
Dark Slayer (Sword Art Online X OC/Male Reader Insert)

Being the son of the most successful and famous animation CEO companies and the descendant of the famous samurai during the 12th century, Shiro Miyamoto grew up with a strong interest in anime and swordsmanship. In 2022, Shiro will take his first step in realizing his dream and later be known as the hero that cleared the death game that robbed many lives, SAO.

HiroPendragon · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 03: Meeting

<<Date: December 22th, 2022>>

It's been two since the death game, Sword Art Online started, and during that time, nearly two thousand people have died. They are rumors spread that they are playing that found the boss lair of the first floor. However, no one has yet been able to clear the first floor.

But... all of it'll change tomorrow when a group of brave players goes to raid the boss and prove to the devastated players that this death game can be beaten. Not just that, that day also will be remembered to SAO survivors as the day of the Dark Slayer first appeared.




<<Location: Floor 1st, Tolbana Town, Aincrad>>

Currently, we can see our white-haired protagonist, Vergil standing nearby the armory shop while checking the clock on his menu screen with a frustrated expression.

Vergil: (That sneaky bastard! I say to meet me at 8.00 AM and now it's 9.00 AM and he still hasn't arrived!)

That's right. Vergil now waited for Kirito to arrive at Tolbana Town, the second largest town on the 1st Floor of Aincrad. The city is surrounded by large castle walls and is known for its white-walled windmill towers, as well as being the closest town to the 1st Floor's Labyrinth, situated in a valley at a walking distance of thirty minutes.

After a week, Vergil and Kirito decided to separate and level up on their own as it is more efficient that way. Though, the two still talk sometimes and share their information.

???: Vergil!

Vergil turned at the familiar voice and let out a tired sigh when he saw the black-haired boy, Kirito jogged at him with an apologetic expression.

Vergil: So, what's your reason for making me wait for almost half an fucking hour?

Kirito: Um... A-Actually... No, I'm sorry!!!

Knowing that whatever lied he told, Vergil will not believe, Kirito immediately kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate himself while touching one's head to the floor, begging for forgiveness.

Vergil: ...Whatever. You must have your reason. Well, let's go to the meeting. I hope it does not start yet.

Kirito lifted his head and looked at his friend with a shocked expression. He was surprised that Vergil didn't punch or kick him which the white-haired boy usually does when they argue. Seeing the shocked expression on his friend's face, Vergil sent a glare at the black-haired boy.

Vergil: Don't think I forgave you for being late or anything. I'm just not in the mood. Anyway, let's go.

Kirito just nodded in fear if he asks anything and trails behind Vergil as the two make their way to the meeting place. On the way, Vergil sent a party invitation to Kirito to which he presses the agree button. Vergil then checked out Kirito's level and found him at level 16 while he was at level 20.

After a minute or two, the two found themselves standing in front of the town center of Tolbana. Vergil looked around the place and can saw that forty-five people had gathered at the meeting.

Vergil: Let's take a seat over there.

He pointed at the top of the stairs and Kirito nodded in agreement as the two make their way and took a seat at the vacant spot. Immediately, the sound of loud clapping and a shout echoed

across the square, gaining everyone's attention at the person.

???: Thank you for coming today. My name is Diavel, and I like to consider my job as a knight.

Diavel had a bronze armor set on his chest, shoulders, arms, and shins, with a large longsword on his left waist, and a kite shield on his back. He had blue hair with long bangs and blue eyes. His clothes under the armor were also blue.

After Diavel introduces himself as a knight, a burst of laughter could be heard, along with comments about there not being a job system in the game. But the laughter died as Diavel grew serious though.

Diavel: Today, my party found the stairs leading to the top-most floor of that tower. That means that we will reach the first floor's boss room tomorrow!

That had everyone's undivided attention.

Diavel: We need to defeat the boss, reach the second floor, and tell everyone waiting in the Town of Beginnings that it is possible to beat this game. Everyone present here shares this duty! Do you all agree?

Hope. That's what every player in the meeting currently feels. The attitude towards the Diavel guy then turned 180 degrees as everyone started to cheer and clapping at the happy news. Once it died down, Diabel continued to speak.

Diavel: Alright, then let us begin our planning. First, divide into parties of six. An ordinary party has no chance against a floor boss. We'll need to form a raid group using multiple parties.

Immediately, people began gathering and forming parties, leaving Vergil and Kirito alone. It's not like the two can't manage by themselves but they don't know if the boss is the same during beta. They can't risk the possibility of surviving.

Kirito: What should we do Vergil?

Vergil looked around before his sight set on the person wearing a hooded cape, covering his or her face, alone by itself, separate from others just like our protagonist and his friend. Vergil cracks a small smile and approached the unknown player with Kirito following behind.

Vergil: Got left out?

???: Not even. I didn't leave out. It's just... everyone seems like they're already friends.

Judging from the voice of the unknown player, Vergil took a note that it was a girl.

Vergil: Well how about joining me and my friend. We can't beat the boss on our own and it would be only this fight.

Without waiting for her reply, Vergil sent her an invitation party. The girl looked at Vergil for a second as he smiled at her and for some reason, she decided to believe him and reluctantly accepted the activation.

Once the girl accepted the invitation, Vergil read the girl's name which is shown on the left side of Vergil's screen along with her HP and SP bar below his own.

Vergil: (Asuna...? Her level is 15. Not bad for a girl. She is just 1 level behind Kirito and 5 levels behind me.)

Suddenly, a lone player from the audience raised his voice, gaining everyone's attention.

??? #2: Just a second!

Everyone turn their heads towards the voice as the figure jumped down the steps and into the center of the amphitheater. His most distinctive trait was his brown hair that was styled similarly to a cactus. He also has a small sienna goatee and brown eyes and wears scale mail armor with a rather large one-handed sword on his back.

Kibaou: I'm Kibaou and I want to say something before we take on the boss!

Naturally, this made a few people give him questioning looks, unsure as to what was going on.

Kibaou: Some of you here need to apologize to the two thousand who have died so far!

Diavel: Kibaou-san, are you referring to the beta-testers?

Kibaou: Of course I am!

Kibaou took his place next to Diabel and glared out at the gathering with small but piercing eyes.

Kibaou: On the very day that this stupid game started, the beta guys ditched us, beginners, they all disappeared into the game. They took all the good hunting spots and an easy quest for themselves, so only they could get stronger. And then, they just ignored the rest of us. I'm sure someone here was in the beta! They should get on their knees and apologize, and give up all the items and money they've hoarded. Otherwise, we can't trust them to protect us as party members, and they shouldn't trust us!

Vergil: (What a fool. They don't even know what they're up against. And blaming the Beta-tester? Without us, you'll never know how to fight in the first place.)

Vergil clutching his katana on his left side tightly, as he was about to attack the cactus-haired guy but only to be stopped when a hand grabbed his shoulder. It was none other than Kirito. When Kirito noticed that his friend was about to slay the cactus-haired guy, he immediately decided to put a stop to him.

Kirito: Calm down, Vergil. Are you gonna waste your time if you take the bait?

Vergil looked at Kirito then at Kibaou before clicked his tongue in frustration as what Kirito said is the truth. There was some truth to what Kibaou was saying, but it was highly exaggerated. The beta testers could not have done anything to stop suicides or help the players that had chosen to remain in the City of Beginning.

In the end, most of the beta testers were simply being pragmatic. It was better to have the best players leveling up fast and hard so that they could clear the floors faster.

If the beta testers had stuck around and waited to catch everyone up, it was highly possible that no one would have even entered the dungeons where the boss room was located yet. It had taken nearly a month just to map out the dungeons.

It was not like the beta testers just abandoned the newer players either. With the help of Argo the rat or familiarly known as the information dealer, they had distributed a free guide that would help any new players.

??? #3: May I speak up?

At the voice of the newcomer, everyone looked at the massive and bulky African-American man with a brown goatee and brown eyes standing near Kibaou. The newcomer wore a breastplate over a sleeveless shirt, light brown pants, and fur boots with a massive two-handed battle ax strapped to his back.

The newcomer moved forward towards Kibaou and slightly bowed to the crowd before turned back at Kibaou who was now slightly scared at the guy in front of him.

Agil: My name is Agil. Kibaou-san, tell me if I have this right? You're saying that because the beta testers didn't take care of them, many beginners died. That they should take responsibility, apologize, and provide compensation. Correct?

Kibaou: Y-Yeah.

Agil then reached into the pouch on the waist of the leather armor and held out a book with a brown cover the same one that Vergil and Kirito had in their item storage.

Agil: You got this guidebook, didn't you? It was provided for free at the item store.

Kibaou: Sure, I did... Why?

Agil: This guidebook was compiled from information given by the beta testers.

Murmurs could be heard among the crowd as the realization that the book they were holding was from the beta testers, Vergil and Kirito were relieved that someone here, made a point about the beta tester.

Vergil: (Thanks for clearing the misunderstood, mysterious bald guy!)

Turning to the crowd, Agil spoke once again.

Agil: Everyone had equal access to this information. And even still, many players still died. I thought the topic of discussion here was what we could learn from their deaths, and how that can help us defeat the boss.

Players in the crowd gave their agreement as Agil turned back to Kibaou who simply huffed and walked to an open seat, giving up for now. Agil then also took his seat as Diavel took the stage once more.

Diavel: All right. Then, can we resume?

Everyone nodded and Diavel then took out his own guide book and continued with his battle strategy.

Diavel: Now the latest edition of that guide book was just issued, and it contains information on the boss. According to it, the boss's name is Illfang the Kobold Lord. He is guarded by assistants known as Ruin Kobold Sentinels. He is armed with an ax and a buckler. He has four health bars, and when the last one enters the red, he switches to a curved sword-type weapon called a Talwar. His attack patterns change, as well.

The other players began to marvel at the information within the guidebook.

Diavel: This ends the briefing. Lastly, Items will be automatically distributed. EXP goes to the party that defeats the monster. And whoever receives an item keeps it. Any objections?


None could be heard, though Kibaou still looked disgruntled.

Diavel: Okay, we leave tomorrow, at ten in the morning. See you there!

With that said, the meeting came to an end and the parties began to leave. But not before Diavel took a glance at Vergil, as the white-haired boy noticed that he was being stared at.

Vergil: (I got a feeling I've met him before in the Beta test.)





It was nighttime and many players were partying with one another. Some were sharing drinks and stories. Meanwhile, some only chat with friends and some are enjoying the night view. In the back, Asuna was alone while eating caramel sweet bread.

???: It's pretty tasty, isn't it?

Asuna look towards the voice and see Kirito walking towards her.

Kirito: May I sit down?


Seeing Asuna have no intention to answer his question, Kirito took it as a yes from her and sit down next to her. Asuna in response keeps her distance, making Kirito sweatdrop.

Kirito: (...-_-... It's awkward. At a time like this, I wish Vergil was with me.)

Asuna: ...Do you really think it's good?

She asked as Kirito took out his own caramel bread and started to eat it.

Kirito: I've been eating at least one daily, ever since arriving in this town.

???: We do change it up a little, though.

Kirito and Asuna look towards the new voice and found it was just Vergil who stood there with something in his hand.

Asuna: What do you mean, change it up?

Vergil smiled at Asuna and puts a small jar between Asuna and Kirito, as he then sat beside Kirito.

Vergil: Trying putting some on the bread.

Asuna looks at the jar wearily, as she touches it, her finger glows, and slowly putting her glowing finger to her bread, a golden liquid appeared on the spot she touches.

Asuna: Cream...?

Asuna looks towards Vergil who was beckoning her to eat it, then she looks at Kirito who already put the cream on his bread and was eating it with a delightful expression as if he won a lottery.

Vergil: Give it a try. You can do it.

Asuna looks at her bread, before slowly taking a bite of it. Vergil and Kirito stop for a moment to see her reaction, then suddenly she immediately eats her bread in seconds, finishing it in an instant.

Kirito: Do you like it?

Asuna nodded her head slowly.

Vergil: I'm glad you like it. It's the reward for a quest called, 'The Heifer Strike Back' one village behind us.

Kirito: If you want to do it, we can show you the trick. Well, Vergil was the first who showed me the quest.

Asuna: I didn't come to this town to eat good food.

Kirito: Then, why did you?

Asuna: So I can still be me. I'd rather stay myself until the very end than sit and rot away at an inn, back in the first town. Even if I get killed by a monster, I don't want to lose to this game... To this world. No matter what.

Vergil: Then I will not let you die. No matter what... Even if it cost me my life.

Vergil smile at Asuna and she blushed seeing his smile. At a time like this, Asuna was relieved that her hood hides her face so that they couldn't see it. Kirito watches both of them as he smiles, happy to see his best friend like this.

Vergil: The same goes for you, Kirito.

Kirito: Hahaha. I appreciate it, and I don't want a party member dying on me, that includes you two.

Vergil: Yeah, yeah. I got it. Well, since it's already late. How about we turn in the night?

Kirito: Yeah, I'm getting tired. Let's meet up tomorrow.

After that, everyone split up with Vergil and Kirito goes to their own room which was next to each other as they stay at the same inn while Asuna goes to somewhere gods know where she was.

///To Be Continued///

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HiroPendragoncreators' thoughts