjtusus.

Constantly making use of the trees and the brush around as cover.

It worked. The one following closely got lost and was thoroughly scared to the point where he could not even move.

But the ones following him quickly dispelled the Genjutsu.

Iwa shinobi kept close pursuit. Ignoring everything else, just the fact that he had been scared into pissing his pants was stoking the flames of his rage. That was just too humiliating. If he didn't take revenge, how could he call himself a man? Furthermore, he had been humiliated by a woman. A woman of all people.

"Plan B", Kurenai sensei said and all of Konoha shinobis changed their direction.

Iwa shinobis followed behind.

Right at this moment, right ahead of them at a relatively close distance, a low roar suddenly sounded out. A pair of ghostly green eyes appeared in their vision.

There was an Ambush.

As Konoha shinobis cut down all of the Iwa shinobis following them.


That night, Team Kurenai made their way towards Konoha, while Border tensions grew.

"Good Job", Hokage said as he read the scroll brought onto by the reconnaissance team.

"I have the news on Kiri; We are planning on forming an alliance with them, share all the knowledge you have on them with Yugao, she will be going in on this mission"

"Yes Hokage sama"

"Do you have something else to report"

"Yes, I am planning to enter my team in on Chunnin exam"

"You know that Okami is--

"Not him... I am talking about the rest, After this mission, I feel like they are ready"

Hokage nodded, "You are their sensei, you can decide on their behalf"

Kurenai sensei nodded, "If there is nothing else, am I dismiss?"

Hokage nodded.


Okami was happy because he finally made his new special outfit.

As he stood in front of the mirror, Okami stands as fair skin, tall and physically fit man. He was wearing a sleeveless pitch-black inner armor that complements his black hair. And a fully pitch-black; full sleeve cloak, covering his entire body. His unique cloak effectively makes it so that it can not be ripped again.

This becomes his signature outfit in the future, alongside his unique abilities, that will give him the Bingo nickname, Dark wolf.