

I got scammed and died while playing ds 3 and got reincarnated. now I got the power to gain power by killing monsters in the ds3 world... WARNING: THIS FIC WILL ALSO HAVE SOME HOT R 18 WITH THE YOU KNOW WHO IT IS.

givemeC · Video Games
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21 Chs

chapter 5 (ludex gundyr)

As I'm about to sleep, I suddenly felt the same feeling that I had when I was about to go inside the dark soul world. My throat felt like it's burning and I can't breathe properly.

Suddenly I unconsciously rose up from the grave of the bonfire and I could see the dark surrounding me. Right now I am in this dark fantasy world. Now that I'm here I could only go to the next bon fire which is after defeating ludex gundyr. But first I need to get the bombs from the very bottom of this stage. This is one of the strategy used to cheese this boss fight.

I look at the path that I'm familiar with and ran towards the grave warden taking it by surprise and crush it with my club not giving it any time to react to my attack. I kept my pace and clubs another grave warden that is sitting down next to another grave warden.

I didn't stop myself and went for the other one. After killing those two I went for the other one walking in front of me.

Killing my way through them until I obtain my fireblack bombs. I decided to get back to the bonfire to heal myself up. Just like the game, all of them spawned again. I went on a killing spree again until I got to the warden that is using a crossbow. I showed myself and waited for it to shoot me, as soon as it shot towards me I dodge it by rolling and immediately run towards it then clubs it.

I ready myself as I walk slowly towards the stabbed ludex gundyr. He is really fucking big I can't describe how much fear I am feeling right now. I might be immortal in this world, but my fear of death still exist inside of me.

I approach it then reach for the big sword that is stabbing it, but as soon as I reached out for it. It suddenly moved, so I used my club and starts hitting it. My instinct was right, it starts to reach out for the big sword stabbing itself, then toss it away. It then reach out for it's own weapon. I run away from it as far as I can.

It looks at me angrily and jumps high up then slash towards me. I didn't stop running, since it's really big and there is no way that I can do the tactic in game.

As I'm running away...I look at him for a little bit then suddenly.....


A gush of blood came out in front of me, I didn't know what just happened, but right now ludex is right in front of me and his weapon is pointed towards me.





I respawned...suddenly a screen came out in front of me.


died from the hands of ludex gundyr achivement unlocked!

reward: inventory(just think of the word 'inventory' to use it)

unlock extra harder mode achieved (you made ludex angry by using cheap tricks to kill it cheap tricks used: trying to kill it while it's sleeping)

reward: the weapon and soul drop rate from the wardens is now 10x the amount.


a/n: just imagine dark souls 3 being harder(unplayable)

As I'm reading the panel in front of me I regretted trying how I did it in the game. I just fucked myself over. I sighed then decided to kill ludex no matter what.

I run towards the first grave warden, but as soon as I got closer it dashed towards me then stabs me. I couldn't block nor have the time to react.

"w-what?" I mutter then lost my consciousness.

I sat down on my bonfire then look at my inventory. I can see the titanite that I got from killing the ravenous lizard. I found it strange that it was gone after I come back here. I thought I already lost it....Suddenly felt a chill run down my spine so I checked my back then...


I suddenly lost consciousness, I respawned again.....




"AHHHHHHHHH!" I yell out then blocks the next attack successfully. I ready my club and crushed the warden's skull.

"fucking mob!" I yell out and suddenly several white lines starts running towards me. I could feel several souls coming inside of me. I look down and saw a weapon, there are two cleric's sacred chime.

I pick it up and put it in my inventory by thinking of the word inventory.

a/n: please support the novel by using your powerstone