

Fate is a capricious companion, and in an instant, it tore the cocoon of safety and innocence of Ashley asunder. Her perfect world falls apart firstly by a cruel accident, a tragic twist of destiny that stole the two people who had filled her world with warmth and love. Her parents, the pillars of her existence, were gone. As she tried to live on for her only brother, the girl's world crumbled, fate decided it wasn't done yet. She was thrust into a new reality, one where tears flowed like rivers and the night brought not dreams, but nightmares. The world she once knew, a haven of laughter and simplicity, had transformed into a merciless landscape of pain and crime. In the days and months that followed, she would learn to navigate the treacherous waters of this new existence as she now belonged to a family she never wanted- The Mafia.

_RealEsperanza · Teen
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30 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven - Andre?!

Alessio's POV

Its been hours since Andre fainted, he was immediately taken to the partially destroyed infirmary in the mansion where someone was available to tend to his wounds. Fortunately for him, they weren't too deep so he didn't lose a lot of blood.

The other men had left for the safe house but we stayed behind to make sure Andre was alright so he could tell us what exactly happened. Mom was awake and a lot calmer now, Rosa also seemed better after having a bath .

"He's awake" Marcello announced, he was the only the one who had had an idea of first aid necessary to help Andre before we could get him to a doctor.

"Let's go then" Antonio stated, "get him in the van, we need to leave now, we've spent too much time here."

"Yes boss" Marcello replied and left,

I assisted Mom into the backseat of our car while Rosa joined Antonio in the front.

"You should rest Mom, we still have a long way to go." I urged,

I expected her to argue but she remained silent, Her face was turned away from me so I couldn't see her expression.

Antonio sighed and started the car as soon as the van with the others started moving.


The drive was a long one, it has been years since I was here. We use to come here as kids, our father bought this place for Mom to relax whenever she was overwhelmed by the family activities. It was a secluded area with no other building in miles of the vicinity.

Antonio parked the car and Mom immediately got out, I followed suit while he tried waking Rosa who fell asleep during the course of the trip.

Marcello, Andre and Giovanni were the only men here with us, the rest were in another safe house.

"Hurry up, let's go talk to Andre" Mom urged, her voice was raspy and forced in contrast to her ever cheery tune.

Antonio and I shared a look but didn't say a word, we went into the house and everyone sat to hear what Andre had to say.

"Go on"  Antonio ordered,

Andre cleared his throat, " I really don't remember much but then I uhm..., I remember being in the kitchen. I was eating, I didn't get to eat much at the party so I went into the kitchen in search of something to eat, all I can remember was feeling a sharp sensation on my neck and everything just went dark, I collapsed and that was i myt."

"Didn't you see or hear anything while you where in the kitchen?" Mum asked,

"No ma'am." He replied sadly,

"Is that all?, didn't you see anything that could be helpful in finding the others ?, how exactly did you escape?'' Rosa questioned desperately,

"No!, I didn't see anything" he answered quietly, " but they're dead, before I totally lost consciousness I heard them talk about killing Dom and Aurora, that I'm sure of."

"Noooo!, My daughter, my Aurora..." Mother screamed and fell to the floor, I immediately rushed to her as I tried to control my tears as well. I couldn't deny the fact that I was scared, my mind was a jumbled mess.

I had failed my Father again by letting that bastard hurt my family, I looked behind me but Antonio was gone, Rosa was also crying and mumbling how sorry she was. Giovanni and Marcello were also there with sad looks on their faces.

"But...Arielle's alive"

Mother shot out of my hold when she heard it, "what did you say?" She mumbled,

"I saw her before I was taken out, she's alive." Andre reassured,

"Thank God" mom sobbed, " we need to find her, where's Antonio?!, Alessio go get Antonio."

I nodded and left the room, I searched the other rooms until I found him in the study, he was on the phone talking  rapidly to someone in Italian.

I waited until he was done before I spoke up but he cut me off,

"We need to get our allies informed and tell them to be on a look out for Montenegro." He stated, "we need to act first before he notices we're preparing an attack."

"Arielle's alive, Andre just affirmed it."

I stated, "we need to hurry up before he changes his mind and hurts her."

"He'd be a bloody fool to hurt a child." Antonio stated,

"He's done it before Antonio, he could always do it again." I replied, my heart  burned as memories weaved itself into my head. I shook my head and stood up,

"The others are dead though" I said,

"Aurora..." Antonio sighed, "I failed her too, and Dom, he fucking gave his life for mom but I failed him, I failed the entire fucking family." He stuttered and smashed his fist on the desk.

"We....., not just you Antonio, we..... failed them but we can still redeem ourselves by making sure that bastard doesn't get away with this for the second time."

He sighed and wiped his eyes, I've never seen Antonio cry, but I knew this hit him hard, it hit us all. We lost our family and Arielle was in danger if we didn't get her soon. My mind wandered to Ashley, I hadn't really thought of her all this while but I felt pity for her. She was dragged into this world only to die, I hadn't really gotten to know her well but from the little I observed; she was a simple girl who had a simple life and wanted to live in it peacefully but that didn't turn out well.

Antonio and I walked back to the others, Rosa was sobbing quietly in a corner while Mom was talking to Andre.

"He said the others are dead but Arielle is alive. He also said he didn't escape, it seems he was let go." Mum said,

We turned to Andre and he nodded,

"After being tortured extremely I fainted and woke up a few meters from the mansion.

"Were you given a message?" Antonio asked,

He shook his head,

"Check your pockets, they might have put something in there." I urged,

He checked but found nothing. 

Antonio sighed, this was beginning to be more confusing than ever. Montenegro couldn't have just let him go like that, something is definitely wrong here.

'So what do we do now?" Mom asked desperately,

"We find out were Arielle is being kept and get her, I already called up some of our allies and they're willing to help. We just need to be calm and plan carefully." Antonio replied,

"Okay." She nodded a bit relieved.

"For now everyone try to get as much rest as possible." Antonio ordered, and everyone dispersed, already knowing where their rooms were.

"Where..., where do I go?" Rosa asked, her eyes already red and puffy, she's never been here before do she probably had no idea of the bed arrangements,

Mum was about to speak but Antonio cut her off,

" with me of course."

With the whole hassle, I totally forgot that they were now married.

Rosa gulpedand followed him reluctantly .

I hugged mum and assured her it was going to be fine but I wasn't offended when she didn't react, she just lost another daughter to that man, no one can understand her pain right now.

She went to her room and I went to mine. 

I laid on my bed all night wondering, what I had really done to deserve a father like this?.....