

Wang Jin woke up hours after Wang Yiling gave him the medicine. She didn't close her eyes once during the day. You could see black circles around her eyes. Her long hair were messy and her face lit up when Wang Jin woke up.

"Hey, there... How are you?"

Wang Jin smiled. "To tell the truth I feel like I have been burn and crushed by a car. But I don't coughed blood anymore."

Wang Yiling chuckled and closed her eyes. "It's so hard to watch you when you're in pain. It breaks my heart... I am glad that the medicine worked at last."

"Never understood why you save me so many times. I know you wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for the company..."

Wang Yiling was a bit sad that her cousin thought that way. Yes, she wanted to company but she was close with her cousin and never wished his death. He was too innoncent for that.

"Silly, you were the only nice to me. Grandfather may like me but it's only a matter of time before Ming get his favor."

"Ming is dumb and egocentric. You are her total opposite Yiling. You have saved the company from bankrupt and save my life. Tell me how many hours you have been studying my illness?"

Wang Yiling kept silent but it was an other person who answered. "Too much nights and weekend on it. But our Mr Handsome wouldn't be here in this bed right now."

Kate loud voice made both of them jump. She entered the room laughing and sat near Wang Jin who was blushing. Wang Yiling smiled when she realized that not only her cousin blushed but Kate was also red as a tomato.

Wang Yiling winked at Wang Jin before standing up. "I'll let the love birds be together. I don't want to be the third wheel here."

Wang Yiling closed the door and sighed. She saw her mother waving at her. She walked a bit towards her before falling down from exhaustement. Wang Anling run towards her and called Wang Huo.

In less than a minute, the whole mansion knew that Wang Yiling had fainted. Everyone was worried execpt of course Wang Min who was laughing but she brutally stopped when she received a slap in the face.

"You ungrateful granddaughter... Can't you see that your cousin has fainted and you laugh? You'll have the right to laugh when you'll surpass her..."

Elder Wang was definitely worried. He couldn't lose his perfect granddaughter who was such a nice kid. He called his private doctor and ordered to give Wang Yiling full attention.

All the family was waiting for the doctor in Wang Yiling room. She was lying on the bed peacefully and didn't make a sound as if she wasn't breathing. Wang Anling often made sure if her daughter was still breathing.

The room was in the total silent. They were all worried and their patient was lost. Wang Huo cursed the doctor, promising his death if his daughter died.