
the first look

Chapter 1 mark

Everyone is making noise , the music is on . Everyone enjoying except me . It is my birthday party but still i can't see my self enjoying. I stand in a corner seeing people dance and drink , it is not for me that thwy ate here and dancedand enjoying themselves. It is because of the free food and the music . Even there are people I don't know, it is the craziness of them that make me lough . How can anyone go to someone's party and doesn't know whose party they are in ? . Anyway it is not my concern it is good that they are enjoying there party.

If not for my sister I wouldn't have come here . One of my men comes toward me , " boss there is something you need to see"

We go down to the basement and there is a body lying . Another body Another of my men . It has been a weak since this all shift has started. We can't funking find their murderer. I kneel down to examine the body.

His face can rarely be recognised. It is fully burned . I check his neck and there is the mark the killer always lefts behind on my men .

Canel the party and take Alina home safely "

I order my men , my first priority is my sister first she has to go a save place .

What happened here " i ask my men

We don't know he told us that he had some work and left . After an hour a message come

What message" I enterpt. The men hands my the phone . It says come and get his corpse his is in the basement " who messaged you

The message has come from his phone . Adam says

I look at the men I touch him and saw that it is still warm fuck it means that the person who killed him must be here as well

Check everywhere , specially look for places that we can be seen from " my men spread in the place and start searching.

The killer is a psyco. Normally psychos stays behind and watches and enjoy the aftermath . I look around as well there is nothing and it is impossible that someone see us from the basement but then suddenly something catches my eye as I got near it it is a funking camera .

" whoever you are I gonna funking kill , first I am gonna make you suffer very badly that you would beg ti die but death won't be easy for you you gonna be toutured thrice of what you put my men through mark my words "

Who the fuck is this person I have many enemies but I know about them all . This person is like ghost nothing and no one knows about him.

There is no track of him every place here has been checked every camera has been checked but there is nothing

I come out of the casino to tale a breath the cold wind of winter feels like heaven. It is beautiful and relaxing. I light my cigar and look at the sky .

Life funking sucks , everyday we have to deal with some new wired shit I am literally tired of this .

It feels good to breath in this cold air " Sean says. He is one of my best men and my friend . But from a young age I got the life lesson to never trust someone even if they are your brother father sister mother or you girlfriend or wife . A man's secrets should die with him .

He tries his best to entertain me and talk to me . I should say that he has been successful till now but he knows better than ask about my past or to raise finger one If I am wrong because I am never wrong .

This shit had to take place in your 30 birthday. I hoped that God would gift you with something great but look at this shit" he says and from his face expression I can say that he is very angry he wanted this day to be the best day of life but I guess my luck is bad.

" I don't belive in good there is no god and you also stop believing on him . No help is gonna come because he doesn't exist. " of course this is a lie . I belive there is a god but he has never helped when I needed the most so I have just ignored his existence.

" come on j know you don't trust what is coming of your mouth . He may have a better plan for you." He says

" even if there was one he wouldn't help men like us we kill we do drugs trafficking we are arms dealer . What sin have we not committed and still you hope he gonna help us " I say

Come on don't be so hopeless . You know that we don't want to do this but this is the business we were born into we can't escape it . And by the way We are not the worst type of men on this world . People do six trafficking the rape children and women and starts war . I believe that someday he gonna gift you with something that you will be grateful to him all your life " he says . I truly want the same thing to happen but when I want someone to accept me like who i am and love me no matter what .

Yeah keep dreaming someday your god will heal me " I mock him and start walking toward my car .

"Mark is that you "

Mark is that you " I stop in my track as I heard the sweat feminine and familiar voice from the other side

Oh hello can you hear me " I trun around and saw a girl in her 20s she has a hijab on her head and has worn a dress long to her knees . The girl looks familiar but where have I seen her

She comes closer and I see her the lovely blue and green mixed eyes . She is her after so many years she has returned .I can't say anything I am frozen in my place it has been 10 years since I last saw her she has turned into a women .

"Mark this zoya " i say the cry in her voice and her eyes full of tears. She tries to come near me but Sean stops her . I glared at Sean he removes from the way . She runs to me and hugs me tightly. It had been so long .

God i missed her . Her smell . Her voice ,her.

She has become a grown women . She is sobbing I tight my arms around her and embrace her as well .

My heat aches, I can't belive my little angel has come back there are tears in my eyes but I am not gonna let the fall from my eyes .

" I missed you so much I have been looking for you " she says and sobs

I can't say anything it is like I am gonna have a heart attack . I had given up the hope to ever seer her again . After sometime I gather myself .

"I missed you " I finally tell her she let go of me and looks up into my eyes . Her beautiful eyes I can drown in them. It is like looking into ocean . She cleans her tears " I missed you too " she finally says and looks down I remember I have my arms still around her I let go of she immediately puts distance between us.

" wher were you zoya I searched for you years every where . I can't say how happy I am to see you " I say

" I am happy to see you as well , i thought you have forgotten me . " she says

Never I will always remember you . Sorry j was shocked . I couldn't say anything. I say

I know I was shocked as well I couldn't belive my eyes she says

Where where you all this time i asked everyone and they told me you had left the country " I ask

Yep , my father was offered a good paying job in dubai so we moved there and had been since the last 10 years " she says

I have got a job here and my family has come on vication here but they live in dubai . What have you been doing in the last 10 years " she asks me . That is now a hard one it is hard to answer her question. She looks at me with curious eyes.

I have been doing business. I answer

wow so my friend has become a businessman congratulations. She says as though I have recently become a businessman

Yep what have you been doing I ask

I am a software developer and a good one if you ever face technical problem just ask your buddy here .

I chuckle first time in years side some one made me lough

Of course you gonna come with a horse and a sword to help me this made her lough sa well

I swear that js the beautiful lough have see I my life .

You still remember that she says

"I never forgot anything " I say

She gives me a shy smile .

Then someone coughs and we move our attention to that and that is sean . We'll I really forgot that we were not alone and my men were with us. I strengthen and come to my boss mode .

"Who is he he mark ." She asks

O he is Sean. Sean this is my friend zoya "

Nice to meet you Sean says he expand his hand for shaking but she doesn't take . She put her hand on her heart and said

It is nice to meet you too " she is a Muslim so it is not permissable for her to touch other than her family but she hugged me or may be she was shocked and couldn't control herself .

Sean looks very shocked he has never seen me interact with anyone specifically women this way.

You too seem to know each other fo along time he asks

Yep almost 15 years .she says his jaws drop

"What!!! Can you repeat it again " he say in a very shock tone and looks at me

"Yep 15 years why"

Nothing just he never mentioned you"he say

" Oh silly me you must be very busy , imean with business stuff I am also late" she says and waits for me to end this but j don't want to I just want to talk and have her by my side for a little more .

Sean coughs I come back to mf senses

" yeah you are right I am also late to a meeting will you give me your number so we dint lost track of each other again " I say

"Yeah of course tale my card call me and I will save your number " she hands me the card I don't want to ral it I want her to stay.sean tales it from her hand .

OK he will call you " I give him a dead glare

She waits for me to say goodbye.

Sean coughs again . Rhis is not the time I am gonna see her again

" will i see you and i both are late for our work so see you again " soon I say in my heart

"Yep see you again allah hafiz " i smile even though she knows I am not Muslim but still she says that to me

She truns her back on me and goes away books a taxi and sits in it . She looks back from the taxi window and waves her hand ro me .

"What the fuck was that " Sean yells I look at him and arch my brow

"Don't Arch your brow in me I have never seen you even smile to a women let alone talk and lough with them and suddenly she comes and you fully changes and you never told me you had a known her before you

Knew me . I don't know what to say. I have never seen you like that who was she "

I looked at him there are tears in his eyes I don't know I am shocked by his reaction

" you don't know how much I tried to make you laugh and happy but every time you stood there like a statue even you wouldn't blink " he says

He hugs me and says " bro I am really happy you finally smiled and you find her . I had never seen you that happy before " he says

I tap his back" let me go cry baby , don't look good with that drama " I say and let go of me

"Do you think that was a drams, you wait till I till Alina.. you will see her reaction " he says

" you dare not . It isn't that I have never talked with a women " j say

He arches a brow "ok maybe in two years " arches his brow again. When was the last time I talked with women with kindness hmm never would be a good answer .

She is my little doll and angel I am gonna see her again and make her mine forever

It had been so long I can't wait . I smile to myself and hop in to the car

hope you enjoyed what you read . i am new to this please give me feedback and help me figure out the mistakes.

Zulaikha_Jancreators' thoughts