
Dark Voltage chapter 1

Anton is at school contemplating to himself

Anton(thinking to himself): Man I really should've never stopped going to school when I could've been finished.

Anton's best friend Michael walks up to Anton while Anton is sitting at the lunch table waiting for him.

Michael: Man, dude is your anxiety getting to you again?

Anton:  yeah, it is.

Michael: Is it your crazy ex gorrolina.

Anton: Naw it's just me being annoyed at the thought that I didn't finish school when I could've been finished if I stayed.

Michael: Don't worry bro at least you're pushing to finish school now.

Anton: yeah you're right, you wanna hang out after school.

Michael: yeah why not.

Anton: Cool, but we're gonna have to pick my sister up on the way.

Michael: yeah that's cool.

School ends

Anton: So what do you wanna do since it's Friday?

Michael: You wanna hang out with Frank and Tanner today?

Anton: No, those guys are trouble and they're really annoying, plus I wanna stay at home and chill.

Michael: Then how about tomorrow, I'm telling you man they're cooler than you think?

Anton: No man they got expelled from school for holding a guy a knife point.

Michael: There is no proof it's just a rumour, don't believe everything you hear.

Anton: (Thinking to himself) His begging can get annoying, so I should just go with him, plus I wouldn't want him to go hang out with those idiots alone.

Anton: (sigh) since you're so convinced they're good people I'll go with you

Michael: Cool I text them right now.

Michael and Anton arrive at Shannon's school.

Michael: Where is she?

Anton: I don't even know, she should be around here.

Michael: your sister gets on my nerves when she takes long.

Shannon stands behind Michael and Anton the whole time listening to them whine about her.

Shannon: I know right I take way too long.

Michael:(teasing) Oh, I didn't know you were there, I knew I felt something annoying behind me.

Shannon: oh be quiet, you trapped fart hahaha


Anton: (laughs)

Shannon: Anyways how was your day forehead.

Anton: My names not forehead.

Shannon: Please it's like an inch and a half came off your left arm and went to your forehead hahaha.

Anton's left arm is an inch and a half shorter than his right.

Anton glares intensely at Shannon.

Shannon: I was just playing around chill out.

Anton: Exactly what toddlers should do you brat.


Shannon: What're you laughing about muscles for brains.


Anton: (laughs)

Shannon: (laughs)

Anton: Alright let's get going.

They all begin to walk home

Shannon: So, Anton are we still going to go to the movie theater?

Anton: Sorry but I can't today, I have company.

Shannon: How about tomorrow?

Anton: Sorry but I got plans that day too, but we can go the day after I promise.

Shannon: (excitedly) Really!?

Anton: Really.

Shannon: oooooh I can't wait!

Michael: so you wanna play some video games.

Anton: Yeah, how about Hurricane 4.

Michael: Yeah imma beat you with narku.

Anton: Nah you bout to get wrecked by sasgeta.

They both run into the the house and play the game.

Michael: it'd be cool to have narku's brute strength, wouldn't it?

Anton: Naw I'd rather have saskgeta Lightning and speed.

They both laugh

Anton and Michael stay up all night playing video games and watching movies

The next day

Michael: You ready to go hang with Frank and Tanner?

Anton: (groans)Yeah, why wouldn't I, besides the fact that they're crazy.

Michael: Oh stop complaining.

They both leave the house and meet up at Frank and Tanner's hideout.

Frank: Long time no see, Anton and Michael, Especially you Anton.

Tanner: Yeah why haven't you been coming to hang with us.

Anton: I've been busy.

Michael: Been wanting to but been hitting the gym, priorities.

Frank: Well I know what you mean get them gains, by the way…. you guys know who Flatline is right.

Anton: yeah who doesn't he is the richest man in the area.

Michael: right, but his money is dirty, he's one of the biggest criminals in our area.

Tanner pulls out a cigarette and takes a long drag

Tanner: Exactly, recently Flatlines' been having a whole bunch of security around his warehouse.

Michael: Okay, and?

Frank: We think they have something there that's pretty valuable.

Anton: Well he is a millionaire what'd you expect?

Tanner: Well yeah but we think it's bigger than that we also recently found out that they are going to leave and have a very small amount of security.

Michael: How can you be so sur...

Anton: Nope we are not going, it's too dangerous!

Tanner glares at Anton and Anton  does so back

Tanner: Anyways…. we found out because of one of our friends dad is security for Flatline and he has a big mouth.

Anton: Did you not hear me! we're not going. You guys can go but me and Michael are not.

Frank: Since when do you speak for Michael.

Tanner: And why are being such a Wimp.

Anton: I'm not a Wimp.

Frank:Then stop acting like one.

Tanner: Yeah prove it.

Anton: Okay let's go right now!

Michael pulls Anton to the side

Michael: You sure about this?

Anton: I'm not a punk, so we're gonna prove it to these idiot.

Michael: Whatever you say, man you give in easy when someone questions your bravery.

Frank: Are we gonna go or not!?

Anton: Oh we are going alright!

Tanner: Then let's go then.

They all leave to the outskirts warehouse

Anton: Ummmm, I don't know if we should do this.

Frank: Are you wimping out I knew you wouldn't do it cause you're a punk.

Anton: Let's go right now then!!!

Tanner: The three of us are going and Michael you stay lookout.

Michael: Alright, Anton you be careful.

Anton nods at Michael

Anton and the other begin to sneak pass the gaurds

Anton:(nervously) We're at the entrance.

Frank: this'll be your last chance to leave you sure you want to do this?

Anton: I'm positive.

Tanner: Oh shoot guards.

Tanner runs away and Frank pushes Anton into the warehouse in order to hide

Frank: Why'd he leave me with you what a a**hole.

Anton's phone begins to ring and he frantically grabs his phone and put the ringer on silent then answers it.

Michael(through the phone): What's going on, I've just seen Tanner run away!?

Anton: A guard was coming our way so that punk ran away a left us hanging.

Michael: Dang it, bro you should just come out.

Anton: Nah, Imma finish what I started.

Michael: Oh shoot guards are coming my way.

Anton:  Just run to your house I'll catch up in a bit and if not I'll go to my house because it's closer.

Michael: Alright be safe bro.

Anton: I will.

Frank points at a room light shining under the door down a hallway

Frank: I think that's the room

Anton and Frank runs to the  room and end up seeing a black liquid like creature around the size an adult males palm with lighting flowing on it's surface.

Anton: What the heck is that?

Frank: Like I would know, go closer and get a closer look.

Anton: No you do it.

Frank: You know what you're a B**ch.

Anton: what'd you say.

Frank: you heard me.

Anton: Try calling me that again and not get hit!

Frank: You think someone is scared of you!

Anton and Frank square off but before they can start fighting and guard barges through the door.

Guard: I knew I heard a commotion in hear!

Frank shoves Anton into the Black creatures container while running out the doors exit

After falling and knocking the  container down the black creature liquefies and intrudes  Anton body through his mouth.

Anton:(yells in pain)

The black creature surfaces on the back of Anton's neck

An arc of electricity strikes the guard leaving him unconscious

Gaurds begin to storm the place and Anton runs out of the warehouse without the gaurds seeing him but little did he know there were cameras around the warehouse

Anton runs home and makes it to his room and passes out on his bed.

Anton calls Michael

Michael: Hello, are you alright man is everything alright.

Anton: Yeah I'm fine that a**hole Frank shoved me though.

Michael: I should've listen to you.

Anton:  we're safe that all that matters.

Michael: You're right, what  did you see in there.

Anton: I seen some black creature it was like so weird man, it turned it a liquid and went down my mouth, I thought I was going to die.

Michael: Are you sure you're not tripping, there were probably drugs in there that's probably why you're seeing things.

Anton: No I know what I saw and felt, this thing was real… I think.

Michael: You should go to the hospital and get yourself checked out.

Anton: I'll do just that tomorrow.

Michael: Alright man get some rest and lay for at least two weeks.

Anton: Okay I will, good night.

Anton's mom Tiffeny enters his room

Tiffeny: You're taking you're sister out to the movie theater tommorow?

Anton: (to himself) dang I forgot

Tiffeny: Are you serious Anton don't forget tomorrow she's looking forward to it. she so excited she even told how she's going to wake early in the morning to make you both breakfast.

Anton: I won't forget, I'll take her.

Tiffeny:(on her way out) I'm going to hold it to you.

Anton falls asleep and dreams about the creature on his neck eating him like a parasite then eats his family

Anton wakes abruptly the next day to the sound of his mom Tiffeny crying.

Anton gets a text from a unknown number with the text saying a address

Anton:(text) wrong number.

Anton heads downstairs to see what's going on

Anton: What's wrong mom?

Tiffeny:(sobbing) You're sister was kidnapped!

Anton: What! How do you know?

Tiffeny hands Anton a note with a photo attached to it

The letter reads: If you want your daughter back give us "it" back!!!

Then receives a text no you got the right number, look at the address again

The address is to the warehouse he was at the day before.

Anton becomes light-headed and catches balance by holding the kitchen counter

Tiffeny: I called the cops but they can't find her location yet.

Anton gets a determined look on his face

Anton: I'll be right back.

After Anton exit the door he begins to call Michael while walking to the warehouse

Michael: Hello?

Anton: Flatline has my sister I'm heading there right now.

Michael: Hey man don't do this, it's to dangerous!

Anton: He has my sister I have to save her.

Michael: please man let the authorities handl…

Anton hangs the phone while standing in front of the warehouse