
Dark Salvation

Hell is empty and all the devils are here. Shakespeare – [The Tempest] As a form of punishment for mistakenly killing an innocent civilian, Song Zhuyu, a priest and part-time exorcist, found himself exiled to the distant shores of Shenci Island, hundreds of miles away from his hometown and the only city he had ever known his whole life. However, unbeknownst to anyone, he harbored a secret agenda— to hunt down the culprit who had turned his life upside down. Fully prepared for meeting danger at every turn, what he encountered instead was a beautiful, serene island, albeit with two strange ironclad rules: First, do not climb the hill after 1 AM. Second, do not interact with Rui Ye. On the first night of his stay, Song Zhuyu broke two of the taboos, only to discover that the infamous Rui Ye was nothing like he had expected. “I am cursed,” the blind, beautiful man told him with a wistful smile. “If you associate yourself with me, the curse will haunt you too.” In response, Song Zhuyu’s lips hooked into a careless smile, “I don’t think you have to worry about that. I, myself, am cursed as well. What’s the big deal about adding another one?” But as inexplicable deaths began to plague the island, Song Zhuyu realized that the island, including the helpless and soft-hearted Rui Ye he had come to know, held a far darker secret than he could've ever imagined. In a race against time, he must navigate the treacherous waters of deceit and betrayal to unravel the island’s sinister truth and achieve his goal before it's too late. *** Pretty, flirtatious yet heartless priest gong x blind, mysterious and cursed shou Additional tags: gong/seme/top protagonist, action, mystery, suspense, horror, psychological, thriller, dark elements, angel and demons, slow romance, murder, crime, beautiful protagonist, older love interest, 1 vs 1, dubcon, supernatural creatures, exorcism, tragedy, past plays a big part Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord server: bit.ly/delanadiscord

delanasiwarka · LGBT+
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219 Chs

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"Mercy, My Lord! Please grant us mercy! We've brought this sinner before you, so please lift this curse from us and return peace to our beautiful village!" 

While the villagers' voices rose in desperate pleas, their heads bowed in subservience, Song Zhuyu froze, disbelief coursing through him like a rush of fiery lightning. 

Before him, the murky gloom peeled away to reveal an ancient stone altar, carved with strange arcane symbols that seemed to glow as they reflected the golden flames of flickering candles. 

A broken statue loomed in the center, its head missing and cracks running all over the body. Judging from the chipped wings and stone fragments scattered all over the floor, Song Zhuyu surmised the statue should be similar to the small angel statue he had seen in the deceased Chief's residence before. However, he had a strong hunch that it wasn't the broken statue the villagers were praying to, but the small object hovering above its open palm.