

The adventure of Benedict, who has no memory, wakes up in the deepest darkness!

Klein_Wood · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Inner World - 3

After Benedict had consumed the last bits of the creature, he had come to his senses, feeling the instant strength seeping through his body, his tentacles now gone, and the patterns on his mask gone. As Benedict contemplated the event, an orb rose from the creature's body, dark blue, not like the orb of the small creature he had hunted before. Benedict felt a sense of delight as he remembered the orb he had first consumed, and he was tempted to touch it. As soon as he touched the orb, my Benedict entered his body as if he was being pulled into nothingness. Benedict squirmed on the floor with the feeling of pleasure he was experiencing right now, he loved the feeling! Benedict, not sure how long it took, came to his senses and straightened himself. He studied the changes in his body, the darkness had obviously increased in his body, he knew it was a good thing for him so he felt intense happiness, his intelligence also seemed to have increased, he felt more intelligent. After Benedict calmed himself down, he remembered what had happened in his battle, having defeated a creature he normally couldn't defeat, thinking it might be due to the ancient environment in which he found himself in the middle of battle. He sat on the ground and closed his eyes. He would try to enter that environment again, he focused, tried to remember that ancient environment, tried and tried. After long searches, he found himself in that ancient environment, this time he had the opportunity to examine, he looked around. The giant pillars were covered with ancient patterns, the middle pillar was thicker and taller, protecting a stone at the top, and chains from the other pillars surrounded that stone. Benedict turned his head away and saw the deep green ocean, an ethereal air emanating from the ocean. Benedict began walking towards the ocean, planning to go where he had seen the little creature. When he reached 2 meters in front of the ocean, he could not see the small creature but instead saw the creature, and as soon as the creature noticed Benedict, he knelt down and greeted him. "Absolute Ruler, this mortal offers his allegiance to you" Benedict heard these words, this creature before him apparently wanted to be his subordinate. He did not know how to answer, of course he wanted to show this creature his absolute dominance. Benedict's first words "Hear me, Benedict, I accept the loyalty of this helpless creature" These words of absolute domination shook the creature's soul. He immediately tried to come to himself and said these words: conveyed. "High monarch, this helpless creature is grateful to you. Can you give me a name?" Benedict "From now on, your name is Jack, this name I grant you." Benedict noticed that Jack's body was trembling with excitement after saying those words, but he ignored it and asked the questions on his mind. "Jack, do you have any idea what this place is?" Jack "sir, I think this is your inner world, but I feel a different power in your field, but with the development I am, it's hard to understand, but all I know is that you can call me out whenever you want." Benedict was taken aback by these words, and he had to be silent for a few minutes to digest it, something was on his mind and he asked Jack about it. "Jack, I don't think you were that smart when we fought you, what's changed about you?" Jack "Sir, thanks to your inner world, I have progressed and my level of intelligence has increased." Benedict didn't know what his strength was, but he felt he could learn over time, leaving his inner world after all his questions were answered. He found himself in the hallway again, as if what had happened before was a dream. Benedict straightened up and continued on his way, meeting no living things along the way. The corridor was quiet. Hours passed, and he finally came to the end of the road, but there was only one bell and the ground was covered with water. With nothing to do, Benedict picked up the bell and began to shake it "Chin" "Cink" echoed but nothing happened. Just as Benedict was about to give up and leave, a 5m tall creature emerged from the water!